Teacher Name: Shelbi Craig Appraiser Name: McCorkle Subject

Teacher Name: Shelbi Craig
Subject: Texas History
Appraiser Name: McCorkle
PL – 3: Designs effective lesson plans, units and assessments
Date: February 24-28
Monday: I will identify the point of view of different people in Texas about the Civil War by using a tchart. I will identify important turning points, contributions and battles during the Civil War that Texas
contributed to by using Cornell notes.
Tuesday: I will identify Texas’ response to the war effort by using documents to analyze them. I will
analyze how the Civil War impacted Americans by review photographs from the war.
Wednesday: I will identify how slavery impacted Texas during the time of the Civil War by analyzing
documents discussing it. I will analyze how slavery impacted slaves by using primary source documents.
Thursday: I will Identify significant individuals and events concerning Texas and the Civil War such as
John Bell Hood, John Reagan, Francis Lubbock, Thomas Green, John Magruder and the Battle of
Galveston, the Battle of Sabine Pass, and the Battle of Palmito Ranch.
Friday: I will identify the reasons that the south lost the Civil War and how this led to the surrender at
Monday: Engage and connect, differentiated instruction, class discussion, t-chart, cornel notes, check
for understanding, evidence of learning
Tuesday: teacher model, individual practice, cooperative learning, OPTICS, Check for understanding,
TPS, class discussion, padlet
Wednesday: Pop-corn read, cooperative learning, class discussion, APPARTS, OPTICS, evidence of
Thursday: Technology (voicethread)
Friday: video, TPS, direct instruction with notes, APPARTS, writing prompt
1. Objective chart (3 min)
2. Introduction question: How do people in a country contribute to war from home? Draw, list or
make a poster asking for help (5 min)
3. War effort discussion (3 min)
4. T-chart notes comparing Texas viewpoints (12 min)
5. Check for understanding: students share observations about their findings (5 min)
6. Cornell notes about turning points, Texas contributions, and Texas battles using textbook (12
7. Check for understanding: Class discussion (10 min)
8. Evidence of learning (3 min)
Teacher Name: Shelbi Craig
Subject: Texas History
Appraiser Name: McCorkle
1. Objective chart (3 min)
2. Texas Responds to the War Effort teacher model (5 min)
3. Texas Responds to the War Effort individual practice (12 min)
4. Check for understanding: Go over Texas Responds to the War Effort (10 min)
5. OPTICS analysis Civil War photos (8 min)
6. Think. Pair, share: discussion about photos (3 min)
7. Civil War map discussion about important battles including Gettysburg and Vicksburg (5 min)
8. Padlet: Why do you think that these battles ended up crippling the south and winning the war
for the north?
1. Objective Chart (3 min)
2. Pop-corn read Slavery in Texas (10 min)
3. Answer questions in pairs about slavery in Texas (10 min)
4. Review Slavery in Texas as class (8 min)
5. Primary source analysis about slavery: Slave narrative (5 min)
6. Primary source analysis OPTICS (5 min)
7. Evidence of learning: What kind of impact do you think slavery had in Texas?
1. Objective Chart (3 min)
2. Voicethread activity (3 min per slide to view, 2 min to comment)
3. Evidence of learning: Explain the contribution of 1 Texan you just learned about and the
importance of 1 event you just learned about. (4 min)
Objective chart (3 min)
Grant or Lee? Video comparing the generals (4 min)
Think, pair, share: Who would you have wanted as your general (4 min)
Direct instruction with notes: Why the south lost the war (10 min)
APPARTS: Surrender at Appomatox (10 min) 5 min individual, 5 min class
Check for understanding writing prompt: Explain why the south lost the war. Make sure you
support your answers. (12 min)
Essential Questions
1. What contributions did Texans make to the Civil War?
2. What are the important battles in Texas during the Civil War?
3. What were the different point of views about Texas joining the confederacy?
1. How did the Civil War impact Texans?
2. Why do you think the war impacted so many southerners so deeply?
1. What impact did slaves have in Texas during the Civil War?
1. Explain the importance of each of the following individuals:
Teacher Name: Shelbi Craig
Subject: Texas History
Appraiser Name: McCorkle
John Bell Hood, John Reagan, Francis Lubbock, Thomas Green, and John Magruder.
2. What was the importance of each of the following battles in Texas:
Battle of Galveston, the Battle of Sabine Pass, and the Battle of Palmito Ranch.
1. Why did the south end up losing the war and surrendering at Appomatox?
2. Who do you think is going to dictate the terms of the surrender and why?
Formative Assessment (Result Indicator):
Monday: T-chart, cornel notes, check for understanding, class discussion evidence of learning
Tuesday: Individual practice, TPS, padlet
Wednesday: Slavery questions, primary source discussion, evidence of learning
Thursday: Voicethread comments, evidence of learning
Friday: TPS, APPARTS discussion, writing prompt
Homework Extension, Independent practice:
Answer essential questions assigned on the days they are assigned.
What contributions did Texans make to the Civil War?
What are the important battles in Texas during the Civil War?
What were the different point of views about Texas joining the confederacy?
1. How did the Civil War impact Texans?
2. Why do you think the war impacted so many southerners so deeply?
1. What impact did slaves have in Texas during the Civil War?
1. Explain the importance of each of the following individuals:
John Bell Hood, John Reagan, Francis Lubbock, Thomas Green, and John Magruder.
2. What was the importance of each of the following battles in Texas:
Battle of Galveston, the Battle of Sabine Pass, and the Battle of Palmito Ranch.
1. Why did the south end up losing the war and surrendering at Appomatox?
2. Who do you think is going to dictate the terms of the surrender and why
Every Tuesday for extra credit:
NPR segment on Texas Originals. Tuesday nights at 6. Write at least 2 well developed
paragraphs summarizing the segment.
Intervention for those needing help: Extra notes on edmodo
Extension for those exceeding: NPR Assignment and primary source analysis