C A L L F O R A P P L I C AT I O N S Call for Applications Students Advocating for Food Security International Higher Education Support Program Student Initiatives The Student Initiatives aim to help students formulate and pursue individual and collective commitments to progressive change in higher education and build open and inclusive networks of informed opinion and action across the borders. The program supports student groups committed to building awareness and claiming a stronger voice in advocating for the issues immediately relevant to the quality of their educational experience and inspires students with the sense of responsibility in their academic and local community. The Open Society Higher Education Support Program (HESP) is pleased to announce its Students Advocating for Food Security call for proposals and invite projects from student groups at the following universities: ACCAI Network universities: Mekelle University (Ethiopia), University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), University of Ghana (Ghana), University of Stellenbosch (South Africa) University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) Partners of the ACCAI Network universities: Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia) Bahir Dar University (Ethiopia) Haramaya University (Ethiopia) Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania) State University of Zanzibar (Tanzania) University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) University of Venda (South Africa) University of the Western Cape (South Africa) ACCAI (Africa Climate change Adaption Initiatives) aims to strengthen the capacity of African universities in research and training so that they form a network of experts capable of producing reliable and useful information to feed the policies and panAfrican initiatives to adapt to climate change and to enhance food systems. Several ACCAI Network universities have been working on such issues in partnership with other universities. This Call for Proposals targets student communities from all above listed CALL FOR APPLICATIONS universities. HESP Student Initiatives program targets for student organizations and informal student groups, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate level (bachelor’s and master’s degree), who are interested to implement awareness-raising and advocacy activities in their home country with the aim of informing the academic community and civil society about the impact of climate change on food security, and working towards strengthening the civil society’s influence on advocating for better food security policies at local or country level. The proposed project should be initiated and implemented by students, and include either an awareness raising campaign (targeting the academic community and civic society) and/or an advocacy campaign (targeting local policy makers, legislators, local governments). The awareness raising and advocacy campaigns could include (but not limited to) the following activities: organization of workshops, public dialogues, debates, photo competitions or exhibitions, the shooting of short documentaries, formation of film clubs, the preparation of handbooks, newsletters, information materials, the analysis of current policies and writing of policy recommendations. During the preparation phase of the project students are expected to study and analyze an already existing research on an issue related to food security, such as: land grabbing, introduction of new farming practices, inadequate food storage and preservation, diversification of crops, difficulties of women farmers, improving soil and water management, drought fire, barriers to market access, etc., which is present in their home country. HESP strongly encourages the development of joint projects on same or similar food security issues among student groups across the eligible universities/countries. Project proposals must be submitted in English using the attached application form. The maximum length of a project is 12 months. Projects can apply for a financial support up to $10,000; projects involving several universities will be eligible to apply for additional funding to support international travel costs. Requested budgets may cover the preparation, resources and actual running of the proposed activities, including modest fees for experts and advisors. Project budgets may also include administrative expenses in the amount of up to 10% of the total requested amount. Applications should be submitted electronically to si@opensocietyfoundations.org no later than April 20, 2015. The earliest project start date: June 1, 2015. For additional information please contact: Krisztina Szeberin Program Officer Open Society Higher Education Support Program Open Society Institute - Budapest Phone: +36 1 882 3850, Fax: +36 1 882 3112 E-mail: si@opensocietyfoundations.org 2 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Student Initiatives: Students Advocating for Food Security International Higher Education Support Program Student Initiatives APPLICATION FORM PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT PERIOD: FROM TO APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF THE STUDENT ORGANIZATION/INFORMAL STUDENT GROUP: UNIVERSITY: COUNTRY: RESPONSIBLE PERSON(S)/PROJECT COORDINATOR(S): PHONE: E-MAIL: DESCRIPTION OF IMPLEMENTING STUDENT ORGANIZATION/GROUP/CLUB: LIST OF TEAM MEMBERS: EARLIER MAIN ACTIVITIES (IF APPLICABLE): PREVIOUS GRANTS/IN-KIND SUPPORT (IF APPLICABLE): IS THE ORGANIZATION LEGALLY REGISTERED: YES / NO REQUESTED GRANT AMOUNT: (IN USD) PROJECT PROPOSAL 1. MAIN GOAL/S OF THE PROJECT: 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT IDEA: (GOALS, TARGET GROUP(S), MILESTONES), MAX. 1,000 WORDS 3. TIMETABLE OF THE PLANNED ACTIVITIES: (TITLE/THEME, DESCRIPTION, FORMAT, DATES/PERIOD, LOCATION) 4. NAME AND ROLE OF PROJECT PARTNERS: (PLEASE LIST ALL THE INDIVIDUALS/ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED INTO THE IMPLEMENTATION AND/OR CONSULTING ON THE PROJECT.) 5. EXPECTED OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECT ATTACHMENTS: 1. SUMMARY OF THE MAIN BUDGET CATEGORIES (IN USD) 2. CURRICULUM VITAE OF PROJECT LEADER(S) SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS WILL BE INVITED TO SUBMIT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND DEVELOP DETAILED PROJECT BUDGETS 3