C-1 CULT 310 BOSNIAN CULTURAL HERITAGE I Full Course Title: Bosnian Cultural Heritage I Bosansko kulturno naslijede I Course Code: Course Level/BiH cycle: ECTS credit value: CULT 310 1st Cycle (Bachelor of Arts) 6 ECTS Student work-load: For the whole semester: Length: Lectures Tutorial / Practical training Project Individual learning TOTAL 50 30 30 40 150 One semester Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Cultural Studies Program Faculty/School/Department: Course leader: Contact details: Assistant Professor Amila Smajovic Office: 2ndfloor F2.7 Office hours: Site: Course status: asmajovic@ius.edu.ba Phone: IUS Main Campus (building, lab room - If applicable/available Host Study Program: e-mail: for tutorial/practical training) Cultural Studies Elective Pre-requisites: None Access restrictions: Nil Assessment: In-class exams, Projects, Papers, Presentations, Quizzes and Final Exam Date validated: September 2012 Course aims: To introduce students to the Bosnian cultural heritage To examine the historical and social circumstances of the cultural production of each distinctive period from prehistoric societies to Ottomans; To explore Bosnian cultural particularity; To familiarize students with the work of international and domestic scholars To prepare students to explore and preserve the Bosnian cultural heritage 1 C-1 Learning outcomes: Indicative syllabus content: Learning delivery: Assessment Rationale: Assessment Weighting: Essential Reading: On successful completion of this course the student will be able: to understand the concept of cultural heritage, to apply experience and understanding of Bosnian cultural heritage to do research on the Bosnian cultural heritage to make national and cultural identity of the Bosnian culture to understand the of importance of preservation and protection of cultural heritage to prepare presentation of the Bosnian cultural heritage The course” Bosnian Cultural Heritage I”, will focus on exploring the period of Cultural inheritance constructed from prehistoric timeto the arrival of Ottomans to Bosnia. The term, Culture in this course is very wide. Its covers all the aspects of spiritual culture, living, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, including the development of literacy. Course Bosnian Cultural Heritage I is composed of three phases. The first phase includes the definition of cultural heritage and historical facts about the development of Bosnian culture. We will explore older Prehistory, The Palaeolithic and The Neolithic, The Bronze and Iron Ages, The Period of Roman Rule, The Late Classic Age, The Early Middle Ages and The Medieval Bosnian State. In the second phase of the course we will put focus on the importance of preservation and protection of the cultural heritage. We will analyze the work of international organizations such as UNESCO, Irccica and so on. In the last part of the course we will make exercises to identify, promote and presenting Bosnian cultural heritage. Weekly lectures and tutorials (3 hours per week) The award of satisfactory completion for this course is based on a decision that the student has demonstrated achievement of the set of outcomes specified for the unit. This decision will be based on assessment of the student’s overall performance on assessment tasks designated for the course. Assessment tasks must be a part of the regular teaching and learning program and must not unduly add to the workload associated with that program. They must be completed in class, out of the class (homework and research in library), and within a limited timeframe and deadlines posted during the course. Quizzes, final exams and research papers will define the structure for the grading criteria based on the learning outcomes and syllabus of the course that will follow basic principles of grading policy of the IUS. Attendance/Activity 10 % In term assignments, Presentations and Research Papers 25% Quiz 15% Midterm exam 20% Final exam 30% Benac, Alojz. A Cultural History of Bosnia and Herzegovina from earliest times up to the fall of those lands under Ottoman rule. Sarajevo; Veselin Maslesa, 1966. Print. Karamehmedovic, Muhamed. Likovna umjetnost od prahistorije do savremenog doba. Sarajevo: Akademija likovnih umjetnosti,2006. Print. Lovrenović, Ivan. Bosna: Kultura historije ,Londob, Saqi Books, 2001.Print. Malcolm, Noel. Bosnia, Kratka historija. Washington Square, N.Y.: New York University 2 C-1 1996.Press. Recommended readings: Intranet web reference: (list of additional key texts, web references and journals) http://www.ifbosna.org.ba http://bosnafolk.com/mozaik/antika.php http://www.kons.gov.ba/main.php?mod=vijesti&extra=aktuelnost&action =view&id_vijesti=667&lang=1 http://cif.icomos.org/pdf_docs/Documents%20on%20line/Heritage%20de finitions.pdf http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.phpURL_ID=12025&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=-471.html http://www.unesco.org.uk/convention_on_safeguarding_of_the_intangib le_cultural_heritage_(2003) http://eprints.qut.edu.au/43877/2/43877.pdf http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/192285?uid=3737568&uid=2&uid =4&sid=21101204130261 Important notes: Course policy: Class absences should not exceed 20% of total class time. Students who exceed the limits without a medical certificate or emergency excuse acceptable to and approved by the Dean of the relevant faculty member shall not be allowed to take the final examination and shall receive a mark of N/A for the course. If the Dean approves the excuse, the student will be considered to have withdrawn from the course. Useful advice: Student responsibilities: Use office hours productively To come to class on time. To be attentive and engaged in class. To refrain from using laptops, cell phones and other electronic devices during class. To spend an adequate amount of time on the homework each week, making an effort To solve and understand each problem. To seek help when appropriate. Plagiarism: Zero Tolerance of Cheating & Plagiarism Presentation of assignments: Your cover page must include: Your name, Essay title, Title of the subject, your lecture’s name, Date of submission Your paper: Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, You must use 1.5 spacing, Include page numbers, Staple the pages together, Ensure that you use spell check and then check over your paper yourself again, Double check over your grammar and expression, You will use the in-text citations (MLA) for your referencing, You will NOT USE the following or similar websites in your academic writing: Wikipedia, Answers.com, Yahoo answers 3 C-1 Quality assurance: programme outcomes Assessment criteria A B C D E F The student demonstrates excellent and wide range of terminology and can use it appropriately. The student demonstrates understanding of relevant facts and examples by explaining in detail connections to the subject matter. The students applied concepts effectively to other situations The student demonstrates understanding of relevant facts and explanation are developed. A range of terminology is used accurately and appropriately. The students apply concepts to other situations. The student demonstrates understanding of adequate facts and explanation not well developed. A range of terminology is used appropriately. The students apply concepts to other situations but are not always successful. The student demonstrates understanding of usually facts and explanation not well developed .A range of terminology is used mostly accurate. The students apply concepts to other situations mostly superficial. The student doesn’t demonstrate understanding of basic facts. A range of terminology is used minimum and incorrect. The students apply concepts to other situations mostly superficial. The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors The student demonstrates sophisticated investigative skills and high level of critical analysis The student demonstrates effective investigative skills and good level of critical analysis The student demonstrates adequate investigative skills and satisfactory level of critical analysis The student demonstrates basic investigative skills The student demonstrates minimal investigative skills The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors Criterion Criterion 1 knowledge and understanding Criterion 2 Skills intellectual skills practical skills transferable skills 4 C-1 Course schedule: (Insert table [see next page]) Course schedule: Week Dates 1. September 24 Topic Introduction What is Culture? Definition of the cultural heritage 2. October 8 October 9 Introduction to the older Prehistory -The Neolithic, the Bronze and Iron Age 3. October 15 October 16 4. October 22 October 23 Introduction to the older Prehistory -The Neolithic, the Bronze and Iron Age Assignments http://cif.icomos.org/pdf_docs/Docume nts%20on%20line/Heritage%20definiti ons.pdf Benac, Alojz. A Cultural History of Bosnia and Herzegovina from earliest times up to the fall of those lands under Ottoman rule. Sarajevo; Veselin Maslesa, 1966. Print. Benac, Alojz. A Cultural History of Bosnia and Herzegovina from earliest times up to the fall of those lands under Ottoman rule. Sarajevo; Veselin Maslesa, 1966. Print. Visit to the location of the Butmir Culture And Aqua S Quiz I The period of Roman Rule up to the 3rd Century A.D The Late Classic Age Benac, Alojz. A Cultural History of Bosnia and Herzegovina from earliest times up to the fall of those lands under Ottoman rule November 6 The period of Roman Rule up to the 3rd Century A.D The Late Classic Age Benac, Alojz. A Cultural History of Bosnia and Herzegovina from earliest times up to the fall of those lands under Ottoman rule November 12 Visit to the Museum of Sarajevo Presentation Midterm exams Midterm 5. October 29 October 30 6. November 5 7. Relevant reading November 13 8. November 19 5 C-1 Week Dates Topic Discussions November 26 The Early Middle Ages The Mediaeval Bosnian State Benac, Alojz. A Cultural History of Bosnia and Herzegovina from earliest times up to the fall of those lands under Ottoman rule. The Early Middle Ages The Mediaeval Bosnian State Benac, Alojz. A Cultural History of Bosnia and Herzegovina from earliest times up to the fall of those lands under Ottoman rule. November 27 December 3 December 4 11. December 10 December 11 12. December 17 December 18 13. December 24 December 25 14. December 31 15. January 7 The 1972 World Heritage Convention The UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Assignments exams November 20 9. 10. Relevant reading http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.phpURL_ID=12025&URL_DO=DO_T OPIC&URL_SECTION=-471.html http://www.unesco.org.uk/conve ntion_on_safeguarding_of_the_i ntangible_cultural_heritage_(20 03) Visiting lecturer, expert of the Unesco The definition of the ‘Cultural Industries Examples of the product Promotion of the Cultural Heritage Work on the project Promotion of the Cultural Heritage Work on the project http://eprints.qut.edu.au/43877/2/43 877.pdf http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.23 07/192285?uid=3737568&uid=2&u id=4&sid=21101204130261 Presentation presentation January 8 Promotion of the Cultural Heritage Work on the project presentation January 15 final exam (14:00 – 15:30) Final examination 16. 6 C-1 Week Lesson / Date Topics to be covered Class activities Lab Problems/ Readings activities Assignments (Homework) Learning objectives (After this lesson student will be able to:) 1 1&2 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Students will be asked how we account for operating activities. No lab activities 1. Identify the purpose and major components of an income statement. Basic operating activities 20/03/13 Revenues and Receivables Basic operating activities will be discusses. Sales discounts and returns will be presented and discussed. Analogy to uncollectible Inventories and cost of goods accounts will be made. sold Inventories and cost of goods sold will be exhibited. Sales Discounts and Returns 1-11, Page 483 to 534 2. Explain and apply rules for measuring revenues and receivables and reporting revenue transactions. 3. Describe reporting rules for inventories and cost of goods sold and compare reporting of inventories for merchandising and manufacturing companies. 4. Explain and apply rules for measuring cost of goods sold and inventories and describe the effects of income taxes on the choice of inventory estimation method. 5. Identify routine and nonroutine events that affect a company’s income statement. 7 C-1 1 3 The no-slip condition Classification of Fluid Flows 22/03/13 2 4 2 5 2 6 3 7&8 3 9 No-slip condition will be discussed. LabFlow will be used to demonstrate no-slip condition. Different types of fluid flow will be discussed. Examples from real-life will be given. LabFlow 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, Page 2 to 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 35 1-7, 1-8, 1-10, 1. Define no-slip condition 2. Know difference between viscous and inviscid flow 3. Define compressible and incompressible fluid flow 4. Define laminar and turbulent flow 5. Know difference between natural and forced flow 6. Define steady, unsteady, one, two and three-dimensional flows 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 8