Analytical Essay: Skud
By: Cody Vatcher
Planning Stage: Traits
Acts Big
o Wants to be like Shane
 Page 114, second last line “okay I’m busted. I’m trying to copy the look.”
o He follows Shane around
 Page 114-120, he follows Shane to where he’s going, blending in with him
o Wanted to learn the moves to act bigger
 Page 116-117, when asked what he wants to know he responds “the
moves”….“Where’s the moves, The Jackie Chan”
Acts Brave
o He thinks he can face the thug life
 Page 119, Andy wants to be brave and all, but when they are ambushed, he is
frightened. “My stomach turns as I see one of them pull out a gun and aim it at
our direction. I start to sweat.
o He’s desperate to learn
 Page 115 he says “I’m desparate man”……implying hes, well….desperate
He seems Spiritually strong but he is crumbling inside
o Dreams of having sex with Sheila
 Page 18, “you think it’s easy. Go on, try it. Say it loud. Start slow, then faster
and faster. Harder than it looks, isn’t it.”
o Wants to have sex with Sheila
 Page 33 “the joy of sex” “I believe that throughout the book he encounters little
things such as the ‘instructional video’ that tempts him’s to have sex with
Sheila. I also believe that Sheila would agree to have sex with him. Andy could
think this and may take advantage of that.
o Restrains himself from having sex with her
 Page 116. He restrains himself from having sex with Sheila, he clearly has a
crush on her and vice versa. He shows restraint around her but I believe it’s a
facade because he’s trying to do everything to impress her such as hanging with
Shane and learning the moves.
Writing Stage: Final Copy
Andy’s Composition
By: Cody Vatcher
Andy’s persona has majorly transformed throughout the book. It’s evident that Andy is
confident in the fact that he is impeccably prepared for the ‘thug life’. Each and every day he
has a desire to learn the ways in which he should carry himself showing his dominancy over
everyone. He faces tests with his sexual desires towards Sheila but combats them with utter
strength. His role model is inevitably responsible for his build-up. Shane has taught Andy
physically and mentally. Before Andy and Shane crossed paths, Andy was nothing. In essence,
Andy is Shane, Shane is Andy. Andy has a strong personal and mental fortitude and for this, he
can call himself a man.
Throughout the book, Andy shows that he has what it takes to live the ‘thug life’. This is
proven on page 119. When Shane and Andy are ambushed, Andy pauses for a moment. While
this is happening he is pulled down by Shane being saved. He later gets back up and brushes it
off despite being shot at not to mention almost getting himself killed. Andy has enough of what
it takes but he is still eager to learn more. Andy bumps into Shane on page 115. When he sees
Shane he runs over and starts to talk to him. He tells Shane: “I’m desperate man” in this
instance his referring to his physical capability. Andy has always envisioned himself as a Jackie
Chan, someone who could punch out 50 guys at one time without a scratch. It is evident that a
good way to describe his disposition as lionhearted.
It is safe to say Andy envisions himself having sex with Sheila on the contrary, and let’s
be honest, in a certain part of the book (page 18) it sounds like one person is having sex with
another and it stimulates him. At the beginning of this novel we learn about the loss of his
Father. When his father begins grown terminally ill, he gives Andy two books one of which is
entitled The Joy Of Sex (page 33). Although he wants to have sex with Sheila, he retrains
himself. Although Andy struggles with his wants and desires, at the end of the day he is able to
keep himself reformed
Throughout Andy’s viewpoint, we are under the impression that Shane is a role model
to Him. The justification of Andy’s view is on page 114-120; Andy follows Shane trying to blend
in with him. Andy has always known of Shane but know him. It was evident that Andy wanted
to be like Shane when they bumped into each other. This is proven by Andy’s response to
Shane on page 114 “I’m trying to copy the look.” Andy desires to learn more on how to carry
himself like a ‘thug’. These obscure traits could be striking fear into other people, showing
people who want to challenge him that he is in control. On pages 116-117, Andy confronted
Shane hoping he’ll learn “the moves” (example from book) from him.
Andy’s persona has majorly transformed throughout the book. It’s evident that Andy is
confident in the fact that he is impeccably prepared for the ‘thug life’. Each and every day he
has a desire to learn the ways in which he should carry himself showing his dominancy over
everyone. He faces tests with his sexual desires towards Sheila but combats them with utter
strength. His role model is inevitably responsible for his build-up. Shane has taught Andy
physically and mentally. Before Andy and Shane crossed paths, Andy was nothing. In essence,
Andy is Shane, Shane is Andy.
There are many traits that could characterize Andy as a man some of which include his
courageousness. He’s proven through this novel that he has a large persona. This is partly
because of his mental work-up. Shane has always been seen as a role model to Andy. Andy
sees the man that Shane is and has moulded himself to be Shane. In conclusion, Andy has
worked to show that he is a man not only to the world but to Sheila; He is without-a-doubt a
Final Stage: Bibliography
Foon, Dennis. Skud. Groundwood Books. Toronto, ON., 2003
When Andy says “I’m trying to copy the look”(114), this showed he desires to be like Shane.
Andy follows Shane (114-120)around trying to blend in with him, showing that he wants to be
around Shane.
When Andy bumps into Shane (116 & 117), he questions Andy on what he ‘wants’ and he
replies “the moves”… “The Jackie Chan” proving that Andy wants to not only learn ‘the moves’
but be like Shane. It also shows that being a Jackie Chan is seen as manly to him.
Andy and Shane are ambushed (119). Shane pulls him down after pausing to soak in the
situation. Despite almost getting killed, Andy gets up and continues on showing that he has
what it takes to live ‘the thug life’.
Andy tells Shane “I’m desperate to learn” (115), showing that Andy is well…desperate to learn
how to be a man (as he sees it).
Andy envisioned himself having sex with Sheila in two instances, and possibly more (18 & 33).
These scenes shows Andy’s emotional restraint and how he is able to separate what wants
(having sex with Sheila) and the logical choice (not having sex with Sheila)….inevitably choosing
the logical choice.