3/07/2012 - City of Moose Lake

City of Moose Lake, Minnesota
Wednesday, March 7, 2012 – 4:00 pm.
Call to Order. Mayor Shaw called the special meeting of the Moose Lake City Council to order. In
addition to Mayor Shaw, the following City Councilors were in attendance: Curt Yort, Jim Michalski and
Kris Huso, Mike Peterson
Also in attendance: City Administrator Mark Vahlsing, Mark Kasma, and Joe Rhein, Bolton and Menk
Mayor Shaw stated that the purpose of the special meeting was to make a final appointment of an
engineering firm.
Administrator Vahlsing updated the Council on the final consensus ranking of the engineering firms from
the February 15 and 16th, 2012 Special City Council Meeting. The top three Engineering firms by order of
the consensus vote including Councilor Michalski’s later input were: 1) Bolton and Menk, 2) S E H. 3)
The Council discussed the Engineering Firm presentations and the consensus vote that was taken at the
February 16 Special City Council meeting. After discussion Mayor Shaw asked the Councilors if they
were ready to vote. Discussion occurred as to whether the vote should be taken at this meeting or the
March 14, 2012 regular City Council meeting. Administrator Vahlsing recommended that if the Council
was comfortable making a final appointment that it should occur at this meeting. Mayor Shaw asked if
the Councilors were ready to vote on a final appointment.
Motion by Councilor Peterson to appoint Bolton and Menk as City Engineer. Second by Huso. Motion
Carried (Councilor Yort abstained).
Mayor Shaw thanked the Council, City Administrator, Street Department Director and the firms that
responded to the engineering RFP. He also thanked LHB Engineering for their many years of service to
the City.
Motion by Huso to Michalski to adjourn the Special City Council meeting, Second by Huso. Motion
Submitted by
Mark R. Vahlsing
City Administrator