City of La Plata Regular Meeting 01/08/2015 Present: Mayor Lois

City of La Plata
Regular Meeting
Mayor Lois Bragg, Alderman John McGee, Alderman Dennis Jones, Alderwoman Susan
Walker, Alderman Trent Perry and City Clerk Bobbie Jacques
Also Present:
Liberty Utility Representatives J.W. Hackworth, David Swain, and Randy Snodgrass
Mayor Lois Bragg declared a quorum present and called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance was recited and Alderman McGee gave the invocation.
Alderman McGee made a motion and seconded by Alderman Perry to move into executive session at
5:10 p.m. Real Estate 610.021(1) and Legal 610.021(2) The vote as follows:
Alderman Jones – aye
Alderman McGee – aye
Alderman Perry – aye
Alderwoman Walker – aye
The motion carried.
Alderman McGee made a motion and seconded by Alderwoman Walker to adjourn executive session at
6:20 p.m. The vote as follows:
Alderman McGee – aye
Alderman Perry – aye
Alderman Jones – aye
Alderwoman Walker – aye
The motion carried
George Hansen joined the meeting at 6:20 p.m.
Alderman Perry made a motion and seconded by Alderman McGee to place the issue of asking the
voters shall the City of La Plata be authorized to sell its water/wastewater (sewer) utility to Liberty
Utilities Company for a price of not less than $4,000,000.00 (four million dollars). Motion carried ayes –
McGee, Jones, Perry, Walker
Consent Agenda:
Alderman McGee made a motion and seconded by Alderman Perry to approve the consent agenda.
Motion carried – aye Jones, Perry, McGee, Walker
Mayor and Board Committee Reports:
Mayor Bragg mentioned the Dollar General Store would be opening on Sunday January 11, 2015 and
that the USDA had approved the La Plata Dog Kennels.
Golf Course:
George Hansen requested the Board approve Justin Coy to log the walnut trees from the golf course.
Alderman McGee made a motion and seconded by Alderman Jones to approve Justin Coy to log the
trees from the golf course with 75% of the proceeds to be paid to the La Plata Golf Course. The motion
carried ayes- McGee, Jones, Perry, Walker
Mayor Bragg requested the Board approve transferring the 2004 trailer back to the golf course since the
trailer was purchased by the La Plata Men’s Golf Association.
Alderman McGee made a motion and seconded by Alderman Jones to transfer the 2004 trailer back to
the La Plata Men’s Golf Association. Motion carried ayes – McGee, Jones, Perry, Walker
Police Department:
Sergeant Stephenson submitted in writing a request to approve a La Plata Police Department Local Law
Enforcement Block Grant. Officer Stephenson wrote and submitted the grant on behalf of the La Plata
Police Department.
Alderman McGee made a motion and seconded by Alderman Perry to approve the Local Law
Enforcement Block Grant to purchase 4 body armor vests and 3 vehicle weapons rack and 3 vehicle
consoles. The cost of this project has been approved for a total of $4,795.78 with $4,316.20 coming
from grant monies and $479.58 coming from city funds.
Bill No. 2015-01 An Ordinance of the City of La Plata, Missouri re-imposing the .05 cent Sales Tax on
Residential Utility Service provided within the Municipality.
1st Reading by Title Only Alderman McGee made a motion and seconded by Alderwoman Walker to
approve Bill No. 2015-01. The vote as follows:
Alderman McGee – aye
Alderman Perry – aye
Alderwoman Walker – aye
Alderman Jones –nay
The motion carried
2nd Reading by Title Only Alderman Perry made a motion and seconded by Alderman McGee to approve
Bill No. 2015-01. The vote as follows:
Alderman Jones – nay
Alderman McGee – aye
The motion carried.
Alderman Perry –aye
Alderwoman Walker – aye
Bill No 2015-02 An Ordinance of the City of La Plata, Missouri Water Rate Increase, the rate for water
service to customers of the waterworks system of the City of La Plata, Missouri shall be as follows:
Minimum bill $21.00 for the first 1,000 gallons
Next 5,000 gallons for .0112 per gallon
Next 4.000 gallons for .0095 per gallon
Next 5,000 gallons for .0082 per gallon
All over 15,000 gallons for .0070 per gallon
1st Reading by Title Only Alderman McGee made a motion and seconded by Alderwoman Walker to
approve Bill No. 2015-02. The vote as follows:
Alderman McGee – aye
Alderman Walker – aye
Alderman Perry –aye
Alderman Jones –aye
The motion carried.
2nd Reading by Title Only Alderman Perry made a motion and seconded by Alderman Jones to approve
Bill No. 2015-02. The vote as follows:
Alderman Perry –aye
Alderwoman Walker – aye
Alderman McGee – aye
Alderman Jones – aye
The motion carried.
Executive Session 610.021 (3)
Alderman Jones made a motion and seconded by Alderman McGee to move into executive session at
6:50 p.m. The vote as follows:
Alderman Perry – aye
Alderwoman Walker – aye
Alderman McGee – aye
Alderman Jones – aye
The motion carried
No action taken.
Alderman McGee made a motion and seconded by Alderwoman Walker to adjourn executive session at
7:00 p.m. The vote as follows:
Alderman Jones – aye
Alderman McGee –aye
Alderman Perry – aye
Alderwoman Walker – aye
The motion carried.
With no further business Mayor Bragg adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m.