Christina Clark & Jingkang Gao ORF 467 Fall 2012 MyCity Final Report The City of Pension Heaven: Land Use Characteristics Character of Pension Heaven Pension Heaven, a retirement utopia, is a self-sustaining city of population 250,000. The city sits on a square plot of land of size 102.4 square miles, and it is divided into 75 rectangular zones (TAZs) of various sizes, 10 of which are undeveloped (open space and lakes) and 65 are developed. An unzoned river runs diagonally through the city. There are four zones for lakes; the largest lake occupies 2.5 square miles and the other three lakes are 0.6 square miles in size. Each of the small lakes borders an open space zone. The total area of water (river and lakes) is 14.2 square miles. The city also contains 14 square miles of open space, most of which border the edges of the city. Thus nearly 30% of the city is undeveloped. Residential areas occupy about a third of the city and they are classified as light residential (~9%), medium residential (~17%), and heavy residential (~9%). Six zones allocated for education include one research university that does not provide housing to students, two K-8 school districts, two high school districts, and one private day school. The university is located between a strip of open land and the largest lake, which are utilized for university athletic events. Each school district borders at least one residential zone. There is an airport along the northern border of Pension Heaven. The net population flow for the airport is zero. The airport occupies 4.8 square miles, which is based on a city of comparable size, St. Paul, MN, which has population 290,000 and an airport of size 5.3 square miles. One large park sized 1.4 square miles (comparable to Central Park, 1.3 square miles) borders a lake near the center of the city. A much smaller park is located in the middle of a residential district in the eastern part of the city. A football stadium (capacity 100,000) and soccer stadium complex (capacity 100,000)—the complex includes the stadiums and surrounding entertainment and retail as well as parking—is located along the western edge of the city next to the large lake. A baseball stadium (capacity 40,000) and basketball/hockey arena (capacity 20,000) complex (including surrounding parking and retail) is located on the northeastern corner of the city. These sports complexes would be excessive for a normal American city of 250,000 but appropriate for a retirement city where the elderly have the time and financial means to attend sporting events almost daily. The center of the city consists of a town hall zone—which includes the town hall and other government office buildings—as well as a large retail zone, professional office zone, and light commercial zone. Our public buildings include other types of government office buildings, police stations, and fire stations. Most industrial zones (total area of about 5 square miles) are located along the river or in the outskirts of the city. Industrial zones include not only factories and plants but also hospitals. Land Use Map 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 37 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 41 5 39 7 40 6 7 8 74 9 42 43 44 10 11 12 11 13 45 12 46 13 47 14 16 14 48 15 zone cnt river 0 lake 4 open space 6 light industrial 3 heavy industrial 2 light commercial 2 medium commercial 1 heavy commercial 1 9 10 49 50 17 15 18 19 20 light residential 15 medium residential 16 heavy residential 6 Recreation 2 stadium/arena 2 Public Buildings 1 Town Hall 1 Education 6 Retail 2 Restaurant 2 Professional Office 2 airport 1 51 16 52 17 21 18 22 53 19 54 20 23 55 56 21 24 25 57 22 26 27 28 29 30 23 58 24 31 59 25 60 32 61 63 27 62 64 34 65 67 75 30 68 70 71 72 33 35 66 29 32 Legend 73 8 31 32 4 6 28 31 38 5 26 30 2 3 3 4 7 1 1 69 36 Residential Zones 37 TOTAL ZONES 75 Zone Information Zone # Area (sq mi) Land Use TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 75 0.9 4.8 1.6 2.5 0.6 4.2 2.1 0.8 2.1 1.4 0.4 0.9 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.6 1.2 0.6 1.2 0.8 2.1 1.8 0.6 1.5 1.6 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.6 2.1 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.6 0.6 2.4 1.6 0.3 0.6 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.0 0.9 2.0 1.2 3.0 1.5 1.8 1.6 2.8 1.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.6 1.4 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.6 1.2 3.2 0.8 0.9 0.6 4.2 0.8 9.9 102.4 light residential airport light residential stadium/arena light industrial open space medium commercial light residential open space Recreation medium residential Restaurant lake light residential light residential medium residential heavy commercial medium residential heavy residential Education - High School heavy residential open space lake heavy industrial medium residential medium residential medium residential Recreation medium residential medium residential light residential Professional Office light residential light residential light residential open space light residential light residential heavy industrial light residential open space light residential medium residential heavy residential medium residential Town Hall Professional Office lake medium residential heavy residential light commercial Retail Education - High School stadium/arena heavy residential heavy residential medium residential medium residential medium residential medium residential Restaurant Public Buildings lake light industrial light commercial Retail Education - Elementary School medium residential light industrial open space light residential light residential Education - Elementary School Education - University Education - Boarding/Day School river % of Land xβcoord yβcoord 0.88% 4.69% 1.56% 2.44% 0.59% 4.10% 2.05% 0.78% 2.05% 1.37% 0.39% 0.88% 0.59% 0.20% 0.59% 0.59% 1.17% 0.59% 1.17% 0.78% 2.05% 1.76% 0.59% 1.46% 1.56% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.49% 0.78% 0.59% 0.29% 0.59% 2.05% 0.10% 0.39% 0.39% 0.10% 0.59% 0.59% 2.34% 1.56% 0.29% 0.59% 1.46% 2.44% 1.46% 0.98% 0.88% 1.95% 1.17% 2.93% 1.46% 1.76% 1.56% 2.73% 0.98% 1.56% 1.17% 0.78% 0.59% 1.37% 0.49% 0.78% 0.78% 1.56% 1.17% 3.13% 0.78% 0.88% 0.59% 4.10% 0.78% 9.67% 100.00% 7 19 7 30 10 20 24 28 31 20 26 22 28 28 31 24 25 27 22 28 24 31 28 21 26 30 28 30 32 30 28 29 31 26 29 29 1 2 8 8 3 7 11 15 9 12 15 3 7 10 12 16 11 4 8 15 11 6 12 2 16 20 6 11 21 3 16 19 22 9 3 19 27 3 6 1 2 3 3 5 5 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 18 18 19 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 29 2 4 6 7 5 10 10 10 12 13 13 15 15 15 16 17 19 20 20 21 22 24 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 29 29 30 31 32 5 9 30 Summary Tables of Land Use Color Key Land Use water open space light industrial heavy industrial light commercial medium commercial heavy commercial light residential medium residential heavy residential Recreation stadium/arena Public Buildings Town Hall Education Retail Restaurant Professional Office airport TOTALS % of Land Grid Count Area (sq. miles) 13.87% 14.2 142 13.67% 14 140 3.13% 3.2 32 1.86% 1.9 19 1.37% 1.4 14 2.05% 2.1 21 1.17% 1.2 12 8.79% 9 90 16.80% 17.2 172 8.98% 9.2 92 1.66% 1.7 17 5.37% 5.5 55 0.78% 0.8 8 0.59% 0.6 6 8.20% 8.4 84 2.73% 2.8 28 2.05% 2.1 21 2.25% 2.3 23 4.69% 4.8 48 100% 102.4 74.2 28.2 Developed Undeveloped Residential Zones Light Residential Medium Residential Heavy Residential Density 4456 6400 10850 TOTAL Employment Zones light industrial heavy industrial light commercial medium commercial heavy commercial Restaurants Retail Town Hall Airport Education Professional Office Public Buildings Stadium/Arena Recreation TOTAL Residents 40100 110080 99820 250,000 Density 8500 20000 3000 9000 15000 300 300 200 300 400 3000 200 400 100 Employees 27200 38000 4200 18900 18000 630 840 120 1440 3360 6900 160 2200 170 122120 72.46% 27.54% School Zones - Student Breakdown Elementary (K-8) School District 1 Elementary (K-8) School District 2 High School 1 District 1 High School 2 District 2 Private Day School University TOTAL STUDENTS Uniform density factor** **factor used in P vector of HBS 5427 4784 2598 2743 2310 9273 27135 0.10854 Demographics and Quality of Life As previously stated, Pension Heaven is a retirement city. A very large portion of the population consists of retirees (we define retires as people age 65 or older), and the working population (we define working population as age 22-65) is much older than the average working population in the United States. Our workers bear children at the same rate as the American population as a whole but since they are older most children no longer live with their parents. Thus the under-18-population ratio (11% of Pension Heaven population) is much lower than that of the entire American population (about 30%); and the over-65-population ratio (32%) is much larger than that of the entire American population (13%), hence the city is named Pension Heaven. 52% of the population in Pension Heaven is female. Pension Heaven attracts the elderly because of the small children population in that local taxes for education are very low compared to other cities. The population break down and age breakdown correspond as the following. Children population is the same as the under 5 population. Student population consists of the 5-18 population (all 5-18 people attend school) and 9273 university students. Workers include the 18-65 population minus the 9273 university student population and the 9616 unemployed population. *We define our unemployed population not as people seeking work but cannot find work, but as anyone between 18 and 65 who is not working. Thus our unemployment rate cannot be compared to the usual unemployment rates of other cities; it would be much lower (very close to zero) if we defined unemployment as those seeking work but cannot find it. Workers in Pension Heaven work exclusively in Pension Heaven, and students attending all schools reside in Pension Heaven. Residential density varies from 4,456 per square mile in light residential zones (suburban-like areas) to 10,850 per square mile in heavy residential zones. In Pension Heaven there are no workers in any residential zone. The population per household number is consistent with that of the 2010 U.S. census. Pension Heaven has 97,018 households; on average each household has 2.58 people. Although Pension Heaven is not similar to the U.S. population in age distribution, the larger number of retirees (who are more likely to be married, thus increasing number of people per household) offsets the small number of children per household. The median household income is $100,000, significant higher than the U.S. median household income of $52,000 in 2010 and provides a large consumer base for the stadiums and arenas. The industrial and commercial areas, restaurants, stadiums and arenas, recreation, retail, and airport zones serve all shopping, dining, and recreation needs of residents of Pension Heaven. Population Breakdown Children Students Workers *Unemployed Elderly TOTAL # OF WORKERS Uniform density factor* *factor used in P vector of HBW People 10745 27135 122120 9616 80384 250000 122120 0.48848 Population Percentages by Age age range 0-18 18-22 23-65 65+ total US Census Data total household (hh) pop # of hh avg hh pop Pension H's # of hh % 11.4% 3.71% 52.69% 32.15% 100.00% # 28,607 9,273 131,736 80,384 250,000 300,758,215 116,716,292 2.58 97,018 Demand for Transportation: Trip Generation Generating the Production and Attraction Vectors1 Home-Based Work (HBW) P&A Vectors Production: this vector equals the corresponding zone’s residential population multiplied by the uniform distribution constant (since an assumption we must make is that the home-to-work departures are uniform across all zones). This constant was calculated by dividing the total number of workers by the total population. Attraction: this vector must equal the number of workers in each corresponding zone. Work-Based Home (WBH) P&A Vectors Production: because 80% of workers go home after work, this vector equals 0.8 multiplied by the total number of workers in each corresponding zone. Attraction: this vector therefore must equal 80% of workers that came from the residential zones. In other words, this equals 0.8 multiplied by the HBW production vector. Home-Based School (HBS) P&A Vectors Production: just as we calculated the HBW production vector, this HBS production vector also is uniformly distributed across the residential zones. Therefore, it equals each zone’s residential population multiplied by this uniform distribution constant. The constant was calculated by dividing the total number of students by the total population. Attraction: this attraction vector equals the set number of students in each school zone, as dictated in our Student Breakdown. School-Based Home (SBH) P&A Vectors Production: similar to the working population, 80% of the school populations go directly home. Therefore, this production vector equals 0.8 multiplied by the school population (represented by the attraction vector of HBS). Attraction: also similar to the working population, this attraction vector must equal 80% of students that originated from each residential zone. In other words, this vector equals 0.8 multiplied by the HBS production vector. Home-Based Other (HBO) P&A Vectors Production: in Pension Heaven, 59.7% of residents go to school or work in the morning. When calculating this HBO production vector we took into account two categories of persons making this trip; we accounted for the remaining 40.3% who do not go to school or work, but also the workers and students who return home then go back out to an "other" zone. Therefore, we decided that 85% of the residential population was a reasonable estimate for this production vector. Attraction: we determined this vector at our own discretion. These attraction values are estimates based on each type of “other” zone. 1 see hyperlinks to Appendix for the Production and Attraction Vectors Other-Based Home (OBH) P&A Vectors Production: people must eventually return home after any number of trips to “other” zone(s). Therefore, this production vector equals the sum of the HBO, SBO and WBO attraction vectors. Attraction: the attraction vector here represents the people going home from “other” zones. It must equal the number of people who left from home to "other" (the production vector of HBO) plus the remaining 20% of people coming from work or school that didn't go directly home (0.2 times the HBW production vector plus 0.2 times the HBS production vector). School-Based Other (SBO) P&A Vectors Production: this production vector accounts for the remaining 20% of students that did not go straight home after school. Therefore, it equals 0.2 multiplied by the attraction vector of HBS (which as said above, equals the number of students enrolled in each school). Attraction: as dictated by the Gravity Model, this attraction vector must equal the production vector. For consistency, this vector follows the same relative attractiveness among the "other" zones which was estimated in the HBO attraction vector. So, a constant was determined to follow both these constraints (found to equal .0255). Therefore this SBO attraction vector equals .0255 multiplied by the HBO attraction vector. Work-Based Other (WBO) P&A Vectors Production: similar to SBO above, this production vector accounts for the remaining 20% of workers that did not go straight home after work. Therefore, it equals 0.2 multiplied by the total number of workers in each zone. Attraction: again dictated by constraints of the Gravity Model and our estimated relative attractiveness of each “other” zone, a constant was determined for this attraction vector (found to equal to 0.2). Therefore, this WBO attraction vector equals 0.2 multiplied by the HBO attraction vector. Other-Based Other (OBO) P&A Vectors Production: logically, this OBO production vector must equal the OBO attraction vector for an equal flow in and out of each “other” zone – else, there would be a net number of people remaining in a zone which would compound over time (which is obviously impossible). Attraction: this vector was also determined mostly by our discretion. Because all people must return home eventually, we calculated this attraction vector by multiplying the OBH attraction vector by a constant. In order to hold the constraint that there should be 1M trips per day (~4 per person), we chose our constant to be 1.02. In practical terms, this means that on average every person who traveled an "other" zone made 1.02 other-to-other trips. In other words, most people traveling to an "other" zone from any origin will go to 2, sometimes 3 "other" zones. Brief Summary of Each of the Trip Type-Purposes HB-work trips directly connect residential zones and work zones. Work zones include light industrial, heavy industrial, light commercial, medium commercial, heavy commercial, restaurants, retail, town hall, airport, education, professional office, public buildings, stadium/arena, and recreation zones. All 122,120 workers who hold jobs make one daily trip in the morning to work. The average trip length is 3.51 miles. HB-school trips directly connect residential zones to education zones. Since the university in Pension Heaven does not offer housing to its students, all university students travel from residential zones to school. All 27,135 students make one daily trip to school in the morning. The average trip length to school is 4.11 miles. HB-other trips directly connect residential zones to shopping, dining, and recreation areas. These zones include stadiums/arenas, commercial zones, recreation, restaurants, and lakes. There were 212,500 trips made from home to SDR. These trips were made by the 80384 elderly, 9616 people not going to work, and some of the workers and students who return home and then go shopping. The average trip length to S/D/R zones is 4.49 miles. Other-other trips shopping, dining, and recreation zones to each other. There are 246,639 daily such trips. Of all trips made to S/D/R areas, 212,500 (directly from home) + 24,434 (home to work to S/D/R) + 5,427 (home to school to S/D/R) = 242,351 trips come from home at some point. This equals the total number of other-HB trips (thus everyone who leaves home goes home) and roughly equals the 246,639 trips made from one S/D/R zone to another, which means every person who traveled to an S/D/R zone made about one trip to another S/D/R zone. Unlike the above trip-types, we had to discount intrazonal trips inside Other zones. To do so, we multiplied the diagonals of our D (distance) matrix by a factor of 100. Note that as a result, we had some trips longer than 15 miles – which is the upperbound of all our other trips – but in later analysis below, it is evident that the number of trips over 15 miles is insignificant compared to the number of trip lengths between 0 and 15 miles. The average other-other trip length is 2.96 miles. Demand for Transportation: Trip Distribution Overview of Trip Array Generation2 The trip distribution for Pension City is based on the Gravity Model. This model is in fact similar to Newton’s theory of gravity; it assumes that trips produced at an origin and attracted to a destination are directly proportional to the total trip productions at the origin and the total attractions at the destination. The calibrating term—in our case, the “friction factor” (F) – represents the reluctance or impedance of persons to make trips of various duration or distances. The general friction factor indicates that as travel times increase, travelers are increasingly less likely to make trips of such lengths. Calibration of the gravity model involves adjusting the friction factor. The other adjustment factor associated with the Gravity Model is the socioeconomic adjustment factor (K), but in our case we have this factor equal to 1 and therefore has no impact. A crucial consideration in following the Gravity Model is the “balancing” production and attraction vectors. This means that the sum of the productions must equal the sum of the attractions for each triptype. In the trip distribution for Pension Heaven, the Gravity Model is as follows: πππ = π΄π πΉππ πΎππ π₯π ∑πππ π§ππππ π΄π₯ πΉππ πΎππ₯ π Where: πππ = trips produced in zone π and attracted to π ππ = total trip production in zone π π΄π = total trip attraction to zone π πΉππ = friction factor; a calibration term for spatial separation between zones ππ πΎππ = a socioeconomic adjustment factor for interchange ππ = 1 π = origin zone π = number of zones We used this above Gravity Model to generate the TripArray matrices for all nine types of trips between Home, Work, School, and Other. Our excel sheets are consistent in their calculations, as laid out below: 2 π· = distance between zones. This was calculated as the Cartesian distance between the zone centroids multiplied by 1.2 which is a factor accepted as a good estimate of the circuitry. 1 π P/Sum π = [π] ∗ [π΄ππππ’π‘ ] Sum = [πΉ] ∗ π΄ Ainput πΉ = π·′2 = matrix of friction factors, which we have defined across all trip purposes as the inverse of the distance squared. Y = [π/ππ’π] ∗ [π΄ππππ’π‘ ] πΌ = identity matrix. TripArray = πππ ∗ πΉππ π π΄ππ’π‘ππ’π‘ [π/ππ’π]π TripLengthDistribution = TripArrayij * D’ij Error* (%) Anew*=Adesired*Ainput/Cprevious Cprevious C = Aoutput π΄ππππ’π‘ π Adesired P Layout of Excel Sheets π·′ = distance matrix D multiplied by the adjustment factor of √. 1. This adjustment factor is applied to put the distance between cells in terms of miles (since the centroids are in an improper coordinate system). *** blue = constant matrix **To compute the iterations dictated by the Gravity Model, we used the colored vectors above. TripMiles = TripLengthDistributionij TripArrayij The following steps were followed for each of the nine TripArray matrices: First, the P and A vectors created (as previously described) were used to begin the first iteration. The next calculations as directed by cell formulas are for the remaining vectors and matrices in black text on the previous page. The TripArray matrix equals the number of trips. Because the Gravity Model is tightly constrained, the program will iterate until the number of trips produced and attracted to each zone follow the input assumptions on all the trips. During the iterations we perform (instructions written on each excel sheet), we are focusing on the Adesired vector – which is equal to the original attraction vector first generated. Note that the green vector sum of the TripArray columns is C = Aoutput, while the Cprevious vector keeps track of previous vector values in order to compare iteration results. The vector Anew* becomes the new input attraction vector, Ainput. This vector is calculated as shown above – by multiplying the elements of Adesired and Ainput divided by Cprevious. We repeated this iteration process until C = Aoutput was close enough to Adesired that the resulting error was less than 1%. Finally once these iterations were complete, the TripArray matrices for each of the nine production and attraction vectors were finalized and taken to equal the total number of trips. Generated Trip Arrays The generated 75x75 TripArrays are too large to properly format for this document. Please see the attached excel for the corresponding trip-type tabs and the TripArray matrices. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Home-Based Work (HBW) Home-Based School (HBS) Home-Based Other (HBO) Work-Based Home (WBH) Work-Based Other (WBO) School-Based Home (SBH) School-Based Other (SBO) Other-Based Home (OBH) Other-Based Other (OBO) Summary of Trip Demands: trip-distance charts Once all of the TripArray matrices were generated through the Gravity Model, we can equate3 the PersonTrips distribution to the number of trips predicted. We ran the TripArrays through an R script to print out only non-zero values and their corresponding TripMiles. This TripMiles4 value equals the average number of miles per person which intuitively, as written above, equals the TripLengthDistribution divided by the TripArray matrix. This TripLengthDistribution equals the number of trips – or the TripArray cell values – multiplied by the corresponding D’ values. From the script outputs for each of the nine trip types, we summed the total number of trips in each mile range from 0 to 15. The values can be seen below: TripMiles HBW HBO HBS OBO WBO SBO WBH SBH OBH Sum - 1.0 8,116 9,357 389 14,387 8,951 6,496 313 10,956 58,964 2.0 35,671 49,999 5,529 106,962 614 1,451 28,532 4,414 57,195 290,366 3.0 20,713 24,048 4,380 30,822 838 224 16,537 3,496 27,398 128,456 4.0 16,548 18,458 4,285 34,043 5,795 418 13,230 3,427 20,960 117,164 5.0 12,731 26,367 4,229 23,964 1,261 506 10,190 3,383 30,010 112,642 6.0 9,121 18,286 2,809 13,736 2,235 369 7,306 2,248 20,736 76,846 7.0 7,692 27,977 2,066 8,682 1,342 625 6,161 1,659 31,857 88,061 8.0 5,650 12,681 1,311 6,286 2,328 516 4,528 1,049 14,376 48,725 9.0 1,928 10,343 957 3,935 576 904 1,546 770 11,793 32,752 10.0 2,194 6,992 525 1,987 61 206 1,760 423 7,963 22,110 11.0 1,155 5,276 306 756 247 160 927 246 6,008 15,081 12.0 369 1,156 182 380 173 36 296 147 1,301 4,041 13.0 165 759 156 298 0 0 132 126 881 2,517 14.0 51 532 11 25 4 13 41 9 612 1,298 15.0 16 268 376 13 307 979 Cum Sum - 58,964 349,330 477,786 594,950 707,592 784,437 872,498 921,223 953,975 976,085 991,165 995,206 997,723 999,021 1,000,000 Cum Distribution - 0.059 0.349 0.478 0.595 0.708 0.784 0.872 0.921 0.954 0.976 0.991 0.995 0.998 0.999 1.000 Total 122,120 212,500 27,135 246,639 24,424 5,427 97,696 21,708 242,351 1,000,000 assume that each trip is taken by one person TripMiles equals the TripLength because of the same assumption that each trip is composed of one person. TM equals the true distance in miles between zones, because the distance is multiplied by the number of trips to get the trip length. The trip length is then divided by the number of people to get miles per person, and because the number of trips equals the number of people, the distance of the trip equals miles per person 3 4 Below are the nine TripLength distributions for the number of trips vs. trip miles: As expected, the shape of the Home-Based Work distribution is the same as the return trip home. The two graphs differ in their Number of Trips – this makes sense, because only 80% of the HBW trips become WBH trips. This distribution jumps quickly at low Trip Miles values, and quickly decreases as the Trip Miles increases. This distribution seems logical, as often people choose their residence based on proximity to place of work. We can see a steep s-curve in the cumulative distribution, and the right tail is also is what we expect for this trip distribution. Also as expected, the shape of the Home-Based School distribution is the same as the return trip home. Just as above, the two graphs differ in their Number of Trips – which also makes sense, because only 80% of the HBS trips become SBH trips. The steep increase in number of trips at low Trip Miles makes sense, as children attend the public school in their designated district. The tail of this distribution is less severe than the above distribution for the work-commute—this, and the temporary flat line in the graph could be explained by the distances people are willing to travel to take their children to the private day school. In the cumulative distribution graph, we can again see an s-curve and a right tail – not as extreme as the HBW right tail, which is accounted for by the above reasons. The shape of the Home-Based Other distribution is very similar to the Other-Based Home, but not identical, as accounted for by the people who made WBO and SBO trips. The shapes of the curves are very alike, but this difference is easier seen in the Number of Trips scale. The steep immediate increase in Number of Trips at low Trip Miles is also consistent with people’s preferences – as expected, people will usually shop, eat or enjoy recreation near their home. The two jumps around five and seven Trip Miles could be explained by Other zones at the edges of Pension Heaven for example, the two stadiums on the outskirts of town that people are willing to make longer trips for. We see the expected s-curve in the cumulative distribution, and see the difference again as accounted by the WBO and SBO trips. The WBO distribution has the two most drastic jumps in Number of Trips. We expect every graph to have the first significant, steep peak in the low Trip Miles values, but the second peek around four Trip Miles is after a significant trough. This can logically be explained; those leaving work for Other zones (ie a restaurant or commercial zone) would most likely prefer a zone close to their place of business – purely out of convenience. The second peak could be explained by trips that workers have to make – in other words, the zone is not selected based on proximity but on the specific, perhaps necessary, destination. These two peaks are also seen in the drastic jumps of the s-curve in the cumulative distribution graph. The SBO distribution is unique in that after the first expected peak at low Trip Miles, the Number of Trips increases. This could be explained by what types of Other zones are congregated around the six different schools. For example, the school in zone 74 is far from the restaurant and retail zones as compared to the other five schools. The cumulative distribution is still an s-curve, but is not as steep as the previous charts. This is expected from the TripLength graph’s dispersion of trips. This OBO distribution graph is essentially unimodel, with a large peak around two Trip Miles. This is not out of place because the layout of Pension Heaven is such that most of the Other zones are clustered around each other, as are the Residential and Work zones. Intrazonal trips inside Other zones were discounted by multiplying diagonals of the D (distance) matrix by a factor of 100. Although some trips were longer than 15 miles – the upperbound of all our other trip-types – the graphs below demonstrate that the number of trips over 15 miles is insignificant compare to those between 0 and 15 miles. The cumulative trips distribution only appears to be the steepest s-curve, but that is only a result of the scaling; when we take the x-values between 0 and 15, the s-curve is more similar to previous distributions. *note that for comparison purposes in the tables below, we included any OBO trips over 15 miles long in the 15 TripMiles. TripLength Distribution Analysis When we transform each trip-type into percentage of trips across the different trip lengths, we can better compare the different distributions. The shapes are relatively similar among all the series with the slight exception of the OBO and WBO trips. The first peaks of OBO and WBO line are both at low miles and account for the largest percent of their trip-type counts, which seems appropriate. People traveling from work-toother and other-to-other and more inclined to go to an Other zone in close proximity; both because of preference and also the clustering of Other zones around Work zones and different Other zones. TripLength HBW HBO HBS OBO WBO SBO WBH SBH OBH 0 - 1 6.65% 4.40% 1.43% 5.83% 36.65% 6.65% 1.44% 4.52% 2 29.21% 23.53% 20.37% 43.37% 2.51% 26.74% 29.20% 20.33% 23.60% 3 16.96% 11.32% 16.14% 12.50% 3.43% 4.12% 16.93% 16.11% 11.30% 4 13.55% 8.69% 15.79% 13.80% 23.73% 7.71% 13.54% 15.79% 8.65% 5 10.42% 12.41% 15.59% 9.72% 5.16% 9.32% 10.43% 15.59% 12.38% 6 7.47% 8.61% 10.35% 5.57% 9.15% 6.80% 7.48% 10.35% 8.56% 7 6.30% 13.17% 7.61% 3.52% 5.49% 11.52% 6.31% 7.64% 13.15% 8 4.63% 5.97% 4.83% 2.55% 9.53% 9.50% 4.64% 4.83% 5.93% 9 1.58% 4.87% 3.53% 1.60% 2.36% 16.65% 1.58% 3.55% 4.87% 10 1.80% 3.29% 1.93% 0.81% 0.25% 3.79% 1.80% 1.95% 3.29% 11 0.95% 2.48% 1.13% 0.31% 1.01% 2.95% 0.95% 1.13% 2.48% 12 0.30% 0.54% 0.67% 0.15% 0.71% 0.66% 0.30% 0.68% 0.54% 13 0.13% 0.36% 0.58% 0.12% 0.00% 0.00% 0.14% 0.58% 0.36% 14 0.04% 0.25% 0.04% 0.01% 0.01% 0.25% 0.04% 0.04% 0.25% 15 0.01% 0.13% 0.15% 0.01% 0.13% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% In the cumulative distribution graph below, we also see that the OBO and WBO curves are slightly different from the other distributions, in their high occurrence of trips in the low mile category. Cum TripLength HBW HBO HBS OBO WBO SBO WBH SBH OBH 0 - 1 6.6% 4.4% 1.4% 5.8% 36.6% 6.6% 1.4% 4.5% 2 35.9% 27.9% 21.8% 49.2% 39.2% 26.7% 35.9% 21.8% 28.1% 3 52.8% 39.2% 37.9% 61.7% 42.6% 30.9% 52.8% 37.9% 39.4% 4 66.4% 47.9% 53.7% 75.5% 66.3% 38.6% 66.3% 53.7% 48.1% 5 76.8% 60.3% 69.3% 85.2% 71.5% 47.9% 76.8% 69.2% 60.5% 6 84.3% 68.9% 79.7% 90.8% 80.6% 54.7% 84.2% 79.6% 69.0% 7 90.6% 82.1% 87.3% 94.3% 86.1% 66.2% 90.5% 87.2% 82.2% 8 95.2% 88.1% 92.1% 96.9% 95.7% 75.7% 95.2% 92.1% 88.1% 9 96.8% 92.9% 95.6% 98.5% 98.0% 92.4% 96.8% 95.6% 93.0% 10 98.6% 96.2% 97.6% 99.3% 98.3% 96.1% 98.6% 97.6% 96.2% 11 99.5% 98.7% 98.7% 99.6% 99.3% 99.1% 99.5% 98.7% 98.7% 12 99.8% 99.3% 99.4% 99.7% 100.0% 99.8% 99.8% 99.4% 99.3% 13 99.9% 99.6% 100.0% 99.8% 100.0% 99.8% 99.9% 100.0% 99.6% 14 100.0% 99.9% 100.0% 99.8% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 15 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Appendix Home-Based Work Work-Based Home Home-Based School Zone Land UseUse Area Pop Workers Workers P P A P A Zone Land Area Pop A 1,567 1 light residential 0.9 4,010 4,010 435 1 light residential 0.9 - 1,959 1,152 2 airport 4.8 1,440 2 airport 4.8 - 1,440 1,440 2,786 3 light residential 1.6 7,129 7,129 774 3 light residential 1.6 - 3,482 800 4 stadium/arena 2.5 1,000 4 stadium/arena 2.5 - 1,000 1,000 4,080 5 light industrial 0.6 5,100 5 light industrial 0.6 - 5,100 5,100 6 open space 4.2 6 open space 4.2 - - 15,120 7 medium commercial 2.1 18,900 7 medium commercial 2.1 - 18,900 18,900 1,393 387 8 light residential 0.8 3,564 3,564 8 light residential 0.8 - 1,741 9 open space 2.1 9 open space 2.1 - - 112 10 10 Recreation 1.4 140 Recreation 1.4 - 140 140 1,000 278 medium residential 0.4 - 1,251 11 11 medium residential 0.4 2,560 2,560 216 Restaurant 0.9 - 270 270 12 12 Restaurant 0.9 270 0.6 - - 13 13 lakelake 0.6 348 97 residential 0.2 891 - 435 14 14 lightlight residential 0.2 891 1,045 290 residential 0.6 - 1,306 15 15 lightlight residential 0.6 2,673 2,673 1,501 417 medium residential 0.6 - 1,876 16 16 medium residential 0.6 3,840 3,840 14,400 heavy commercial 1.2 - 18,000 18,000 17 17 heavy commercial 1.2 18,000 1,501 417 medium residential 0.6 - 1,876 18 18 medium residential 0.6 3,840 3,840 5,088 1,413 heavy residential 1.2 - 6,360 19 19 heavy residential 1.2 13,020 13,020 256 2,598 Education--High School 0.8 - 320 320 20 20 Education--High School 0.8 320 8,904 2,473 heavy residential 2.1 - 11,130 21 21 heavy residential 2.1 22,785 22,785 open space 1.8 - - 22 22 open space 1.8 0.6 - - 23 23 lakelake 0.6 24,000 heavy industrial 1.5 - 30,000 30,000 24 24 heavy industrial 1.5 30,000 4,002 1,111 medium residential 1.6 - 5,002 25 25 medium residential 1.6 10,240 10,240 750 208 medium residential 0.3 - 938 26 26 medium residential 0.3 1,920 1,920 750 208 medium residential 0.3 - 938 27 27 medium residential 0.3 1,920 1,920 24 Recreation 0.3 - 3030 30 28 28 Recreation 0.3 750 208 medium residential 0.3 - 938 29 29 medium residential 0.3 1,920 1,920 750 208 medium residential 0.3 - 938 30 30 medium residential 0.3 1,920 1,920 871 242 residential 0.5 - 1,088 31 31 lightlight residential 0.5 2,228 2,228 1,920 Professional Office 0.8 - 2,400 2,400 32 32 Professional Office 0.8 2,400 1,045 290 residential 0.6 - 1,306 33 33 lightlight residential 0.6 2,673 2,673 522 145 residential 0.3 - 653 34 34 lightlight residential 0.3 1,337 1,337 1,045 290 residential 0.6 - 1,306 35 35 lightlight residential 0.6 2,673 2,673 open space 2.1 - - 36 36 open space 2.1 174 48 residential 0.1 446 - 218 37 37 lightlight residential 0.1 446 696 193 residential 0.4 - 871 38 38 lightlight residential 0.4 1,782 1,782 6,400 heavy industrial 0.4 - 8,000 8,000 39 39 heavy industrial 0.4 8,000 174 48 residential 0.1 446 - 218 40 40 lightlight residential 0.1 446 open space 0.6 - - 41 41 open space 0.6 1,045 290 residential 0.6 - 1,306 42 42 lightlight residential 0.6 2,673 2,673 6,002 1,667 medium residential 2.4 15,360 7,503 43 43 medium residential 2.4 15,360 6,784 1,884 44 heavy residential 1.6 17,360 8,480 44 heavy residential 1.6 17,360 750 208 45 medium residential 0.3 1,920 938 45 medium residential 0.3 1,920 96 46 Town Hall 0.6 120 120 46 Town Hall 0.6 120 3,600 47 Professional Office 1.5 4,500 4,500 47 Professional Office 1.5 4,500 48 lake 2.5 48 lake 2.5 3,752 1,042 49 medium residential 1.5 9,600 4,689 49 medium residential 1.5 9,600 4,240 1,178 50 heavy residential 1.0 10,850 5,300 50 heavy residential 1.0 10,850 2,160 51 light commercial 0.9 2,700 2,700 51 light commercial 0.9 2,700 480 52 Retail 2.0 600 600 52 Retail 2.0 600 384 2,743 53 Education--High School 1.2 480 480 53 Education--High School 1.2 480 960 54 stadium/arena 3.0 1,200 1,200 54 stadium/arena 3.0 1,200 6,360 1,766 55 heavy residential 1.5 16,275 7,950 55 56 heavy residential 1.5 16,275 7,632 2,120 heavy residential 1.8 19,530 9,540 56 57 heavy residential 1.8 19,530 4,002 1,111 medium residential 1.6 10,240 5,002 57 58 medium residential 1.6 10,240 7,003 1,945 medium residential 2.8 17,920 8,754 58 59 medium residential 2.8 17,920 2,501 695 medium residential 1.0 6,400 3,126 59 60 medium residential 1.0 10,240 6,400 4,002 1,111 medium residential 1.6 - 5,002 60 61 medium residential 1.6 10,240 288 Restaurant 1.2 360360 61 62 Restaurant 1.2 360 128 Public Buildings 0.8 - 160 160 62 63 Public 0.8 160 lakeBuildings 0.6 - 63 64 lakelight industrial 0.6 9,520 1.4 11,900 11,900 64 65 lightlight industrial 1.4 11,900 1,200 commercial 0.5 1,500 1,500 65 66 lightRetail commercial 0.5 1,500 192 0.8 240 240 66 67 Retail 0.8 240 256 4,784 Education--Elementary 0.8 - 320 320 67 68 Education--Elementary 0.8 10,240320 4,002 1,111 medium residential 1.6 5,002 68 69 medium residential 1.6 10,240 8,160 light industrial 1.2 10,20010,200 69 70 lightopen industrial 1.2 10,200 space 3.2 - 70 71 open space 3.2 3,5641,393 387 light residential 0.8 - 1,741 71 72 lightlight residential 0.8 4,010 3,564 1,567 435 residential 0.9 - 1,959 72 73 lightEducation--Elementary residential 0.9 4,010 192 5,427 0.6 240240 73 74 Education--Elementary 0.6 240 1,344 9,273 Education--University 4.2 1,680 1,680 74 Education--University 4.2 1,680 Education--Boarding/Day 75 75 Education--Boarding/Day School 0.8 320 256 2,310 School 0.8 - 320 320 River 9.9 River 9.9 Total 102.4 250,000 250,000 122,120 122,120 Total 102.4 TotalOne-Ways One-Ways Total 122,120 122,120 97,696 97,696 27,135 27,135 Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Land Use Area Pop light residential 0.9 4,010 airport 4.8 light residential 1.6 7,129 stadium/arena 2.5 light industrial 0.6 open space 4.2 medium commercial 2.1 light residential 0.8 3,564 open space 2.1 Recreation 1.4 medium residential 0.4 2,560 Restaurant 0.9 lake 0.6 light residential 0.2 891 light residential 0.6 2,673 medium residential 0.6 3,840 heavy commercial 1.2 medium residential 0.6 3,840 heavy residential 1.2 13,020 Education--High School 0.8 heavy residential 2.1 22,785 open space 1.8 lake 0.6 heavy industrial 1.5 medium residential 1.6 10,240 medium residential 0.3 1,920 medium residential 0.3 1,920 Recreation 0.3 medium residential 0.3 1,920 medium residential 0.3 1,920 light residential 0.5 2,228 Professional Office 0.8 light residential 0.6 2,673 light residential 0.3 1,337 light residential 0.6 2,673 open space 2.1 light residential 0.1 446 light residential 0.4 1,782 heavy industrial 0.4 light residential 0.1 446 open space 0.6 light residential 0.6 2,673 medium residential 2.4 15,360 heavy residential 1.6 17,360 medium residential 0.3 1,920 Town Hall 0.6 Professional Office 1.5 lake 2.5 medium residential 1.5 9,600 heavy residential 1.0 10,850 light commercial 0.9 Retail 2.0 Education--High School 1.2 stadium/arena 3.0 heavy residential 1.5 16,275 heavy residential 1.8 19,530 medium residential 1.6 10,240 medium residential 2.8 17,920 medium residential 1.0 6,400 medium residential 1.6 10,240 Restaurant 1.2 Public Buildings 0.8 lake 0.6 light industrial 1.4 light commercial 0.5 Retail 0.8 Education--Elementary 0.8 medium residential 1.6 10,240 light industrial 1.2 open space 3.2 light residential 0.8 3,564 light residential 0.9 4,010 Education--Elementary 0.6 Education--University 4.2 Education--Boarding/Day School 0.8 River 9.9 Total 102.4 250,000 Workers 1,440 1,000 5,100 18,900 140 270 18,000 320 30,000 30 2,400 8,000 120 4,500 2,700 600 480 1,200 360 160 11,900 1,500 240 320 10,200 240 1,680 320 P School-Based Home A 348 619 310 222 77 232 333 333 1,131 2,078 1,978 889 167 167 167 167 193 232 116 232 39 155 39 232 1,334 1,507 167 834 942 2,194 1,413 1,696 889 1,556 556 889 3,827 889 310 348 4,342 7,418 1,848 - Home-Based Other Other-based Home P A P A 3,409 3,887 6,060 6,911 15,000 17,183 56,700 63,206 3,030 3,455 2,500 3,064 2,176 2,482 1,620 1,985 60 74 757 864 2,272 2,592 3,264 3,723 90,000 103,195 3,264 3,723 11,067 12,622 19,367 22,088 30 45 8,704 9,927 1,632 1,861 1,632 1,861 1,000 1,226 1,632 1,861 1,632 1,861 1,894 2,160 2,272 2,592 1,136 1,296 2,272 2,592 379 432 1,515 1,728 379 432 2,272 2,592 13,056 14,890 14,756 16,829 1,632 1,861 125 153 8,160 9,306 9,223 10,518 5,400 6,618 3,000 3,677 30,675 34,096 13,834 15,777 16,601 18,932 8,704 9,927 15,232 17,372 5,440 6,204 8,704 9,927 2,160 2,647 30 37 3,000 3,677 1,200 1,471 8,704 9,927 3,030 3,455 3,409 3,887 - - - - 122,120 Total One-Ways 21,708 21,708 212,500 212,500 242,351 242,351 Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Land Use Area Pop light residential 0.9 4,010 airport 4.8 light residential 1.6 7,129 stadium/arena 2.5 light industrial 0.6 open space 4.2 medium commercial 2.1 light residential 0.8 3,564 open space 2.1 Recreation 1.4 medium residential 0.4 2,560 Restaurant 0.9 lake 0.6 light residential 0.2 891 light residential 0.6 2,673 medium residential 0.6 3,840 heavy commercial 1.2 medium residential 0.6 3,840 heavy residential 1.2 13,020 Education--High School 0.8 heavy residential 2.1 22,785 open space 1.8 lake 0.6 heavy industrial 1.5 medium residential 1.6 10,240 medium residential 0.3 1,920 medium residential 0.3 1,920 Recreation 0.3 medium residential 0.3 1,920 medium residential 0.3 1,920 light residential 0.5 2,228 Professional Office 0.8 light residential 0.6 2,673 light residential 0.3 1,337 light residential 0.6 2,673 open space 2.1 light residential 0.1 446 light residential 0.4 1,782 heavy industrial 0.4 light residential 0.1 446 open space 0.6 light residential 0.6 2,673 medium residential 2.4 15,360 heavy residential 1.6 17,360 medium residential 0.3 1,920 Town Hall 0.6 Professional Office 1.5 lake 2.5 medium residential 1.5 9,600 heavy residential 1.0 10,850 light commercial 0.9 Retail 2.0 Education--High School 1.2 stadium/arena 3.0 heavy residential 1.5 16,275 heavy residential 1.8 19,530 medium residential 1.6 10,240 medium residential 2.8 17,920 medium residential 1.0 6,400 medium residential 1.6 10,240 Restaurant 1.2 Public Buildings 0.8 lake 0.6 light industrial 1.4 light commercial 0.5 Retail 0.8 Education--Elementary 0.8 medium residential 1.6 10,240 light industrial 1.2 open space 3.2 light residential 0.8 3,564 light residential 0.9 4,010 Education--Elementary 0.6 Education--University 4.2 Education--Boarding/Day School 0.8 River 9.9 Total 102.4 250,000 Workers 1,440 1,000 5,100 18,900 140 270 18,000 320 30,000 30 2,400 8,000 120 4,500 2,700 600 480 1,200 360 160 11,900 1,500 240 320 10,200 240 1,680 320 School-based Other P A 383 1,446 64 41 2 2,295 520 9 26 3 138 77 549 782 55 1 77 31 957 1,085 1,855 462 - Work-based Other P A 288 200 1,800 1,020 3,780 5,060 28 500 54 324 12 3,600 10,900 64 6 6,000 6 200 480 1,600 24 900 25 540 1,080 120 600 96 240 2,639 72 432 32 6 2,380 300 600 48 240 64 2,040 48 336 64 - Other-based Other P A 3,956 3,956 7,033 7,033 3,517 3,517 2,526 2,526 879 879 2,637 2,637 3,788 3,788 3,788 3,788 12,845 12,845 22,479 22,479 10,102 10,102 1,894 1,894 1,894 1,894 1,894 1,894 1,894 1,894 2,198 2,198 2,637 2,637 1,319 1,319 2,637 2,637 440 440 1,758 1,758 440 440 2,637 2,637 15,154 15,154 17,127 17,127 1,894 1,894 9,471 9,471 10,704 10,704 16,056 16,056 19,268 19,268 10,102 10,102 17,679 17,679 6,314 6,314 10,102 10,102 10,101 10,101 3,517 3,517 3,956 3,956 - - 122,120 Total One-Ways 5,427 5,427 24,424 24,424 246,639 246,639 R Script used to cycle out zeros in TripArray matrices for each of the nine different trip types #HBW #HBWTripArray.csv is a file containing only the 75x75 TripArray matrix HBWTripArray<-read.csv("HBWTripArray.csv",header=FALSE); HBWTripMiles<-read.csv("HBWTripMiles.csv",header=FALSE); #finding indices of non-zero values X<-which(HBWTripArray!=0,arr.ind=T); #creating new matrix of non-zero [TripMiles, Trips] HBW_PTMvsT<-matrix(0,length(X[,1]),2) HBW_PTMvsT[,1]<-HBWTripMiles[X]; HBW_PTMvsT[,2]<-HBWTripArray[X]; HBW_PTMvsT<-round(HBW_PTMvsT,digits=4); write.matrix(HBW_PTMvsT,file="HBW",sep=",") The above script was used for all nine trip-types