Year 6 Immune System & Vaccinations Lesson Plan

york | against | cancer
Year 6: Immune System, Edward Jenner and vaccinations
Age range: Year 6
This lesson develops the idea of bacteria, viruses and fungi and their relation to
diseases. The idea of vaccination as prevention is introduced.
National Curriculum and Framework Ref: Subject:
Science Year 6:
Cross curricular links:
- To recognise the impact of diet,
exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the
way their bodies function
To describe the ways in which
nutrients and water are transported
within animals, including humans.
Learning Objectives:
- To understand that substances
like tobacco, alcohol and other
drugs can affect the body
- To appreciate that these
substances can be harmful
Learning Outcomes:
All children should – how vaccination can
prevent disease
Most children should – realise that not all
micro-organisms can be harmful
Some children should – Understand that
diseases can be passed on by these microorganisms
WALT – how some diseases can be
caused by micro-organisms and how
some are prevented.
WILF – micro-organisms can cause disease
and can often be prevented by vaccination
Power Point Presentation (PP4)
Introduction: (Teaching notes in blue, additional notes in black)
(Some teaching notes - Some micro-organisms can harm us by causing diseases. Others
can be helpful: Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi.)
Ask the children what can cause people to become ill.
Micro-organisms – bacteria and viruses.
Bacteria can reproduce easily. One cell divides to make two equal cells then both of
those divide and so on. They can divide every 20 minutes therefore it is possible for
approx 1 million cells to be created in about 7 hours. Bacteria do need nice warm wet
Young and Healthy – Primary Teaching pack
york | against | cancer
Which places would make a nice home for bacteria?
Explain that this lesson will look how the immune system helps to protect the body
against micro-organisms.
Group/Class activities:
Use the power point presentation to support delivery of the lesson
Use this weblink for the children to work independently
Read the story of Edward Jenner to the class (on separate fact sheet). Ask the
children to work in pairs to write a newspaper article reporting the smallpox
vaccination. Use the newspaper template or ask the children to make their own.
Plenary: Check the understanding of the class by asking questions.
Through questioning, observations and factually correct information shared.
Young and Healthy – Primary Teaching pack