Activities and Findings

Activities and Findings for NSF SBIR
Title: Realizing Broadband Frequency Sound Absorption in Micro-Slit Panels
Company: Ward Process dba American Acoustical Products
Award Number: 1113541
Part 1: Project Overview and Objectives
1.1 Overview
The NSF SBIR grant funded the research efforts of American Acoustical Products
(AAP) to develop improved micro-perforated panel (MPP) sound absorbers. For
ordinary perforated panels, pore diameters are on the order of millimeters or even
centimeters with little acoustic resistance. MPP absorbers have pore diameters submillimeter in size. Due to the small holes, MPP absorbers provide acoustic resistance,
which enhances the sound attenuation. Unlike traditional sound absorbing materials
like foam and fiber, MPP absorbers are unique because they are sustainable and
reclaimable, non-combustible, rugged, fiber free, light weight, and aesthetically pleasing.
It is anticipated that the absorbers will be especially advantageous for use in heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning systems in schools, cruise ships, hospitals, clinics, and
food processing facilities.
However, there are two primary obstacles to the widespread acceptance of MPP
absorbers. First, many believe that MPP absorbers are too costly for commercial use.
This was certainly the case in the past, when holes were circular in shape and were cut
using a laser. However, American Acoustical Products (AAP) produces lower cost but
similar micro-slit panel (MSP) absorbers. Slits are non-circular and are cut or pressed
into metal or plastic. It has been shown that micro-slit absorbers have a slightly smaller
acoustic resistance, but function like MPP absorbers for all practical purposes [1-2].
Figure 1 shows photographs of a traditional MPP and MSP absorber under light.
Figure 1 Photographs of MPP and MSP under light
It should be noted that commonly used absorbers such as fiber or foam are priced
based on the varying thickness of material. Thicker materials are needed for lower
frequencies. Once thicknesses exceed 6 inches, the price of a MSP absorber is
comparable once longevity and installation costs are included. AAP typically sells
Millennium Metal (AAP’s MSP absorber) based on performance. The current product is
2 to 3 times more expensive than fiberglass, but outperforms fiber at low frequencies.
Indeed, sales have been especially strong for Millennium Metal in the transportation
The second and perhaps more important obstacle is that MPP absorbers are tuned and
not broadband absorbers. Figure 2 compares the normal incidence acoustic absorption
coefficient of a MSP absorber with a backing cavity depth of 70 mm to typical foam
occupying the same volume. Notice that the MSP absorber performs as well as foam in
certain frequency bands and is more effective at lower frequencies than foam. This is
particularly advantageous because many noise sources (engines, pumps) are
dominated by low frequency content. However, the comparison also illustrates that the
MSP absorber is ineffective in certain frequency bands and does not perform well as a
broadband frequency absorber.
An MSP absorber is best thought of as a combination of the panel plus a backing cavity.
Indeed, the geometric parameter that is most instrumental in tuning the performance of
an MSP is the depth of the backing cavity. The backing cavity depth controls the
particle velocity. MSP absorbers are most effective when the particle velocity in the
pores is high because this maximizes the viscous friction in the holes. This will be the
case when the backing cavity depth is approximately a quarter acoustic wavelength.
Absorption Coefficinet
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 2 Comparison of absorption coefficient between typical foam and MSP.
The objective of the funded research was to develop MSP absorbers that will perform
comparably to foams and fibers while retaining their inherent advantages. It was
proposed that performance could be improved by:
Spatially varying the porosity and slit size across the panel.
Designing backing substrates, which vary the cavity depth without increasing the
occupied volume.
Accordingly, the focus of the funded work was to examine each of these possibilities.
1.2 Technical Objectives
The specific objectives of the funded work for Phase 1 were as follows. The AAP Team
conducted product development research to:
1. Determine the transfer impedance of different slit size and porosity combinations
using simulation and measurement.
2. Develop and evaluate concepts for the backing substrate that effectively increase
and vary the depth of the cavity posterior to the MSP absorber.
3. Design and fabricate several small panel specimens with substrates and
measure the absorption using ASTM E1050.
4. Use boundary element method (BEM) simulation to determine how slit size,
porosity, and cavity depth should be varied across a panel in order to achieve
improved acoustical performance.
5. Design and fabricate three prospective panels and measure their performance in
a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) plenum chamber. Additionally,
assess MSP absorber performance using random incident absorption
measurements (similar to ASTM C423).
Part 2: Research Activities
2.1 Determination of the Transfer Impedance for Different Slit Geometries
The first objective was to gain a better understanding for the range of performance that
can be achieved by varying the porosity and slit size of the MSP absorber. Accordingly,
the transfer impedance of several samples with varying slit size was measured. The
transfer impedance concept is illustrated in Figure 3. Transfer impedance is defined as
Ztr =
p1 - p2
where p1 is the upstream sound pressure and p2 is the downstream sound pressure.
Particle velocity is continuous on both sides of the sample (i.e. v1 equals v2).
Figure 3 Schematic showing the approach for measuring transfer impedance.
The method utilized for measuring the transfer or series impedance [3] of a sample is
shown in Figure 4. The impedance at the surface of the sample was measured twice
using the two-microphone approach according to ASTM E1050 [4], once with the
sample (Z1) and the second without (Z2). The transfer impedance is the difference
between the two measurements.
Figure 4 Schematic showing the approach for measuring transfer impedance.
24 samples were measured from 6 different panels. Each panel had a different porosity
that had been estimated by placing the panel in between a luminance meter and a light
pad, and measuring the light intensity through the panel. A rough estimate of the
porosity can be calculated as the ratio of the light intensities with and without a panel.
The manufacturing process is not tightly controlled so the porosity will vary across the
panel. Consequently, an estimate of the variation within panels was determined by
measuring 4 samples from each panel.
For MSP absorbers, both porosity and slit dimensions are difficult to measure using
traditional means. Slit dimensions vary with thickness, and the slit is angled through the
metal. However, effective dimensions for the slit can be obtained by curve fitting the
data to Maa’s equation [5-7]. Porosity and hole diameter were assumed in Maa’s
equation and the predicted transfer impedance was compared to that measured in a
least square sense. The transfer impedance of different combinations of porosity and
hole diameter were calculated until optimum values were determined. This method has
been documented in Reference 8.
The resulting work provided a database for relating slit dimensions to effective hole
diameters and porosities. This provided a tool, which could then be utilized to develop
MSP absorbers having optimized slit dimensions.
Figure 5 plots the effective porosity and hole diameter for each of the 24 samples.
Samples from the same panel are identified as being the same color and shape. The
effective hole diameter is fairly consistent and varies between 0.2 and 0.3 mm.
Variations of this level will not greatly affect the absorption if the porosity is held
constant. On the other hand, the effective porosity of the panel varies from between 2
and 8 percent.
Figure 6 shows the absorption for panels with effective porosities of 2 and 8 percent
with a 4 inch backing cavity depth. Though increasing the porosity widens the
absorption bands at higher frequencies, the performance is degraded at lower
frequencies which are often most important. Furthermore, the absorption is low at
certain frequencies regardless of the porosity selected. The results demonstrated that
varying the porosity of a panel alone would not produce excellent broadband absorptive
Porosity (%)
Hole Diameter (mm)
Figure 5 Effective porosities and hole diameters for 24 samples.
Absorption Coefficient
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 6 Effect of changing porosity on normal incidence absorption coefficient.
2.2 Design and Analysis of Backing Substrates (Confidential)
As noted earlier, MSP absorbers are most effective when the acoustic particle velocity
in the holes is high. Maa showed that the transfer impedance of a panel depends on
the pore diameter d, panel porosity σ, and thickness t. Maa expressed the transfer
impedance (Ztr) as
ö æ æ
Dp 32ht çæ b 2 ö 2
2 d ÷ ç wt ç æ 2 b 2 ö 2
d ÷÷
Ztr =
1+ ÷ +
b +j
1+ ç 3 + ÷ + 0.85
2 ç
v srcd çè 32 ø
8 t÷
ø è è è
where ω is the frequency, c is the speed of sound,  is the viscosity, and β is a perforate
constant dependent on the properties of the fluid [5-7]. The acoustic impedance (Z) of
the sample is the summation of the transfer impedance plus the impedance of the
backing cavity Zcav. Assuming an empty air-filled straight cavity, the impedance (Z) can
be expressed as
= Ztr + Zcav = Ztr - j cot
where D is the depth of the backing cavity.
One way to improve the performance of MSP absorbers is to creatively vary the depth
of the backing cavity. Jiang et al. [9] suggested using a triangular prism backed cavity
and Sum [10] recommended a parallel stepped configuration. AAP has considered the
options shown in Figure 7. The first option (Figure 7a) is a three-channel configuration
where 3 different cavity depths are achieved. In the second case, a single straight
channel is combined with an open cone. The open cone configuration had been
suggested and patented by Wirt [11-12] over 30 years ago and termed a schizophonium.
The schizophonium serves to increase the cavity depth while also adding a sudden area
expansion (see Figure 7b).
Figure 7 Backing cavity configurations considered. a.) three channel. b) schizophonium
with single straight channel.
Both cases in Figure 7 can be analyzed in a simple manner using plane wave theory.
Each channel will have an impedance (Zi) which can be determined using Equation 3.
Figure 8 is a schematic, which summarizes the modeling approach. In practice, the
channels need not be straight, and can be wrapped around other channels as shown in
Figure 7. Assuming plane waves, the sound pressure will be equal along the entire face
of the perforate. In that case, the impedances, for each perforate and cavity, are in
parallel with each other. The equivalent impedance (Zeq) can be determined by
1 1
= + +
Zeq Z1 Z2
Figure 8 Schematic illustrating the analysis approach.
The impedance of a schizophonium (ZSchiz) shown in Figure 7b can be predicted using
plane wave theory. The cavity can be considered as two cones connected to one
another by a sudden area expansion assuming that the distance c (in Figure 7b) is small.
Several different variations are feasible and have not been patented. Channels can be
rectangular or round in cross-section. However, the analysis process will be identical
since the impedance depends on the cross-sectional area alone and not the geometric
shape of the cross-section.
2.3 Design Samples and Measure Impedance and Absorption (Confidential)
A number of different samples were fabricated for testing in an impedance tube. The
impedance and absorption for the different sample and substrate combinations were
then measured using ASTM E1050 [4]. Results are not reported above 2000 Hz since
the impedance tube is 100 mm in diameter (measurements are only valid up to 1800
Hz). Note that designing samples to fit inside a smaller diameter impedance tube is not
Figure 9 compares the measured sound absorption for a three-channel backing
substrate to the case with no substrate at all. Simulation results are also included for
comparison. Notice that introducing channels of varying depth improves the broadband
attenuation significantly. The low frequency absorption is improved such that the
absorption is above 0.5 just above 200 Hz and also between 1000 and 1800 Hz.
Figure 10 shows a similar case in which the middle channel is shortened. Though this
case is more difficult to simulate due to the open flange connected to the middle
channel, the measurement results were particularly promising. Again, notice the
marked improvement at low frequencies and also in between 1000 and 1800 Hz. Recall
that the impedance tube measurement was only valid up to 1800 Hz so the drop in
absorption at high frequencies should be ignored.
Figure 11 compares the measured absorption for a MSP with a schizophonium used as
a backing substrate to an MSP with an empty cavity. If schizophonium and empty
cavity backings are alternated (as is suggested in Figure 7b), a suitable broadband
absorber is likely to be obtained.
0.5 in.
Absorption Coefficient
3 in.
4 in.
4 in. Depth
Measured (Empty Cavity)
3 in. Depth
0.5 in. Depth
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 9 Comparison of measured and simulated results for the three-channel
configuration shown at the right. Empty cavity results are also included for reference.
0.5 in.
Absorption Coefficient
2 in.
4 in.
Measurement not
valid above 1800 Hz
Measured (Empty Cavity)
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 10 Comparison of measured and simulated results for an alternative threechannel configuration shown at the right. Measurement is valid up to 1800 Hz.
Absorption Coefficient
Measured (Schizophonium)
Simulated (Schizophonium)
Measured (Empty Cavity)
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 11 Absorption for a MSP with schizophonium backing substrate compared to
that with an empty cavity. Measurement is valid up to 1800 Hz.
2.4 Boundary Element Method Simulation of Panels
In prior work, the University of Kentucky had used the boundary element method (BEM)
to successfully predict the insertion loss produced by placing MSP absorbers into an
enclosure [13]. In that study, the effect of adding partitioning behind an MSP absorber
was investigated. The study confirmed earlier findings [14-15], which showed that
partitioning the backing cavity improved the performance of the MSP. More importantly,
the model provided a rationale for the improvement in performance. It was shown that
acoustic waves that propagated normal to the panel were attenuated equally well with
or without a partitioned substrate. However, the insertion loss associated with grazing
waves (propagating parallel to the MSP absorber) was increased up to 8 dB with
2.4.1 Effect of Partition Spacing
As part of this research effort, a follow-on effort was performed to determine what the
spacing in between partitions should be. The setup for the study is shown in Figure 12
where the total length of the treated portion of the duct is 0.305 m. A duct was modeled
with a velocity source on the left hand side and an anechoic termination on the right. A
MSP with partitioned backing cavity was modeled. Several different spacings were
considered. In each case, it was found that the partition spacing should be at a
minimum less than a half acoustic wavelength in order for the material to behave in a
locally reacting fashion. The sound pressure contour plot, which is inset in Figure 12,
indicates half wavelength behavior in between the partitions. It should be noted that
there appeared to be some advantage to varying the partition spacing across the
treated portion of the duct. This effect will be considered during the next several
months leading up to the Phase 2 submission.
Partition length 0.051 m
Sound Pressure Contour
at 3430 Hz
Partition Spacing
Anechoic Termination
Figure 12 A duct with MSP and partitioned backing cavity.
2.4.2 Effect of Varying the Slit Geometry Across a Panel
The effect of varying the slit geometry across a panel by changing the porosity was also
examined using BEM analysis. In this case, it was assumed that the backing cavity was
2 inches in depth and was partitioned so that a locally reacting impedance model could
be assumed. Using the current production techniques, Millennium Metal is limited to
effective porosities between 2 and 8 percent so these two extremes were chosen. The
effective pore diameter was selected to be 0.2 mm according to the results in Section
2.1. The local reacting impedance was determined using Equations (2) and (3) for each
of the two effective porosities which was then used as a boundary condition for the BEM
analysis which followed. A few of the configurations selected for examining the effect of
varying the slit geometry are shown in Figure 14. Due to manufacturability, it was
preferred to vary the porosity in bands along the panel as indicated in the figure.
In order to assess the performance of each panel using BEM analysis, it was assumed
that each panel was placed at one end of a sealed enclosure as shown in Figure 14.
An acoustic particle velocity of 1 m/s (constant over the frequency range) was applied to
the tube on the left hand side of the enclosure and analyses were simulated at 6.25 Hz
increments. The sound pressures were spatially averaged across the field point plane
shown in the figure, which was positioned at 9.5 cm anterior to the MPP absorber. The
sound pressures were then summed in one-third octave bands and the results are
shown in Figure 15. Notice that very little variation in the averaged sound pressure was
observed. The results indicated that varying the porosity across the panel was
ineffective as a means for improving the performance.
8% Effective Porosity
2% Effective Porosity
Case 1
Case 2
Case A
Case B
Case C
Figure 13 Schematic showing the patterns for porosity variation across the panel.
Local Impedance for
MSP and 2 inch Cavity
Field Point Plane for
Averaging Sound Pressure
Acoustic Particle
Velocity of 1 m/s
Figure 14 Boundary element model used to assess the performance of the panel
configurations shown in Figure 13. Boundary conditions are indicated.
Sound Pressure Level (dB)
Case 1
Case 2
Case A
Case B
Case C
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 15 BEM results showing comparison of spatially averaged sound pressure level
on the field point plane indicated in Figure 14.
2.5 Fabricate and Measure Absorption of Panels (Confidential)
A small reverberation chamber (similar to an alpha cabin but much larger) [16] was
used to measure the absorption of different panel constructions. The test procedure
was to clamp the MSP absorber to the top of a frame utilizing 1-inch wide steel strips
held in place by rare earth magnets. The cavity could then be filled with the backing
substrate as required and the absorption coefficients of 4-inch deep systems were
measured and compared. The absorption coefficient was measured in a manner similar
to ASTM C423 [17] (except in a smaller room). Note that the absorption typically
exceeds 1.0 for sound absorption measured in this manner. Earlier results shown in the
report were impedance tube measurements (according to ASTM E1050) for which 1.0 is
the maximum possible absorption. However, ASTM C423 is customarily used when
comparing absorption results in a diffuse field and is a suitable performance metric for
comparing absorption performance.
Four different backing substrates were considered and can be classified as:
Empty cavity
Three-channel configuration
Schizophonium (Arrangement 1)
Schizophonium (Arrangement 2)
Photographs for each of the different backing substrates are shown in Figure 16. Figure
16b shows one of the manufactured schizophoniums, which were positioned in the
configurations indicated in the Figures 16c and 16d.
Thirty MSP panels (48 inch x 48 inch) were manufactured with the intention of varying
the effective porosity from approximately 2% to 8%. These panels were then placed
over the substrates shown in Figure 16. The absorption coefficient was measured and
frequency averaged.
a. Three-channel substrate
b. Manufactured schizophonium.
c. Schizophonium (Arrangement 1)
d. Schizophonium (Arrangement 2)
Figure 16 Different backing cavity configurations considered.
The frequency-averaged absorption is plotted verses effective porosity in Figure 17.
First of all, it was observed that the average absorption was much higher for cases
where a backing substrate was utilized. It was also notable that the location of the
maximum value for frequency-averaged absorption varied depending on the backing
substrate used. Accordingly, it is best if the effective porosity of the MSP is optimized
for a particular backing substrate.
Average Absorption Coefficient
Empty Cavity
Three Channel
Schizophonium (Arrangement 1)
Schizophonium (Arrangement 2)
Effective Porosity
Figure 17 Frequency-averaged sound absorption coefficients for MSP absorbers with
different backing substrates.
Sound absorption (measured in a manner similar to ASTM-C423) in one-third octave
bands is shown for the four different backing cavity configurations in Figure 18. In each
case, an MSP was chosen with an effective porosity that would maximize the
frequency-averaged absorption (according to Figure 17).
The results clearly demonstrate that the combined MSP and backing substrate
substantially improves the sound absorbing characteristics over the entire frequency
range when compared to an MSP without backing. Most importantly, the sound
absorption is clearly improved at nearly all frequencies.
It should be noted that lower frequency absorption could be achieved by further
increasing the backing cavity depth. Though increasing the cavity depth would increase
the amount of volume occupied by the absorber, it would only marginally increase the
Absorption Coefficient
Empty Cavity
Three Channel
Schizophonium (Arrangement 1)
Schizophonium (Arrangement 2)
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 18 Sound absorption (in one-third octave bands) for MSP absorbers with
different backing substrates.
Part 3: Problems Encountered and Remaining (Unfulfilled Objectives)
In general, each of the five stated research objectives/tasks was achieved (See Section
1.2). Every effort had been made so that the stated tasks in the SBIR Phase I proposal
were achievable. Additionally, the AAP team was experienced using each of the
measurement approaches detailed in the Activities and Findings (Part 2). There were
delays in getting the MSP samples manufactured.
The only unfulfilled task was the objective to measure the panels in an actual HVAC
plenum or system. AAP is currently communicating with two companies in an effort to
set up tests to assess the performance of the designed panels and substrates in an
actual configuration. Furthermore, work is ongoing with an aim towards developing
optimal panels.
Part 4: Summary and Recommendations
The objective of this research was to develop MSP panel absorbers that would perform
similarly to foams and fibers. The major findings of the funded research are as follows.
The effective porosity of the MSP absorbers manufactured by AAP can be varied
between approximately 2 and 8 percent. However, the effective diameter of the
panels stays relatively constant.
Varying the effective porosity impacts the sound absorption and should be
optimized per the backing substrate. However, varying the effective porosity
across the panel will be insufficient in and of itself to produce a broadband sound
Broadband absorption is best achieved by creatively changing the depth of the
backing cavities by carefully designing a backing substrate. The AAP team
developed two suitable configurations (three-channel and schizophonium) that
provided broadband absorption above 500 Hz that was a significant improvement
over that for an MSP with an empty cavity.
Based on these findings, the directions for a follow-on SBIR Phase II are as follows.
Though MSP and backing substrates have been developed that provide
broadband absorption, the final design for the backing substrate will need to be
optimized based on both performance and cost. For the Phase I research,
functionality was emphasized over cost. The Phase II proposal will place a
greater emphasis on reducing cost.
The MSP absorbers and backing substrates can likely be utilized most effectively
if they are integrated into the system design. AAP aims to develop a suitable
demonstration for an HVAC system that will validate the advantages of using the
MSP absorbers.
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