KEY POINT SUMMARY TE RŪNANGA O NGĀTI AWA BOARD MEETING JUNE 2013 PRESENT: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Ngai Taiwhakaea Joe Harawira Ngai Tamaoki Patrick Salmon Ngai Tamapare (9.30am) Huia Brown Ngai Tamawera Monte Aranga Ngāti Awa ki Tamaki Makaurau Hone Stipich Ngāti Hāmua Miro Araroa Ngāti Hokopu ki Hokowhitu Tani Wharewera Ngāti Hikakino Stan Ratahi Ngāti Hokopū ki Wairaka Charlie Bluett Ngāti Maumoana Steffan Haua Ngāti Pukeko Joe Mason Ngāti Rangataua (Chair) Te Kei Merito Te Kahupake (10.20am) Mihipeka Sisley Te Pahipoto (9.20am) Charlie Elliott Te Patuwai Riritahi Williams Te Rangihouhiri Manu Glen Tuariki Meri Hepi Warahoe Aubrey Kohunui Wharepaia (9.25am) Materoa Dodd Ngā Maihi Regina O’Brien Apology Bruce Aranga Apology Ngāti Awa ki Poneke Te Tawera Pouroto Ngaropo Apology 1. TE TAUMĀHEKEHEKE O NGATI AWA (AHUREI) 1.1 All of our hapu members as well as our Poneke and Tamaki Iwi members have made an approach of interest to support Te Ahurei o Ngati Awa. Della Te Pere of Ngati Hamua has received nine confirmed hapu representatives for Te Roopu Ahikaa o Ngati Awa. Ten other hapu have confirmed their support and will be forthcoming with their mandated delegates. A meeting to progress Te Roopu Ahikaa o Ngati Awa is set down for 20 July 2013. Contact Della Te Pere for more details. 2. WHAKATANE DISTRICT PLAN 2.1 The Runanga will provide assistance to hapu wishing to make submissions to the Whakatane District Plan. A series of hui will be held, dates will be notified. 3. AOTEAROA CONSTITUTION CONVERSATION 3.1 Constitution Conversation is a government initiative to hold a series of hui throughout the country inviting individuals, communities and Maori to share their views on Aotearoa New Zealand’s constitution and make written submissions. The closing date for submissions is 14 July 2013. 4. REGIONAL AQUACULTURE AGREEMENT 4.1 The Runanga approved the draft Regional Aquaculture Agreement. The purpose of the Agreement is to satisfy the Crown’s obligations under the Settlement Act in relation to “pre-commencement space”. Aquaculture space after 1 January 2005 is not subject to this agreement. An amount equal to 20% of the value of the space (approximately $2,085,311) is being offered for distribution amongst 11 Iwi and for Ohope Harbour $22,000 between Ngati Awa and 2 other Iwi. 5. ELECTIONS 5.1 Election of Hapu Representatives will take place this year. Members should receive a notice in the mail calling for nominations by 6 August closing on 27 August 2013. Warwick Lampp was appointed as the Election Officer. 6. TRONA 2013/2014 BUDGET 6.1 The 2013/2014 budget was approved. 7. TE ARA POUTAMA – MAURI ORA 7.1 Ngati Awa Access to Firewood 7.1.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.3 7.3.1 Several Ngati Awa Whanau took the opportunity to collect firewood from the recently harvested Eucalyptus block on Ngati Awa Farm through April and May. While the initial open days were well attended, TRONA has continued to provide access for Whanau and staff that have come into the office. The block is now closed to access for mass planting of indigenous and exotic trees in July 2013. Kiwi Tracker Proposal Te Runanga O Ngati Awa has provided conditional support for the Kiwi Tracker outdoor educational experience for intermediate aged school children to be located within the Ohope Scenic Reserve. The Kiwi Tracker proposal is a joint initiative between the Whakatane Kiwi Trust and the Whakatane West Rotary Club and will involve the upgrade and partial re-routing of an existing bait station track, the construction of a day shelter and the development of permanent workstations and interpretation panels along the track route Ngati Tuwharetoa Holdings Ltd – Otarahanga Pumice Quarry A cultural impact assessment was issued to Ngati Tuwharetoa Holdings Ltd for a proposed pumice quarry on Otarahanga Farm in Kawerau. Te Runanga O Ngati Awa identified Rua Maruka Pa a Ngati Awa pa site, immediately to the northwest of the proposed quarry but not within the quarry itself. Maruka was a battle hardened warrior chief and expert cultivator of crops. The area around Rua Maruka Pa has the most extensive remnants of Kumara pits in the District. As the area is of significance to Ngati Awa and Ngati Tuwharetoa, TRONA has requested that Ngati Awa be included in details of an accidental discovery protocol provided by the Tuwharetoa (BOP) Settlement Trust for dealing with any koiwi or taonga that may be discovered during the quarry works. 2 7.4 7.4.1 7.5 7.5.1 7.6 7.6.1 Department of Conservation – Slip Repairs & Construction of a Pedestrian Footbridge, Moutohora TRONA has provided written support for proposed slip repairs and the construction of 5 metre pedestrian footbridge on the southern coastal walking track at Oneroa (Sulphur Bay), Moutohora. The proposed works will secure the alignment of the southern coastal walking track which is an integral route for access to the eastern end of the Island. Te Tapa Toru a Toi will be visiting Moutohora in July (weather permitting) to inspect progress at Oneroa and future track upgrades for access to Raetihi Pa. Whakatane District Council – Matata Sewage Initial Assessment Te Runanga o Ngati Awa (along with Ngati Tuwharetoa BoP and Ngati Rangitihi) was invited by Whakatane District Council to provide an initial response to a number of sites in and around Matata to be considered for potential wastewater treatment and land disposal for the proposed reticulation of sewage in Matata Township. WDC’s request for initial consideration of the areas identified will assist in the short listing of potential sites for more detailed investigation. While Te Runanga o Ngati Awa identified cultural values associated with many of the sites a detailed assessment of options for the project will be undertaken once more information is available. Mauri Enhancement Projects on Ngati Awa Farm Te Runanga o Ngati Awa is progressing mauri enhancement projects at Maraetotara and Awarapatuna Streams and Maungateone in Ohope. Te Runanga o Ngati Awa is currently working with Regional Council for the development of a constructed wetland system at Awarapatuna which will be undertaken over the 2013/2014 summer period. The Awarapatuna project will be one of the largest constructed wetland systems in the Bay of Plenty reinstating natural ecological values and reducing sediment discharges to Ohiwa Harbour. Retirement fencing alongside Maraetotara Stream has been completed in preparation for planting. Over the winter more than 10,000 native trees and shrubs will be planted at Maraetotara and Maungateone. Ngati Awa contractors will carry out the majority of planting with opportunities for Ngati Awa and the wider community to be involved. 8. TE ARA POUTAMA – TOI ORA 8.1 Ngati Awa Development Trust 8.1.1 8.2 8.2.1 A meeting of the Ngati Awa Development Trust is scheduled for July 2013. This will be the inaugural meeting of the new Board. The table below will trackthe progress of the Trust as they start to create theirpathway forward. Ngati Awa Farming Cadetships Tamaku Perese (Pahipoto)and Matangireia Ngaropo (Te Tawera) were successful in each gaining a placement on Tumurau Farm as Farm Cadets. All 11 applicants were of a very high calibre with Tamaku and Matangireia rated very highly as a result of their dairy farming credits and experience. On the 1 June along with the contract manager and farm staff the cadets moved into their whare supported by their Whanau and shareholder representatives. A karakia was performed by Strategic Cultural Advisor Pouroto Ngaropo. 3 9. TE ARA POUTAMA – TURANGAWAEWAE 9.1 Otaramuturangi Urupa 9.1.1 9.2 An application to the court to determine the ownership of Otaramuturangi Urupa, in Matata has been set down for hearing at the Maori Land Court in Rotorua for 22 August 2013. The court case seeks recognition of Ngati Awa as mana whenua of Ngati Awa at Matata and the ownership of Otaramuturangi by the western hapu of Ngati Awa, Ngati Rangihourhiri II, Ngati Hikakino and Te Tawera. Ngati Awa Kaumatua the late Te Hau Tutua, Joe Mason, Pouroto Ngaropo and former Chief Executive of Te Runanga O Ngati Awa Jeremy Gardiner have previously lodged evidence with the court. Further evidence and research is required and is currently underway. Motiti Island and Otaiti (Astrolabe Reef) 9.2.1 Management have been working closely with the hapu of Te Patuwai to exercise kaitiakitanga over Motiti Island and Otaiti. This has included meetings with the owners of MV Rena and the boats insurers and other Iwi. Legal proceedings in relation to the removal of the wreck MV Rena have been on going and at no cost to Te Runanga O Ngati Awa. One specific proceeding is our lodgement as a party to an appeal against the BOP Regional Council plan to downgrade Otaiti from outstanding natural character to high natural character. 9.2.2 TRONA has a special relationship with Astrolabe Reef (Otaiti), which is greater than the general public interest. TRONA exercises kaitiakitanga over Astrolabe Reef (Otaiti) and Motiti Island through its hapu Te Patuwai. As part of TRONA kaitiakitanga over the Island and Otaiti TRONA will be applying for a Customary Marine Title to continue to protect the cultural, spiritual and historical interests of Te Runanga O Ngati Awa. 9.3 Koiwi Found at Whakatane Hospital Site 9.3.1 Koiwi of a 400-500 year old kuia has been found at the Whakatane hospital car park in June 2012. The koiwi have been reburied at Ohuirehe Urupa and Te Runanga O Ngati await an archaeologists report. 10. PANUI 10.1 Unveiling of new carvings Toi te Huatahi and Whatonga will take place on Thursday 25 July at 10am at Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi. 10.2 A celebration of the Tarawera River works will take place on 19th October at Rangitihi Marae 10.3 The Rangitaiki Primary School Kapahaka Festival is being held at Kokohinau Marae on 6 July 2013. Enid Ratahi-Pryor QSO Chief Executive Copies of this monthly meeting summary are available upon request from either the office of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa (07 307 0760) or via email on Rūnanga@Ngā 4