Rules & Classes

FreelinMX 2015 MudBog
Rules & Classes
This applies to all classes
1. All vehicles must have seatbelts
2. A secure permanent hitch capable of accepting a 3/4" pin clevis at the rear, No hanging chains or cables. If your hitch
fails while being pulled back "you will be disqualified" Driver or crewmen will be required to re-hook cable
3. All vehicles must have a minimum of one fully charged 2.5 lb. fire extinguisher with gauge in reach of the driver while
belted in. "If you do not have one at tech you will not run"
4. All drivers shall wear a full coverage racing type helmet. Snell 85 rated for Exotic Class
5. All drivers & passengers must wear shirts, long pants and closed toe footwear, absolutely No sandals or flip-flops
6. Drivers of vehicles using exotic fuels, such as alcohol, must wear Minimum of SFI-5 Rated Suit with head sox, boots
and gloves,
7. All vehicles must have a brake system capable of stopping the vehicle in a safe distance
8. Carburetors must have flash shield or air cleaner. No air-intake thru driver’s compartment
9. All batteries must be securely mounted
10. All open bodied vehicles must have foot restraint on the driver's side to keep drivers foot from slipping outside the
11. Any open or soft top vehicle with glass removed, must have a 4 point roll cage securely mounted to frame
12. Every vehicle must have an engine kill switch within reach of the driver while he/she is fastened securely in harness
or seat belt
13. All relocated fuel tanks must be protected from collision and properly secured
14. All vehicle fuel systems must have lines and pumps located outside of the drivers compartment
15. All vehicles must have a working neutral safety switch. "If you do not have one at tech you will not run"
16. The running gear of each vehicle will be inspected to verify the safety of such critical parts as steering, brakes, welds,
tires and body conduction, etc. If it is not safe your vehicle will not run
17. All vehicles must be race ready for tech inspection
18. All drivers must be of legal age to drive, PASSENGERS PERMITTED IN CLASSES 1,4 & 6
19. Classes that are required to have driveshaft loops must be made of 1/4" x 1" steel or equivalent, located in the
middle of the driveshaft or 6" from each end
20. All vehicles must maintain four wheel drive in all classes
21. All chain drives must be fully enclosed
22. All Modified Classes must have double return springs on Carburetor
23. Any speeding or burnouts on the grounds will result in disqualification. 5 M.P.H. speed limit in the pit area. “No ifs,
ands or buts”
24. Helmets and Seatbelts/Harnesses will remain on until the vehicle has been pulled out of the pit or you will be
25. Any protest of a run must be made within 15 minutes of that class completion. Only winners can be protested.
Complaints must be made by the protesting driver only to the Tech that oks your truck.
26. Minimum of 4 trucks to create a class. If only 4 trucks in a class only top 2 drivers are paid out. 989.761.1301
Street Stock: Class #1 36.5" and Under DOT Type Tires $25.00 Entry good for one pass
1. Vehicle should be ready and able to legally run on the road (plates and insurance capable)
2. 4x4 vehicles only
3. Engine must be factory equipped to vehicle from factory, in stock location
4. Minimal gutting allowed,(i.e. rear seats, spare tires) no body cutting, jeeps must have doors and a top
5. No nitrous or exotic fuels
6. No relocation of drivetrain components, lift kits are allowed
7. No open exhaust, headers ok, must have some sort of muffler, no uprights
8. Must be DOT approved tires, no terra, scoops or cut/modified tires
Pro Open: Class #2 Anything Goes $50.00 Entry good for best of two passes
1. Engine, body, frame and chassis open
2. Tire size open, cuts, paddles, tractors and scoops allowed
3. All fuel allowed, blowers, turbos and nitrous allowed.
4. Must have approved driveshaft loops, u-joint shields recommended
5. Adjustable coil-overs acceptable
6. Minimum of 6 point roll cage required
7. Must have a minimum 4 point harness
8. Master kill switch on back of vehicle required
9. Fire Suit Required, Minimum of SFI-5 Rated Suit for all Alcohol Motors
Pro Stock: Class #3 Anything Goes $25.00 Entry good for one pass
1. Any motor and drivetrain combination allowed, motor in front of driver
2. Tire size open, cuts, paddles, tractors and scoops allowed
3. All fuel allowed, blowers, turbos and nitrous allowed
4. Must have approved driveshaft loops, u-joint shields recommended
5. No aftermarket 3 link or 4 link suspension allowed, no adjustable coil-overs
6. Minimum of 6 point roll cage required
7. Must have a minimum 4 point harness
8. Master kill switch on back of vehicle required
9. Fire Suit Required, Minimum of SFI-5 Rated Suit for all Alcohol Motors
10. Absolutely no racing springs or shocks, must be factory comparable
11. Full stripping and gutting allowed
12. Body and frame must be production made
Super Stock: Class #4 36.5" and Under DOT Type Tires $25.00 Entry good for one pass
1. Stock appearing body, jeeps must have doors and a top of some sort, gutting allowed
2. Body and frame must be production made, flat beds are allowed but must have a bed
3. Naturally aspirated, no blowers, no exotic fuels, no nitrous (bottle must be removed)
4. Tires must be within 6 inches of center of wheel wells
5. DOT type tires only, no cuts/modified, paddles or tractor tires
6. Approved driveshaft loops recommended
7. No aftermarket 3 link or 4 link suspension allowed, no adjustable coil-overs
8. Absolutely no racing springs or shocks, must be factory comparable
9. Engines must maintain harmonic balance to centerline of front axle not behind
10. Max engine size 514 CID
11. Wide five rims acceptable with adapter plate, no wide five hubs or aluminium hubs
12. Factory style transfer case, no chain drive or quick change drop cases, no trans brake
Pro Modified: Class #5 DOT (any size) $25.00 Entry good for one pass
1. Engine, body, frame and chassis open
2. Tire size open. cut tires allowed, no paddles, scoops or tractors
3. All fuel allowed, no blowers, turbos or nitrous (bottle must be removed)
4. Must have approved driveshaft loops, u-joint shields recommended
5. Adjustable coil-overs acceptable
6. Minimum of 6 point roll cage required
7. Must have a minimum 4 point harness
8. Master kill switch on back of vehicle required
9. Fire Suit Required, Minimum of SFI-5 Rated Suit for all Alcohol Motors
Modified: Class #6 40" and Under DOT Type Tires $25.00 Entry good for one pass
1. Any motor and drivetrain combination allowed, motor in front of driver
2. Full stripping and gutting allowed
3. Body and frame must be production made
4. Naturally aspirated, no blowers, no exotic fuels, no nitrous (bottle must be removed)
5. Tires must be within 6 inches of center of wheel wells
6. DOT type tires only, no cuts/modified, paddles or tractor tires
7. Must have approved driveshaft loops
8. No aftermarket 3 link or 4 link suspension allowed, no adjustable coil-overs
9. Absolutely no racing springs or shocks, must be factory comparable
10. Wide five rims acceptable with adapter plates, no wide five hubs
11. Aluminium hubs that resemble factory style are allowed
12. Max engine size 557 CID
Modified: Class #7 54” and Under DOT Type Tires $25.00 Entry good for one pass
1. Engine, body, frame and chassis open
2. DOT type tires only, no cuts/modified, paddles or tractor tires
3. All fuel allowed, fuel injection allowed, no blowers, turbos or nitrous (bottle must be removed)
4. Adjustable coil-overs acceptable
5. Must have approved driveshaft loops, u-joint shields recommended
6. Minimum of 4 point roll cage recommended
7. Must have a minimum 4 point harness
Mega: Class #8 Tractor Tire $25.00 Entry good for one pass
1. Engine, body, frame and chassis open
2. Tire size open, must have all 4 tractor tires to run this class
3. Must have 2.5 ton or larger axles
4. All fuel allowed. blowers, turbos and nitrous allowed.
5. Must have approved driveshaft loops
6. Adjustable coil-overs acceptable
7. Must have a minimum 4 point harness
8. Fire Suit required for all Alcohol Motors, Minimum of SFI-5 Rated Suit for ALL Alcohol Motors
Freelin MX - May 30th 1pm
Birch Run Expo Center - June 27th 1pm
Birch Run Expo Center - July 25th 1pm
Freelin MX - August 15th 6pm
Birch Run Expo Center - Sept 26th Noon
We are looking for additional promotors and locations to add to our 2015 season. Any additions to the schedule will be
posted online.
Full Addresses/ Info :
Birch Run Expo Center
111600 N. Beyer Road Birch Run, Michigan 48415 (989) 574-5756
Freelin MX
8395 Cargill Road, Brown City, Michigan 48416 (989)761-1301 (6 miles SouthWest of Marlette),,