Chapters 25-38 Student Packet, Worksheets, and Quiz

Chapters 25-38
Assignment Schedule:
February 21
February 25
Chapters 3638
February 22
Read Chapters
February 26
February 27
Study for
and Vocab
Read Chapters
Vocabulary Words: drawl, asthma, sparingly, delirious, systematic, mirage, protruding,
precipice, parched, gully
Response Journal: In Holes, the boys at Camp Green Lake are made to dig holes to make
them better people. Do you think this would work in today’s world? Why or why not? What
activity would you put in effect if you were in charge of a camp similar to Camp Green Lake to
make the campers better people in today’s society?
Name: ___________________________________
“Holes” Vocabulary Chapters 25-38
Define each below. On a separate piece of paper, use each word in a quality
drawl: _____________________________________________________________
asthma: ____________________________________________________________
sparingly: __________________________________________________________
delirious: __________________________________________________________
systematic: _________________________________________________________
mirage: ____________________________________________________________
protruding: _________________________________________________________
precipice: __________________________________________________________
parched: ___________________________________________________________
gully: _____________________________________________________________
Name: ______________________________________
“Holes” Chapters 25-38 Quiz
Short Answer: Answer each of the questions below. (1 point each, 10 points total)
1. How does Kissin’ Kate Barlow come to be?
2. Why is Zero’s real name significant?
3. Why do the townspeople want to hang Sam?
4. Why are the initials on the gold tube significant now?
5. What does the Warden decide to do about Zero?
6. Who did the boat once belong to?
7. What is “sploosh?”
8. What is significant about Stanley helping Zero up the mountain?
9. What does Stanley discover in the gully?
10. What did the mountain resemble?
Quotes: Write the character whose point of view each statement is in below. (1 point each, 5
points total)
____________________ 1. “I can fix that.”
____________________ 2. “The white boy sits around while the black boy does all the work.
Ain’t that right, Caveman?”
____________________ 3. “The forty-fourth hole is the hardest to dig....”
____________________ 4. “I’m not digging another hole.”
____________________ 5. “But I can make it so it would be very difficult for anyone to ever
find a record of him. Like I said, thought, no one will ever look. No
one cares about Hector Zeroni.”
Matching: Match each statement below to the correct type of conflict. (1 point each, 5
points total)
A. Man vs. Man
B. Man vs. Self
C. Man vs. Society
D. Man vs. Nature
_____ 1. Stanley tried to pull himself out of his hole, but he was too exhausted.
_____ 2. Sam gets killed because of his relationship with Kate.
_____ 3. The boys struggled while digging holes because of the hot heat and the lack of rain.
_____ 4. Armpit shoves Stanley to the ground for him by his real name, Theodore.
_____ 5. Stanley was convicted of a crime he did not commit.
Vocabulary: Fill-in the blanks with the proper vocabulary word below. (.5 points each, 5
points total)
1. Stanley was worried that Zero would be ___________________ from the heat and
starvation if he found him in the desert.
2. Zero and Stanley saw a ____________________ that looked like “God’s Thumb.”
3. The drunk sheriff spoke to Katherine in a slow _______________.
4. Stanley and Zero were extremely ____________________ because they had not had
much to drink in several days.
5. The boys tried to eat the Sploosh __________________________ so that they did not run
out of it too soon.
6. Sam could cure anything from _______________________ to baldness.
7. The holes at Camp Green Lake were dug in a very _________________________ way.
8. Stanley kept seeing a _______________________ of a pool of water move away from
him as he walked towards the mountain.
9. Stanley was overjoyed to see a ____________________ flowing with water on the
10. The mountain had a rock form that looked like a thumb ____________________ from
the top of it.
Name: ______________________________________
It’s All Conflict, Conflict, Conflict!
Without conflict, a plot does not exist. It is introduced by rising action, is faced during
the climax, works itself out during falling action, and is finally resolved in the resolution.
There are four types of conflict that are important for the understanding of novels.
1) Man vs. Man: a character struggles with another character. A classics “good” vs.
“evil” situation.
2) Man vs. Nature: a character struggles with a force of nature such as rain,
animals, etc...
3) Man vs. Society: a character struggles against social norms, traditions,
community rules, etc...
4) Man vs. Self: a character struggles with him or herself; usually takes place within
the character’s mind and the character is trying to make a decision or choice.
Look at the situations below and decide which type of conflict is being described. Then think of
your own conflict of that type.
__________ 1. Elya was in love with Myra Menke, but he could not compete with Igor’s offer of
his fattest pig.
__________ 2. Stanley was convicted of a crime that he did not commit.
__________ 3. The boys struggled with digging their holes because the sun was incredibly hot.
__________ 4. Stanley and Armpit get into a fight when Stanley calls him by his real name.
__________ 5. Stanley tried to pull himself out of his hole, but he was too exhausted.
__________ 6. The Warden became upset with Mr. Sir and scratched him across the face.
__________ 7. The townspeople kill Sam because of his relationship with Kathryn.
__________ 8. Elya Yelnats thought the journey up the mountain every day was too hard.
__________ 9. Madame Zeroni cursed the Yelnats family.
__________ 10. Barfbag gets bit by a rattlesnake after stepping on it.