Nerve Cells = polar cells Motorneurons are small cells in the spinal cord that sends its long projections out, which is like a long tube, to project signals. The signals that are being sent have to travel over a large distance relative to the sides of the cells. This is a problem b/c electrical signals diminish in amplitude with distance. Think about why this is the case? And how this is overcome? Describe the changes in membrane permeability that occur when the membrane of a neuron is depolarised to threshold, and how they produce the changes in membrane potential that we refer to as the action potential. What are meant by the terms “threshold for the action potential” and “the all-or-none action potential”? Motorneurone from the spinal cord, it receives excitable input from the motor cortex, brainstem and if the excitable signals are great enough they narrate action potentials Hence these motorneurones (i.e. a projection neurone) work by receiving excitable signals not from one but from many excitable synapses from the input part of the cell If the excitable signals reach a significant threshold (value) result in nerve impulse/ an action potential / spike generated that propagate down the axon Where the 'spike' happens it is referred to the excitability of nerves Nerves and muscle cells have ion channels (like every other cell) but only nerve and muscles are excitable in this way, i.e. when they reach a certain threshold value they set of an 'all or none' nerve impulse action potential. Why do you need excitatory of nerves and a threshold? 1. Amplification. It has a long axon (1m+). It has a long distance to travel, and signals diminish over distance. There is conductive fluid in the middle of the cell i.e. cytoplasm and return path through the extracellular fluid. Hence need the action potential excitability property in nerves is to amplify the signal (since signal diminish with distance) and allow the signal to travel further. 2. Gate flow of information. The cell is processing information, descending in the cell all the time, motorneurone bombarded with information from the brain, periphery, pattern generators form the spinal cord. If all the information was passed on this neuron would be active all the time. This is the same for central neurons. They have a gated system to stop information flowing unless it is really important information. The information comes in as analogue signals, small depolarisations that can add together as they descend down through the dendritic to the soma to the axon hillock. But unless they reach a certain threshold value, the signals go nowhere, unless they are amplified. Hence, need system in the nervous system to gate the flow of information overload. Only signals that reach a certain threshold value will be passed on from one cell to another in the circuit *axon hillock is the anatomical part of a neuron that connects the cell body (the soma) to the axon. It is described as the location where the summation of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) and excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) from numerous synaptic inputs on the dendrites or cell body occurs. 1 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Depolarising signals diminish with distance from the source Most central neurons are contacted by other neurons that form excitatory synapses on their dendrites When excitatory synapses are active, ligand gated ion channels produce inward sodium currents depolarising the membrane The inward current tends to raise the membrane potential The spread of such graded depolarisations is limited by intrinsic electrical Amplification is needed Depolarisation initiates neuronal signalling (electrical signalling) Excitatory signals means that instead of the membrane being at steady resting level (e.g. -60mV) due to the continuous flow of potassium through the leakage channels and sodium diffusing in through the sodium leakage channels. In this steady state, there is a rise in membrane potential reach threshold value result action potential Membrane is depolarised when there is a next inward current Depolarisation is usually initiated by opening of ligand gated cation channels at an excitatory synapse Depolarisation can also be triggered artificially, by applying an electrical stimulus Action Potentials Travel long distances without losing strength Action potentials aka spikes, differ from graded potentials in that they do not diminish in strength as they travel through the neuron. The ability of a neuron respond rapidly to a stimulus and fire an action potential is called the cell's excitability. The strength of the graded potential that initiates an action potential has no influence on the amplitude of the action potential. Action potentials are sometimes called all-or none phenomena b/c they either occur as a maximal depolarization (if the stimulus reaches threshold) or do not occur at all (if the stimulus is below threshold). An action potential measured at the distal end of an axon is identical to the action potential that started at the trigger zone. This property us essential for the transmission of signals over long distances, such as from a fingertip to the spinal cord. 2 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Describe the functional characteristics of the voltage-gated sodium ion channels responsible for producing the depolarisation phase of the action potential. Describe in your own words the changes that occur in membrane permeability during the rising phase of the action potential. Describe the characteristic channel-gating properties of the voltage-gated sodium and voltage-gated potassium channels that together give rise to the successive changes in membrane potential during the action potential. Consider: ion permeability, kinetic (speed) of channel opening and channel inactivation associated with each of these channel types. The Action Potential Recording the changes in membrane potential as excitatory signally comes through the cell and triggers an action potential: (in the cytoplasm of the axon) Resting membrane potential Triggering then happens where the excitatory synapses become particularly active Membrane potential rises Reach threshold value then result in 'all or none ' action potential *All or none action potential. Involves the rapid rise (exponential rise) in membrane potential reaching a peak value where it stops rising (never quite reaches the nerve potential for sodium), repolarises back, even hyperpolarises below the resting level, and finally returns back to the resting potential. Action potential sequence: triggering event rapid depolarisation rapid repolarisation hyperpolarisation return back to the resting level 3 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Action Potentials Represent Movement of Na+ and K+ across the Membrane Action potentials occur when voltage-gated ion channels open, altering membrane permeability to Na+ and K+. The graph shows the voltage and ion permeability changes that take place in one section of membrane during an action potential. The graph can be divided into 3 phases: 1. The rising phase of the action potential, 2. The falling phase and 3. The after-hyperpolarisation phase Before and after the action potential, at (1) and (9), the neuron is at its resting membrane potential of -70mV. The rising phase of the action potential. Is due to a sudden temporary increase in the cell's permeability to Na+ An action potential begins when a graded potential reaching the trigger zone (2) depolarizes the membrane to threshold (-55mV) (3). As the cell depolarises, the voltage gated Na+ channels open making the membrane much more permeable to Na+. B/c Na+ is more concentrated outside the cell and b/c the negative membrane potential inside the cell attracts these positively ions, Na+ flows into the cell The addition of positive charge to the intracellular fluid depolarizes the cell membrane, making it progressively more positive (shown by the steep rising phase on the graph (4)). In the top 3rd of the rising phase, the membrane potential has reversed polarity; i.e. the inside of the cell has become more positive than the outside. This reversal is represented on the graph by the overshoot, that portion of the action potential above 0mV. As soon as the cell membrane potential becomes positive, the electrical driving force moving Na+ into the cell disappears. However, the Na+ concentration gradient remains, so Na+ continues to move into the cell. As long as Na+ permeability remains high, the membrane potential moves toward the Na+ equilibrium potential (ENa) of +60mV. However, before the ENa is reached, the Na+ channels in the axon close. Sodium permeability decreases dramatically, the action potential peaks at +30mV (5) *ENa = is the membrane potential at which the movement of Na+ into the cell down its concentration gradient is exactly opposed by the positive membrane potential The falling phase of the action potential ...corresponds to an increase in K+ permeability Voltage-gated K+ channels, like Na+ channels, start to open in response to depolarisation. The K+ channel gates are much slower to open, however, the peak K+ permeability occurs later than peak Na+ permeability (see ion permeability graph). By the time the K+ channels are open, the membrane potential of the cell has reached +30mV b/c of the Na+ influx through faster-opening Na+ channels When the Na+ channels close at the peak of the action potential, the K+ channels have just finished opening, making the membrane very permeable to K+. At a positive membrane potential, the concentration and electrical gradients for K+ favor movement of K+ out of the cell. As K+ moves out of the cell, the membrane potential rapidly becomes more negative, creating the falling phase of the action potential (6) and sending the cell toward its resting potential When the falling membrane potential reaches -70mV the voltage-gated K+ channels have not yet closed. Potassium continues to leave the cell through both voltage-gated and K+ leak channels, the membrane hyperpolarises, approaching the EK of -90mV. This after hyperpolarisation (7) is also called the undershoot. Once the slow voltage-gated K+ channels finally close, some of the outward K+ leak stops (8). Retention of K+ and Na+ leak inward bring the membrane potential back to 70mV (9), the value that reflects the cell's resting permeability to K+, Cl- and Na+ In summary... The action potential is a change in membrane potential that occurs when voltage-gated ion channels the membrane open, increasing the cell's permeability first to Na+ and then to K+. The 4 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation influx (movement into the cell) of Na+ depolarizes the cell. This depolarisation is followed by K+ efflux (movement out of the cell), which restores the cell to the resting membrane potential Voltage- gated sodium channels Closed when the membrane is polarised Begin to open as the membrane depolarises Selectively permeable just Na+ Begin to inactivate as the membrane depolarises Inactivation shuts off the Na+ current flow 'voltage gates' and ' activation gates' Voltage gated potassium channels Mostly closed when the membrane is polarised Begin to open as the membrane depolarises Do not inactivate Fraction of channels open increases proportionately w/ depolarisation Voltage-gated channels are closed most of the time but has a gate so that the pore of the channel can open or close Voltage channels are closed at resting membrane potential (at -60mV) Membrane permeability depends on the membrane leakage channels As the membrane becomes depolarised Rapid increase of membrane permeability to Na changing the normal balance; Resting membrane is 20x more permeable to K than to Na Membrane becomes much more permeable consequently (driving forces: inward chemical driving force & inward electrical driving force) Na diffuses in at a faster rate since there are more ion channels permeable to Na+ The rate of movement of Na+ is measured as a current 5 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Model of the voltage-gated Na+ channel Na+ Channels in the axons have 2 gates 6 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Voltage gated Na channels have 2 gates to regulate ion movement rather than a single gate The 2 gates known as: 1. Activation 2. Inactivation Flip-flop back and forth to open and shit the Na channel When a neuron is at its resting membrane potential, the activation gate of the Na channel is closed and no Na moves through the channel (a) The activation gate, apparently an amino acid sequence resembling a ball and chain on the cytoplasmic side of the channel is open. When the cell membrane near the channel depolarises, the activation gate swings open (b) This opens the channel pore and allows Na to move into the cell down its electrochemical gradient (c) The addition of positive charge further depolarises the inside of the cell and starts a positive feedback loop. More Na channels open, and more Na enters, further depolarising the cell. As long as the cell remains depolarised, activation gates in Na channels remain open As happens in all positive feedback loops, outside intervention is needed to stop the escalating depolarisation of the cell. This outside intervention is the role of the inactivation gates in the Na channels. Both activation &inactivation gates move in response to depolarisation, but the activation gate delays its movement by 0.5msec. During that delay the Na+ channel open, allowing enough Na+ influx to create the rising phase of the action potential. When the slower inactivation gate finally closes (d), Na+ influx stops and the action potential peaks. While the neuron repolarises during K+ efflux, the Na+ channel gates reset to their original positions so they can respond to the next depolarisation (e). Thus, voltage gated Na+ channels use a 2-step process for opening and closing rather than a single gate that swings back and forth. This important property allows electrical signals along the axon to be conducted in only one direction. What are the relationships among membrane potential, channel gating and transmembrane currents during the Hodgkin Cycle? Hodgkin Cycle Stimulus depolaristion opens a small fraction of voltage gated Na+ channels Increase in inward current through these Na+ channels further depolarises the membrane As membrane depolarises more, a greater fraction of the Na+ channels open leading to more depolarisation etc. Voltage-gated Na+ channels can exist in multiple states The Hodgkin cycle represents a positive feedback loop in which an initial membrane depolarization leads to uncontrolled deflection of the membrane potential to near VNa. The initial depolarization must reach or surpass threshold in order to activate voltage-gated Na+ channels. Opening of Na+ channels allows Na+ inflow which, in turn, further depolarizes the membrane. Additional depolarization activates additional Na+ channels. This cycle leads to a very rapid rise in Na+ conductance (gNa), which moves the membrane potential close to VNa. Ion movement during an action potential The entry of Na+ into the cell creates a positive feedback loop that stops when the Na+ channel inactivation gates close 7 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation What are the key differences in inactivation properties of the voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels? Explain how these relate the structure of the channels and to the absolute refractory period of nerves. The double gating of Na+ channels plays a major role in the phenomenon known as the refractory period The 'stubbornness'of the neuron refers to the fact that once an action potential has begin, a second action potential cannot be triggered for about 2 msec, no matter how large the stimulus. This period is called the absolute refractory period and represents the time required for the Na+ channel gates to reset to their resting positions. The absolute refractory period ensures that a second action potential will not occur before the first has finished. Action potentials cannot overlap and cannot travel backward because of their refractory periods. A relative refractory period follows the absolute refractory period. During the relative refractory period, a stronger-than-normal depolarising graded potential is needed to bring the cell up threshold, the action potential will be smaller than normal. During this time, many but not all Na+ channel gates have reset to their original positions and a threshold-level depolarisation will open them. Those Na+ channels that have not quite returned to their resting position can be opened by a higher-than-normal graded potential. During the relative refractory period, K+ channels are still open. Although Na+ can enter through newly reopened Na+ channels, depolarisation due to Na+ entry will be offset by K+ loss. As a result, any action potentials that fire will have a smaller amplitude than normal The refractory period is a key characteristic that distinguishes action potentials from graded potentials. If 2 stimuli reach the dendrites of a neuron within a short time, the successive graded potentials created by those stimuli can be added to one another. If, however, 2 suprathreshold graded potentials reach the action potential trigger zone within the absolute refractory period, the 2nd graded potential will be ignored b/c the Na+ channels are inactivated and are incapable of being opened again so soon. Refractory periods limit the rate at which signals can be transmitted down a neuron. The absolute refractory period also ensures one-way travel of an action potential from cell body to axon terminal by preventing the action potential from travelling backward 8 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Refractory Periods During the refractory period, no stimulus can trigger another action potential. During the relative refractory period, only a larger-than-normal stimulus can initiate a new action potential. A single channel shown during a phase means that the majority of channels are in this state. Where more than one channel of a particular type is shown, the population is split between the states. 9 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Describe the characteristic arrangement of the soma, axon, dendrites and axon terminal of a somatic motor neuron and explain the roles that these structures play in the function of the neuron. Axon. is the elongated fiber that extends from the cell body to the terminal endings and transmits the neural signal. The larger the axon, the faster it transmits information. Some axons are covered with a fatty substance called myelin that acts as an insulator. These myelinated axons transmit information much faster than other neurons. Characteristics: Most neurons have only one axon. Transmit information away from the cell body. May or may not have a myelin covering. Soma. Aka. Cell body is where the signals from the dendrites are joined and passed on. The soma and the nucleus do not play an active role in the transmission of the neural signal. Instead, these two structures serve to maintain the cell and keep the neuron functional. The support structures of the cell include mitochondria, which provide energy for the cell, and the Golgi apparatus, which packages products created by the cell and secretes them outside the cell wall. Dendrites. are treelike extensions at the beginning of a neuron that help increase the surface area of the cell body and are covered with synapses. These tiny protrusions receive information from other neurons and transmit electrical stimulation to the soma. Characteristics: Most neurons have many dendrites. Short and highly branched. Transmits information to the cell body. Axon terminal of a somatic motor neuron. Motor neuron: a nerve cell in the spinal cord, rhombencephalon, or mesencephalon characterized by having an axon that leaves the central nervous system to establish a functional connection with an effector (muscle or glandular) tissue somatic motor neuron directly synapse with striated muscle fibers by motor endplates Neurons. are the basic building blocks of the nervous system. These specialized cells are the information-processing units of the brain responsible for receiving and transmitting information. Each part of the neuron plays a role in the communication of information throughout the body. Axon Hillock. is located and the end of the soma and controls the firing of the neuron. If the total strength of the signal exceeds the threshold limit of the axon hillock, the structure will fire a signal down the axon 10 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Describe the differences between non-gated, ligand-gated and voltage-gated ion channels. Non-gated channels. open channels, spend most of the time with their gate open, allowing ions to move back and forth across the membrane without regulation these gates may occasionally flicker closed, but for most part behave as if they have no gates Ligand-gated channels. Aka. ionotropic receptors, this group of channels open in response to specific ligand molecules binding to the extracellular domain of the receptor protein. Ligand binding causes a conformational change in the structure of the channel protein that ultimately leads to the opening of the channel gate and subsequent ion flux across the plasma membrane. Examples of such channels include the cation-permeable "nicotinic" Acetylcholine receptor, ionotropic glutamate-gated receptors and ATP-gated P2X receptors, and the anion-permeable γaminobutyric acid-gated GABAA receptor. Gated channels: - Spend most time in closed state, allows channels to regulate the movement of ions through them - When a gated channel opens, ions move through the channel just as they move through open channels. - When a gated channel is closed, it allows no ion movement b/w the intracellular and extracellular fluid Voltage-gated ion channels are a class of transmembrane ion channels that are activated by changes in electrical potential difference near the channel; these types of ion channels are especially critical in neurons, but are common in many types of cells. They have a crucial role in excitable neuronal and muscle tissues, allowing a rapid and co-ordinated depolarisation in response to triggering voltage change. Found along the axon and at the synapse, voltage-gated ion channels directionally propagate electrical signals. What is meant by depolarised? Hyperpolarised? Threshold? 11 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Depolarised. A decrease in the potential difference across the cell membrane of a neuron. Most neurons depolarize in response to stimulation. Hyperpolarised. An increase in the potential difference across the cell membrane of a neuron. The interior become more negative or more positive--the charge is moving away from zero in one direction or the other. This occurs after action potential. Threshold. Considering the role of ion-leakage channels, explain why the resting membrane potential for most neurons is in the negative range of about -50mV to -80mV. Why isn't it positive? Why might electrophysiologists find differences among neurons in their resting membrane potentials? When a neuron is at rest, the plasma membrane is far more permeable to K+ ions than to other ions present, such as Na+ and Cl-. The electrochemical equilibrium that results from the distribution of these ion species across the membrane, together with the relative permeabilities of each ion, is responsible for the -60mV charge that can be measured across the membrane. i.e. the resting membrane potential. Many of the body's solutes, including organic compounds such as pyruvate and lactate, are ions and therefore carry a next electrical charge. K+ is the major cation within cells, and Na+ dominates the extracellular fluid. Cl- ions mostly remain with Na+ in the extracellular fluid, whereas phosphate ions and negatively charged proteins are the major anions of the intracellular fluid. However, the intracellular compartment is not electrically neutral: there are high concentration of large, negatively charged proteins/ anions that do not have matching cations giving the cell a negative charge 12 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Outline the influence of the Na+/K+ ATPase (Na+/K+ pump) on the resting membrane potential. Does it repolarise the membrane after each action potential? Explain its true neurophysiological role in relation to neuronal signalling. Na+/K+-ATPase helps maintain resting potential, avail transport and regulate cellular volume The pump uses energy from ATP to exchange Na+ that enters the cell for K+ that leaked out of it (this exchange does not need to happen before the next action potential fires, however, b/c the ion concentration gradient was not significantly altered by one action potential) A neuron without a functional Na+/K+pump may fire a thousand or more action potentials before a significant change in the ion gradients occurs In the figure are two triangles that indicate concentration gradients of Na+ and K+ across the membrane. The Na+-K+ ATPase will transport Na+ ions against its concentration gradient and K+ ions against its concentration gradient. 1. 3 Na+ ions bind to the ATPase under conditons of low Na+ concentrations because ATP andthe transport protein has a high affinity for Na+. This means the protein will bind Na+ ions even when the Na+ concentration is low Mg++ bind to the protein . These are exergonic reactions 2. The transport protein cleaves ATP into ADP and Phosphate ion.The phosphate ion becomes covalently bonded to the protein.The phosphorylation of the protein causes it to become energetically unstable and the protein changes conformation.The shift in conformation of the protein in some manner causes the Na+ to travel across the protein and they are released from the protein on the other side of the membrane because the protein now has a low affinity for Na+ .These are exergonic processes 3. K+ ions bind to the protein even it there is a low K+ concentration because in this conformation the protein has a high affinity for K+ ions.The covalently bound phosphate group is cleaved from the protein which causes the protein to undergo another conformational shift 4. This conformational shift causes the K+ to be in some manner transported across the protein and released on the other side of the membrane. The K+ ion is released because now the protein has a low affinity for K+ ions. The protein is restored to the ordinal conformation of the protein and the process starts again . 13 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Motor neurons receive converging signals from interneurons, afferents and descending upper motor neurons. What do we mean by this? Describe the way in which the activity received by these converging inputs can activate the motor neuron. Motoneuron firing is the result of summed actions of many excitatory synaptic inputs Motoneurons are contacted by the terminals of many interneurons, afferent fibres and descending pre-motor axons Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials (EPSPs) are the brief depolarizations produced by inward Na+ currents at these synapses Action potentials are generated when many such excitatory synapses are active at the same time to produce sufficiently large EPSPs. 14 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation The abundance of synapses on a postsynaptic neuron. The cell body and dendrites of a somatic motor neuron are nearly covered by hundreds of axon terminals from other neurons. Continuous Propagation The action potential normally starts at the axon hillock where the density of voltage-gated Na+ channels is high In non-myelinated nerves the action potential propagates continuously along the axons by sequentially activating populations of Na+ channels in adjoining segments of axon 15 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Conduction of action potentials - - - The stimulus is a graded potential above threshold that enters the trigger zone (1) The depolarisation opens voltage-gated Na+ channels, Na+ enters the axon, the initial segment of axon depolarizes (2) Positive charge from the depolarised trigger zone spreads to adjacent sections of membrane (3), repelled by the Na+ that entered the cytoplasm and attracted by the negative charge of the resting membrane potential The flow of local current toward the axon terminal begins conduction of the action potential. When the membrane distal to the trigger zone depolarises, its Na+ channels open, allowing Na+ into the cell (4). This starts the positive feedback loop: depolarisation opens Na+ channels, Na+ enters, causing more depolarisation and opening more Na+ channels in the adjacent membrane. The continuous entry of Na+ down the axon toward the axon terminal means that the strength of the signal does not diminish as the action potential propagates itself. As each segment of axon reaches the peak of the action potential, its Na+ channels inactivate. During the action potential's falling phase, K+ channels are open, allowing K+ to leave the cytoplasm. Finally, the K+ channels close and the membrane in that segment of axon returns to its resting potential. 16 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation - Although positive charge from a depolarised segment of membrane may flow backward toward the cell body (5), depolarisation in that direction has no effect. The section of axon proximal to the active region is in the absolute refractory period, with its Na+ channels inactivated; therefore, the action potential does not move backwards. 17 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Saltatory propagation in myelinated fibres Adaptation to permit faster propagation Myelin internodes formed by oligodendrocytes wrapped around internode regions of axons (~0.2mm long) Inward current during the rising phase of the action potential creates “local circuits” Local circuits depolarise neigbouring “Node of Ranvier” stimulating regeneration of the action potential 18 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation Myelination changes the passi ve el ectrical properties of the axon membrane, thus increasing the spread of the depolarising inward curr ent, and reducing delays. Small portions of the axon membrane (Node s of Ranvi er generate the depolarising inward current (Hodgkin Cy cle ). Whether generated artifi cially by a stimulator as shown, or naturall y by the Hodgkin Cycle , the incr eased membrane resistance due to the thi ck , insulating myelin sheath means that the brief depolarising inward current can spread much further along the axon. The reduc ed t endency to store charge ( capacitance) within the my elinated internode region means that the brief depolarisation moves mor e qui ckly from one Node of Ranvi er to the next . In saltatory propagation Voltage-gated Na+ channels are concentrated at the axon hillock and Nodes of Ranvier The Hodgkin Cycle is triggered at one Node after another. This amplifies the signal. The signal travels passively as an electrical current between Nodes. The thick myelin insulation of the Internode allows the local circuit current to spread much further and faster than in un-myelinated fibres Loss or myelin sheath (demyelination) Increases permeability of membrane to ions in the demyelinated internode regions Reduced membrane electrical resistance leads to loss of amplitude of signal Increased membrane capacitance in the denervated internode regions Inevitable slowing of action potential propagation through regions with high membrane capacitance. 19 |Action Potential Generation and Propagation