SPECIALIST DISABILITY SERVICE REFERRAL FORM Oxford Centre for Enablement, Windmill Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7HE T: 01865 227 447 | F: 01865 227 294 | specialist.disabilityservice@nhs.net PATIENT DETAILS Full name: Title: Address: Telephone no: Mobile no: Postcode: NHS no: Email: Date of birth: Diagnoses: Height: Weight: Other relevant medical details (e.g. planned surgery, tissue status): REFERRAL DETAILS Please select the area(s) of the service for which a referral is being made*: Wheelchair seating: Static seating: Bespoke toilet seat / shower chair: Bed positioning: Mobile arm support: Pressure mapping: Other (please specify): Computer access: Environmental control: AAC (also complete communication aid referral form)**: Complex wheelchair controls: Integrated electronic assistive technology: Parent with a disability: Detailed reason for referral, including aims of intervention (please provide sufficient information to allow appropriate prioritisation): Other relevant information: * Please note that a funding source for equipment may need to be identified. ** Referrals only accepted from a Speech and Language Therapist, unless prior agreement exists. Please continue overleaf Details of home/day care arrangements: Level of mobility (include type of equipment used) Indoors: Outdoors: Method of transfer (include type of equipment used): Outline dependency (in terms of activities of daily living): Ability to communicate: Indicate means of transport to appointment: If a home visit is required, please provide: Own/home vehicle Ambulance a) A brief rationale b) Access details GP (name and initial)*: Telephone no: Address: Postcode: * Essential information to identify CCG before referral is processed Other professionals involved (as applicable): Name and profession Telephone no. Email Involvement REFERRER DETAILS Referred by: Job title: Address: Tel no: Mobile no: Postcode: Email: You should receive correspondence confirming receipt of this referral within two weeks of submission. If this is not the case please contact the administrator using the details at the top of this form. We will keep your email address on file and may send you information about the service from time to time. If you would rather not receive such emails, please tick the box: Signed: Date of referral: Where did you hear about SDS? Previously referred / internet / word of mouth / mail shot Document name SDS referral form Issue Date/Author 05/2014 DL Reviewed 02/2015 NR Version 1.1