GHD Report - Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Department of Environment and Primary
Wonnangatta Grazing and Burning Research Trial
Camp Protocol
February 2016
Table of contents
Camp management protocol .......................................................................................................... 3
General ................................................................................................................................ 3
Specific Commonwealth requirements ................................................................................ 4
Document review ................................................................................................................. 6
Appendix A – Research Area
Appendix B – Approved Stock Access Route
Camp management protocol
The following protocol relates to the transport route and the research trial area. It is
sourced from Parks Victoria recommendations, the project Environmental Management
Plan requirements and specific conditions set by the Commonwealth for the research
Research trial design, delivery and audit activities
In accordance with the Environmental Management Plan (EMP), all personnel undertaking onsite work activities as part of the design, delivery and/or audit of the research trial:
Must have a general environmental duty of care.
Must not carry out any activity that causes, or is likely to cause, environmental harm
unless the person takes all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent or minimise
the harm.
If while performing their work, notice that environmental harm is being caused or
threatened by their actions or the actions of someone else, they are to report the matter
as soon as practicable to their supervisor or the DEPI Project Director.
Are required to comply with the requirements of the EMP at all times. DEPI staff and
contractors will receive induction pertaining to their requirements under the EMP.
Campfire guidelines
Light fires only in the fireplaces provided or use a portable gas or fuel stove – portable
stoves for cooking are preferred.
Ensure the area around a campfire is cleared of all flammable material for a distance of at
least three metres.
Fires should be kept small, never left unattended and put out with cold water before
During summer and autumn Total Fire Bans can be declared; this means no fires are to
be lit including portable cooking appliances. The study area is in the North-East fire
weather district.
Camp management
Take all rubbish home – rubbish must not be burnt or left at the site.
Dogs and other pets other than those specified in the Trial Conditions below are not
Firearms are only permitted in the park in accordance with Hunting Regulations.
Campsites should be located on dry, well drained sites at least 20 metres from a
Where toilets are not provided, all toilet waste must be buried at least 15 cm deep and at
least 100 metres from watercourses or camp sites.
Wash up (domestic and personal) away from watercourses to protect the stream
environment. Dispose of all soap and detergent at least 50 metres from waterways.
Vehicles must be fully registered and drivers licensed, and should aim to keep within
existing tracks and access routes.
Prepare your own safety and emergency plan, with persons on site and at home.
Specific Commonwealth requirements
Stock movement
For Year 1 of the research trial, no more than 60 adult equivalent cattle are to be
introduced into the research trial area.
Non-indigenous fauna, such as domestic livestock and dogs, associated with the
research trial do not enter designated Wilderness Zones and do not come within 1
kilometre of designated Research Areas – see attached map at Appendix A.
For Year 1 the approved stock movement access route is Brocks Road, King Billy Track,
Howitt Road and the Dry River Track – see attached map at Appendix B.
For Years 2 and 3 of the research trial, in addition to mobilising cattle via Brocks Road
cattle will also be mobilised from Talbotville and Heyfield:
Cattle from Talbotville will be walked up to the Pioneer Racecourse, then over the
Cynthia Range and down into the Wonnangatta valley; and
Cattle from Heyfield will be transported by truck to Snowy Plain, then walked in via
Howitt Plains Road to the Howitt Hut area, and then down into the Wonnangatta valley
via the Dry River/Bridle Track route.
During stock movement all endeavours must be taken to restrict domestic livestock to
tracks and roads and to prevent the domestic livestock straying off tracks and roads. The
person taking the action must ensure stringing out procedures are used and that
domestic livestock do not stray more than 7 metres from the centre line of the track
and/or road - particular attention must be paid to any open alpine and sub-alpine
vegetation on the Howitt Plain and Snowy Plains, and domestic livestock must not access
Dry River.
Domestic livestock excrement must be removed within 7 metres from the centre line of
any walking track and bridle trail within 24 hours of the entry of domestic livestock to the
Australian Alps National Parks and Reserves National Heritage place or where the
domestic livestock have exited the Australian Alps National Parks and Reserves National
Heritage place, within 24 hours of the exit of the domestic livestock from the Australian
Alps National Parks and Reserves National Heritage place and disposed of outside the
Australian Alps National Parks and Reserves National Heritage place.
Transport of domestic livestock is completed within 3 calendar days and overnight camps
are restricted to the identified sites on the four wheel drive track at the Junction of Hellfire
Creek and Macalister River; and the horse paddock at Howitt Hut.
No feed for domestic livestock is to be brought into the Australian Alps National Parks
and Reserves National Heritage place.
Stock supervision
At least two persons with relevant experience, expertise and resources to manage the
domestic livestock are present at all times to monitor domestic livestock moved along the
transport route and within the grazing trial site for the duration of the grazing season.
No more than four dogs are introduced to the Australian Alps National Parks and
Reserves National Heritage place as part of the research trial and that:
These dogs are licensed by the relevant authority, including, but not limited to, each
dog having an unique identification number;
All but one of these dogs will be removed from the Australian Alps National Parks and
Reserves National Heritage place within 24 hours of the domestic livestock arriving at
the research trial area; and
These dogs will be confined or tethered by a chain when not being used for managing
domestic livestock.
No more than 15 horses are to be used to move cattle to and from the grazing trial site
and remain in the research trial and grazing trial site at any one time.
When not in use horses are penned using temporary electric fencing.
Items to limit stock movement outside approved areas
Livestock are supervised for the duration of the grazing season to ensure that all
domestic livestock remain within the grazing trial site, or on the transport route, and in the
event that any domestic livestock stray from the grazing trial site, or from the transport
route, they are immediately detected and returned to the grazing trial site or the transport
route. The person taking the action must also ensure, in respect of the research trial area,
including grazing trial site:
Temporary electric fencing is checked daily and maintained as required to ensure it
remains operational;
A head count of the domestic livestock is undertaken daily;
If 5 or less adult equivalent cattle breach the containment, or are unaccounted for
following the head count, then a search is conducted for a minimum of 3 calendar
If 6 or more adult equivalent cattle breach the containment, or are unaccounted for
following the head count, the Department must be notified immediately, and a search
is conducted for a minimum of 3 calendar days; and
Any stock unaccounted for and subsequently detected outside the trial period must be
removed from the park.
Stock access to Wonnangatta River
Domestic livestock access to the Wonnangatta River is permitted within the grazing trial
site providing:
Stock are introduced at no more than 3 preferred designated river access points
(locations GPS recorded and provided within 7 days of trial start);
Livestock are monitored to ensure they return to the above locations to drink; and
Livestock are moved on so that they do not loiter at the river.
Document review
The camp management protocol must be in place before the commencement of the
research trial in any given year.
The protocol must be reviewed annually and updated if required.
The protocol must be provided to the Department within 10 business days after the
commencement of the research trial in any given year.
The protocol must be on the Department’s website within a month of commencement of
the research trial for the duration of the research trial.
Appendix A – Research Area
Figure 1 Research trial area
Appendix B – Approved Stock Access Route
Figure 2 Approved Stock Access Route
Camp Protocol Document Control
Document Title
Camp Protocol
Version 1.0
13 March 2014