MIS 483: Networks and Data Communications FALL 2015 Class Hours: W 4:00-6:40 pm, Classroom: SSW2532 Instructor: Skip Austin Network Systems Analyst Office: EBA-006G, Phone: 619-594-4211, email austin@mail.sdsu.edu Office Hours: by appointment GENERAL BSBA GOALS & LEARNING OUTCOMES BSBA students will graduate being: Effective Communicators Critical Thinkers Able to Analyze Ethical Problems Global in their perspective Knowledgeable about the essentials of business This class contributes to these goals through following student learning outcomes: Comprehend and explain general networking terminologies. Understand software and hardware elements necessary to implement a network. Explain internetworking, transmission media, and network protocols. Discuss and compare major network standards for LAN and WAN and their technical differences. Develop preliminary competence to design, analyze, and implement small-scale networks. Articulate general approaches available to implement security measures on a computer network. Discuss standard architectures, layers, and key protocols of each layer. Explain the Internet architecture. COURSE DESIGN To effectively realize the learning outcomes, this course relies on various pedagogical approaches: reading assignments and quizzes, classroom lectures and discussions, and hands-on assignments. The reading assignment is an important self-learning tool and the classroom lecture is designed to supplement the reading assignment by clarifying and elaborating challenging concepts. This is an introduction course on networking and therefore during the lecture I will be assuming that students do not have much background in networking. Those with significant experience in computer networking are encouraged to consult the instructor for possible course substitution. 1 REQUIRED TEXTBOOK Required: “A Practical Introduction to Computer Networking and Cybersecurity” by Bongsik Shin, Montezuma Publishing. References: There are useful Internet sources that can help growing knowledge base. They can be especially beneficial when the textbook lacks explanation. YouTube http://www.youtube.com Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Techencyclopedia http://www.techweb.com/encyclopedia/ Whatis.com http://whatis.techtarget.com/ Howstuffworks.com http://www.howstuffworks.com/ Webopedia http://www.webopedia.com/ Protocols.com http://www.protocols.com/ GENERAL CLASS POLICY Although not a part of course grading, attendance is important to earn a high grade. Computer networking is a difficult subject and students should make much effort to meet the challenges. Course information including the syllabus, hands-on assignments, and exam/quiz scores will be updated on Blackboard. Students are required to check Blackboard on a regular basis to be informed of updates, especially test and assignment scores. All students should turn off their cell phones and laptop computers during the class. Anyone using a laptop or a cell phone during the class without the instructor’s permission will be asked to leave the class. Please be punctual. Being late is a disrespectful behavior to the instructor and classmates. Students caught giving or receiving assistance to/from another student(s) during an exam will be asked to leave and will receive an F for the course, PERIOD. Every case will be reported to the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities for a possible disciplinary action. Visit http://www.sa.sdsu.edu/srr/index.html for more information on academic dishonesty. As for individual assignments, students can work together to resolve challenging issues. However, collaboration must not extend to the preparation of the report. Similarity in writing will be regarded as an evidence of excessive collaboration and be dealt with according to the University rules of academic dishonesty. Copying somebody else’s work is never acceptable. If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. 2 To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. TESTING AND GRADING Tests There are three exams. All exams must be taken at their scheduled time and at the course venue. No early or late examinations unless a student experiences an emergency situation. Test questions are based on the assigned textbook chapters and lectures. Exams are not cumulative. Test questions will be multiple-choices and students are required to bring a Scantron (Form 882-E). Each test is 100 points. Warning: Test questions are NOT easy. You should invest enough time and effort to thoroughly review covered chapters to receive good scores. Based on the past experience, the class average is around 65. Individual extra-credit opportunities will NOT be provided. Hands-on Assignments Multiple hands-on assignments are planned throughout the semester and some will rely on a networking simulation program, which will be posted on Blackboard for downloading. Students should start working on each assignment early rather than waiting until the last moment because there will be unexpected problems. Sending a frantic SOS email seeking help at the last moment is not appreciated. Late submission of an assignment costs 50% penalty per day. All assignments that need a written report should be submitted at the beginning of a class. All written reports should be done with professional quality Unstapled reports are not accepted. Reading Assignment & Quiz At the beginning of a class, there will be a quiz to decide class preparedness (see the class schedule below). There are numerous technical concepts in the networking field, but simply not enough time to cover them all in the class. To make up the gap, students should read assigned sections in advance and digest them to prepare for class discussions. In preparing for the quiz: The assigned portion of the textbook should be read meticulously. Reading it once will NOT be enough to grasp the content. 3 Each quiz has 3-5 multiple-choice questions. Quiz scores will be continuously updated on Blackboard and you are responsible to report any discrepancies immediately. Quiz questions are designed to assess a student’s readiness to participate in the class. Students should bring a Scantron (Form No 815-E) to the class. Final Grading There will be no official letter grading for mid-term tests. The letter grade will be decided only once after the final exam, based on the combined scores of tests, assignments, and quizzes. That means every scoring opportunity is equally important! The posting of final grades on the university system will be notified via email. Appeal for grading should be done within a week of the posted date. The final grade will be based on three in-class exams, quizzes, and hands-on assignments. Their weights are shown below (assignment scores are approximation). The weights slightly vary depending on the number of hands-on assignments and quizzes. Sources Midterm #1 Midterm #2 Final test Quizzes Hands-on assignments Total Scores 100 100 100 50+ 100+ 450+ points points points points points CLASS SCHEDULE/READING ASSIGNMENTS The weekly progress may vary and certain topics may be started before or after the scheduled date. The date of each quiz/reading assignment can be changed accordingly. All scheduled tests, however, are held on the date specified. Week Reading Assignments Sections excluded from reading/exam 8/26 Introduction to the course Demonstration: Packet Tracer 9/2 Chapter 1: Fundamental Elements 9/9 Chapter 2: Architectures and Standards 2.6.2 Perform Supervisory Functions 9/16 Chapter 3: Intermediary Devices 9/23 Chapter 4: Elements of Data Transmission 9/30 10/7 Midterm test 1 Chapter 5: IP Address 5.4 Classful IP – Legacy 5.8.1 Subnet Mask (Challenge part) 5.9 Supernetting 4 10/14 Chapter 6: Packet Routing 10/21 Chapter 7: Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) 10/28 Chapter 8: Wireless LAN 11/4 Midterm test 2 11/11 Veterans Day Holiday – No Class 11/18 Chapter 9: Wide Area Network 11/25 Chapter 10: The Internet 12/2 Chapter 11: Network Security 12/9 Chapter 12: Network Security 7.11.2 Sub-interfaces 8.8 WiFi Mesh Network 9.11 ATM 9.12 Metro-Ethernet 10.6 Server Virtualization 12/16 Final Exam (16:00 – 18:00) 5