RECOMMENDED READING mixed/multi – method research


RECOMMENDED READING mixed/multi – method research

Appleton JV & King L. Journeying from the philosophical contemplation of constructivism to the

methodological pragmatics of health services research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2002, 40:641-648

Barbour R The case for combining qualitative and quantitative approaches in health services research.

Health Services Research & Policy, 1999, 4(1):39-43

Creswell JW, Plano-Clark V. (2007) Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Sage: Thousand

Oaks, CA

Harrtis GS. More Than Method? A discussion of paradigm differences within mixed methods research.

Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 2011 XX(X) 1–17

Howe, K. Mixed methods, mixed causes? Qualitative Inquiry, 2010, 17(2):166-171

Johnson RB & Onwiegbuzie AJ. Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come.

Educational Researcher, 2004, 33(7): 14–26

Johnson RB & Onwiegbuzie AJ. Towards a definition of mixed methods research. Journal of mixed

methods research, 2007, 1(2): 112 – 133

Mason J. Mixing methods in a qualitatively driven way. Qualitative Research, 2006, 6(1): 9-25

Mason J Six strategies for mixing methods and linking data in social science research

McEvoy P & Richards D. A critical realist rationale for using a combination of quantitative and

qualitative methods. Journal of Research in Nursing, 2006, 11:66-78.

Moffatt S, White M, Mackintosh J & Howel D. Using quantitative and qualitative data in health services

research—what happens when mixed method findings conflict? BMC Health Services Research, 2006


O'Cathain A, Murphy E, Nicholl J. Why, and how, mixed methods research is undertaken in health

services research: a mixed methods study. BMC Health Services Research 2007, 7:85

O’Cathain A, Murphy E, Nicholl J. Multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary or dysfunctional? Team working in

mixed methods research. Qualitative Health Research, 2008;18:1574-85

O’Cathain, A., Murphy, E. & Nicholl, J Three techniques for integrating data in mixed methods studies.

BMJ:2010, 341

Onwuegbuzie AJ, Johnson RB & Collins KMT. Call for mixed analysis: a philosophical framework for

combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. International Journal of Multiple Research

Approaches, 2009, 3:114-139.

Williams SJ. Is anybody there? Critical realism, chronic illness and the disability debate, Sociology of

Health and Illness, 1999, 21:797–819.


Adamson J, Ben-Shlomo Y, Chaturvedi N, Donovan J. Exploring the impact of patient views on

‘appropriate’ use of services and help seeking: a mixed method study. British Journal of General

Practice 2009;59:496-502.

Adamson J, Gooberman-Hill R, Woolhead G, Donovan J: 'Questerviews': using questionnaires in qualitative interviews as a method of integrating qualitative and quantitative health services

research. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 2004, 9:139-145

Campbell, R., Quilty, B., & Dieppe, P. Discrepancies between patients’ assessments of outcome:

Qualitative study nested within a randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 2003, 326, 252-253
