Administrative Instruction

Ver Nov 2012
Title of Consultancy: Psychosocial Support in education consultant (Nigeria + and CAR + crisis) (P3)
Supervisor: Education Specialist in Emergencies (P4) UNICEF WCARO
Duration: 9 months spanning from 1 June 2015 to 28 Feb 2016
Location: Dakar, with frequent (60%) travel to Chad, Cameroon, NE Nigeria, Niger, CAR, DRC, Congo
Submitted by: EDUCATION (for fast-tracking)
1. Background and Context
The WCA region suffers from recurrent emergencies and massive population displacement. The Crisis in Mali
and CAR have left hundreds of thousands IDPs and Refugees in Mali Chad, Cameroun, Niger, CAR, DRC,
Congo. Additionally since 2011, the population of the North East of Nigeria States have been affected by the
insurgency between Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad, commonly known as ‘Boko Haram’, and
governmental forces. The government declared a State of Emergency (SoE) on 14 May 2013 in the three North
Eastern states of Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa. The numbers of IDPs in the 3 north eastern states affected by the
crisis (Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe) has reached 436,608 and the IOM DTM report in February 2015 shows that
the total number of IDPs has increased to 1,028,683 with around 200,000 people crossing into neighboring
Cameroon, Chad and Niger after their villages were attacked or threatened.
Boko Haram, continues to pose a threat for civilians, children and women in North-East Nigeria and since 2014,
also poses a sub-regional threat to the neighboring countries (Cameroon, Chad and Niger). JAS is considered a
perpetrator of grave violations of children’s rights by the UN Security Council and is listed in Annex II of the
Secretary General’s Report to the Security Council on CAAC in relation to Nigeria for recruiting, using, killing
and maiming children, as well as attacking schools and hospitals. The listing triggered the establishment of the
Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism on grave violations of children’s rights (MRM) in Nigeria, co-chaired by
UNICEF, and with possible interaction with the neighboring countries. In February 2015 the African Union
authorized the mobilization of a Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) drawn from Benin, Cameroon, Chad,
Niger, and Nigeria to tackle JAS in northeast Nigeria and northern Cameroon.
Increased pressure is also put on already scarce resources in host communities and host countries, where the
education sector struggles to integrate new refugee/IDP students. While UNICEF and partners respond to the
emergency to ensure that all displaced children have access to quality and relevant education opportunities, there
is evidence of attacks on education facilities. The worsening of the situation in North Nigeria and the multiple
fights and battles between armed groups and armed forces, is putting children in affected areas at high risk of
abuse, exploitation, separation and recruitment. Each country affected by the Nigeria crisis has noted particular
challenges with delivery of psychosocial support.
Education in Emergency interventions can potentially provide physical, cognitive, and psychosocial protection
to children in crisis. Across the region different contexts require specific approaches: the consequences of Boko
Haram actions on the population under 18, require an urgent action to ensure that the type of education services
offered in Boko Haram affected and other crisis hit areas is effectively ‘healing’ the children, and that referral
mechanisms are in place whereas the school cannot suffice.
The response to CAR crisis in 2014/15 included the establishment of ETAPEs (Temporary Learning spaces for
the education and protection of children). The provision of psychosocial support is a key element of this learning
space, and UNICEF WCARO is planning an evaluation of the effectiveness of ETAPEs in Q4 of 2015.
Considering the protraction of displacement in neighboring countries, and the persisting insecurity in some areas
of CAR, UNICEF continues to support Education in Emergencies (EiE) response with the provision ETAPEs in
“hot spots” where the fragile security situation does not permit schools to function. In CAR and neighboring
countries affected by the CAR crisis there is a need to improve the capacity of local teachers in concretely
integrating psychosocial support in the regular lessons.
2. Purpose and Objective
The purpose of this consultancy is 1) to support UNICEF country offices to provide capacity building to
teachers (TOT) in specific targeted operations on delivery of active education techniques in the classroom, with
the final objective of embedding psychosocial support techniques in the classroom practices. Additionally the
consultancy will 2) support WCARO in compiling develop 2 prototype manuals for teacher training (TOT) on
PSS in the classroom (pre-school and primary, for children aged 3-17) for use in the Nigeria crisis and in the
CAR crisis.
The teacher training manuals will suggest and describe key child-centered activities that promote PSS while
delivering the regular curriculum. Activities in the manual will be responding to the needs identified in
collaboration with Child Protection in the various contexts so that Education can effectively contribute to
healing a generation of crisis affected children in various emergency contexts. While providing guidance for
teachers on how to deliver the curriculum in a way that concretely promotes psychosocial support to the
children, the content of the manual shall include Disaster Risk Reduction activities, aiming at improving the
resilience of the school population vis a vis contexts of high insecurity (Nigeria +) and hygiene promotion/HIV
prevention, SGBV prevention, peace education, and social cohesion. The manuals will include 3 parts: learning
objectives, cultural appropriate activities, assessment, and training evaluation – and will target teachers and
The 2 prototype manuals will be develop based on a skeleton created for the regional use, and adapted for the 2
contexts (CAR+ and Nigeria +) based on field testing. The manuals will be tested during capacity building
events in 2015 (Q4) and 2016 (Q1) and will be published in 2016 (Q1).
3. Methodology and Technical Approach
The consultant will be based in Dakar (40%), and travel extensively (60%) to Chad, Cameroun, Niger, CAR,
DRC, Congo, and Nigeria.
During the first 2 weeks of assignment, in Dakar, the consultant will compile existing
literature and available teacher training materials on PSS to produce a skeleton teacher
training module (in English) for 5 day training, for use in the region. The consultant will
create and adapt this module to the needs and issues identified in collaboration with COs as
crucial. The consultant will also collaborate with the Regional Education Working Group to
exchange information, and obtain relevant documentation, including existing teacher training
modules available in country on the same subject.
Between mid-June and December 2015 the consultant will conduct extensive training (TOT)
targeting teachers in both contexts, with priority given to the Nigeria + crisis, and followed
by the CAR+ crisis. In each country and contexts it is expected that 2 rounds of training will
be needed (i.e. in Cameroun 2 training for teachers working in the Nigeria crisis, and 2
training for teachers working in the CAR crisis). Training outcomes in each country will feed
into future adaptation/revisions of the PSS/in the classroom 5 days teacher training module for
teachers working in the Nigeria crisis and in the CAR Crisis.
During the period 15 Dec-28 Feb, the consultant will work on the adaptation and revisions of
the initial skeleton, and develop 2 prototype manuals on PSS in the classroom for use in 1)
the Nigeria crisis and 2) in the CAR crisis.
4. Activities, Tasks, Outputs and Deliverables
Contract signed
Skeleton of PSS in the classroom (5 days) training module (adaptable to
various contexts)
Round 1 - Teacher training (TOT) delivered for the Nigeria + context: in Chad,
Extreme North Cameroun, Nigeria, Niger
Round 2- Teacher training (TOT) delivered for the CAR + context: CAR,
DRC, Congo, Cameroun, and Chad
Prototype Teacher training manual on PSS (Nigeria +)
Prototype Teacher training manual on PSS (CAR +)
Final report
1 June 1 2015
15 June 2015
15 Sept 2015
15 Dec 2015
31 Jan 2016
28 Feb 2016
28 Feb 2016
6. Management, Organization and Timeframe
The consultant will be supervised by the Education Specialist (Emergencies) in the education section of
During the in-country missions the consultant will work hand in hand with the education teams and partners,
under the joint supervision of CO Chiefs of education and WCARO EIE specialist.
After each mission the consultant will produce a training report and report on the teacher training evaluations
based on a template created by the WCARO EIE team.
A final report will be expected at the end of the consultancy.
7. ROMP Reference, Budget and Remuneration
WBS: 381R/A0/09/700/005/006
The consultant will be receive a total fee of 57,000 USD, paid in 4 installments based on the following
- Upon delivery of the Skeleton PSS in the classroom training module (20% - 11,400 USD)
- Upon delivery of 4 –8 training of trainers (TOTs) of 5 days each in 4 Nigeria + countries (30% 17,100
- Upon delivery of 4 –8 training of trainers (TOTs) of 5 days each in 5 CAR+ countries (30% 17,100
- Upon submission of 2 prototype teacher training manuals and final report (20%- - 11,400 USD)
Contract signed
Skeleton of PSS in the classroom (5 days) training module (adaptable to
various contexts)
Round 1 - Teacher training (TOT) delivered for the Nigeria + context: in Chad,
Extreme North Cameroun, Nigeria, Niger
Round 2- Teacher training (TOT) delivered for the CAR + context: CAR,
DRC, Congo, Cameroun, and Chad
Prototype Teacher training manual on PSS (Nigeria +)
Prototype Teacher training manual on PSS (CAR +)
Final report
1 June 1 2015
15 June 2015 20%
15 Sept 2015 30%
15 Dec 2015 30%
31 Jan 2016
28 Feb 2016
28 Feb 2016 20%
8. Qualifications and Specialized Knowledge/experience required
The ideal candidate for this consultancy must have extensive experience in provision of teacher training on active
education and psychosocial support in conflict/crisis affected contexts. Spoken and Written English and French
are required. Knowledge of INEE MS, including Conflict Sensitive Education. Teamwork and drive for results.
9. Work Experience:
The ideal candidate for this consultancy must have 6 year experience in psychosocial support in education
programs and teacher training delivery in crisis contexts. Experience working in Education in Emergencies and
familiarity with the WCA region preferable.
10. Conditions of Work
The consultant will operate as part of the WCARO education team based in Dakar and will spend up to 60% of
the time in 7 country offices.
WCARO will support the consultant with a translation from English to French.
The consultant will utilize his/her own laptop and telephone.
11. UNICEF recourse in case of unsatisfactory performance:
UNICEF will provide a payment against the 4 deliverables and satisfactory performance.