Master thesis The unconventional roles of autophagyrelated proteins in infections and immunity By Philip Vkovski Graduate School of Life Sciences Master Infection and Immunity Utrecht University Supervisor: Dr. Jovanka Bestebroer, Dept. Medical Microbiology, UMC Utrecht Second reviewer: Dr. Fulvio Reggiori, Dept. Cell Biology, UMC Utrecht November 2012 – January 2013 The unconventional roles of autophagy-related proteins in infections and immunity Table of contents SUMMARY 3 1 4 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The cellular autophagy pathway 4 1.2 Autophagy in immunity and microbial adaptations 8 1.3 Scope of the thesis 2 THE UNCONVENTIONAL, NON-AUTOPHAGIC ROLES OF AUTOPHAGY PROTEINS 12 13 2.1 LC3-associated phagocytosis 13 2.2 Murine norovirus replication inhibition 16 2.3 Toxoplasma gondii’s vacuole disruption 18 2.4 Assisting bone resorption by osteoclasts 19 2.5 Regulation of STING trafficking upon dsDNA stimulation 21 3 SUBVERSION OF ALTERNATIVE PATHWAYS INVOLVING AUTOPHAGY PROTEINS BY MICROORGANISMS 23 3.1 Coronaviruses 23 3.2 Chlamydia 26 3.3 Brucella 27 4 DISCUSSION 29 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 34 6 REFERENCES 35 2 The unconventional roles of autophagy-related proteins in infections and immunity Summary Autophagy is a well-known, evolutionary conserved catabolic pathway leading to the degradation of large cytoplasmic elements by the lysosome. Autophagy-related gene (Atg) protein complexes catalyze the formation of double-membrane vesicles called autophagosomes. Bulk cytosol, protein aggregates and damaged organelles but also cytoplasmic microbes such as bacteria, viruses and parasites are sequestered into doublemembrane autophagosomes and delivered to the lysosome where they are degraded. Hence, autophagy is essentially induced upon stress situations while also providing protection against intracellular pathogens, adding to the cellular innate immune arsenal. In turn, several pathogens have evolved strategies to evade the autophagy pathway or even manipulate it to sustain their intracellular life cycle. In addition to their traditional role in autophagosome formation, recent finding have attributed novel functions, which are distinct from the classical autophagy pathway, to autophagy-related protein complexes. Autophagy-independent roles of Atg proteins include the maintenance of cellular homeostasis and resistance against invading pathogens. As such, autophagy proteins have been shown to assist and enhance the degradation of dead cells, bacteria and parasites upon their macroendocytic engulfment. It was also demonstrated that a subset of Atg proteins has a direct antiviral function by inhibiting Murine norovirus’ replication complex. Moreover, bone resorption by osteoclasts, innate immune regulation upon double-stranded DNA-triggered signaling and the ER-associated degradation pathway regulation all have in common the requirement of some of the Atg proteins in an autophagosome formation-independent manner. On the other hand, microorganisms, such as coronaviruses, Chlamydia or Brucella, have evolved ways to manipulate and benefit from autophagy-independent functions of autophagy-related proteins in order to ensure the completion of their intracellular life cycle. These novel mechanisms that involve autophagy-related proteins independently from their role during canonical autophagosome formation add to the functional repertoire of Atg proteins and extend the cellular processes in which autophagy proteins are implicated. 3 Introduction 1 Introduction 1.1 The cellular autophagy pathway Autophagy, literally “self-eating”, is a catabolic pathway, highly conserved in eukaryotes from yeast to mammals, that sequesters large cytoplasmic elements into double-membrane vesicles and delivers them to the lysosome for degradation. Autophagy guarantees cellular/cytoplasmic homeostasis by disposing of long-lived proteins or protein aggregates as well as old or damaged organelles such as mitochondria, peroxisomes and parts of the ER (118). Autophagy was initially found to be induced in response to starvation (148). Nutrients are therefore supplied after non-specific cytosol autodigestion and the reuse of macromolecules resulting from this degradation. Generally, autophagy has been described as a major stress-response process induced by nutrient and growth factor deprivation, ER and oxidative stress as well as immune cell activation (74). Moreover, autophagy is implicated in various human diseases (80). There are three distinct types of autophagy: chaperone-mediated autophagy (translocation of cytoplasmic proteins across the limiting membrane of the lysosome), microautophagy (invagination of the lysosomal membrane engulfing part of the cytoplasm), and macroautophagy. Macroautophagy is a rapid membrane remodeling process leading to the sequestration of parts of the cytoplasm into so-called double-membrane autophagosomes (138). As macroautophagy is the subject discussed in this thesis, it will hereafter be referred to as autophagy. Figure 1 shows the succession of events leading to the formation of autophagosomes. Autophagosomes are generated at the phagophore assembly site (PAS), where the initial isolation membrane elongates and expands, selectively or non-selectively engulfing the cargo to be degraded. The exact origin of the autophagosomal membranes remains elusive, but evidence points to multiple possible sources, including the ER or the outer mitochondrial membranes as well as the plasma and nuclear membranes (86). Eventually, the fusion of the ends of the membranes gives rise to the characteristic double-membrane autophagosome that encloses the cargo and undergoes maturation (acquisition of lysosomal markers such as Rab7, LAMP1/2, vSNARES). The outer membrane of the autophagosome then fuses with the 4 Introduction lysosome thus generating autophagolysosomes in which the inner membrane and the contained cargo are degraded (80). Figure 1. Overview of the autophagy pathway and its regulation. The bottom diagram is a schematic representation of the events leading to the formation of autophagosomes. Upon induction of the autophagy pathway, the formation of autophagosomes is initiated at the PAS. Next, the two ends of the isolation membrane elongate and selectively or randomly engulf the cargo. After the completion of the autophagosome, it undergoes maturation and eventually fuses with lysosomes, generating the autophagolysosomal compartment where the cargo is degraded. The top right box shows the molecular cascades responsible for autophagosome formation. Activation of the ULK complex leads to its translocation to the PAS where it will recruit the other components of the core autophagy machinery. The class III PI3K complex generates PI3P, which attracts PI3P-binding proteins that mediate the formation of the isolation membrane. Elongation and enclosure are mediated by both the Atg12- and LC3-conjugation systems, which ultimately lead to the lipidation of LC3 onto the inner and outer autophagosomal membrane. The remaining panels highlight stimuli inducing (green) or suppressing (red) autophagy and several targets for cargo recognition. Reprinted from (80). 5 Introduction The discovery of the autophagy-related genes (Atg) in yeast and its mammalian homologues has allowed the molecular characterization of the autophagy process and the description of the succession of events required for the completion of autophagosomes (Figure 1, top right panel). Sixteen Atg proteins, grouped in five functional complexes, compose the core autophagy machinery (Table 1)(118, 149). Role of complex Complex ULK complex Initiation of autophagosome formation Class III PI3K complex Others ATG12 conjugation system Elongation of autophagosome LC3conjugation system Specific proteins General properties ULK1/2 ATG13 FIP200 ATG101 protein kinase, phosphorylated by mTORC1 Phosphorylated by mTORC1 Scaffold for ULK1/2 and ATG13 Interacts with ATG13 VPS34 VPS15 Beclin1 ATG14 AMBRA1 UVRAG Rubicon ATG2 PI(3) kinase myristoylated BH3-only protein, interacts with and is negatively regulated by BCL2 and BCL-XL Autophagy-specific subunit Interacts with and activates Beclin1 A VPS38 homologue; interacts with class C VPS (HOPS) complex Interacts with Beclin1 interacts with Atg18 in yeast ATG9 WIPI1-4 DFCP1 VMP1 ATG12 ATG7 ATG10 ATG5 transmembrane protein PtdIns(3)P-binding protein PtdIns(3)P-binding ER protein transmembrane protein Ubiquitine-like, conjugates to ATG5 E1-like enzyme E2-like enzyme Conjugated by ATG12 ATG16L1 LC3 (GATE16, GABARAP) ATG4A-D ATG7 ATG3 Interacts with ATG5 Ubiquitine-like, conjugates to PE LC3 carboxy-terminal hydrolase, deconjugating enzyme E1-like enzyme E2-like enzyme Table 1. Key autophagy proteins and their organization in functional complexes. Adapted from (80). In mammals, autophagy is initiated by the UNC-51-like kinase (ULK) complex, composed of Atg13, FIP200, Atg101 and ULK1/2 (75). Mammalian target of Rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) negatively regulates the ULK complex by phosphorylating ULK1/2 and Atg13 (63). Inactivation of mTORC1 leads to the translocation and activation of the ULK complex from the cytosol to the PAS, where it recruits other elements essential for the autophagosome formation such as class III phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase (PI3K) (80). Vps34 is the only class III PI3K in eukaryotes responsible for the formation of phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P) and is found in complex with Vps15, Beclin1 and Atg14L (also known as Beclin1-associated autophagy-related key regulator) (149). 6 Introduction The generation of PI3P at the PAS attracts PI3P-binding proteins, such as WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting proteins and double FYVE domain-containing proteins, that mediate the formation of the isolation membrane (80). In contrast, the Vps34 complex is involved in autophagosome maturation when UV radiation resistance-associated gene (UVRAG) is recruited to the complex instead of Atg14L (57). Another essential protein involved in autophagosome formation is Atg9. Atg9 is the only transmembranous Atg protein in mammals. It cycles between nascent autophagosomes, the trans-Golgi compartment and late endosomes. Atg9 has been named membrane shuttle as it might be a membrane supplier. It play roles in the isolation membrane formation but its precise functions still need to be documented (75, 85). Elongation and enclosure of the isolation membrane are the following steps in autophagosome formation. They are mediated by two distinct but interconnected ubiquitinlike conjugation systems. The first complex is generated by the actions of Atg7 (E1-like) and Atg10 (E2-like) that result in the conjugation of Atg5 and Atg12, which further bind Atg16L1 to form the Atg5-Atg12/Atg16L1 complex (75). This complex is essential for autophagosome formation and plays an additional role (E3-like enzyme) in the conjugation of the second ubiquitin-like system and its localization (45). The latter is the conjugation of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) to the yeast Atg8 homologs, which are represented by the microtubule-associated protein light-chain 3 (LC3) and γ-aminobutyric acid receptorassociated protein (GABARAP) subfamilies (75). After its synthesis, LC3 becomes processed at the C-terminus by Atg4 and is designated as cytoplasmic non-lipidated LC3-I. LC3-I becomes conjugated to PE at its C-terminus by Atg3 and Atg7 (E2-like enzymes) and gets incorporated into both the inner and outer membrane of the autophagosome. The PE-lipidated form of LC3 is known as LC3-II. The GFP-tagged LC3-II (GFP-LC3) is widely used as an autophagosomal marker, as induction of autophagy converts diffuse cytoplasmic LC3 to membrane-bound LC3 puncta (93). LC3 and its mammalian homologs are not only important for the formation of the autophagosome but also for the recognition and selection of the cargo and the definition of the autophagosome’s size (102, 146). In addition, LC3 is implicated in microtubule-dependent transport of autophagosomes towards lysosomes and possesses membrane-fusion properties as well (95, 99). 7 Introduction The characterization of how autophagy proteins are regulated and how formation of autophagosomes are formed (Figure 1) came with methods and agents that, besides the knockdown, knockout or double-negative constructs of essential Atg proteins, induce or inhibit the autophagy pathway. The most obvious way to induce autophagy is by starving cells; this is how autophagy was identified in the first place. The insufficient nutrient availability inhibits mTORC1, which in turn allows the activation of the entire cascade initiated by ULK1. mTORC1, as its name suggests, is inhibited by Rapamycin, which thus also induces the same activation effect. On the other hand, wortmannin and 3-methyladenine inhibit autophagy by interfering with the activity of PI3K (144). Chloroquine is a lysosomotropic agent leading to increased endosomal and lysosomal pH, therefore blocking the degradation of autophagy cargos by the lysosome (93). Additional ways to manipulate and monitor autophagy have been summarized elsewhere (69, 93). 1.2 Autophagy in immunity and microbial adaptations As mentioned in the previous section, autophagy is responsible for the random or selective sequestration and processing of bulk cytosol and damaged/old organelles or aggregated proteins, respectively. Moreover, autophagy has been identified as an essential player in combating bacterial, viral and protozoan infections in a pathogen-selective, cellautonomous manner termed xenophagy. Autophagy also bridges adaptive and inflammatory immune responses. On the other hand, the strong selective pressure provided by the host immune response has driven microbes to evolve strategies to antagonize xenophagy. In some cases, manipulation of autophagy by pathogens even has probacterial or proviral effects. Pathogens are traditionally known to be cleared by innate immunity through phagocytosis, which is a conserved process by which cells take up and digest pathogens, but also particulate material or dead cells from the extracellular space. Specific receptors, such as Fcγ receptors, complement receptors or scavenger receptors, first bind the particle to be phagocytosed either directly or via molecules that have opsonized the cargo (antibodies, complement). Subsequently, they orchestrate its internalization into a vacuole called phagosome. Phagosomes undergo maturation and ultimately fuse with the lysosome, hence becoming an acidic, hydrolase-containing phagolysosomes that digest their contents (40, 42, 135, 142). The latter process is similar to the degradation of autophagosomal cargo upon 8 Introduction lysosomal fusion. Professional phagocytes, such as macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells, are part of the innate immune arsenal against invading pathogens and are capable of recognizing pathogen-associated molecular patterns via pattern recognition receptors (PRR) (56). They subsequently elicit an innate immune response that kills the pathogen and induces local inflammation, and provide a bridge to adaptive immune responses against the invaders. Conserved patterns displayed by pathogens engage with Toll-like receptors (TLR) that are located either at the surface of the plasma membrane or on internal membranes (67). TLR signaling pathways not only lead to modulation of phagocytosis by enhancing the rate of engulfment and fusion with the lysosomes, but also elicit an appropriate innate and adaptive immune response. Pathogens such as bacteria have evolved several strategies to antagonize phagolysosomal delivery and avoid degradation. One such strategy is by blocking phagosomal maturation and modification of this compartment that then supports replication of the bacterium (Figure 2D, E). This is the case, for instance, for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Salmonella typhimurium (90). Another way employed by bacteria to survive in the host cell is by escaping into the cytoplasm where replication can take place, as exemplified by Listeria monocytogenes and Shigella flexneri (Figure 2B) (6, 20). Pathogens evading the phagolysosomal degradation pathway are, however, subjects to autophagy. It has indeed been shown that signaling through TLR activates the cellular autophagy pathway (147). Autophagy hence provides a secondary protection level in case pathogens would escape killing upon phagocytosis (24, 55). Thus, bacteria residing in (potentially damaged) modified vacuoles are targeted by autophagy. This results in multi-membrane structures that eventually deliver their content to the lysosome (Figure 2D, E) (9, 43). Cytosolic bacteria are subjects to xenophagy as well (103, 115) (Figure 2B). They are specifically captured by the autophagic system after being ubiquitinated or marked by other molecular tags (Figure 1, middle right panel). These tags are linked to LC3 at the autophagosomal membranes via adaptors such as p62, nuclear dot protein 52 or neighbor of BRCA1 gene 1 (73). In turn, pathogenic intracellular bacteria are equipped with mechanisms to avoid recognition or the recruitment of the autophagy machinery. Furthermore, some studies describe that in some cases autophagy even promotes bacterial replication and that pathogenic bacteria manipulate and exploit this compartment for their own benefit (27, 97, 126). 9 Introduction Figure 2. Role of autophagy and autophagy proteins in the clearance of invading pathogens. Viruses enter the host cell via the endocytic pathway and escape into the cytoplasm where they replicate. (A) Autophagy proteins recognize viral components and eliminate them though xenophagic degradation. Phagocytosed bacteria can escape phagosomes to avoid lysosomal delivery. (B) Cytoplasmic bacteria are targeted by the autophagy machinery for xenophagic degradation. (C) The phagosomal membrane remnants are also discarded by autophagosomes to prevent unnecessary immune activation. (D, E) Some bacterial species inhibit phagosomal maturation and reside in modified vacuoles, which can be damaged (D) or intact (E). The targeting of such compartments by autophagy results in multi-membrane compartments that are delivered to the lysosome. (F) Finally, bacteria-containing phagosomes can fuse with already-formed autophagosomes what delivers the invader to the lysosomal compartment as well. (G) In some cases, autophagy proteins are directly recruited to the phagosomal membrane, independently from the formation of characteristic double-membrane autophagosomes. This leads to an enhanced phagosomal maturation and degradation of the phagocytosed cargo. In addition to viruses and bacteria, parasites are also targets of the cellular autophagy. (H) Similarly to bacteria-containing modified phagosomes, parasitophorous vacuoles are recognized by autophagosomes and subsequently degraded. (I) Killing of the intracellular parasite can also be mediated by direct destruction of the pathogen-containing compartment, a process in which autophagy proteins are importantly involved. Adapted and reprinted from (80). Autophagy plays an evident role in antiviral defense as well. Viral detection upon virusreceptor interaction signaling, cellular stress (mostly ER) and binding to PRRs triggers effector mechanisms leading to xenophagic degradation and antigen presentation (75) 10 Introduction (Figure 2A). Viruses, however, have evolved strategies to impair autophagy by inhibiting key regulators of the process. They have also been shown to manipulate this conserved pathway for their own benefit (62). Direct roles of autophagy (but also indirect ones such as inhibition of apoptosis or modulation of the cell metabolism) have been documented in basically every step in the life cycle of viruses. Manipulation of autophagy to assist viral replication is the most well-known case and has been documented for several species (27). Generally, membranous structures of different origin are induced by RNA viruses as a niche to support replication and prevent immune detection while providing a scaffold for the replication machinery as well as a local concentration of essential factors necessary for the viral genome synthesis (25, 62). Further, viruses induce and manipulate autophagy to assist their assembly, envelopment and non-lytic release (62). In addition to its cytoprotective and pathogen clearance activities, autophagy has been shown to take part in a growing number of immune functions, notably in the adaptive and inflammatory facets of immunity (26, 80). Autophagy, by its ability to bring cytosolic components to the luminal side of the endocytic pathway, delivers pathogens residing in the cytosol not only to the lysosomes but also to compartments containing PRR or class II major histocompatibility complexes (MHC-II) (Figure 2F) (26). Autophagosomes have indeed been shown to fuse with endosomes, multivesicular bodies or MHC-II-loading compartments (78, 125). Thus autophagy helps fighting against intracellular pathogens by contributing to endogenous MHC-II peptide presentation. In addition, a role of autophagy in antigen presentation has revealed crucial during T cell development, maturation and homeostasis (61, 100, 114). Autophagy functions in modulating the inflammasome’s activity by getting rid of sources of danger associated molecular patterns such as, for example, reactive oxygen species (ROS) or mitochondrial DNA that would activate the NLRP3-inflammasome (98, 154). Moreover, pro-IL-1β or the entire activated inflammasomes can get degraded by autophagosomes to limit inflammation (48, 127). However, autophagy can also assist inflammatory cytokine secretion upon caspase activation and pro-IL-1β cleavage. In such a case, IL-1β and other alarmins are unconventionally secreted outside of the cell depending on the autophagy machinery (31). Finally, mutations in autophagy proteins have also been linked to chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases (80, 138, 148). 11 Introduction 1.3 Scope of the thesis Autophagy has long been considered uniquely as a degradative pathway, delivering cytoplasmic components to degradative organelles. However, during the past years, literature has emerged that offers new elements that escalate this narrow point of view. While unconventional types of autophagy, which do not require all the components of the five functional core complexes for autophagosome formation, have been described (101), the recent findings that ATG proteins are implicated in pathways unrelated to autophagy has broadened the scope of autophagy research even more (118). In contrast to conventional routes of autophagy, several alternative processes involve some of the components of the autophagy machinery in an autophagy-independent manner. This thesis will examine the aspects of the unconventional use of autophagy-related proteins and has been organized in the following way. On one hand, it will address how autophagy proteins aid in maintaining cellular homeostasis in physiological conditions and during innate immune responses against invading pathogens. Besides these beneficial and cytoprotective roles, it will also assess how parts of the autophagy machinery are manipulated and hijacked by microorganisms in order to assist viral or bacterial replication and completion of their intracellular life cycle. 12 The unconventional, non-autophagic roles of autophagy proteins 2 The unconventional, non-autophagic roles of autophagy proteins In addition to their known role in autophagosome formation, some of the autophagy protein complexes are involved in pathways unrelated to conventional autophagy. They play essential roles in important pathways governing cellular homeostasis and resistance against microbial infections. Autophagy proteins have been shown to assist macroendocytic engulfment and degradation of dead cells as well as pathogens such as bacteria or protozoa. Antiviral functions have also been attributed to autophagy protein complexes. Moreover, autophagy proteins play a role in more curious cellular processes such as bone resorption by osteoclasts, regulation of innate immune signaling and ER-associated degradation tuning. 2.1 LC3-associated phagocytosis Autophagy is induced upon phagocytic uptake of extracellular bacteria and TLR recognition and is responsible for the destruction of bacteria-containing vacuoles as well as cytosolic bacteria that have escaped the phagolysosomal pathway (Figure 3 III). However, autophagy proteins also participate in phagocytosed pathogen clearance in a mechanism distinct from classical autophagy. LC3-associated phagocytosis (LAP) is a process by which components of the autophagy machinery directly modify the phagosomal membrane to assist and enhance degradation of phagocytosed elements (Figure 3 II) (124) . Figure 3. Comparison between bacterial delivery to the lysosome through phagocytosis, LAP and autophagy. (I) Bacteria-containing phagosomes are traditionally known to clear bacteria after fusing with early and late endosomes and eventually with lysosomes. (III) Cytosolic or membrane-bound bacteria that prevent lysosomal delivery are targeted by the autophagy system and are degraded through xenophagy. (II) During LAP, autophagy proteins are directly recruited to the phagosomal canonical membrane autophagy independently pathway and from the enhance phagolysosomal degradation of the phagocytosed cargo. Reprinted from (77) 13 The unconventional, non-autophagic roles of autophagy proteins Sanjuan et al. (123) were the first to demonstrate that TLR signaling mediates the rapid recruitment of LC3 to phagosomes. They observed that macrophages fed with latex beads coated with TLR agonists, such as PAM3CSK4 (TLR1/2), LPS (TLR4), zymosan (TLR2), or E. Coli recruited LC3 to the phagosomal membrane. This enhanced the degradation of the phagocytosed cargo by a more rapid and extensive acidification of the phagosomal compartment. Localized TLR signaling was necessary as no association of LC3 with phagosomes was observed in TLR2 knockout macrophages having phagocytosed zymosancoated beads and in cells treated with PAM3CSK4 or LPS after having engulfed inert latex beads. Zymosan induced the recruitment of LC3 to phagosomes in a manner dependent on Atg5, Atg7 as well as PI3K. Beclin1 was almost instantly recruited to the phagosomal membrane, prior to LC3. Consistently, phagosomal maturation and efficient killing of live Saccharomyces cerevisiae was reduced in Atg7-deficient macrophages when compared to survival of the yeast in controls (123). In contrast to canonical autophagy, TLR-mediated LAP is not dependent on ULK1 after engulfment of zymosan (88), nor is it affected by Rapamycin, Chloroquine or starvation treatments. The absence of ER markers found on autophagosomes as well as double membrane structures surrounding the engulfed material distinguish phagosomes having recruited LC3 from conventional autophagosomes (123). One example in which LAP was extensively studied is during Burkholderia pseudomallei infections. B. pseudomallei are intracellular pathogenic bacteria that escape endosomes in order to replicate in the cytoplasm after the induction of a type III secretion system (47, 134). A first study investigating B. pseudomallei infections found a role of autophagosomes in reducing bacterial survival in phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells (22). These conclusions were mostly supported by the effects of autophagy-modulating drugs. Rapamycin and IFNγ treatments, in contrast to wortmannin and 3-methyladenine, enhanced GFP-LC3 colocalization with bacteria and reduced bacterial survival in comparison to untreated controls (22). However, a couple of years later, the same group suggested that B. pseudomallei is subject to LAP rather than to conventional autophagy and that the previously observed colocalization of LC3 with bacteria must result from recruitment of LC3 to the phagosomal membrane. EM analysis revealed that although a lot of double membrane structures were found in the cytoplasm of infected cells, these autophagosomes did not contain bacteria. B. 14 The unconventional, non-autophagic roles of autophagy proteins pseudomallei were either surrounded by single membranes or were found free in the cytosol. Autophagy of cytosolic or bacteria-containing phagosomes was hence excluded as no double or multiple membranes, respectively, were observed around bacteria (Figure 3) (38). A majority of B. pseudomallei escapes endosomes and is resistant to canonical autophagy by a process that still needs to be described. On the other hand, bacteria that do not escape are mostly found in phagosomes positive for both LC3 and the lysosomal marker LAMP1. Consistently, B. pseudomallei type III secretion system mutants bopA and bipD are unable to escape phagosomes and show increased colocalization with LC3 as well as LAMP1 when compared to wild type bacteria, therefore suggesting an enhanced routing towards the lysosome (38). Surprisingly, heat-killed B. pseudomallei display diminished recruitment of LC3 to phagosomes, indicating that live bacteria and signaling routes other than TLR activation might be required for LAP to be induced (38). The most recent findings in the field show that, in agreement with previous studies (22, 123), LC3-associated phagocytosis of B. pseudomallei is dependent on Beclin1 and is enhanced by starvation and Rapamycin treatments and confirm that LAP is necessary for bacterial retention in phagosomes and efficient killing. However, in contrast to starvation conditions and untreated controls that depend on Beclin1, Beclin1 knockdown does not affect LAP in Rapamycin treatments. This independency raises further questions with respect to recruitment of different pools of LC3, Beclin1-independent autophagy and LAP as well as alternative PI3P formation at the phagosomal membrane (82). LC3-associated phagocytosis is not only employed as a cellular mechanism to combat pathogen infections. Modifications of endocytic vesicles can also assist the removal of apoptotic, necrotic or entotic cells. Cells that have undergone programmed cell death must be cleared from the extracellular space in order to avoid unnecessary inflammation and autoimmunity. Specific receptors on phagocytes recognize phosphatidylserine (PtdSer), which is normally absent on the surface of healthy cells but exposed at the membrane after apoptosis or necrosis (116). Engagement of PtdSer with TIM4 has been shown to be responsible for the engulfment of apoptotic or necrotic bodies and mediates, by a yet unidentified pathway, the rapid recruitment of LC3 to single membrane phagosomes containing the dead cell bodies that further mature into phagolysosomes (88). 15 The unconventional, non-autophagic roles of autophagy proteins Entosis is a novel form of nonapoptotic cell death by which an epithelial cell engulfs another live cell that is then destroyed by lysosomal enzymes upon fusion of the entotic vacuole with the lysosome (106). Similarly to apoptotic and necrotic cell disposal, the limiting membranes of endosomes containing entotic cells rapidly and transiently recruit LC3 for phagolysosomal delivery as evidenced by the localization of LAMP1 and cathepsins on and in the vacuole, respectively (35). Both entosis and clearance of apoptotic and necrotic cells are dependent on Atg5, Atg7 and LC3-II as well as on the presence of PI3K (VPS34) and Beclin1 on the limiting membrane of the compartment. In contrast to classical autophagy, the preinitiation complex containing ULK1 or FIP200 is however not required. LAP enhances lysosomal fusion and degradation of dead and entotic cells. It further reduces secretion of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β and IL-6 upon phagocytosis of apoptotic and necrotic corpses while promoting the secretion of anti-inflammatory factors IL-10 and TGFβ (35, 88). Additionally, gene-silencing experiments performed in vivo demonstrate the engagement of LAP in removal of apoptotic corpses during the embryonic development of Caenorhabditis elegans. It was indeed shown that the VPS34 complex component BEC-1 was required to simultaneously recruit the LC3 homologue LGG-1 and RAB5, a protein known for its role in phagosome maturation and degradation of its cargo, to the phagosomal membrane containing the apoptotic bodies (35, 81, 88). The studies mentioned in this section have gone some way towards enhancing our understanding of LAP. They all share the feature that LC3 and other autophagy proteins, once recruited to the single macroendocytic membrane in a process distinct from canonical autophagy, regulate the fusion of non-autophagic compartments with the lysosome. However, how LAP is initiated in these different situations still needs to be clarified. Two extensive reviews summarize the current knowledge in this young field of research (36, 77). 2.2 Murine norovirus replication inhibition In addition to their known antiviral function in autophagosome formation (Figure 2A), autophagy protein complexes have been found to play autophagy-independent roles by inhibiting critical steps in the viral life cycle, as exemplified by the case of Murine norovirus (MNV) infections. 16 The unconventional, non-autophagic roles of autophagy proteins MNV is a non-enveloped single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus used as a model to study human gastroenteritis caused by this viral family (143). IFNγ plays an essential role in antiviral defense, especially in the absence of type I interferon IFN/β, which can play a compensatory role (52, 122). Hwang et al. (52) demonstrated in a recent study that the Atg5Atg12/Atg16L1 complex, known to locate at the autophagosomal membrane where it mediates elongation and closure of the autophagosome by assisting LC3 lipidation, was necessary for IFNγ-mediated antiviral activity against MNV. Experiments showed that Atg5 is required for MNV control in IFNγ treated macrophages (Figure 4); the absence of this essential autophagy protein having neither effect on viral replication nor on IFNγ-induced transcriptional changes and JAK-STAT signaling cascade. However, modulation of canonical autophagy by a multitude of treatments does not affect MNV replication or IFNγ antiviral activity, indicating that Atg5 is an autophagy-independent key factor for the antiviral activity triggered by IFNγ (52). Figure 4. Atg5-dependent control of MNV replication upon IFNγ stimulation of macrophages. Western blot analysis of MNV polymerase (A) and capsid (B) protein expression in control (Atg5flox/flox) and Atg5-deficient (Atg5flox/flox +LysMcre) macrophages after IFNγ treatment. Reprinted from (52). Expression of Atg5 mutants that are unable to conjugate with Atg12 or bind to Atg16L1 cannot complement the lack of resistance against MNV infections in Atg5-deficient macrophages. In addition, Atg16L1- and Atg7-deficient cells fail to control the virus upon IFNγ treatments. Consistently, while Atg7 has a dual role in both assisting Atg5-Atg12 conjugation and lipidation of LC3, the latter facet didn’t play a role in combatting MNV, as confirmed by dominant negative constructs of Atg4B that block LC3 lipidation. Hence, these experiments indicate the implication of the entire Atg5-Atg12/Atg16L1 complex in the antiviral defense (Figure 5) (52). 17 The unconventional, non-autophagic roles of autophagy proteins Atg16L1 localizes at replicative membranous structures induced upon infection and associates with the MNV polymerase. Further, Atg5 was shown to be responsible for the inhibition of viral polymerase expression (but not immediate viral protein synthesis from incoming genome), synthesis of positive and anti-sense viral genome as well as structural protein synthesis (Figure 4). In a nutshell, the function of Atg5-Atg12/Atg16L1 complex, independently from its role in canonical autophagosomes formation, can be attributed to inhibiting the viral replication complex formation in consequence to macrophage IFNγ-mediated responses (52). Figure 5. The Atg5-Atg12/Atg16L1 complex and Atg7, independently from their role in autophagosome formation, are required for the IFNγ-dependent inhibition of the formation of MNV replication complex. Reprinted from (52). 2.3 Toxoplasma gondii’s vacuole disruption Autophagy proteins are involved in autophagy-independent defense mechanisms against intracellular protozoan parasites as well, as observed in Toxoplasma gondii infections (Figure 2I). T. gondii persists in non-activated macrophages by inhibiting, upon entry, the fusion of the modified parasitophorous vacuole, in which it replicates, with the lysosome (129). However, activated macrophages can limit replication, kill and clear the pathogen by two independent ways (151), either by activation of autophagy in macrophages by CD40-CD40L signaling (Figure 2 H) (5, 111) or by IFNγ/LPS-induced disruption and stripping of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane followed by clearance of the damaged parasite and membranous debris (Figure 2I) (83). The latter involves IIGP1, a p47 GTPase (87), and Atg5 that plays an autophagy-independent role in this process (152). Zhao and colleagues (152) have shown that Atg5-deficient macrophages are unable to clear T. gondii infections even when previously treated with IFNγ/LPS. Wild type IFNγ/LPSactivated cells show extensive vesiculation and stripping of the parasite-containing vacuolar membranes followed by autophagosomal detection of free damaged parasites in the cytosol 18 The unconventional, non-autophagic roles of autophagy proteins (Figure 6C, D). In contrast, vacuoles in Atg5-knockout macrophages remain intact (Figure 6A, B). It further appeared that Atg5 deficiency hinders the rapid recruitment of IIGP1 to the parasitophorous vacuole membrane. IIGP1 was instead severed in intracellular vesicles thus raising speculation about a lack of trafficking to the T. gondii vacuole (152). Figure 6. Atg5-dependent killing of T. gondii (Tg) residing in parasitophorous vacuoles (PV). Electro micrographs showing the lack of damage to the vacuole containing T. gondii in Atg5-deficient IFNγ/LPS-treated macrophages (A, B) compared to control cells (C, D). Reprinted from (152) The cellular localization of LC3 in Atg5 knockouts and their control cells was regrettably not investigated in this study. However, an earlier research reports an accumulation of LC3 at disrupted parasitophorous vacuoles in vicinity of intense IIGP1 signals in infected IFNstimulated astrocytes (87). Furthermore, no neighboring membrane structures resembling autophagosomes were detected by EM analysis, hence leaving intriguing unanswered questions concerning the function of Atg5 and LC3 in immunity against T. gondii. 2.4 Assisting bone resorption by osteoclasts LAP is not the only case in which cellular membranes are modified by LC3. This phenomenon has also been encountered in osteoclasts, specialized multinucleated cells of myeloid origin responsible for bone resorption, where LC3 decorates distinct areas of the plasma membrane. Osteoclasts play an essential role in bone tissue homeostasis (Figure 7). There is a fine balance between bone formation and resorption in order to maintain skeletal integrity (subject to growth and mechanical constraints), mineral homeostasis (calcium and phosphate) and the bone marrow environment (11). The bone-apposed membrane of 19 The unconventional, non-autophagic roles of autophagy proteins osteoclasts is sealed by an actin ring, the formation of which is regulated by microtubules and small GTPases, such as Cdc42, delimitating an extracellular space referred to as resorptive organelle (29, 58, 59). This membrane develops into a ruffled border that increases the surface through which ions (mainly H+ and Cl-) are pumped into the resorptive organelle in order to degrade the mineral matrix. Lysosomal enzymes, such as the cathepsin K collagenase, digest the organic components of the bone; they are delivered through directional fusion of secretory lysosomes with the ruffled border (21, 133). Figure 7. Osteoclasts and bone resorption. Osteoclasts are multinucleated cells responsible for bone resorption. Their bone-apposed membrane, which is sealed by an actin ring, is called the ruffled border and contains channels and pumps through which ions are transported to the extracellular space. Lysosomal enzymes are delivered to the resorptive organelle through directional fusion of secretory lysosomes and vesicles. Reprinted from (37). In relation to autophagy, maturation of osteoclasts is associated with an increased synthesis of LC3-II, Atg4B and Atg5, none of which, however, is correlated with enhanced autophagic fluxes (17). Formation of the ruffled border, fusion of secretory lysosomes at the ruffled border and bone resorption activity are dependent on the Atg5-Atg12 conjugates, Atg7 and Atg4B. This indicates an essential role of LC3-II, which localizes at the bone apposed membrane in association with the actin ring but is not present on secretory lysosomes (28). In addition, LC3 associates with microtubules in proximity of the actin ring and its knockdown by siRNA affects the formation of the actin belt as well as, similarly to the other autophagy proteins mentioned above, cathepsin K secretion and consequently the bone resorption activity of osteoclasts (17). Cdc42 is located near the actin ring as well, where it colocalizes with LC3. Its activity and location are both regulated by Atg5 and LC3 (17). Similar results have been obtained for Rab7, another small GTPase involved, among others, in the generation of the ruffled border (28, 150). While DeSelm et al. (28) suggest that LC3-II decorated membranes are targets for fusion with lysosomes, as reminiscent to autophagosomal and LC3-associated phagosome fusion 20 The unconventional, non-autophagic roles of autophagy proteins with lysosomes, Chung and coworkers (17) provide evidence that LC3 has a role in the actin ring formation by specifically regulating Cdc42 and providing a link between microtubules, which are known to be essential for the initiation of the actin ring formation, and Cdc42 (30). Hence LC3 has a role, unrelated to autophagy, in the formation of the actin belt and formation of the ruffled membrane thus enabling secretory lysosomes to release their bonedegrading components after fusion at the bone apposed plasmalemma in osteoclasts. 2.5 Regulation of STING trafficking upon dsDNA stimulation Some autophagy proteins have been shown to intervene in signal transduction pathways, notably in the activation of Stimulator of interferon genes (STING) upon dsDNA detection. However, instead of acting as immune effectors, here, autophagy proteins execute a regulatory function. Cytoplasmic nucleic acids are recognized by TLR (TLR 3, 7, 8, 9) or RIG-I-like receptors that subsequently mediate innate inflammatory immune responses. Concerning the detection of double-stranded DNA (from bacterial or DNA virus origin), AIM2 signaling through the inflammasome complex and activation of Caspase-1 is responsible for the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-18 (50). On the other hand, STING has been identified for initiating responses leading to IFN gene transcription (13). A lot about the localization, trafficking, signaling pathways and recognized nucleic acid targets of STING is still unknown and necessitates further investigation. Nevertheless, it has been shown that upon dsDNA recognition, STING translocates from the ER, where it originally resides, to the Golgi apparatus before associating with TBK1 and p62 in cytoplasmic concentrated foci (121). No localization of STING on endosomes, lysosomes and peroxisomes has been observed. Phosphorylation of IRF3 as well as STAT6 leads to their translocation into the nucleus and activation of IFN gene transcription (13). Colocalization of Atg proteins with STING was examined upon stimulation of MEF cells with dsDNA. LC3 and Atg9a colocalized with STING whereas ULK1, Atg5 and Atg14L did not. Atg7 and Atg16L1 knockout cells supported normal activation of membrane trafficking of STING upon dsDNA stimulation and secreted IFNβ levels similar to controls. Atg9a is the only transmembrane Atg protein and is supposed to provide membranes for autophagosome formation by shuttling between the Golgi, endosomes and autophagosomes. Atg9a-knockout cells are deficient in autophagy. However, in response to dsDNA stimulation, cytoplasmic 21 The unconventional, non-autophagic roles of autophagy proteins TBK1-associated STING puncta were largely increased in Atg9a-deficient cells, as were IRF3 phosphorylation and IFNβ, IL-6 and CXCL10 production (121). This aberrant activation of downstream signaling indicates that a minor subset of Atg proteins, independently from their implication in autophagosome formation, plays a role in the regulation of innate signaling upon detection of dsDNA. The exact mechanisms of such a modulation, however, still need to be elucidated. 22 Subversion of alternative pathways involving autophagy proteins by microorganisms 3 Subversion of alternative pathways involving autophagy proteins by microorganisms Pathogens are known to usurp essential cellular pathways during their intracellular life cycle. Whereas subversion of classical autophagosomes has been extensively described, the recently-published experiments discussed in this section point out cases in which microbes co-opt, for their own benefit, part of the autophagy machinery in a manner that is unrelated to canonical autophagy. 3.1 Coronaviruses Coronaviruses, such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-CoV or the model virus Mouse Hepatitis Virus (MHV), have been shown to hijack vesicles derived from the ER in order to form their replicative structures. Autophagy-related proteins are essential to this process whereas the latter does not depend on the induction of conventional autophagy pathways. Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses containing a large single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genome. They belong the order of the Nidovirales and to the family of the Coronaviridae (89). After entry, MHV and SARS-CoV induce the formation of double membrane vesicles (DMV) to which they target their replication and transcription complex (RTC) (39). The exact source of DMVs membranes still remains elusive although several lines of evidence support an ER origin. Nsp3-4, which are components of the RTC, are N-glycosylated and ectopic expression of nsp4 is localized to the ER (46, 66, 104, 105). In addition, inhibition of the ER to Golgi transport reduces the amount of DMVs (140). Ultrastructural studies show that DMVs and convoluted membranes are interconnected in a reticular network continuous with the ER while some ER markers were found on DMVs as well (71, 130, 139). A possible role of autophagy in the generation of DMV was proposed, as their double lipid bilayers morphology resembles that observed for autophagosomes (23). However, conflicting results on the recruitment of LC3 to DMV membranes and the requirement of Atg5 for virus replication subsequently appeard (112, 113, 130, 153). An element of answer was brought by a series of experiments showing that MHV hijacks LC3-I-coated ER-derived vesicles known to be involved in the regulation of ER-associated degradation (ERAD) (120). 23 Subversion of alternative pathways involving autophagy proteins by microorganisms Hence, MHV manipulates a subset of autophagy-related proteins for DMV formation and viral replication without depending on canonical autophagosomes. ER-associated degradation (ERAD) is a cellular pathway responsible for the degradation of folding-defective polypeptides generated in the ER (91). Upon recognition of their modified sugar chains by ERAD lectins, misfolded polypeptides are extracted from the calnexinchaperone system, retrotranslocated into the cytosol, i.e. via the E3 ubiquitin ligasecontaining HRD1 dislocon, and targeted for proteasomal degradation (Figure 8) (2, 91, 136). ER degradation-enhancing alpha-mannosidase-like 1 (EDEM1) and osteosarcoma amplified 9 (OS-9) are stress-inducible regulators of protein disposal by ERAD (2, 94). Unlike the vast majority of ER resident chaperones, EDEM and OS-9 are short lived and rapidly degraded by the lysosome (Figure 8). This mechanism is independent of coat protein complex II but dependent on Atg5, thus suggesting a role for autophagy. EDEM and OS-9 were found to locate in small ER-derived, LC3-I-coated vesicles named EDEMosomes and do not colocalize with classical ER markers. These vesicles are distinct from autophagosome populations and induction of autophagy by starvation reduces EDEM disposal (possibly by reducing LC3 availability), suggesting an alternative pathway to conventional autophagy (14). Figure 8. Schematic representation of the ERAD tuning pathway. EDEM1 and OS9 are short-lived regulators of protein disposal by ERAD that are constitutively removed from the ER and degraded by the lysosome in a process known as ERAD tuning. In the absence of misfolded proteins, EDEM1 and OS9 bind SEL1L that otherwise that otherwise stabilize the HRD1 dislocon and engage ERAD. SEL1L recruits LC3-I, which assists the sequestration of EDEM1 and OS9 in vesicles called EDEMosomes. These vesicles are distinct from traditional autophagosomes and activation of the autophagy pathway is not required for their generation. Coronaviruses have been shown to manipulate the ERAD tuning pathway and manipulate EDEMosomes in order to form their replicative DMVs while preventing the maturation of EDEMosomes and the eventual fusion with the lysosome (red arrows). Adapted from (119). 24 Subversion of alternative pathways involving autophagy proteins by microorganisms Constitutive removal of the EDEM and OS-9 regulators from the ER and their lysosomal degradation at steady state has been termed ERAD tuning. It guarantees low intralumenal EDEM and OS-9 concentrations in physiological conditions, what avoids premature degradation of nascent polypeptides and interference with ongoing folding programs. SEL1L is a type I membrane protein and is a component of the HRD1 dislocon (Figure 8). EDEM1 and OS-9 selectively associate with SEL1L in the lumen of the ER, while LC3-I binds on the cytosolic side, assisting the formation of EDEMosomes (7, 19). The presence of misfolded proteins in the ER lumen outcompetes the binding of EDEM1 and OS-9 to SEL1 and inhibits recruitment of LC3. This stabilizes the SEL1-HRD1 complex and thus engages the ERAD pathway while increasing EDEM1 and OS-9 intralumenal concentrations (7, 16, 54). Hence, SEL1L is referred to as ERAD tuning receptor. Coronaviruses have been shown to usurp the EDEM1 and OS-9 degradation pathway for DMV generation (Figure 8) (120). Although depletion of Atg5 has a major impact on MHV infections (153), DMV formation and MHV replication is independent of Atg7, indicating that MHV infections do not require conventional autophagy to complete their life cycle. Similarly to EDEMosomes, DMV are non-covalently associated with LC3-I and are distinct from LC3-IIpositive autophagosome populations. Knockdown of LC3A, LC3B or SEL1L impairs EDEM1 and OS-9 degradation as well as MHV replication. DMV membranes lack conventional ER markers but contain EDEM1 and OS-9 during the whole time course of infection, even if the silencing of the latter has no influence on the outcome of the infection. These experiments show significant similarities between DMVs and EDEMosomes and consistently support the hypothesis that MHV hijacks the cellular ERAD tuning pathway in order to replicate within double-membrane-associated structures (7, 120). This process happens without an intact autophagy machinery and requires LC3 in a role distinct from its well-known one in autophagosome formation. Almost identically to MHV, Equine arteritis virus (EAV) has been shown to usurp the ERAD-tuning pathway and autophagy proteins that function distinctively from their role in canonical autophagy (96). EAV also belongs to the order of the Nidovirales and shows similarities with MHV as to its replication strategy (70, 109). Additionally, the completion of EAV’s intracellular cycle is independent of Atg7 but dependent on LC3-I, which colocalizes with viral RNA intermediates and EDEM1 on DMVs (96). The striking alikeness between these 25 Subversion of alternative pathways involving autophagy proteins by microorganisms two viruses arises the question whether this mechanism is common to other viral families in the same order. The identification of the viral factors that are necessary for the establishment of the replicative structures and their interaction with host factors awaits clarification. Furthermore, how DMV originate from single membranes and their destiny still remain elusive. These questions will certainly be subjected to future investigations. 3.2 Chlamydia Similarly to Coronaviruses, the non-lipidated form of LC3 (LC3-I) associates with bacterial inclusions induced by Chlamydia trachomatis and is essential for the progression of the bacterium into its replicative stage. Here, LC3 is suggested to act as a microtubuleassociated protein instead of its function in autophagosome formation. C. trachomatis is a species of obligate intracellular pathogenic bacterium that relies on its host for nutrient supply. It exhibits an alternate biphasic developmental cycle in which infectious elementary bodies that are metabolically inert are responsible for the dissemination of the infection (1). Upon uptake and internalization into the host cell, it switches towards the metabolically active form that is no longer infectious and develop in a membrane-bound compartment, modified by the bacterium, termed inclusion (34). Chlamydia-containing inclusions escape the endocytic route before being acidified and travel to the perinuclear region near the Golgi apparatus. There they interact with the exocytic pathway where the bacterium can replicate (49, 145). Eventually, chlamydia exits the host cell through lysis or extrusion (53). While one study (107) revealed an ambiguous interplay between Chlamydia and the autophagy system, a recent publication brought to light an autophagy-independent process involving autophagy components necessary for chlamydial trafficking to its replication site and intracellular development (4). Early findings hypothesized a potential interaction of chlamydia with the autophagic pathway, as chlamydial growth in the occlusions was hindered after inhibition of autophagy by an excess of a panel of single amino acids as well as with 3-methyladenine (3). These results were discredited by probable adverse effects of these amino acid and 3-methyladenine treatments that might be responsible for the chlamydia growth inhibition (12, 92). Still, localization of endogenous MAP-LC3 as well as the ER markers SERCA2 and Calreticulin at the periphery of the occlusions could suggest the involvement of autophagy. However, chlamydial 26 Subversion of alternative pathways involving autophagy proteins by microorganisms inclusions did not accumulate the autophagosomal stain MDC, indicating that the inclusions do not fuse with autophagosomes (3). Pachikara et al. (107) were the first to suggest that chlamydia had a more subtle interplay with the autophagy pathway as neither induction of autophagy by starvation or Rapamycin nor inhibition upon Atg5 depletion in MEF cells had effects on chlamydial growth. This hypothesis was recently confirmed by precise characterization of the recruitment of LC3 to the inclusion membrane (4). Recruitment of LC3-I was demonstrated by antibodies against intrinsic endogenous LC3 that associated with both autophagosomes and inclusions, whereas GFP-LC3 only localized at autophagosomal membranes. Of all the human orthologues of LC3, only GABARAPL1, which is known to associate with microtubules and promote tubulin polymerization, was recruited to the inclusions. Additionally, LC3 and its interaction partners microtubule-associated protein 1A and 1B (MAP1) colocalized at bacterial inclusions situated in proximity of the nucleus and in association with the Golgi at later time points post infection. This was dependent on early but not late bacterial protein synthesis. In contrast, no recruitment of LC3 and MAP1 was observed to the dispersed inclusions in the cytoplasm shortly after infection, thus demonstrating that bacterial effectors actively modulate host cell processes. LC3 and MAP1 associated with microtubules in the cytoplasm and in the vicinity of inclusions in a Nocodazole-, a microtubule-disrupting drug, sensitive manner. Finally, siRNA knockdown of LC3 or MAP1 decreased bacterial progeny as well as inclusion size and infectivity. In sum, the data presented by Al-Younes et al. (4) show that LC3-I is recruited to the chlamydial inclusion and acts in an autophagy-independent way while closely associating with MAP1A-B and the microtubule network thus allowing transport to the Golgi for replication. 3.3 Brucella Brucella abortus is another example of intracellular bacterium that is able to invade several cell types in order to replicate and resides in autophagy-like compartments for intracellular survival. After phagocytic uptake and internalization of the bacterium, B. abortus resides in a modified compartment referred to as the Brucella-containing vacuole (BCV). The vacuole undergoes limited fusion with endosomes and the lysosome but avoids the degradative pathway (110, 132). Acidification of the vacuole is necessary for the induction of 27 Subversion of alternative pathways involving autophagy proteins by microorganisms B. abortus’s VirB operon encoding for a type IV secretion system that secretes bacterial effectors into the cytoplasm of the host cell and mediates BCV transport and translocation to the ER (10, 15, 18). There, B. abortus replicates in an ER-derived replicative BCV (rBCV) (15, 110). Replicating B. abortus is contained in a single membrane vesicle that is positive for ER markers and coated with ribosomes and, in this stage, does not require proteins involved in the cellular autophagic pathway. Nevertheless, conversion of a rBCV into a vacuole with autophagic properties termed autophagic BCV (aBCV) has been shown to be essential for completion of the intracellular life cycle of B. abortus and its cell-to-cell spread (131). In contrast to aBCV, rBCVs are LAMP1-negative and calreticulin-positive. On the other hand, aBCVs are LAMP1- and Rab7-positive and calreticulin-negative. They are acidic and enwrapped by double-membrane crescents or multiple membranes. aBCV formation depends on autophagy initiation factors Beclin1, ULK1 PI3K. However, depletion of Atg5, Atg7, Atg16L1, Atg4B and LC3B, known as elongation factors, has no effect. None of these treatments affected rBCV formation or B. abortus replication (131). During conventional autophagy, Beclin1 associates either with Atg14L for initiation of autophagosome formation or UVRAG and Rubicon for maturation of autophagosomes (which also involves Rab9). Depletion of Atg14L in cells infected with B. abortus had profound effects on recruitment of Beclin1-VPS34-VPS15 complex to the ER and aBCV formation (131), whereas absence of UVRAG and Rab9 displayed a similar phenotype as control conditions. These results emphasize the role of autophagy proteins involved in initiation but not maturation of aBCV formation. Cells infected with B. abortus give rise to secondary infections. Similarly, secondary infection foci could also be observed when Atg5-, Atg7- or LC3B-depleted cells were infected; however, a significant reduction was observed for Beclin1 and ULK1 knockdowns (131). Thus, only Beclin1 and ULK1 of the examined autophagy proteins have a role in the completion of the intracellular life cycle of B. abortus and cell-to-cell spread. Taken together, these experiments demonstrate that autophagy initiation but not maturation factors are required in post-ER replication stages of B. abortus and are crucial for terminating B. abortus’s intracellular cycle. 28 Discussion 4 Discussion Besides its traditional roles in cytosol degradation during bulk autophagy and selective organelle removal, autophagy also manifests in immunological functions through its ability to specifically sequester and clear intracellular pathogens and regulate immune mediators. However, recent discoveries have added to and have extended this new paradigm. This thesis has specifically shed light on novel functions of autophagy proteins in which they act in processes that are independent of the classical autophagosomal pathway. It exposed situations where subsets of autophagy-related proteins assist the innate immune arsenal during infections by driving or enhancing the degradation of intracellular pathogens such as bacteria or protozoan parasites, and inhibiting viral replication. It was examined how autophagy proteins additionally intervene in maintaining cellular and physiological homeostasis, for example during dsDNA-triggered responses, bone degradation by osteoclasts, clearance of apoptotic and necrotic bodies as well as regulation of the ERAD pathway. In the second part, instances where microbes exploit the autophagy-independent function of autophagy-related proteins during membrane dynamics or vesicle trafficking processes were discussed. These findings opened the door to an enthralling new field of research. LC3 undoubtedly has a central role in autophagy, but it was long considered as being solely an autophagosome-associated component involved in autophagosome formation. However, what has to be kept in mind is that LC3 was initially discovered to be a microtubuleassociated protein. LC3 was first identified as a 18kDa protein that co-precipitates with LC1 and LC2, both known to be part of the MAP protein complex (76). Further studies characterized the LC3 light-chain subunit, which interacts with both MAP1A/LC2 and MAP1B/LC1 complexes (84). LC3 associates with microtubules and has been shown to have a stabilizing effect on them (32, 44). In mammalian cells, even if highly debated, microtubules do not seem to be required in autophagosome formation and elongation, although they may assist and enhance the efficiency of this process (33, 64). On the other hand, it is commonly accepted that microtubules guide the newly formed autophagosomes, which are generated in the cytoplasm periphery, towards the perinuclear region. There are located the microtubuleorganizing center, as well as the ER, the Golgi apparatus and, most importantly for autophagy, 29 Discussion the lysosomes. The microtubule minus-end-directed trafficking of autophagosomes facilitates the fusion of autophagosomes with endosomes or lysosomes (33, 60). This directional vesicular transport towards the perinuclear region happens via direct or indirect binding of LC3 to the molecular motor dynein (60, 68, 117). Altogether, the close association of LC3 and microtubules during autophagy is reminiscent with instances in which autophagy-related proteins play autophagy-independent roles. It is tempting to speculate that LC3 determines the destiny of autophagosomes and other compartments that are decorated by it. Indeed, LC3 has two spatially distinct domains that might exert very different functions in vesicle trafficking (72). The amino-terminus of LC3 is responsible for the attachment to microtubules via the dynein motor and the transport towards the minus-end of microtubules in both canonical autophagy and non-canonical processes involving autophagy proteins. In addition to LAP compartments, which will be discussed in more details below, it has been shown in a study published almost ten years ago that Chlamydia-containing vacuoles are trafficked towards the perinuclear region as well (41). This happened in a manner dependent on dynein but not on the p50 subunit of the dynactin complex, which is known to link cargos to the dynein motor protein. Furthermore, it has been recently demonstrated that Chlamydia’s directional transport is dependent on the Nterminal domain of LC3-I and MAPs, both of which are bound to the inclusions (4). Perhaps that LC3-I is part of the answer of how Chlamydia is linked to microtubules and transported close to the Golgi, where it could get access to nutrients, in order to replicate. Curiously, MHVinduced DMVs are also decorated by LC3-I and might as well travel to the perinuclear region, as later stages in the viral life cycle are known to interact with the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment and the Golgi compartment before the virions are released by exocytosis through the secretory pathway (89, 120). On the other hand, the carboxy-terminus of LC3, where the lipidation takes places, is known to interact with other Atg proteins and is responsible for the targeting of LC3 to the autophagosomal membrane. In addition, it may selectively link the trafficked cargo (137). A plausible hypothesis could be that this domain regulates the interaction with additional factors such as GTPases (or adaptor proteins), to which LC3 has repeatedly been found to be associated with. Such an interaction could determine the target membrane to which the autophagosome or other LC3-decorated compartment would fuse. By way of illustration, the Cdc42 GTPase is closely associated to and regulated by LC3 during the actin ring and ruffled 30 Discussion border formation in osteoclasts (17). Another example is the association observed between Atg5 (thus most probably also LC3 (87)) and the p47 GTPase IIGP1 during T.gondii infections (152). Most importantly, Rab7, which is a GTPase as well, is a factor well known to associate with maturating autophagosomes and endosome before they fuse with lysosomes. A recent study has characterized an adaptor protein capable of both binding LC3 and Rab7 (108). Additionally, C. trachomatis and MHV, which have both been shown to recruit LC3-I to their modified cellular membranes instead of LC3-II, do not fuse with lysosomes although, similarly to autophagosomes and LAP, they are both trafficked to the perinuclear region (4, 120). Taken together, the broad functional repertoire of LC3 that extends beyond its roles in autophagosome formation might be the reason why it is often encountered in situations where autophagy-related proteins are involved in autophagy-independent cellular processes. The challenge will be to pinpoint which and how different factors are recruited to the diverse membranous vesicles and to determine the interactions leading to the specific outcome of the studied compartment. Further investigation into LC3 and its homologues is required to determine their redundant or specific functions in these diverse processes as well. With regards to LAP, recent investigation points out a multitude of cases in which LC3 participates in the regulation of the fusion of non-autophagosomal and lysosomal compartments in a manner distinct to canonical autophagy. Independently from the initial breakthrough in the field by Sanjuan and al. (123), a proteomic analysis of phagosomal membranes consistently established a link between phagocytosis and proteins involved in cellular autophagy, which associate with phagosomes (128). The study of B. pseudomallei remarkably illustrates this purpose. Although initially thought to be targeted by conventional autophagy, only EM analysis demonstrated the lipidation of LC3 onto single-membrane phagosomes that contain the engulfed bacterium (38). Nowadays EM seems to be the only reliable tool to distinguish LAP from autophagy. Traditional clustering of LC3 and detection of GFP-LC3 puncta cannot, by itself, be interpreted as activation of only the autophagy pathway as LC3 puncta are also encountered on phagosomes. Therefore, numerous cases of LAP may have been overlooked in the past. Furthermore, the conservation of LAP during evolution (and therefore its importance) might have been underestimated until now. A vast diversity of phagocytosed material is subjected to LAP, notably dead yeast (123), apoptotic and necrotic cells (88), entotic cells (35) 31 Discussion as well as different species of bacteria (38, 65, 79, 123). Vesicles have also been shown to recruit LC3 to their membranes during macropinocytosis and such events, additionally to entosis, are classified as LAP in this thesis (35). LAP has been detected, in vitro, in various cell lines such as RAW macrophage-like cells (38, 79, 123), primary bone marrow-derived macrophages (88), mouse embryonic fibroblasts (65) and MCF10 epithelial cells (35) as well as in vivo in C. elegans (81). Moreover, there is evidence that LAP possibly takes over when autophagy of bacteria-containing vesicle is disrupted, as observed during Salmonella infections (65) or even happens simultaneously with autophagy as observed for Listeria (8). Taken together, these pieces of evidence might testify to an essential, evolutionary conserved cellular mechanism that considerably improves the clearance of engulfed material, therefore maintaining cellular homeostasis and providing protection against invading pathogens. The signaling pathways leading to the initiation of LAP still remain to be precisely determined. It has been suggested that the autophagy complex Atg5-Atg12-Atg16L1 directly lipidates LC3 on the phagosomal membrane in a rapid and transient manner, as Atg12 localizes at phagosomes containing IgG-coated beads, similarly to those containing beads coated with TLR agonists (51). Signaling through TLR of Fcγ receptors might drive the assembly of the NOX2 NADPH oxidase on the phagosomal membrane (51). In turn, recruitment of LC3 lipidation machinery may depend on the localized generation of ROS (141). It seems, however, that signaling through receptors might not be sufficient, as exemplified by the diminished recruitment of LC3 to phagosomes in cells having taken up heat-killed B. pseudomallei (38). Hence, other bacterial factors may play an essential role in this process. Similar findings for C. trachomatis, although in a different context, show that early bacterial protein synthesis is essential for LC3-I and MAP recruitment to the bacterial inclusion and add to this hypothesis (4). For the engulfment of dead cells, which evidently do not interact with TLR or Fcγ receptors, no pathway has yet been identified except for the requirement of TIM4 (88). Again, the challenge for the future will be to identify the cellular receptor and foreign body ligand interactions as well as the factors necessary for the initiation of LAP. The scope of research in the autophagy field has considerably expanded during recent years and advances have been made in understanding the generation, regulation and cellular implication of autophagosomes and autophagosome-like compartments. However, new 32 Discussion questions have arisen from recent discoveries and need to be answered. Firstly, basic issues in the canonical autophagy pathway need to be solved, notably the source of autophagosomal membranes and their conversion from initial single membranes into double-membrane autophagosomes. Furthermore, Nishida et al. (101) described an alternative autophagy pathway independent of Atg5 and Atg7, although these proteins were previously thought to be indispensably required for the formation of autophagosomes. 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