the American psychological association



(The stimulus for this e-article comes from the recent knowledge that the “American Psychological

Association” [APA] may have been complicit in supporting the Bush43’s torture programs. In e-article

“151” on this website, Dr. A.J. Gaspero was kind enough to research and to comment upon the lack of the APA’s public condemnation of military psychologists and private contractors that were involved in such “war crime” activities. In addition, he took to task the psychologists, Mitchell and Jessen, for their development and execution of such torture programs for the “Central Intelligence Agency” (CIA) of the

U.S. government.

Dr. Gaspero is in the process of generating formal complaints against Mitchell, Jessen, and the APA itself through the organizational structure of the APA’s Ethics Committee: and, these complaints were filed on

December 20, 2015 and on January 3, 2015, respectively.

Dr. Gaspero has been attempting to contact [by telephone and e-mail] Sidley Austin, LLP [“Sidley” is an international law firm specializing in “public relation” issues among its other professional activities] whose Chicago Office is located at: One South Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60603.

An e-mail response was received on January 4, 2015 from Mr. David Hoffman of “Sidley” agreeing to meet with Dr. Gaspero. In Mr. Hoffman’s e-mail, he stated the following: “Thank you for your note Dr.

Gaspero. We would be happy to talk with you to learn of any evidence or information you can share with us that may be of assistance in our review.”

Parenthetically, APA has recently hired “Sidley” to conduct an “independent” investigation of the alleged charges of “complicity” with Bush43’s torture programs as well as initiating “alterations” of the APA

Code of Ethics in order to accommodate APA members who were involved in such immoral, unethical, and illegal programs.

“Sidley’s” e-mail address and telephone number for its “independent” investigation are

and 312-456-8468, respectively. The lead investigator for this “independent”

“investigation/review” is a David H. Hoffman, Esq.

Finally, wishes to thank the investigative journalist, James Risen [“Pay Any Price”, published by Houghton Muffin Harcourt in October of 2014]; the authors of the “U.S. Senate Intelligence

Committee” report on CIA torture programs [executive summaries of this report were released on

December 9, 2014]; “The Independent Newspaper for Practitioners”, “The National Psychologist” [Vol. 24

No. 1 January/February 2015]; and, the professional psychologist, Dr. A.J. Gaspero [e-article “151” published by this website on December 20, 2014].

And, to all other supports of the truth, please fight against those psychologists who are better suited to the 19 th and the early and middle 20 th centuries.)

The American Psychological Association (APA) is the largest association of psychologists in the world. It was founded in 1892, and it is headquartered in Washington, D.C. (750 First Street, NE). It has over 134

thousand members which include scientists, educators, clinicians, consultants, and students. In all, there are 54 divisions within the APA. Its annual budget is approximately 115 million USDS (FY 2014).

(APA was founded in 1892 at Clark University [Worcester, Massachusetts]. Its first president [in 1892] was G. [Granville] Stanley Hall [1844-1924]. Hall’s “Doctoral Advisor” was the great American psychologist, William James [1842-1910]. Also, Hall was the first president of Clark University.)

APA’s President for 2014 was Dr. Nadine J. Kaslow, and its present CEO is the politically and intellectually astute Dr. Norman B. Anderson (2003-present).

(Dr. N.B. Anderson earned his master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of North Carolina at

Greensboro, NC.

Dr. Anderson was the founding director of the “National Institutes of Health” [NIH] Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research. From 1991 to 1999, he was charged with “facilitating behavioral and social sciences research across all NIH institutes and centers. In 2012, he was elected to the “Institute of


Finally, much of Dr. Anderson’s research and writings has focused upon the “effects of stress on biology and risk for hypertension”: and, his influential, health book for the general public, “Emotional

Longevity”, was released in 2003.

And, at 59 years of age, Dr. Anderson is the one person most responsible for the APA’s support of

Bush43’s torture programs due to at least his unwillingness to sanction APA members who had, who have, and who are participating in such gruesome, inhuman activities.)

Between 2002 and 2009, the APA presidents were Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo (2002), Dr. Robert J. Stemberg

(2003), Dr. Diane K. Halpem (2004), Dr. Ronald F. Levant (2005), Dr. Gerald P. Koocher (2006), Dr. Sharon

S. Brehm (2007), Dr. Alan E. Kazdin (2008), and Dr. James H. Bray (2009).

Contemporaneously, the APA is “affiliated with 60 state, territorial, and Canadian provincial associations.”

The APA’s current position (as of 2010) on torture programs is that psychologists who participate in such programs are “unethical”, but it will NOT impose organizational sanctions for those members who are known to have participated and/or for those members who are participating.

In practice, as the “Coalition for an Ethical Psychology” has stated in its open letter on its website

( October 31, 2012), the APA “passively” supports torture programs by refusing to declare an absolute prohibition of “psychologist participation” in such programs and/or by refusing

“psychologist participation” in any phase of military interrogations and/or by refusing “psychologist participation” in torture programs as a basis for exclusion or expulsion from APA membership.

(The “Behavioral Science Consultation Teams” [BSCTs] are groups of psychologists and “psychological technicians who advise the commanders of Enemy Prisoners of War and Unlawful Enemy Combatant detention facilities on how to conduct safe, legal, ethical and effective operations.”

These BSCTs were officially authorized and formed by the “Department of Defense” [DOD] in 2002. In practice, the advisor-participants in in such “black site” operations were routinely encouraged to violate their so-called, APA Code of Ethics by the CIA: and, these psychologists and psychological technicians frequently would so.)

Please see e-article “151” on this website for more information concerning “black projects” within

“black sites” as well as the pivotal role of the consulting firm of “Mitchell Jessen & Associates” of

Spokane, WA in the development and execution of U.S. torture programs from 2002 through 2009.

Past APA leadership personnel who have justified the participation of psychologists in torture programs, directly and/or indirectly, have been Dr. Meredith Crawford (a past APA treasurer), Dr. Donald O. Hebb

(a past APA president: 1960], Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman (a past APA president: 1998), Dr. Giuseppe

Dominic Matarazzo (a past APA president: 1989), Dr. Ronald F. Levant (a past APA president: 2005), and Dr. Gerald Paul Kroocher (a past APA president: 2006).

In February of 2010, the APA’s “Council of Representatives” voted to amend the Association’s Code of

Ethics in order to make it clearer that “its standards can never be interpreted to justify or to defend violating human rights.” Of course, this amendment would apply to the support and/or the participation of psychologists in torture programs, but this amendment did not outline the structural consequences of such violations when it comes to past and current APA members.

Still and as of 2015, the APA has refused to sanction those members who are known to have participated in torture programs; those members who are known to have designed and executed torture programs against “detainees”; those members who are currently participating in torture programs; and, those members who have publically advocated and publically defended their development, their utilization, and their participation in torture programs (e.g. Mitchell and Jessen).

(The extreme lack of efficacy of torture programs [to generate reliable information] is well documented in the psychological literature. Why psychologists would pretend otherwise is a testament to their intellectual dishonesty, to their personal cowardice, and to their social hypocrisy.)

And more absurdly, the APA has chosen to de-emphasize the objective fact that such torture programs are “war crimes” in the tradition of the Japanese, the Russians, the Chinese, the Germans, and the

Americans during the Second Great War (1939-1945).

Maybe Dr. Anderson et al. could consult on torture programs more internationally? It is said that the

American and International few are looking for “war criminal” psychologists that are willing to work in torture programs with, say, ISIL, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups. And, it is said that they will generously remunerate such sadists, such anti-social personality disorders, such behavior disorders, and

their like, especially those APA psychologists who are allowed to remain in APA membership despite their past, present, and future participation in “war crimes”, directly or indirectly.

And, why should they not? After all, “blood” profits are “blood” profits. Is this not the way of APA

American and APA Canadian psychologists? Their private consulting firms could be called, for example,

APA & Associates, LLC or Murder, Inc. or, better yet, BSCTs, Inc. The “crazies”, you know, just like those sexy/sadistic acronyms!

Parenthetically, Mitchell Jessen & Associates, LLC closed its business in 2009. Apparently, Obama44 was

“bad for its business.” And, Murder, Inc, the name which was given by the American print press to organized crime groups in the 1930’s and 1940’s, is still not available.

Finally and most of all, professional psychologists should lead (by way of example) in the protesting of injustices, especially when it is being generated by political-military-governmental-professional-terrorist power structures upon the helpless, the disenfranchised, and the poor of the global many.

In summary, then, torture of all living things is ALWAYS immoral; it is ALWAYS unethical; and it is

ALWAYS illegal with some notable exceptions according to Bush43.

All those who state that torture programs are justifiable and/or all those who do not act to change such monstrous activities within American and international societies are no better than the “war criminals” that they try to protect, to advocate, and to perpetuate. But, do not ask Granville Stanley Hall (1844-

1924), one of the founders of APA (1892) and its first president. He would be proud of the torture psychologists of the 21th century.

(The elitist Hall was a strong advocate of “selective breeding” [to avoid the reproduction of the inferior other] and “forced sterilization” [of the helpless, the disenfranchised, and the poor].

Thus, Hall was a believer in the German concept of “Volk” or of the “simple people.” The Nazi Germans of World War II [1939-1945], among other “crazies”, were also believers in this “delusional” concept.

Historically, the concept of “Volk” had been highly correlated with the idea of racial “purity” by those of the elitist, global classes.

See e-article “50” on this website for more information concerning the elitist, Nazi “crazies” of WW II.)

The APA: what has happened to you, yet again?

To hell with the “oligarchs” (the American and the International few) and their “familiars” (the APA and like unethical organizations; “the founder” Hall; “Emotional Longevity” Anderson; past APA presidents at least from the beginning of the American-Vietnam War [1955-1975]; Mitchell Jessen & Associates, LLC and its approximately 81 million USDS for developing and executing U.S. torture programs [2002-2009];

BSCTs which have advised governmental entities in how to torture in “ethical” ways; military psychologists and other DOD psychologists who look the other way with knowledge of the existence and the operation of torture programs within their organizational structures; with honorable mentions to

those who advocate torture like Crawford, Hebb, Seligman, Matarazzo, Levant , and Kroocher; the APA

Ethics Code before 2010; all nations and terrorist groups, past and present, who advocate the use of torture techniques; the mass torturing programs of World War II; and, all psychologists who look the other way when injustices are imposed upon the helpless, the disenfranchised, and the poor of the global many),


ADDENDUM: January 19, 2015

The following statements continue to be true:

(1) The “APA Ethics Committee” has NOT responded to Dr. A.J. Gaspero’s ethical complaints against the

“war criminal” psychologists Mitchell and Jessen (which was initiated on December 20, 2014) as well as against Dr. Anderson’s APA (which was initiated on January 3, 2015);

(2) David H. Hoffman of “Sidley-Austin” has acknowledged the receipt of a number of emails which were sent by Dr. A.J. Gaspero in early January, but he has stated that he will only meet with those individuals who may have “new and unpublished ‘evidence’” concerning APA’s complicity with and in

Bush43’s torture programs;

(3) “The National Psychologist” has NOT responded to the information which was submitted by Dr. A.J.

Gaspero on January 4, 2015;

(4) “The Coalition for an Ethical Psychology” has NOT responded to Dr. A.J. Gaspero’s email of January 9,

2015; and,

(5) Dr. A.J. Gaspero has been advised, by a number of his friends and colleagues, to STOP accentuating issues which are now being “fairly” and “independently” reviewed by “Sidley-Austin” (even though there is a clear and present ethical conflict on the part of Dr. Anderson’s APA in the HIRING of a “public relations” firm to conduct such a review);

Finally, this website will continue to bring calls for attention, calls for criminal investigation, and calls for sanctions, both civil and criminal, against the “alleged, unethical, immoral, and criminal actions” of all individuals and/or organizations under Bush43 and after which have participated in torture programs in the name of the people of the United States of America.

