Yes, after one injection the results outcome is

VURDEX injection
1. Is the result outcome is after one injection VURDEX?
Yes, after one injection the results outcome is initially due to bulking
effect then during and up to 18months the effect of positive charge in
regenerating the tissue will continue to go on.
2. In case of failure after the first injection, how many times it is
suggested to repeated injection VURDEX and in what intervals?
In case of failure after 4-6 weeks of first injection a second injection
can be used, after that if the situation is not corrected, a surgical
procedure will be necessary. The decision to give a second injection
can be made after 4-6 weeks, otherwise if after 3 , 9, 12 months a
recurrent VUR occurs, for sure a decision of second injection can be
3. Can higher grade of VUR be treated with Vurdex?
Yes, high grade reflux can be treated by vurdex but in severe
combined VUR cases the success rate will be 65% instead of 80% and
some cases must be surgically treated in case of failure.
4. How much is the reduced volume of injected material (Vurdex's)
during one year?
This is a very important question as after a ten-year experience with
DEFLUX the volume of the injected material is reduced by 20% to 25%
in one year, which may cause the occurrence of VUR after several
years. The case with vurdex is different as it is the only product
worldwide that have „ positive charged particles“ and thus it induce
collagen formation in site of implantation and accordingly the
decreased particles size will be substituted by collagen – eventually
there will be no significant volume decrease associated as in other
products. And this is the core idea of the product – positive charge
and tissue regeneration effect.
5. How much the injected 1ml of urodex or vurdex contributes to
tissue size increase ?
After injection of 1ml , the volume increase is
120micrometer ( dextranomere effect ) and 40-60micrometer (
hyaluronic acid effect ).
6. Can VUR appears on the opposite side after injection VURDEX and
in what percentage?
Yes, VUR can appear on opposite side with 5% percentage.
7. Does the VUR in double urethra is indication for injection VURDEX's
and what are the results if the answer is positive?
Yes it can be used for double ureter cases, success rate is 80%.
8. How long patients are monitored after injecting VURDEX's?
basic monitoring for 3 months, further monitoring is at 9, 12, 18
months and if desired can be monitored up to 5 years. In all cases an
image for implantation site that shows the (collagen formation) is the
perfect indication for long term success and no further monitoring will
be necessary after checking this point.
9. In which cases it is not recommended VURDEX but immediately
recommended classic surgery for VUR ?
Grade IV and V, of course it can be treated by vurdex upon doctor
decision and knowledge to the exact patient case if treatment with
vurdex might have a high rate of success percentage, usually in severe
VUR cases the percentage is either 40 to 50% success or at least the
result after injecting vurdex will be that Grade V will be lowered to
Grade IV – so it is totally depending on doctor decision and patient
available options for treatment.
10. After how many injections in case of failure or recurrence it is
suggested to do classic surgery in VUR?
As mentioned, after 2 two injections – two treatment times.