Item 6 - Engaging with Stakeholders

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Transport Review Discussion Paper
Objective of Engaging with Stakeholders
The objective of engaging with stakeholders is to gain knowledge and understanding
of how transport services operate within the Commonwealth HACC Program.
Specifically, the purpose of engagement is to seek and identify needs, preferences
and perspectives on current services being offered, particularly on service delivery
and funding models currently being used.
The information collected through stakeholder engagement mechanisms (targeted
discussions and the website questionnaire) will be used to inform the review of
transport and provide advice to the Minister on the future transport services under
the Commonwealth Home Support Program.
To ensure that the entire scope of community transport is captured when engaging
with stakeholders we are seeking the Transport Review Sub-Group’s input and
advice on specific areas of community transport which would add further value to the
transport review. Draft discussion prompts will be discussed at the Transport Review
Sub-Group face-to-face meeting in June 2013.
Engaging with Stakeholders for Targeted Discussions
1. Stakeholder discussion prompts
The following questions have been identified as a starting point to ask consumers in
targeted discussions sessions on community transport. The Transport Review SubGroup are asked to provide comment, additional input and appropriate wording on
each of these areas of prompts.
A) Clients (targeted discussion):
How accessible and available is community transport in your neighborhood?
Was the referral and assessment process effective and appropriate?
What was the main purpose for you to access community transport?
How frequently do you use community transport?
What do you like about community transport? Are there any unique activities
provided by Commonwealth HACC transport services?
Are there payment options for you to choose from (including the use of
Do you depend on community transport to remain living at home?
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B) Service Providers (targeted discussion and website questionnaire):
How do you assess and prioritize clients?
Is there a range of payment options for clients (including the use of
Does your service have a fee structure?
How do you manage service capacity and demand? Do you have a waiting
What service activities are undertaken when delivering community transport?
What are your services maximum and minimum length and time per trip?
What is your services average cost per trip? What expenses are incurred with
your community transport service?
Does your service collect data on client purposes of each trip? What are the
main purposes/demands for community transport ?
Do you have any assurance/OH&S policies and procedures which ensure
safety and quality of service to clients?
Has your service invested in any technology innovation to achieve effective
service delivery, especially in rural and remote areas?
Does your service provide transport only or does it provide transport and other
Commonwealth HACC Services? If so, what other Commonwealth HACC
Does your service attract a specific type of client? If so what are these client
Does your service use a brokerage model to provide community transport
services? Is this an effective model in your area/region? Is so why?
Does your service attract and engage volunteers? If so, how many volunteers
does your organization have and what training and other costs are involved?
Does your service provide other Commonwealth HACC services i.e. centrebased day care, respite, social support? If so, how is community transport
captured and recorded as part of service delivery
Does your service currently receive other funding (other than Commonwealth
funding) which is dependent to your service model?
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What sort of funding models could you envisage for the future? eg Community
Passenger Networks, brokerage
2. Identifying Stakeholders
The Transport Review Sub-Group are invited to provide comment and advice on the
criteria on how to identify participants from each state and territory. Targeted
discussions will be held with a range of clients, Commonwealth HACC service
providers, peak bodies and state government service providers.
It is envisaged that targeted discussions will be undertaken with 10-15 participants
and any time, including the Contractor and a departmental representative.
It is important that a diverse range of stakeholders are invited to attend the targeted
discussions and thought needs to be given as to the criteria to identify participants.
The following criteria is a starting point to assist discussion on selecting participants.
This criteria needs to include how clients are involved in targeted discussions.
Possible criteria:
Metropolitan and regional mix;
Funding mix from large, medium and small organisations;
Innovative models of service delivery;
Service providers that provide Commonwealth community transport and other
Commonwealth HACC services providing transport as part of their service
delivery; and
Clients, Commonwealth HACC service providers, peak bodies and state
government service provider participation.
Please note: In addition to targeted stakeholder discussions, service providers
providing Commonwealth HACC community transport will be given the opportunity to
participate in the questionnaire on the Living Longer Living Better website.
3. Potential Locations for Targeted Stakeholder Discussions (in particular
regional discussions)
Targeted discussions will take place in all capital cities (including Melbourne and
Perth) as well as a regional location across each state and territory. In total there will
be up to 16 state and territory targeted discussions for the transport review.
The departments state and territory offices is a potential venue location in each
capital city. Regional venue locations need to be confirmed based on advice from
the Transport Review Sub-Group members.
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The Transport Review Sub-Group can provide advice and recommendations on
appropriate regional venue locations for targeted stakeholder discussions in each
state and territory.
Invitation to Contribute Reports into the HACC Transport Review
The Transport Review Sub-Group members and their contacts are invited to
contribute any relevant HACC transport reports to the Literature Report and Data
Analysis phases of the review by 14 June 2013. Please email contributions to
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Transport Literature and
Relevant Documents
Document Name
State/ National
Key pages/ Comments
Aboriginal Transport Dreaming: Aboriginal NSW centric
State Transport Conference 2010 (2010)
Provides an overview of what the
priorities of NSW indigenous Community
Transport (CT) service providers are any
ongoing issues/concerns.
Community Transport in NSW:
broadening the horizon (2011)
NSW centric with US/NSW CT
An in-depth backgrounder on CT with
focus on NSW. Covers CT for aged
people, disability, health transport,
mobility issues, + international CT models
– USA & comparison with NSW system.
Cost comparisons, service gaps etc. are
also addressed.
This is the CTO’s response to a CT
survey that was commission by the NSW
Government to gauge the CT needs of
CT service providers, consumers and
other interested parties.
A report prepared by the CTO and
NCOSS that focuses on CT accreditation
for service providers across NSW. 105
CT NSW providers participated. Report
Helen Battellino & Kevin McClain
Community Transport Authorisation
Discussion Paper – NSW Government
David Atkins & Helen Battellino Community Transport Organisation (CTO)
Accreditation of Community Transport: A
report on the impacts on Community
Transport being included within the
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Passenger Transport Act NSW (2009)
Council of Social Services of New South
Wales & the Community Transport
focuses on Accreditation for both Paid
drivers as well as Volunteers.
CTO ‘Productivity Commission: Caring for
Older Australians’ response (2011)
National & NSW
This is the CTO’s response to the PC
report. CT references on block funding
recommendation p.2 and a whole section
devoted to CT references in the PC report
on p. 12.
Exploring mobility of older people: a case
study of Adelaide (2011)
SA (specifically metropolitan – Adelaide)
This paper explores mobility of older
people in Metropolitan Adelaide using
existing datasets together with data from
a recent (2010) travel survey of older
people. It looks at travel patterns for older
people, the role of public transport,
residential location, travel and distance
National/ NSW + international
A paper focusing on the mobility needs
and travel patterns of individuals aged 65
years and over and international
comparisons with similar OECD
National + International
A research paper focusing on mobility
issues for Elderly people around Australia
with OECD comparisons.
Long Tien Truong & Sekhar Somenahalli
The mobility and accessibility
expectations of Seniors in an Aging (sic)
Population (2003)
Rahaf Alsnih and David A. Hensher
The Elderly and Mobility: a review of the
literature (2006)
Michelle Whelan, Jim Langford, Jennifer
Oxley, Sjaanie Koppel, Judith Charlton
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Community Transport Stocktake
July 2011
Prepared by Ipsos-Eureka Social
Research Institute on behalf of the
Victorian Community Transport
Association to better understand who is
delivering and receiving community
transport services, and how those
services are being delivered.
Provided there’s Transport: Transport as
a barrier to accessing health care in NSW
Examines transport in enabling access to
healthcare in NSW
CBT Queensland – Toolbox: ‘Communitybased transport from planning to action’
Designed to assist people looking at
planning in a local area.
Rural and remote NSW
Considers the issues confronting
community transport provision by HACC
funded services in the rural and remote
regions of NSW.
The paper examines the levels and types
of transport options available to residents
in aged care facilities.
Prepared by the ACT Office for Ageing in
November 2009.
Project Contact – Daniel Evans
Helen Ferrier - 2006
HACC Community Transport in rural and
remote NSW
Valmar Support Services - 2010
On the Road, Again. The Transport
Needs of People in Residential Aged
Council of Social Service of NSW –
December 2003
Report on the 2009 Consultations on a
Strategic Plan for Positive Ageing 20102014
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South Australian Community Transport
Research and Development Project –
Stage One
Fuller – December 2008
South Australia
An audit of current peak body models and
research into the most appropriate
research model to suit the South
Australian community services