REASONS FOR DECISION TO EXERCISE POWER OF INTERVENTION UNDER SECTION 20(4) OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 BALLARAT PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C180 The Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act), the Heritage Act 1995 and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 provide for the intervention of the Minister for Planning in planning and heritage processes. In exercising my powers of intervention, I have agreed to: Make publicly available written reasons for each decision; and Provide a report to Parliament at least every twelve months detailing the nature of each intervention. REQUEST FOR INTERVENTION 1. The Ballarat City Council has requested my intervention under section 20(4) of the Act in respect of an amendment to the Ballarat Planning Scheme. WHAT POWER OF INTERVENTION IS BEING USED? 2. I have decided to exercise my powers to exempt myself from all the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act and the regulations in respect to Amendment C180 to the Ballarat Planning Scheme. 3. Section 20(4) of the Act enables the Minister for Planning to exempt an amendment which the Minister prepares from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act or the regulations. 4. In seeking to exercise this power, section 20(4) of the Act requires that the Minister must consider that compliance with any of those requirements is not warranted or that the interests of Victoria or any part of Victoria make such an exemption appropriate. BACKGROUND 5. The Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) has been strategically identified to cater for employment generating uses to support local population growth and is also recognised in the Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan as a landmark location within the region for employment and industrial growth. I approved Amendment C166 to the Ballarat Planning Scheme in June 2013, which facilitated the development of the 623 hectare BWEZ which will have regionally significant outcomes for economic activity and employment, creating up to 9,000 jobs and generating $5 billion in economic activity. 6. The Ballarat City Council is seeking to reduce the minimum subdivision requirement of the Special Use Zone 14 (SUZ14) for residential lots sizes from 0.4 hectares to 0.2 hectares where lots are connected to reticulated sewerage. 7. 36.9 hectares of land within BWEZ was set aside in Precinct ‘C’ for a residential transition and an open space buffer to the industrial land. The current SUZ14 allows a minimum lot size of 0.4 hectares to provide a transition between the BWEZ to the north and the existing residential land to the west and south. 8. Application of appropriate buffers within the BWEZ is critical to manage noise and air emissions and visual amenity interfaces between industry and housing. The master plan for the BWEZ endorsed as part of my approval of Amendment C166 provides for a buffer and open space transition within Precinct C. This will help ameliorate any amenity impacts between housing and industry. 9. Major Projects Victoria (MPV) is a key stakeholder, working with the council and Regional Development Victoria to prepare the project for delivery. The MPV has been consulted and is supportive of the amendment. 10. The council has provided supporting information advising that it has the necessary statutory controls in place to address the potential impacts of increasing the number of residential lots available within the BWEZ, while still retaining the ability to provide appropriate buffers between industry and housing. 11. The Development Plan Overlay Schedule 10 (Ballarat West Employment Zone) requires that any development plan for the site must be ‘generally in accordance with the Ballarat West Employment Zone Master Plan document 2012’ and supported by a planning report containing an adverse amenity impacts analysis which addresses potential impacts both within the BWEZ and on adjoining industrial and residential areas. 12. The amendment will facilitate the development of the BWEZ in a well planned and coordinated manner by requiring the preparation of a Development Plan prior to any development commencing. BENEFITS OF EXEMPTION 13. The main benefit of the exemption is that it will enable a prompt decision to be made on the adoption and approval of the amendment, which facilitates the development of a site which will have regionally significant outcomes for economic activity and employment. Given the extensive consultation on the strategic documents that occurred prior to my approval of the amendment preceding this request (Amendment C166), the minor nature of the changes proposed in this amendment and the controls that apply to the land make a formal notification an unnecessary duplication of process and unduly delay the delivery of this important economic project. EFFECTS OF EXEMPTION ON THIRD PARTIES 14. The effects of the exemption are that third parties will not have an opportunity to make a formal submission to the planning authority or to have their submission considered by a panel. 15. However, the council consulted potentially affected landowners and occupiers, State Government agencies, service authorities, and the community about the Master Plan, which shows the preferred development scenario. 16. In addition the council believes the Zone and Overlay controls will adequately provide for appropriate buffers between housing and industry. 17. Major Projects Victoria is working with the council to prepare the project for delivery and supports the amendment. ASSESSMENT AS TO WHETHER BENEFITS OF EXEMPTIONS OUTWEIGH EFFECTS ON THIRD PARTIES 18. The BWEZ Master Plan has been subject to considerable public consultation. 19. Formal notification and exhibition under the Act would duplicate process and delay the supply of infrastructure to land in a regional growth area. 20. Accordingly I consider that the benefits of exempting myself from sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act outweigh any effects of the exemption on third parties. DECISION 21. I have decided to exercise my power to exempt myself from all the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act and the regulations in respect of Amendment C180 to the Ballarat Planning Scheme. REASONS FOR INTERVENTION 22. I provide the following reasons for my decision to exercise my power under section 20(4) of the Act. 23. I am satisfied that Compliance with any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act and the regulations is not warranted because: Potentially affected third parties, relevant stakeholders and agencies have been consulted in the development of the BWEZ and its Master Plan. Compliance with the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act and regulations would duplicate the consultation undertaken by the Ballarat City Council. SIGNED BY THE MINISTER MATTHEW GUY MLC Minister for Planning Date: 22 October 2014