Guidance for all external speakers and external visitors to SGUL

Guidance for all external speakers and external visitors to SGUL
1. Duties of the university
In accordance with its duties as laid down in Section 43 of the Education (No. 2) Act 1986, SGUL wishes to
ensure that freedom of speech within the law -as specified in Article 19 of the UN Covenant and Article 10
of the European Convention is secured for students, staff -including honorary and visiting staff - and for all
persons authorised to be on the institution’s premises, including external speakers and other visitors.
SGUL wishes to provide an inclusive learning environment of intellectual rigour where debates flourish and
staff and students are able to engage in free-ranging discussions. Every member of the university shall be
entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, to hold opinions without interference, disability or
disadvantage, and to freedom of expression within the law, including the right to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas.
Therefore the university must balance the right to freedom of speech with the need to protect people from
abuse, for example through the incitement of hatred. The university wishes to protect staff and students of
all backgrounds from intimidation, harassment and violent behaviour. Thus all freedom of speech must be
within the constraints of the law.
Current staff and students are bound by the terms of their contracts with the university and by all existing
2. Definition of external speakers and external visitors
The university defines external speakers and external visitors to the university as follows:
External speaker: anyone other than a current student or current staff member who may be invited to give
a sermon, preach, expound on a piece of religious text, or political viewpoint, etc - see the Promoting Good
Campus Relations Policy.
Visitor: anyone other than a current student or current staff member who is invited to attend a university
meeting –
(See point 6, 7 and 8 of the ‘Promoting Good Campus Relations Policy’ for further clarification).
External speakers and visitors are subject to web and other security checks as standard practice by the
3. Conditions for external speakers and visitors
External speakers and visitors are permitted to visit the university but must ensure that they also comply
with UK legislation. This means speakers and visitors must ensure that in the views or ideas they put
forward -or in the manner in which they express these views or ideas- they do not infringe the rights of
others, or discriminate against them. Their speech or the manner of its expression must not constitute a
criminal offence, a threat to public order, a threat to the health and safety of individuals, incite others to
commit criminal acts, or be contrary to the civil and human rights of individuals. It is a criminal offence to
‘stir up hatred’ against other people on religious or racial grounds.
Therefore in order to protect staff and students of all backgrounds, the university requires that all external
speakers and visitors to the university abide by:
the Promoting Good Campus Relations Policy
this guidance for all external speakers and external visitors.
External speakers and external visitors must take great care to ensure they do not create an intimidating,
hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment for others at the university. Therefore all speakers
and visitors must ensure that their words or actions will not give rise to an environment in which people will
experience - or could reasonably fear - harassment, intimidation, isolation, verbal abuse or violence,
particularly because of their:
ethnicity or race
religion and belief- including lack of religion and belief
sexuality- heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian, gay
trans status
civil partnership and marriage
pregnancy and maternity.
If an external speaker or external visitor contravenes this guidance, the university reserves the right to
immediately shut down an event and to ban that speaker or visitor from campus.
4. Responsibilities of the event organiser
a) Complying with the university’s security protocol
The university takes security very seriously. Therefore it is the responsibility of the event organiser to
ensure that any external speaker or external visitor signs in at the university’s security reception desk each
time they visit the university. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE.
b) Complying with the university’s guidance
It is also the responsibility of the event organiser –to ensure that each time an external speaker or external
visitor visits the university they signs this document to state they have read and understood:
the Promoting Good Campus Relations Policy
this guidance for all external speakers and external visitors.
and that they agree to abide by the university’s guidance.
c) Returning the signed form
It is also the responsibility of the event organiser to return signed copies of the form to request that an
external speaker or external visitor to visit St Georges University to the Deputy Director of Estates, or the
Students Union President 10 clear working days- before the external speaker or external visitor attends a
meeting or event.
It is the duty of the event organiser to ensure that all external speakers and external visitors are invited in
line with procedure as set out in the ‘Promoting Good Campus Relation Policy on Events and Meetings’.
1. Full name of the event organiser:
2. Full name of the department or student society hosting the event/meeting:
3. What is the title of the event?
4. What is the date and time of this event?
5. Please clarify what is the role of the external speaker or external visitor at this event? For example are
they attending in their capacity as a preacher, a political speaker, an expert on the topic to be discussed, in
another capacity? Please be as specific as possible.
6. Why is the external speaker or external visitor attending this event?
7. What topics will the external speaker or external visitor cover in any speech?
8. Is permission sought for information or merchandise to be distributed? If so please specify what are
these materials?
9. Is permission sought for a collection to be taken up? If so please specify the cause:
10. Declaration of event organiser
As the event organiser I confirm I have briefed the external speaker/ external visitor on the Promoting
Good Campus Relations Policy on events and meetings and this guidance for external speakers and
external visitors.
As the event organiser I understand that any proposal that an external speaker or external visitor visit the
university must be submitted in writing, to the university at least 10 working days before any proposed
event. This is in accordance with the Promoting Good Campus Relations Policy on events and meetings. I
fully understand that if I make such a proposal after this deadline then the university may automatically
refuse permission to extend an invitation.
I understand I understand that events may only be booked by a Student Society president or individual
member of staff.
I understand that any failure on behalf of the event organiser to abide by their responsibilities as outlined
above may result in disciplinary action.
Full name of event organiser (IN CAPITALS):
I confirm I am a current member of staff
YES/NO delete as applicable.
I confirm I am a current Student Society president
YES/NO delete as applicable.
If yes, please state which Student Society you represent:
Signature of event organiser:
11. Declaration of external visitor/ external speaker
As an external visitor/ external speaker I confirm I have been briefed by the event organiser on the
promoting good campus relations policy and this guidance for external speakers and visitors and that I
agree to abide by the policies outlined in these documents.
Full name of external speaker or external visitor (IN CAPITALS):
Signature of external speaker or external visitor:
12. Declaration of University/Students’ Union representative
As the Deputy Director Estates & Facilities (Facilities)/ Students Union President I can confirm that I have
vetted the external visitor/ external speaker named above in accordance with the Promoting Good Campus
Relations Policy on events and meetings and I am content for them to visit the university.
Full name of person who carried out the vetting (IN CAPITALS):
Signature of University/Students’ Union representative:
Returning this document
If the event organiser is a student
If the event organiser is a
member of staff
return this signed document to
the Students Union President
Deputy Director Estates &
Facilities (Facilities)
KH/ December 2010
Updated October 2013
Updated March 2014
Updated April 2014