DOD Scholarship Application

Central State University
Center of Excellence in STEM and STEM Education
Scholarship Application Form – Fall 2015 Semester ONLY
To be eligible for consideration you must:
Be a full time student.
Major in the following STEM areas:
 Biology
 Pre-Biology
 Chemistry
 Pre-Chemistry
 Environmental Engineering
 Computer Science
 Geology
 Industrial Technology
 Mathematics
 Manufacturing Engineering
 Water Resources Management
Returning CSU students must have a cumulative minimum grade point average
of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale
New incoming students must have a high school GPA of 2.8 and a 19 ACT.
Completed your 2015/16 FAFSA.
Describe in a one page essay how this scholarship will help you reach your career
Submit complete application by August 1, 2015
Scholarship Conditions
 Non-Refundable.
 $6,000 maximum award on a need basis.
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________
City: _________________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: __________
Mobile Phone (Cell) Number: ___________________________________________
CSU ID #: ____________________________________________________________
Birth Date: __________________________________________________________
E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________
Major: ______________________________________________________________
Classification: Freshman _____ Sophomore _____ Junior _____ Senior _____
Current G.P.A.: _______________________________________________________
Faculty Advisor: ______________________________________________________
Names and Amount of Scholarships Currently Awarded:
Scholarship Requirements:
Participate in periodic meetings with the CSU STEM-X-ED Academic Learning
Center regarding progress, problems, etc.
Participate in at least one Graduate School visit during the academic year.
Participate in one Professional Development Workshops during the academic
I authorize the release of all scholarship materials, including essays, transcripts, test
scores, and financial aid data to the members of the DoD Scholarship Review
Committee. It will be necessary to share your information with groups outside the
University. If awarded, my scholarship information may be released to the media. I
understand that misrepresentation of facts on this application will be cause for
disqualification. I understand that if I fail to attend or officially withdraw from my
classes, my scholarship disbursement will be removed from my account, potentially
creating a negative balance. The University reserves the right to cancel a scholarship
award if a recipient is found responsible for academic misconduct. I understand that
scholarships are awarded on an “as funds are available” basis.
Submission of this form implies acceptance of all the conditions/obligations of the
Student Signature: ________________________________ Date: _________________
Submit Application to:
Mr. Gorgui Ndao, Program Manager
Jenkins Hall, Room 124
Phone: (937) 376-6265