Americas & Tropical Africa Worksheet: Inca, Aztec, Maya

Mr. Mendoza
Name: __________________________________________
Date: _______________________ Prd: ______________
Ch. 11 & 13 The Americas & Tropical Africa
F. Facts (2 pts.)
1. _______________________________________ System of knotted cords used by Andean peoples to transmit info.
2. _______________________________________ Raised fields constructed by Aztecs along lake shores for agricultural
3. _______________________________________ Andean labor system based on work on behalf of the ruler and
religious organizations
4. _______________________________________ System where defeated peoples were forced to pay a tax in the form
of goods or labor. These payments of food, cloth and other goods help fund the development of large
5. _______________________________________ Andean kin/family based community
6. _______________________________________ Mesoamerican civilization whose contributions include mathematics,
astronomy, and the calendar
7. _______________________________________ Capital city of the Incan Empire
8. _______________________________________ Powerful city-state in central Mexico
9. _______________________________________ Known as the Mexica, create a powerful empire in central Mexico
10. _______________________________________ Largest and most powerful Andean Empire
11. _______________________________________ MesoAmerican civilization who were skilled in mathematics,
astronomy and developed a calendar
Multiple Choice (2 pts.)
14. __________ Why are many societies of the
Americas considered unusual?
a. Their form of governance was not
based on hierarchies but on equality
before the law and democracy
b. They reached an advanced state of
civilization without developing
systems of writing
c. Women acted as warriors
d. They all spoke the same language,
15. __________ The image above is associated with
a. Maya
b. Toltec
c. Aztec
d. Inca
12. __________ At its height, how large was the
Incan Empire? (You may use the image
above to assist you)
a. It stretched from Chile to what is
today Panama
b. It stretched from Chile to northern
c. It stretched from Argentina to Brazil
d. It stretched from Colombia to Peru
13. __________ The Aztec civilization’s militaristic
tone and use of human sacrifice was based
on the earlier culture of the
a. Inca
b. Maya
c. Toltec
d. Khazars
16. __________ Which of the following staple crops
became the most important food crop in the
Americas before 1500 CE?
a. Maize
b. Manioc
c. Wheat
d. Squash
Base your answer to question 17 on the reading
below and your knowledge of this time period
… At Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs perfected an unusual
method of farming. They built huge rafts, covered
them with earth, and floated them on the lake. On
these chinampas, or “floating islands,”they grew
enough maize and vegetables to feed their expanding
population comfortably. Eventually, roots from the
tree rafts attached themselves to the bottom of the
shallow lake to become permanent foundations for
17. __________ Which conclusion is best
supported by the information in this
a. The Aztecs terraced the land
b. Large plantations provided food for
the markets
c. The Aztecs were limited to
subsistence farming
d. Environmental adaptation aided
economic development
19. __________ The image of Chichen Itza above is
an example of the technological and
religious contributions of the
a. Maya
b. Aztec
c. Inca
d. Olmec
20. ___________ Inca & Aztec societies were
similar in that both
a. Developed from Mayan civilization
b. Acquired empires by means of
military conquest
c. Independently developed iron
d. Depended entirely on oral record
21. ___________ Aztec rule was based on
a. Primogeniture (hereditary)
b. A council of aristocrats selecting
new rulers
c. Matrilineal heritage
d. 2 nobles competing in combat with
the winner becoming the leader
18. __________ The example of human sacrifice
depicted above is most likely attributed to
which of the following?
a. Maya
b. Aztec
c. Inca
d. Moche
22. __________ The Maya “long count” calendar is
most likely
a. One they adopted from the Inca
b. Associated with their understanding
of their creation
c. Linked to planting and harvesting
d. The one they used for religious
23. __________ Besides enslaving captives, the
Aztecs also
a. Allowed for the assimilation of
conquered peoples
b. Developed a tribute system to
increase food supply & trade goods
c. Allowed captives to barter for their
d. Sent food to nearby political
dependencies as a humanitarian
gesture 
24. __________ The Aztec is the official mascot of
which California university?
b. San Diego State
c. USC
d. Cal State Los Angeles
25. __________ The Inca, unlike the native groups
of MesoAmerica& Mexico
a. Practiced human sacrifice
b. Were pastoralists (farmers)
c. Did not have an army
d. Had no nobility or political
26. __________ Which was true of Maya writing?
a. It was identical to the system used
in ancient Egypt
b. It was derived from the system used
by the Olmec
c. It was used for telling stores about
d. It was a form of hieroglyphic writing
that included whole words,
concepts, phonetic clues, and
27. __________ Andean civilizations
a. Undertook large-scale irrigation
projects & built terraces to control
b. Practiced polytheism, whereas the
Aztecs did not
c. Never adopted the practice of any
divine mandate of rule
d. Intermarried and developed a clanbased culture
28. __________ In MesoAmerica, the Maya & the
Aztec civilizations were similar in that they
a. Showed little evidence of
b. Lacked a strong central government
c. Developed complex mathematical &
calendar systems
d. Used military weapons superior to
those of the Europeans
29. __________ A study of the Mayas, Aztecs &
Incas would show that these ancient
American civilizations
a. Produced few cultural achievements
b. Lived at peace with their neighbors
c. Welcomed new technology brought
by European explorers
d. Rivaled the accomplishments of
early Middle Eastern cultures
30. __________ A study of the Mayas, Aztecs &
Incas would show that these ancient
American civilizations
a. Developed advanced and complex
societies before the arrival of the
b. Established extensive trade with
Pacific Rim nations
c. Were strongly influenced by their
contact with Asian & African peoples
d. Were relatively large, but not well
Base your answer to question 31 on the illustration
below and your knowledge of this era in history.
31. __________ Which element of civilization is
most clearly shown in this Maya artwork?
a. Urbanization
b. A system of education
c. A code of laws
d. Social classes
Base your answer to
question 32 on the
drawing below and
on your knowledge
of this era of history.
32. __________
What does
this drawing
about the
a. Religious influence on architecture
b. Cooperation & planning in
c. Superior military technology used
for defense
d. Role of government during a natural
33. ___________ A major agricultural advancement
of the Incas was the
a. Domestication of cattle
b. Use of a steel plow
c. Terracing of mountains for farming
d. Development of floating gardens
Base your answer to question 34 on the map below
and on your knowledge of social studies.
34. ___________Which title best describes this
a. MesoAmerican Cultural Areas
b. South American Urban Areas
c. Creation of the Spanish Viceroyalties
d. Outposts of the Inca Empire
35. ___________ A major agricultural advancement
of the Aztecs was the
a. Domestication of cattle
b. Use of the steel plow
c. Terracing of mountains for farming
d. Development of floating gardens
36. ___________ One way the Incas adapted their
environment was by
a. Building a network of roads through
the mountains
b. Growing rice as a major agricultural
c. Establishing the encomienda system
d. Creating floating gardens
Matching (2 pts.)
37. __________ Moctezuma II
A. God of War/later associated with the sun
38. __________ Hernan Cortes
B. Spanish conqueror of the Aztec Empire
39. __________ Quetzalcoatl
C. The feathered serpent god
40. __________ Huizilopochtli
D. Aztec leader/ruler