Word - Saint Mary`s Press

The Paschal Mystery: Christ’s Mission of Salvation
Correlations for The Paschal Mystery:
A Primary Source Reader
The Paschal Mystery
PS Reader
1 The Bible: Inspired Text
Student Text
Article 1, “The Primeval History”
Excerpt from “Introduction to
the Bible” in The Collegeville
Bible Commentary, by Dianne
Bergant, CSA
2 God’s Continuous Creation
Excerpt from “Can God and
Evolution Co-exist?” by
George Coyne, SJ
3 Created in the Image of God
Excerpt from the United States
Catholic Catechism for Adults,
by the United States
Conference of Catholic
Excerpt from “Image and
Likeness,” by Barbara A.
Kathe, PhD
4 Original Sin: The Human
Romans 7:15–24
Excerpt from Pastoral
Constitution on the Church in
the Modern World (Gaudium et
Spes), by the Second Vatican
Excerpt from Devotion I,
“Insultus Morbi Primus,” by
John Donne
Article 1, “The Primeval History”
Article 2, “Creation Reflects the Glory of God”
Article 3, “Human Beings: The Summit of Creation”
Article 4, “The Garden of Eden: The Perfect Life”
Article 3, “Human Beings: The Summit of Creation”
Article 4, “The Garden of Eden: The Perfect Life”
Article 5, “Adam and Eve’s Disobedience”
Article 15, “Why the Word Became Flesh”
Article 34, “Our Call to Holiness”
Article 41, “Why We Pray”
Article 4, “The Garden of Eden: The Perfect Life”
Article 5, “Adam and Eve’s Disobedience”
Article 6, “Original Sin: A Consequence of the Fall”
Article 7, “Satan and the Fallen Angels”
Article 8, “God’s Promise to Adam and Eve”
Article 9, “The Old Testament Covenants: Part One”
Article 15, “Why the Word Became Flesh”
Article 19, “The Obedience of Christ”
Article 27, “The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection”
Article 29, “The Significance of Christ’s Ascension”
Article 30, “Saved from . . .”
Article 38, “Making Sense of Suffering”
© 2012 by Saint Mary’s Press
Living in Christ Series
Document #: TX002485
Correlations for The Paschal Mystery: A Primary Source Reader
The Paschal Mystery
PS Reader
5 God’s Unbroken Promises
 Sirach 44:17—45: 3
 Psalm 89:19–38
 Isaiah 55:1–11
 Ezekiel 36:16–17,18–28
6 The Ancient Prophecies
The Magnificat (Luke 1:46–55)
The O Antiphons from the
Lectionary for Mass
Excerpt from Seven Bells to
Bethlehem: The O Antiphons,
by Oliver Treanor
7 The Eternal Word Becomes
Excerpts from Against
Heresies, by Saint Irenaeus
Excerpt from a Sermon, “In the
Fullness of Time the Fullness
of Divinity Appeared,” by Saint
Bernard of Clairvaux
8 The Son Reveals the Father
Excerpt from an Interview, by
Fr. Marie-Dominique Philippe,
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Student Text
Article 9, “The Old Testament Covenants: Part One”
Article 10, “The Old Testament Covenants: Part Two”
Article 11, “Covenant Keeping: Successes and Failures”
Article 11, “Covenant Keeping: Successes and Failures”
Article 12, “The Growing Messianic Hope”
Article 13, “God Prepares the Way: The Roles of Mary and
Article 14, “The Gospels and Christological Prophecies”
Article 16, “The Titles Say It All”
Article 19, “The Obedience of Christ”
Article 24, “The Meaning of the Cross”
Article 25, “The Events of the Resurrection”
Article 26, “What Is the Resurrection?”
Article 6, “Original Sin: A Consequence of the Fall”
Article 8, “God’s Promise to Adam and Eve”
Article 10, “The Old Testament Covenants: Part Two”
Article 11, “Covenant Keeping: Successes and Failures”
Article 12, “The Growing Messianic Hope”
Article 13, “God Prepares the Way: The Roles of Mary and
Article 14, “The Gospels and Christological Prophecies”
Article 15, “Why the Word Became Flesh”
Article 16, “The Titles Say It All”
Article 19, “The Obedience of Christ”
Article 25, “The Events of the Resurrection”
Article 26, “What Is the Resurrection?”
Article 9, “The Old Testament Covenants: Part One”
Article 10, “The Old Testament Covenants: Part Two”
Article 13, “God Prepares the Way: The Roles of Mary and
Article 14, “The Gospels and Christological Prophecies”
Article 15, “Why the Word Became Flesh”
Article 16, “The Titles Say It All”
Article 17, “The Luminous Mysteries”
Article 26, “What Is the Resurrection?”
Article 27, “The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection”
Article 29, “The Significance of Christ’s Ascension”
© 2012 by Saint Mary’s Press
Living in Christ Series
Document #: TX002485
Correlations for The Paschal Mystery: A Primary Source Reader
The Paschal Mystery
PS Reader
9 Jesus Resists Temptation
Matthew 4:1–11
Excerpt from The Gospel of
Matthew, by Daniel J.
Harrington, SJ
10 Parables of the Kingdom
Excerpt from Parables: The
Arrows of God, by Megan
11 The Miracles as Signs
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Student Text
Article 5, “Adam and Eve’s Disobedience”
Article 19, “The Obedience of Christ”
Article 37, “Participating in Christ’s Kingly Ministry”
Article 17, “The Luminous Mysteries”
Article 18, “The Poverty of Christ”
Article 37, “Participating in Christ’s Kingly Ministry”
Article 39, “Is Accepting Suffering a Sign of Weakness?”
Article 17, “The Luminous Mysteries”
Article 21, “Christ’s Healings”
Article 36, “Participating in Christ’s Prophetic Ministry”
Article 17, “The Luminous Mysteries”
Article 22, “The Events of the Passion”
Article 24, “The Meaning of the Cross”
Article 29, “The Significance of Christ’s Ascension”
Excerpt from The Miracles of
Jesus and the Theology of
Miracles, by René Latourelle
12 Eucharist: Blessed
Excerpts from Meditations, by
Saint John Baptist de La Salle
13 The Jews and the Death of
Article 22, “The Events of the Passion”
Article 23, “Who Killed Jesus?”
Excerpt from Declaration on
the Relation of the Church to
Non-Christian Religions
(Nostra Aetate), by the Second
Vatican Council
Excerpt from God’s Mercy
Endures Forever: Guidelines
on the Presentation of Jews
and Judaism in Catholic
Preaching, by the Bishops’
Committee on the Liturgy,
National Conference of
Catholic Bishops
© 2012 by Saint Mary’s Press
Living in Christ Series
Document #: TX002485
Correlations for The Paschal Mystery: A Primary Source Reader
The Paschal Mystery
PS Reader
14 Grounds for Belief in the
Excerpt from The Eternal
Galilean, by Archbishop Fulton
J. Sheen
15 Why Christ Was Raised
Excerpt from a Sermon, “Christ
Is the Day,” by Saint Maximus
of Turin
Excerpt from a Sermon, “The
Days Between the
Resurrection and Ascension of
Our Lord,” by Saint Leo the
16 Pentecost: Outpouring of the
Holy Spirit
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Student Text
Article 14, “The Gospels and Christological Prophecies”
Article 22, “The Events of the Passion”
Article 25, “The Events of the Resurrection”
Article 26, “What Is the Resurrection?”
Article 6, “Original Sin: A Consequence of the Fall”
Article 7, “Satan and the Fallen Angels”
Article 8, “God’s Promise to Adam and Eve”
Article 12, “The Growing Messianic Hope”
Article 14, “The Gospels and Christological Prophecies”
Article 15, “Why the Word Became Flesh”
Article 19, “The Obedience of Christ”
Article 24, “The Meaning of the Cross”
Article 26, “What Is the Resurrection?”
Article 27, “The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection”
Article 28, “The Ascension”
Article 29, “The Significance of Christ’s Ascension”
Article 30, “Saved from . . .”
Article 31, “Saved for . . .”
Article 46, “Introduction to the Triduum”
Acts 2:1–11
Excerpt from May I Have This
Dance? by Joyce Rupp, OSM
17 Life in Heaven
“When Death Will Not Leave: A
Husband’s Journey Through
Grief,” by James R. Kelly
Article 26, “What Is the Resurrection?”
Article 28, “The Ascension”
Article 30, “Saved from . . .”
Article 31, “Saved for . . .”
Article 32, “Our Judgment by God”
Article 33, “Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory”
Article 38, “Making Sense of Suffering”
Article 39, “Is Accepting Suffering a Sign of Weakness?”
Article 40, “Finding Strength in Times of Suffering”
© 2012 by Saint Mary’s Press
Living in Christ Series
Document #: TX002485
Correlations for The Paschal Mystery: A Primary Source Reader
The Paschal Mystery
PS Reader
18 The Grace to Be Holy
Excerpt from Dogmatic
Constitution on the Church
(Lumen Gentium), by the
Second Vatican Council
Excerpt from Crossing the
Threshold of Hope,by Pope
Saint John Paul II
19 Accepting Jesus’ Teaching
Excerpt from Christian
Behaviour, by C. S. Lewis
20 A Sacramental Life
Excerpts from Teens and
Spirituality, by Jerry Shepherd
 Excerpt from “Living the
Sacramental Life,” by Anna
Nicole Kyritsis
21 Why We Pray
Excerpt from Challenges in
Prayer, by M. Basil Pennington
22 Learning to Pray
Excerpt from The Gift of
Peace, by Joseph Cardinal
23 Praying the Psalms
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Student Text
Article 15, “Why the Word Became Flesh”
Article 20, “Christ’s Moral Preaching”
Article 30, “Saved from . . .”
Article 31, “Saved for . . .”
Article 34, “Our Call to Holiness”
Article 35, “Participating in Christ’s Priestly Ministry”
Article 36, “Participating in Christ’s Prophetic Ministry”
Article 37, “Participating in Christ’s Kingly Ministry”
Article 41, “Why We Pray”
Article 44, “Overcoming Obstacles to Prayer”
Article 15, “Why the Word Became Flesh”
Article 20, “Christ’s Moral Preaching”
Article 27, “The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection”
Article 30, “Saved from . . .”
Article 31, “Saved for . . .”
Article 32, “Our Judgment by God”
Article 34, “Our Call to Holiness”
Article 39, “Is Accepting Suffering a Sign of Weakness?”
Article 40, “Finding Strength in Times of Suffering”
Article 30, “Saved from . . .”
Article 31, “Saved for . . .”
Article 32, “Our Judgment by God”
Article 34, “Our Call to Holiness”
Article 35, “Participating in Christ’s Priestly Ministry”
Article 36, “Participating in Christ’s Prophetic Ministry”
Article 37, “Participating in Christ’s Kingly Ministry”
Article 34, “Our Call to Holiness”
Article 35, “Participating in Christ’s Priestly Ministry”
Article 41, “Why We Pray”
Article 42, “The Forms of Prayer”
Article 43, “The Expressions of Prayer”
Article 44, “Overcoming Obstacles to Prayer”
Article 35, “Participating in Christ’s Priestly Ministry”
Article 39, “Is Accepting Suffering a Sign of Weakness?”
Article 40, “Finding Strength in Times of Suffering”
Article 42, “The Forms of Prayer”
Article 44, “Overcoming Obstacles to Prayer”
Article 45, “Ignatian Gospel Meditation”
Article 42, “The Forms of Prayer”
Article 43, “The Expressions of Prayer”
Excerpt from The Cloister
Walk, by Kathleen Norris
Psalm 35:17–28
© 2012 by Saint Mary’s Press
Living in Christ Series
Document #: TX002485
Correlations for The Paschal Mystery: A Primary Source Reader
The Paschal Mystery
PS Reader
24 The Prayer Jesus Taught Us
Excerpt from the Catechism of
the Catholic Church
Excerpt from Our Father, by
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Student Text
Article 35, “Participating in Christ’s Priestly Ministry”
Article 41, “Why We Pray”
Article 42, “The Forms of Prayer”
Article 43, “The Expressions of Prayer”
Bernard Häring
© 2012 by Saint Mary’s Press
Living in Christ Series
Document #: TX002485