Child Protection Year B Term 1 General Capabilities Difference and Diversity Types of Text Imaginative Persuasive Comprehension strategies Make Connections Key words and Phrases Synthesising Skills Communicating Interacting Early Stage 1 Identifying safe and unsafe situations Can students: recognise safe and unsafe situations? discuss how their bodies might feel in unsafe situations? Stage 1 Can students: Stage 2 Can students: compare the characteristics of situations where children feel safe and unsafe? • recognise that they may experience warning signals in situations where they are safe? • identify actions they can take when feeling unsafe? recognise situations and behaviours which may promote or threaten safety? identify situations where harm is accidental? identify safe behaviours, safety devices and protective equipment for relevant situations? discuss or identify safe Stage 3 Can students: Can students: • discuss some factors which may promote or threaten safety? • recognise familiar situations which have the potential to cause harm? • describe some indicators of risk and unsafe risks? Physical abuse Can students: describe different ways that people touch each other? identify ways of touching where they experience YES and NO feelings? Can students: • recognise some factors that contribute to a touch being OK or not OK? Can students: • categorise a situation of touch by exploring these factors? Sexual abuse Can students: talk about or indicate situations that make them feel good (YES feelings)? talk about or indicate situations that make them feel uncomfortable (NO feelings)? identify some feelings Can students: • identify a range of feelings and words used to describe them? Can students: • recognise that different people have different feelings or responses to different • identify behaviours that intentionally cause physical harm or injury? recognise how their bodies react and how they might feel in safe and unsafe situations? compare ways of touching that cause accidental harm and those that cause intentional harm? use a range of words (or Compics) to describe feelings? describe how they and others might respond to specific feelings? recognise that feelings may change or be Can students: • identify injuries or actions that constitute physical abuse of children? differentiate between situations which are sexual abuse and those which are not sexual abuse? give some reasons why the physical or sexual abuse of children is not their fault? experienced in particular situations? situations? mixed when in safe and unsafe situations? • identify particular situations in which they felt comfortable and uncomfortable? Emotional abuse and neglect Can students: Effects of abuse describe or depict things others may do that place them at risk? describe some consequences for children of harmful and abusive behaviours? discuss some needs of children which adult carers have a responsibility to meet? identify situations which can cause harm to a child’s feelings and thinking? Can students: discuss how abuse can affect self-concept negatively? discuss why it might be difficult to talk about abuse? give positive feedback to others? Indicators of risk Can students: • identify some warning signs and external signals which indicate that a child’s safety might be at risk?