United Way Success Stories - United Way of Racine County

Every donation made to United Way of Racine County is invested in education, income and health programs
that are creating lasting change in our community. Keep your employees informed by sharing these success
stories via newsletter, intranet, email, etc. To learn more about United Way and our programs, visit
United Way’s Schools of Hope: Helping kids become successful readers
United Way of Racine County is leading the way to
support education with the implementation of Schools of
Hope. In partnership with Racine Unified School District,
Schools of Hope provides young children with tutors on a
regular basis to increase reading achievement in the
early grades.
Since its pilot year in 2012, Schools of Hope has grown
to include eight local elementary schools, more than 230
volunteers, nearly 300 students, and a total of more than
3,300 tutoring hours. In just one hour per week, Schools
of Hope tutors are helping students become more
confident, capable readers who are better positioned for
academic success.
“I completely enjoyed the SOH tutoring experience! It was everything I thought it would be, plus more. To
see the kids' confidence and enthusiasm for reading grow and to know I was part of the equation/solution
was rewarding beyond measure. I am grateful to the United Way for making this program possible in our
community.” – Gina Siegert (pictured above)
“I learned that one of my students lived in a home where Spanish was the dominant language so he
didn't have as many opportunities as others to read English on a regular basis. Being able to develop his
English reading skills is something I know will pay off for him and for our community in the long run. It
was great!” – Chad Krenzke
“I was very surprised at the reading level the kids were at when I started and then to see how fast just 20
minutes a week helped them improve. It was so amazing. It made all my time with them seem so much
more beneficial to see this improvement and know how much this will help their future. Reading is a big
part of life and you want to be able to read and understand what you are reading. Otherwise, things will
only be harder as you get older.” – Elizabeth Schaeffer
“I was so impressed with the students and staff at my school. All the students were respectful and the
staff is committed to creating the best educational experience. I felt privileged to be able to share those
few moments with my students and hope that I inspired them to become better readers and life-long
learners. I think if other residents spent a few moments in a Racine school, they would have more hope
for the future of our community.” – Linda Draft
“I have participated in this well run program for two years and have had EVERY ONE of my students
make significant gains in both test scores and confidence. My heart has overflowed with joy seeing my
students growth and the trusting relationships form from such caring individuals that truly make a
difference....‘It takes a village’... how lucky we are to have SOH as part of our village!” – Susan
DeKeuster, Olympia Brown Elementary School teacher
2000 Domanik Drive  Racine, Wisconsin 53404  Phone 262.898.2240  Fax 262.898.2241
Every donation made to United Way of Racine County is invested in education, income and health programs
that are creating lasting change in our community. Keep your employees informed by sharing these success
stories via newsletter, intranet, email, etc. To learn more about United Way and our programs, visit
United Way’s Advancing Family Assets: Financial and family success
United Way’s Advancing Family Assets (AFA) empowers lowwage working families to better manage their lives and reach a
greater level of financial stability. Guided by a family success
coach, each family member sets and fulfills goals to improve
their education, income and health. Notably, families learn to
manage household budgets, reduce debt, improve credit
scores, and grow assets. AFA has assisted 418 Racine County
residents (156 adults and 262 children) since the program
“Advancing Family Assets helps me with resources and directs
me to where I can find help in the local community. My
relationship with AFA has motivated me to focus on goals as
an educator, writer and entrepreneur. And to be successful in
each goal I must follow my monthly budgeting tips.” – Vivian
Scales (pictured left)
Patricia (pictured left) was looking to improve her life when she
saw the article on Advancing Family Assets in the paper in the
summer of 2011. She thought this would be the way to finally
improve her employment, learn how to budget, find a reliable
vehicle, and become healthier overall. Patricia and her family
enrolled in AFA in November that year.
At the time of enrollment, Patricia was working part-time in the
healthcare field, struggling with health issues, and she had no
idea how to manage the family finances. Patricia’s path to an
overall healthier life was not an easy one, there were many ups
and downs including an eviction, repossession of the family
vehicle, and letting go of unhealthy relationships. With
encouragement and direction from her family success coach,
Patricia was able to overcome these obstacles and reach the
goals that she set for her family.
Patricia is currently working one full-time and one part-time job in the healthcare field and has learned how to
better manage her money. She developed a monthly budget for her family and pays all of her bills on time.
She has also been able to improve her mental, physical and emotional health by staying active, working
closely with AFA’s health coach, attending growth groups at her church, and staying connected with her
medical home. Patricia and her family have been so successful that they are getting ready to be inducted
into AFA’s alumni group in August 2014.
2000 Domanik Drive  Racine, Wisconsin 53404  Phone 262.898.2240  Fax 262.898.2241
Every donation made to United Way of Racine County is invested in education, income and health programs
that are creating lasting change in our community. Keep your employees informed by sharing these success
stories via newsletter, intranet, email, etc. To learn more about United Way and our programs, visit
United Way and Imagination Library: Sharing the love of reading
School readiness and the healthy development of
children are priorities for United Way. That’s why they
brought Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program to
western Racine County in 2009. The program
provides free, age-appropriate books each month to
children ages five and under residing in western
Racine County. Since its inception, Imagination
Library has served more than 1,000 children and
provided nearly 24,000 books!
“I have legal guardianship of my grandson, Preston,
and have been unable to find work because day care
costs are so high. I know we are blessed to have him
in our lives and God must want for us to focus on him
at this time. It is the little things that help us make it through, like the Dolly Parton Imagination Library books.
Preston looks forward to getting the new books in the mail and then sitting together and reading them. After
we read through the first time, then he reads his version of the book to me. I hope you know how much you
truly touch others and their lives! THANK YOU!” - Mary
“I love this program. My daughter is 7 months and has gotten four books. I read then to her the day we get
them. Can't wait until she is older and gets excited to get her book in the mail like I do.” - Jessica
“It is totally FREE. I did it for my nephew who will be 6 in a few days. From the time I signed him up until he
turned 5 he received a free book every month. He loved it. At the end of the 5 years they have a ‘graduation’
at the library. Very cool.” - Julie
United Way Partner Program: Health Care Network
Health Care Network provides free or low cost health care to residents of Racine County who are medically
uninsured, or medically insured with no dental coverage, and have limited income. Services are provided at
the Health Care Network office and throughout the county by health care professionals who volunteer their
time, offices and skills.
56-year-old Bill was experiencing frequent dizziness so naturally, he went to a doctor to get checked out. He
was told that he had an ear infection. The dizziness continued for six more months until he requested to see
a doctor at Health Care Network's new Burlington Clinic. Upon seeing the volunteer physician, he was
immediately identified as having a potentially serious condition and referred for a same day chest and
cervical spine x-ray. The diagnosis was a Cerebral Ventricular Aortic Aneurysm which required the
placement of a stent. Without the timely intervention of the Health Care Network volunteer physician, this
patient would likely have died or suffered the effects of serious brain damage. Bill credits the program for
saving his life.
2000 Domanik Drive  Racine, Wisconsin 53404  Phone 262.898.2240  Fax 262.898.2241
Every donation made to United Way of Racine County is invested in education, income and health programs
that are creating lasting change in our community. Keep your employees informed by sharing these success
stories via newsletter, intranet, email, etc. To learn more about United Way and our programs, visit
United Way Partner Program: IMPACT 2-1-1
IMPACT 2-1-1 receives calls for a wide range of issues such as help with
food, housing, financial assistance, health or mental health care,
substance abuse, parenting concerns and many others. Occasionally,
they receive calls from individuals who are experiencing an extremely
high level of distress where the safety of the caller is of great concern.
They received a call from a man who had a history of extreme depression
and anxiety. He was having suicidal thoughts and had made prior
attempts at self-harm and suicide. In the past, when feeling depressed
and anxious, his significant other provided him with support and helped him reduce his anxiety and thoughts
of self-harm. However, their relationship recently ended which exasperated his condition. His anti-depressant
and anti-anxiety medications were not working, and to his credit, he knew that he needed help immediately.
IMPACT 2-1-1 put him in touch with the Racine County Behavioral Health Services to speak with a mental
health professional. A follow up call was made approximately four weeks later when he shared, “A
Behavioral Health worker helped me get into an intensive treatment program and I’m now seeing a therapist
regularly. I am doing much better. The future seems hopeful again. 2-1-1 helped me change the downward
path I was on. ”
United Way Partner Program: Women’s Resource Shelter
Two years ago, Joy fled to the Women's Resource Center (WRC) shelter because her life was threatened at
knife point by her abusive partner. A broken woman, Joy was experiencing great anxiety and needed to
process with the staff regularly about her middle of the night fears (often accompanied by nightmares) and
her inability to be outside. With the help of a referral and coordination with a therapist from HOPES Center,
Joy created an emotional safety plan with the Domestic Violence Counselor at WRC. Over time, Joy found
her healing in practices like art therapy and support group. The nightmares became less frequent and Joy
told of her anxiety levels decreasing.
After Joy left the shelter, she went on to become trained through NAMI as a peer mentor and began to
volunteer at the library. Joy continued to come back to support group at WRC in order to offer
encouragement to new victims who were in immediate danger as well as get the needed "boost" of support
from the staff. Recently, Joy has joined the WRC shelter team and is training to provide part-time shelter
advocacy services as a staff member. Joy is a wonderful addition to the shelter team. She has an uplifting
and positive attitude that is contagious to others and as she shares this attitude with newly fleeing families.
They can gain hope and encouragement from her that soon they will be on the path to safety and healing.
WRC is committed, as many local domestic violence programs are, to ensuring that the voices of victims are
foremost in the provision of services. Including members on the team, such as Joy, furthers this commitment.
2000 Domanik Drive  Racine, Wisconsin 53404  Phone 262.898.2240  Fax 262.898.2241