Week 26: March 15th

Week 18: January 5th to January 9th
Assignments due/working on:
 Nothing
(M8 – 43mins)
Lesson Plan
 Reminder/review of House and Senate (basic organization)
 Senate Issue: Filibuster (notes/presentation)
 Take review quiz on MyBigCampus (A-day classes are due on Thursday; B-days classes
are due on Wednesday)
Assignments due/working on:
 None
Tuesday (A)
Lesson Plan:
 Desktop Lesson Plan – Major events over the break
 Begin working on Powers of Congress notes
o Basic Introduction
o Small group analysis of Constitution (What does the constitution say about the
subjects on the note sheet? – Article 1, Sections 7-9)
 Use Constitutional text and resources (phones?) available to research
vocabulary you don’t know
 Introduction to Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
o Begin watching the film (if time. If not, start on Thursday)
 MyBigCampus investigation into Earmarks
 House and Senate Review Quiz on MBC
Assignments due/working on:
 House and Senate Review quiz on MBC
Lesson Plan:
 Desktop Lesson Plan – Major events over the break
 Begin working on Powers of Congress notes
o Basic Introduction
o Small group analysis of Constitution (What does the constitution say about the
subjects on the note sheet? – Article 1, Sections 7-9)
 Use Constitutional text and resources (phones?) available to research
vocabulary you don’t know
 Introduction to Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
o Begin watching the film (if time. If not, start on Thursday)
 MyBigCampus investigation into Earmarks
 Read Ch. 6-1and complete the comprehension quiz on MBC
Thursday (B)
Assignments due/working on:
 House and Senate Review quiz on MBC
Lesson Plan:
 Daily Desktop Lesson
 Lecture/presentation on Congress’ taxation power and basic concepts regarding taxation
 Watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
 Finish MyBigCampus investigation into Earmarks
 Read Ch. 6-1 and complete the comprehension quiz on MBC
Assignments due/working on:
 Read Ch. 6-1 and complete the comprehension quiz on MBC
Friday (A)
Lesson Plan:
 Desktop Lesson Plan
 Lecture/presentation on Congress’ taxation power and basic concepts regarding taxation
 Watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
 Finish MyBigCampus investigation into Earmarks
 Read Ch. 6-2 and take comprehension quiz on MBC. (NOTE: This is a small section, so
this is a good time to include a large amount of review material on the quiz. Be prepared)
Next week