IHE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE Assessor Application Form TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL 1. Surname or Family Name: Forenames: Title: (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss): Home address: Postcode: Tel: 2. Email: Employer Name: Address: Postcode: Your Office Tel: Fax: Email: 3. Current post: 4. Job description 5. Qualifications Please list your significant academic and professional qualifications with dates. Qualifications TSC Assessor Application Form January 2010 Date Appointed: Date awarded 1 TSC Assessor Application Form January 2010 2 6. Experience Attach a CV or list recent employments with a brief description. Employer Job title and description Dates 7. I confirm that the information provided is complete and correct. Signed __________________________________________ ___________________________ Date Data Protection Note: By signing the form you are agreeing that the information submitted can be used for normal IHE administration purposes. Full details on www.theihe.org 8. To be completed by your current employer I confirm that: (1) the applicant has at least five years’ relevant experience and has demonstrated competence which meets the standards I have ticked overleaf at the level indicated; (2) the applicant has up to date continuing professional development records for the last two years; and (3) the details provided are correct to the best of my knowledge. Name ____________________________________________ Professional Qualifications Position Company Email ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Tel __________________________________ Signed ____________________________________________ Date __________________________________ TSC Assessor Application Form January 2010 3 At which level do you rate the applicant’s competence and knowledge in the Standards overleaf? Traffic Signal Control Practitioner Foundation Expert Practitioner See page 4 for an explanation of these levels. Please tick the competences overleaf which you certify apply to the applicant at this level. Competence in Traffic Signal Control I confirm the applicant is able to: Client Design Operation & Control 1. Undertake a risk assessment 2. Manage health and safety requirements 3. Determine the need for Traffic Regulation Orders and action their implementation 4. Apply DfT and other technical advice and guidance 5. Identify factors effecting delivery of traffic signals schemes 6. Commission and interpret traffic flow survey 7. Carry out site and traffic movement inspections 8. Commission, conduct consultations internally and externally with stakeholders 9. Write a design brief 10. Prepare tender documents 11. Conduct or respond to a Stage 2 Safety Audit and Safety Review 12. Establish and maintain effective communication with various stakeholders (e.g. elected members) 13. Conduct post-project appraisal 14. Prepare technical reports associated with traffic signal control 15. Present and discuss traffic signal control proposals 16. Contribute to establishing relevant Local Authority policies or apply Local Authority policies 17. Evaluate the outputs from Linsig or similar type of software and at practitioner level model junction using Linsig or similar type of software. 18. Evaluate the outputs from Transyt or similar type of software and at practitioner level model junctions type of using Transyt or similar type of software 19. Plan and manage the implementation of traffic signals schemes 20. Apply quality control and maintain Design File. TSC Assessor Application Form January 2010 4 21. Maintain financial control 22. Calculate intergreens and explain the different types of phases. 23. Design a traffic signals scheme (including facilities for pedestrians or cyclists) to operate in VA and FT mode, plus one other mode e.g. UTC 24. Calculate manually the saturation flows, lost time and Percentage Reserve Category. 25. Interpret, evaluate and apply microsimulation outputs 26. Evaluate a Traffic Impact Assessment report 27. Prepare controller specification forms (TR 2210A) 28. Conduct Factory Acceptance Tests for traffic signal schemes 29. Conduct Site Acceptance Tests for traffic signal schemes and pedestrian crossings, including timing adjustments. 30. Write a system specification for the supply and installation of traffic signal equipment Competence in Traffic Signal Control. Client Design I confirm that the applicant is able to: Operation & Control 31. Develop or implement traffic signal strategies 32. Prepare the main Terms & Conditions within a maintenance contract 33. Monitor maintenance contracts and list KPIs 34. Determine priorities for the planned maintenance, updating and replacement of equipment 35. Calculate CLF, UTC and SCOOT plans 36. Assist with operating UTC/SCOOT systems including amending the database or validate SCOOT network 37. Introduce MOVA control, apply fine tuning and adjustment 38. Link signals on arterial routes 39. Operate a Fault Management Systems 40. Operate a Remote Monitoring Systems Knowledge Client Design Operation & Control A. Relevant legislation X X X B. Contract law and similar legislation X X X C. DfT and other technical standards, advice and guidance X X X D. Health and safety legislation and codes of practice X X X E. The standard modelling software and their outputs X X F. How to prepare controller specification forms X X G. Relevant local authority policies X X H. Own organisation’s financial regulations, procedures and X OJEC requirements TSC Assessor Application Form January 2010 5 I. Methods of control (VA, FT etc) X X J. How detection systems operate X X K. How FATs, SATs are conducted X X X L. Traffic management techniques X X X M. Traffic signal theory and junction design X X X 1. Foundation Able to apply proven techniques and procedures Knows where to access relevant legislation and best practice – may have detailed knowledge of specific areas and/or may exercise supervisory responsibilities. 2. Practitioner Manages the application of current technologies Able to solve complex problems Leads the specification, design or implementation of schemes ensuring effective delivery and quality. 3. Expert Practitioner Exercises significant leadership, management and policy responsibilities Responsible for developing in depth and original responses to complicated and unpredictable problems or applications – may be a recognised industry expert. INSTITUTE OF HIGHWAY ENGINEERS, 58 RUSSELL Square, London WC1B 4HS membership@theihe.org TSC Assessor Application Form January 2010 6