2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form 2016-17 MRC LID DTP APPLICATION FORM This form should be completed by candidates applying for MRC London Intercollegiate DTP (LID) Studentships at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and St George’s, University of London for September 2016 entry. GUIDANCE & INFORMATION Application At this stage please only submit your completed 2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form; a project proposal (for your first choice project); a two page Curriculum Vitae, with a clear description of your prior education and full employment history; copies of your transcripts (interim transcript where final transcripts have not yet been issued); two references; and (for nonUK resident EU nationals only) a brief statement explaining your plans to fund your living expenses, by the MRC LID deadline of Sunday 31 January 2016. Only ONE application for an MRC LID Studentship beginning in 2016 may be submitted. Each applicant is permitted to apply for up to TWO projects. Applications for part-time study may be accepted depending on the nature of the chosen project. Please make sure you complete ALL questions on the application form which apply to you. The details you provide on this form will be used to check that you are qualified to apply for this funding and that you meet the MRC’s Student Eligibility Requirements. Before completing this form please carefully read the UCKISA information about fees and fee status assessment. Staff at MRC LID will use your contact details to contact you during the application and selection process. It is important that you provide an email address at which you can definitely be contacted during this time. You must inform us immediately of any changes to contact information, or – if you will be away – the contact information of someone who will be able to act on your behalf. Invitations for interview and notification of studentship offers will be made by email. The MRC LID will not accept responsibility if you forfeit your studentship because contact details you have provided are incorrect or out of date. As an applicant for an MRC studentship you are responsible for ensuring that the MRC LID administration team receives notification of the certified results (transcripts) of all undergraduate or postgraduate degree examinations that you have undertaken (no matter when you obtained the qualification). If you are still undertaking your degree please ensure that the MRC LID administration team is informed of the date when your result will be known. Please note that this MRC DTP will not be able to offer you a studentship unless you have confirmed your degree result. 1 2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form If you are unsure whether your application should be for 1+3 or 3.5 year entry you are strongly advised to contact the MRC LID administration team for further information and discussion. All discussions should be held within the guidelines set by the MRC. Project Proposal Please attach a research proposal for your first choice project. You should include sufficient information in your research proposal for the MRC LID selection panel to assess your readiness for research training and doctoral study and suitability for an award. Please therefore indicate the theoretical background to the project, why you consider it important and how it fits with your previous experience and possible future research work. The research proposal should identify a specific research question or hypothesis, summarise the relevant background information (with no more than 5 key references) and should outline an appropriate research methodology by which the question can be addressed. Please mention how you expect your research to be useful, and to whom. Project proposals should be a maximum of 3 pages long. Applicants for the 1+3 Studentship should apply to a theme and prepare a 1 page proposal based on an advertised project. The proposal should be in Arial or Times New Roman font (minimum font size 10 point). Margins should be a minimum of 1.5 cm on all sides. Please ensure that all attached pages are clearly labelled with your name. Do not attach any other additional material as this will not be considered. Please note that the research proposal must be your own work and should focus on your own intended work, not the expertise of your proposed supervisors. References Your application must be supported by references from two people able to comment authoritatively on your academic performance and suitability for doctoral study. These should normally be from tutors on your undergraduate or postgraduate course who have direct knowledge of your work. It is strongly recommended that neither of your references be written by your prospective supervisor. It is accepted that some students may have undertaken relevant professional work where the referees would be able to comment on your suitability for undertaking research. If this is the case then the circumstances should be fully explained. You are encouraged to communicate with your referees as early as possible in the application process. It is your responsibility to ensure that your references are returned to MRC LID by the scholarship closing date. Your referees should complete the reference on headed paper using the criteria below. You should ensure that your referees are aware of the criteria required for their reference – the paragraph below is written directly to referees, so that you can copy/forward it to them. Please comment as fully as possible (in 300 – 400 words) on the candidate’s suitability for an award. Please include comments on the following: 1. Your views on the candidate’s suitability for postgraduate training in general and for the particular course and research he/she proposes to undertake. 2 2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form 2. Information on how, and to what extent, the candidate has shown academic ability in terms of: - ability to grasp concepts and reason analytically; - motivation and perseverance in achieving objectives; and, - capacity for original thought. 3. An assessment of the candidate's particular strengths and weaknesses, and of possible further training the candidate will require to successfully complete their research. If a current undergraduate student, please indicate where the candidate ranks in their cohort. 4. Please indicate how long you have known the candidate and in what capacity. References should be sent to the MRC LID email address by the referee or the candidate (depending on the referee’s preference). Either way, the email and reference should both clearly state the candidate’s name. Timeline The closing date for application is midnight (GMT) 31 January 2016. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview by the week beginning 7 March 2016. Interviews will take place on Monday 14 March 2016. All applicants will be notified of results by 31 March 2016. Successful candidates will be contacted with further details at each stage of the process. Formal award letters will be sent to candidates who accept an award in early April 2016. Those applicants who will be primarily registered at LSHTM will be expected to submit an application for study, via our online applications system, at that time. This will be noted in the offer of funding letter. Those applicants who will be primarily registered at SGUL will not be required to complete an admissions application, but may be asked to provide original documents and additional information at a later stage. Contacts If you have any questions about submitting information or the application process please contact the MRC LID administration team via mrclid@lshtm.ac.uk. 3 2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form APPLICATION PERSONAL DETAILS Title First name(s) Last or Family Name Date of Birth DD / MM / YYYY Gender Male Female ☐ ☐ Home Address Contact Address (if different to Home Address) Telephone number(s) Email address RESIDENTIAL DETAILS Place of birth (town and country) Nationality Country of Citizenship Country in which you are ordinarily resident Have you lived in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) since birth? If NO, please give the last date you entered the UK (excluding holidays) and state the reason Do you have permanent right of residence in the UK and/or EU? If no, do any of your family members have permanent right of residence in the UK and/or EU? 4 YES ☐ NO ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ 2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form PROGRAMME OF STUDY PROJECT CHOICES Applicants may apply for up to two project choices. Please list below the titles of the projects you wish to apply for in rank order. Project 1 Project 2 TYPE OF AWARD If you are uncertain about which of the options would most suit your situation please contact the MRC LID Administration team before completing the section below. Applicants selecting the 1+3 option should also confirm the Masters course they intend to apply to the relevant institution for. ☐ 1+3 (Masters & PhD) ☐ 3.5 years PhD Masters course: MODE OF ATTENDANCE ☐ Full-time ☐ Part-time 5 2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form QUALIFICATIONS Statement(s) of your full post-school academic history must accompany this application. As part of the study application and registration process successful candidates will be required to provide original academic transcripts for verification. Applicants who submit documents in a language other than English must provide an officially certified translation, together with the original document. Translations supported by uncertified photocopies will not be accepted. 1. Please provide details of the course or degree which you are currently undertaking, if applicable. Institution FullFROM TO Source of attended time Anticip Qualification and month month Due date funding (Name of or ated full degree title and and of result Self/grant, country Partresult year year etc if non-UK) time Please provide an indication of relevant courses/modules taken and grades received below; or provide an interim transcript, if available. Course Grade 2. Please provide details of any study (undergraduate, postgraduate and professional) for which you have already been awarded, starting with the most recent. Qualification and full degree title Institution attended (name of country if non-UK) FROM month and year TO month and year Fulltime or Parttime Result (pass/fail) Please also indicate class, division or percentage Source of funding (self/grant etc) Please list relevant courses/modules taken and grades received below, and submit a transcript for each award, if available. Course Grade 6 2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form EMPLOYMENT RECORD Please provide details of work history for the last three years including all periods of employment and unemployment. A full, detailed study & employment history should be shown on your CV. This will assist in checking your residential eligibility for MRC funding. This section must be completed; please do not assume that your attached CV will be used in lieu of this. Name and country of employer Post held, with brief details of work and responsibilities 7 FROM month and year TO month and year Fulltime or Parttime Permanent or Temporary Contract 2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form REFERENCES Your application must be supported by references from two people able to comment authoritatively on your academic performance and suitability for doctoral study. These should normally be from tutors on your undergraduate or postgraduate course who have direct knowledge of your work. Please provide the names and details below of each of your referees. FIRST REFEREE Title and Name Position Institution Address Email address SECOND REFEREE Title and Name Position Institution Address Email address 8 2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form DECLARATION Please sign your declaration by hand or using an electronic signature. Typed signatures are not acceptable. I will be submitting the following attachments with this application form: ☐ a two-page Curriculum Vitae, including details of my academic achievements to date; ☐ a research proposal of up to 3 pages for my first choice project ☐ copies of my undergraduate transcript/s and of postgraduate qualifications ☐ (for non-UK resident EU nationals) a brief statement explaining how I plan to fund my living expenses. Please read the conditions and declarations below carefully before signing this form. I wish to apply for an MRC award for postgraduate research training. In the event of an MRC studentship being awarded to me a) for full-time study: I undertake to commit myself on a fulltime basis to this training under the direction of my supervisors, or b) for part-time study: I undertake to devote the full amount of time deemed necessary and appropriate for part-time study by the primary institution under the direction of my supervisors. I undertake to inform the relevant MRC LID institution immediately of any change in the information I have given in this application form. I undertake to supply any additional information considered necessary for MRC or DTP purposes and to inform the relevant primary institution immediately of any alteration to these particulars. I understand that if, because of an alteration, it transpires that excess grant funding has been paid, the amount of the excess will be refunded by me to the relevant institution. I understand that if I have not yet made a formal application for a programme of study that I may be required to do so if this MRC funding application is successful. I understand that the giving of any false information or withholding of relevant information may lead to the termination of any allowance granted and the institution of proceedings for the recovery of any amounts paid by the MRC. I have read and I agree to abide by the conditions set out on the MRC Studentship Guidance section of the MRC website. I have informed both of my referees that this application form and their references must be returned to MRC LID by the scholarship deadline of midnight (GMT) on Sunday 31 January 2016. I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information provided on this form and in the supporting documents is true and accurate. Signed: Date: Please submit this application, together with the necessary supporting documents, by email to mrclid@lshtm.ac.uk by the deadline of midnight (GMT) on Sunday 31 January 2016 at the latest. 9 2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FORM The information shared under this section will only be used to monitor and improve our equal opportunities policies, and to assess and deliver appropriate support. This form will be separated from your application form before the application form is sent out for consideration. ETHNIC ORIGIN If you do not wish to disclose your ethnic origin please check the ‘Information Refused’ option. ☐ White (10) ☐ Irish Traveller (14) ☐ Gypsy or Traveller (15) ☐ Black or Black British - Caribbean (21) ☐ Black or Black British - African (22) ☐ Other Black background (29) ☐ Asian or Asian British - Indian (31) ☐ Asian or Asian British- Pakistani (32) ☐ Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi (33) ☐ Chinese (34) ☐ Other Asian Background (39) ☐ Mixed – White and Black Caribbean (41) ☐ Mixed – White and Black African (42) ☐ Mixed – White and Asian (43) ☐ Other Mixed background (49) ☐ Arab (50) ☐ Other Ethnic background (80) ☐ Not known (90) ☐ Information refused (98) DISABILITY Further information about disability support at both institutions can be found here: LSHTM: http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/study/support/disability/index.html SGUL: http://www.sgul.ac.uk/study/student-life-home/support-services and http://www.sgul.ac.uk/about-us/governance/equality-and-diversity/disability Students who may need significant adjustments or special arrangements for their studies should contact the Disability Support teams at both institutions well in advance of the start of their studies. Do you consider yourself to be disabled, or to have a long-term health related condition that impacts on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities? ☐ YES ☐ NO If you answered YES above please tick any of the following that apply ☐ No known disability (00) ☐ Two or more impairments and/or disabling medical conditions (8) ☐ A specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D (51) ☐ A social/Communication impairment such as Asperger’s syndrome/other autistic spectrum disorder (53) ☐ A long standing illness or health conditions such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease, or epilepsy (54) ☐ A mental health condition such as depression, schizophrenia or anxiety disorder (55) ☐ A physical impairment or mobility issues such as difficulty using arms or using a wheelchair or crutches (56) ☐ Deaf or a serious hearing impairment (57) ☐ Blind or a serious visual impairment uncorrected by glasses (58) ☐ A disability, impairment or medical condition not listed on this form (96) 10 2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form SEXUAL ORIENTATION If you do not wish to disclose your sexual orientation please check the ‘Information Refused’ option. ☐ Bisexual (01) ☐ Gay man (02) ☐ Gay woman/lesbian (03) ☐ Heterosexual (04) ☐ Other (05) ☐ Information refused (98) GENDER IDENTITY If you do not wish to disclose your current gender identity please check the ‘Information Refused’ option. Is your current gender identity the same as the gender originally assigned at birth? ☐ Yes (01) ☐ No (02) ☐ Information refused (98) RELIGION If you do not wish to disclose your religion please check the ‘Information Refused’ option. ☐ No religion (01) ☐ Buddhist (02) ☐ Christian (03) ☐ Hindu (10) ☐ Jewish (11) ☐ Muslim (12) ☐ Sikh (13) ☐ Spiritual (14) ☐ Any other religion or belief (80) ☐ Information refused (98) 11 2016-17 MRC LID Studentship Application Form FOR MRC LID USE ONLY REGISTRY To check application is complete, and that the applicant meets the eligibility requirements All necessary documents ☐ YES ☐ NO submitted? Meets MRC residency ☐ UK ☐ EU (fees only) ☐ NO (ineligible) requirements? Fee status assessment ☐ UK ☐ EU ☐ OVERSEAS (using UKCISA guidelines) (ineligible) Notes: SUPERVISORS To confirm, in principle, that they will be willing to supervise the student Project 1 Signatures: ☐ YES ☐ NO Project 2 ☐ YES ☐ Signatures: Institution – student’s primary registration Notes: ☐ SGUL ☐ LSHTM ☐ YES ☐ NO Agreed by theme lead/s ☐ YES ☐ NO Final decision ☐ AWARD ☐ DECLINE NO SELECTION Shortlisted for interview Interview date & time Notes: MANAGEMENT BOARD 12