Excellent UK Schools Ltd Dear Parent/Guardian, Please be advised that as of October 2014 Miss. Rianne Malcolm and Miss Komal Kamran will be running our Private Tuition Department. If there are any issues please do not hesitate to contact us. Private Tuition queries or concerns can be dealt with between the hours of 3pm-8pm Mon-Fri and 9am-4pm Saturday. Changes to be noted as of October 2014: 1. There will be an annual registration fee of £35 per pupil. 2. There will be no deposit taken. 3. Tuition fees must be paid on the 1st of each month. However if fees are not paid on time students will NOT be allowed to attend classes and late fees will be applied. Your child will only be allowed to rejoin the regular session of classes as soon as fees are settled. To avoid disappointment please ensure your fees are paid on time. 4. We DO NOT ACCEPT CHEQUES; fees will need to be paid by Standing order. Please state the student’s full name and surname as reference if paying by Standing Order. Please remember: -Please note that all subjects in the National Curriculum are available and with multiple subjects discounts will also be available. -The maximum number of pupils in a class will be six (6) students -All groups are exam board specific -All resources are supplied -Students have 6 Days FREE use of facilities and ICT resources for revision. -Use of Gym and ICT facilities -Availability of Mentoring and Life coaching for all pupils -Availability of onsite Music Production studios Kind Regards Miss. Rianne Malcolm Private Tuition Manager INSPIRED Tel: 0208-688-8665 Website: www.euksch.com| e-mail:privatetuition@educationalexcellence.com Address: 112-114 High Street, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1ND MOTIVATED INVOLVED Excellent UK Schools Ltd Private Tuition Fee Structure from September 2014: For each subject that you take with us you will have 4 hours per month. Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 Group Classes Individual Subject - £95/month Package 1 (English and Mathematics) - £185/month Package 2 (English, Maths and Science) - £276/month One to One Individual Subject – £155/month Key Stage 4 / GCSE Group Classes Individual Subject - £110/month Package (English, Maths, Physics/Biology, Chemistry) - £395/month One to One Individual Subject – £180/month Package (English, Maths, Physics/Biology, Chemistry) - £635/month A Levels Group Classes Individual Subject - £130/month One to One Individual Subject - £185/month INSPIRED Tel: 0208-688-8665 Website: www.euksch.com| e-mail:privatetuition@educationalexcellence.com Address: 112-114 High Street, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1ND MOTIVATED INVOLVED Excellent UK Schools Ltd Child Name: School: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Key Stage / Year Group: ________________________________________ Parent(s) Name: ________________________________ __________________________________ Residential Address: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Postcode: _______________ Postal Address ______________________________________________ (If different from ______________________________________________ Above) ______________________________________________ Postcode: _______________ Contact Phone Number: ________________________________________ (Home / Work) ________________________________________ (Mobiles) Email: _________________________________________ Student Contact Number _________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name: _________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Parent Occupation: _________________________________________ INSPIRED Tel: 0208-688-8665 Website: www.euksch.com| e-mail:privatetuition@educationalexcellence.com Address: 112-114 High Street, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1ND MOTIVATED INVOLVED Excellent UK Schools Ltd Where did you hear about us? ___________________________________ Please list: Any Education concerns: _______________________________________________ (Learning difficulties, special _______________________________________________ Educational needs) _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Any Medical Conditions: Please include any regular _______________________________________________ Medication _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Please give any other information ________________________________________________ Which you feel may be relevant: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ INSPIRED Tel: 0208-688-8665 Website: www.euksch.com| e-mail:privatetuition@educationalexcellence.com Address: 112-114 High Street, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1ND MOTIVATED INVOLVED Excellent UK Schools Ltd Terms and Conditions No student may be accepted until he or she has attended an interview at the college. If the college offers a place to a student, the offer is valid only at the time it is made. Applicants who decide to register after some delay are advised to check with the college to make sure that the space still remains available. When a place is offered, a registration form is issued. To accept the place the registration form must be completed, signed by the person responsible for fees and returned to the college together with the registration fee, proof of I.D, Recent utility bill and two student passport size photos’. Debtors will be handed over to an independent debt collection agency to act on our behalf to recover outstanding/ overdue fees. Debtors would be responsible for any additional costs incurred by Educational Excellence/ Debt collection agency. We would not be held responsible for any further action taken against debtors by the debt collection agency. To withdraw a student or give up a subject for any reason, notice must be given in writing in advance by the first day of the new month. This condition comes into effect upon registration of the student. A full month’s fees are payable where the required notice is not given. If having registered, a student withdraws before the start of the course; the first month’s fees are chargeable unless a month’s notice is given. A student may be excluded from the college at any time, when fees are unpaid, unless prior consultation and an agreement have been reached with the directorship. The directorship may at any time, when grounds for suspicion exist, require the student to give a biological sample to test for the use of illegal drugs or other substances damaging to health. Absence from classes for whatever reason, including sickness does not lead to a refund of fees, nor can the college be expected to provide extra lessons without charge, to compensate for such absence. 24 hours’ notice is required if your child is not able to attend in order for us to provide a class in place of this. Timetables may be altered at short notice should circumstances demand. Notice of this will be given to pupils and to parents Students are jointly and individually liable for any damage caused by them to the premises in which they are taught. The college reserves the right to terminate the courses, either temporarily or permanently, of any student whose work effort or attendance is unsatisfactory or whose behaviour has been prejudicial to good order or college discipline or to the reputation of the college. In such cases, no refund covering the period of exclusion will be made except at the discretion of the directorship. A list of main rules governing student behaviour is provided in the Statement of Partnership and Code of Conduct for students. Students and parents should read these guidelines and will be required to sign a Statement of Partnership confirming that they have read and understood them. A successful college must initiate and respond to change. The offer of a place and its acceptance are given on the basis that, in the interest of the college as a whole, reasonable changes may be made from time to time to these standard terms and conditions, to the size and location of the college, to its premises and facilities, to the structure and the composition of classes and the way the college is run, to the rules and disciplinary framework, to the length of the college term and the college day and to any other aspect of the college. Fee levels will be reviewed each year and there will be reasonable increase from time to time. Parents will be given adequate notice of any significant proposals or changes likely to affect the college community as a whole. We believe that these terms and conditions reflect the customs and practice of private institutions, independent schools and colleges for many generations. The rules about change and about notice and fees in lieu of notice and the other rules are provided in good faith. They promote the stability, forward-planning, adequate resourcing and development of the college. They help also to protect parents from increases in fees and liabilities caused by the defaults of others. Any waiver is effective only if given in writing by the directorship. The fees list as varied from time to time is part of the terms and conditions. Nothing in these terms and conditions affects the statutory rights of students or the person responsible for fees. INSPIRED Tel: 0208-688-8665 Website: www.euksch.com| e-mail:privatetuition@educationalexcellence.com Address: 112-114 High Street, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1ND MOTIVATED INVOLVED Excellent UK Schools Ltd Subjects you wish your child to be tutored in: Subject Key Stage Current GRADE at school (A,B,C) Level for tuition (Higher / Intermediate) Tuition Needed (√) English Mathematics Science Biology Chemistry Physics ICT Business Studies Economics French German DT History Geography Sociology Media Studies Psychology RE Please remember your child will have the use of the facilities 6 days a week during our opening times for private tuition. I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of Educational Excellence and Wellbeing Ltd as attached. Signature of person responsible for fees_____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ INSPIRED Tel: 0208-688-8665 Website: www.euksch.com| e-mail:privatetuition@educationalexcellence.com Address: 112-114 High Street, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1ND MOTIVATED INVOLVED Excellent UK Schools Ltd NAME: _______________________________________ REGISTRATION DATE: _______________________________________ Kindly ensure that your child’s fees are paid by the 1st of every month to ensure your child’s tuition can go on uninterrupted. Payment can be made by standing order, with the payment being made directly into our account, using your child’s name as a reference. Bank: Sort Code: Account Number: HSBC 40-18-41 32856166 Subject KS2 KS3 GCSE A-Level Registration Fee £35 MONTHLY FEE £ TOTAL FEE This registration form must be accompanied by the registration fee of £35. Thank you in advance. INSPIRED Tel: 0208-688-8665 Website: www.euksch.com| e-mail:privatetuition@educationalexcellence.com Address: 112-114 High Street, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1ND MOTIVATED INVOLVED Excellent UK Schools Ltd STANDING ORDER MANDATE Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS and in black ink Please set up the following Standing Order and debit my/our account accordingly. To: The Manager Bank: _____________________________________ ACCOUNT DETAILS Account name __________________________________________ Account Number ______________ Account holding branch _________________________________ Sort Code ____________________ PAYMENT DETAILS Name of organization: EXCELLENT UK SCHOOLS LTD Account Number: 32856166 Sort Code: 40-18-41 Bank: HSBC Plc, 9 Wellesley Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 2AA Payment Reference _____________________________________________________ Amount of first payment £ Date of first payment TO BE PAID Monthly Amount of usual payment £ Date of usual payment PLEASE CONTINUE PAYMENT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, ONE MONTH’S NOTICE SHOULD BE PROVIDED. THIS MANDATE SUPERSEDES AND CANCELS ANY PREVIOUS MANDATE PAYABLE TO THE SAME PAYEE. CONFIRMATION Customer signature (s) ___________________________________ Date __________________________ INSPIRED Tel: 0208-688-8665 Website: www.euksch.com| e-mail:privatetuition@educationalexcellence.com Address: 112-114 High Street, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1ND MOTIVATED INVOLVED Excellent UK Schools Ltd Student Timetable Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00 5:00-6:00 6:00-7:00 7:00-8:00 8:00-9:00 Saturday Classes Time 09:0010:00 10:0011:00 11:0012:00 12:0013:00 13:0014:00 14:0015:00 15:0016-00 Saturday INSPIRED Tel: 0208-688-8665 Website: www.euksch.com| e-mail:privatetuition@educationalexcellence.com Address: 112-114 High Street, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1ND MOTIVATED INVOLVED