Infopack 1 (EN)

Executive Agency, Education, Audiovisual and Culture
EU Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-13
Subprogramme Leonardo da Vinci
Call for proposal 2012 EAC/27/11
Priority 1 "Implementing ECVET for
transparency and recognition of
learning outcomes and qualifications"
Action “Multilateral Projects for
Development of Innovation"
Project Code
Applying ECVET and ECTS to Certify Learning Outcomes and
Qualification of the Entrepreneur in Construction sector
EU Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-13
Subprogramme Leonardo da Vinci - Call for proposal 2012 EAC/27/11
Priority 1 "Implementing ECVET for transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and
Action "Multilateral Projects for Development of Innovation"
Project Code 526412-LLP-1-2012-1-IT-LEONARDO-LMP
WP 8 - Information to key actors on quality, relevance and
effectiveness of project results
The professional figures of entrepreneurs in
Constructions across Europe: Info-Pack 1
Information package focusing on the activities and products of
work package 3, related to the preparatory analysis and
researches on the field of entrepreneurial professional figures
operating in construction sector in the European countries
participating to the project
February 2013
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.
Premise: aims, activities and products of the CertEnt WP 2
The common tool for the CertEnt WP 2 analysis activities
First hypothesis for a common European perimeter
of entrepreneurial figures in Constructions to activate ECVET
combined with ECTS
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.
Premise : aims, activities and products of the CertEnt WP 2
At the aim of the activation of an ECVET process combined with ECTS for the people
operating as entrepreneurs in the European Construction sector (to give them the
concrete possibility to put their skills in transparency and to obtain the recognition of
national/regional/sectoral VET systems), the work package 2 of CertEnt project
includes the activities aimed:
- to identify, in a clear and complete manner, this professional figures field or cluster
of professional figures, quite diversified in the different participating Countries and
composed by the entrepreneurs in the Construction sector (desk analysis and key
actors interviews);
- to classify this professional figures field within EQF, mapping all entrepreneurial
figures detected in European participating Countries onto the 8 EQF reference
levels via national qualifications frameworks and systems;
- to identify the common European perimeter of professional figures, or cluster of
figures, on which the project will focus and activate the ECVET process combined
with ECTS; the individuation of this qualification perimeter will focus not only on
EQF level 5 or lower (as usual within LLP LdV rules, which establish that projects
have to concern only the field of vocational education and training, and not formal
higher education neither vocational education and training at tertiary level: but the
2012 call LLP priorities for LdV MP DoI have for the first time foreseen the
possibility to develop concepts to combine ECVET and ECTS and enhance their
compatibility based on learning outcomes approach. This will allow the possibility
to overcome this system fragmentation, very important for figures and
qualifications having competences hardly classifiable only lower than EQF level 6 or
only higher EQF level 5). Furthermore, several entrepreneur competences are de
facto at academic level, EQF level 6 and higher (e.g., the entrepreneur must surely
manage complex activities and projects, taking responsibility for decision-making
and also taking responsibility for managing professional development of individuals
and groups), and thus ECVET can not cover the whole concerned professional field,
being therefore needed also its integration with ECTS system.
During the kick off meeting, the partners have shared, during kick off meeting, the
definition of common approaches and tools for these activities.
The results of the work package 2 activities have been summarised by this report,
containing: a detailed outline of the different entrepreneurial figures in Construction
sector, detected in all participating Countries; the classification of all these figures
within EQF via national qualifications frameworks and systems; a common European
perimeter of these figures on which we’ll implement ECVET combined with ECTS.
The analysis and research activities results has been validated during the 2nd
consortium meeting, and quickly (within 15 days) published on the public open area of
the project website.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.
The common tool for the CertEnt WP 2 analysis activities
The main features of the common tool for the research activities foreseen by WP2
were agreed during the kick-off meeting held in Perugia.
A draft of the tool was subsequently defined by the CESF Perugia and shared, with
integrations and improvements, by all partners.
The analysis tool was conceived to allow the collection of known elements useful in
regards to the three aims of WP 2:
- to identify the different entrepreneurial figures operating in Constructions sector in
each European country of participating partners;
- to classify these professional figures within the EQF framework;
- to identify a common European perimeter of those professional figures, in order to
activate the ECVET process combined with ECTS.
The tool, in coherence with these aims, is articulated in 3 sections:
- the first section is finalised in order to specify the characteristics of the
professional figures existing in each country and it is filled in by the partners. This
part is subdivided into 3 points: denomination, description, and contexts of the
detected figures;
- the second section is made up by a questionnaire which has to be filled in by the
entrepreneurs categories identified thanks to the previous tool. The questionnaire
includes questions finalised: to check professional self-awareness, verifying the
understanding of the legal framework regarding their own entrepreneurial
profession; to verify the need of a certification at European level of their skills; to
check the entrepreneurial skills certification priorities in respect to the enterprise
contexts; to verify the self evaluation of their own EQF level;
- the third part is a summary table which shows the purpose of defining a common
European perimeter in the professional field of the Entrepreneurs in the
Construction sector.
The template below is the common model tool that was used by all partners.
The French partners used a simplified version of the questionnaire in order to make it
easier understandable by the entrepreneurs of very small businesses (see the
common tool translated into French and the simplified questionnaire, both on the
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.
First hypothesis for a common European perimeter of entrepreneurial figures
in Constructions to activate ECVET combined with ECTS
The research activities realised in each participating country within the Work Package
2 of the CertEnt project, focused on entrepreneurial figures operating in construction
sector, have highlighted a great variety of professional situations and approaches,
even tough it’s to stress that these differences have not impeded to the consortium
the reaching of the objective to define, through the shared definition and application
of specific criteria, the common European perimeter of sectoral entrepreneurial figures
upon which CertEnt will activate the ECVET process combined with ECTS.
More in particular, these research activities across participating countries have
allowed the identification and the EQF classification of the following entrepreneurial
 Italy
 Entrepreneur in civil building, restoration, renovation and maintenance (EQF 5
or 6, depending from considered competences)
 Entrepreneur in road construction (EQF 5 or 6, depending from considered
 Entrepreneur in building finishing works (EQF 5 or 6, depending from
considered competences)
 Entrepreneur in concrete building works (EQF 5 or 6, depending from
considered competences)
 Entrepreneur in energy saving building construction (EQF 4 or 5, depending
from considered competences)
 Belgium
 Shell of building enterprise – renovation (bricklaying) of the buildings (Heritage
and Monuments) (EQF 6)
 Central heating, air conditioning, gas and sanitation installer (EQF 5)
 Entrepreneur in roofing and sealing (EQF 5)
 Entrepreneur in tiling, marble and natural stones (EQF 5)
 Entrepreneur in finishing (painting) (EQF 6)
 General carpentry (EQF 6)
 General carpentry placement/replacement/glazing/shutters (EQF 6)
 Cyprus
 Contractor
 Contractor
 Contractor
 Contractor
 Contractor
 Contractor
building construction - Level A license (EQF 4)
building construction - Level B license (EQF 3)
building construction - Level C license (EQF 3)
building construction - Level D license (EQF 2)
building construction - Level E license (EQF 2)
civil engineering work - Level A license (EQF 6)
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.
B license (EQF 5)
C license (EQF 5)
D license (EQF 4)
E license (EQF 4)
 Spain
 Entrepreneur in technical office (Architecture - EQF 6; Engineering - EQF 5;
Civil engineering - EQF 7)
 Entrepreneur in excavation and demolition (Excavation and demolition - EQF 2)
 Entrepreneur in structures and foundations (Foundations and concrete - EQF 2;
Formworks - EQF 2; Metal structures - EQF 3)
 Entrepreneur in bricklaying (Builder – Bricklaying - EQF 4; Roofs and facades
builder - EQF 3; Building insulation installer - EQF 3)
 Entrepreneur in installations (Gas installer - EQF 5)
 Entrepreneur in finishing (Paintwork - EQF 1)
 Entrepreneur in refurbishment (Refurbishment and restoration - EQF 5; Energy
restoration - EQF 3)
 Entrepreneur in risk prevention and quality (Quality - EQF 8; Risk prevention in
the work place - EQF 3; Work at height - EQF 3)
 Other entrepreneur figures (Property development - EQF 5; Consulting - EQF 6)
 Germany
 Commercial manager - construction services (EQF 6)
 Master craftsman (EQF 6)
 State-certified engineer for construction (EQF 6)
 Architect (EQF 7)
 Civil engineer (EQF 7)
 France
 Entrepreneur in traditional crafts related to new, renovated, restored buildings
(EQF 4 or 5)
 Entrepreneur in crafts linked with buildings efficiency technologies, for new or
existent buildings (EQF 5)
 Entrepreneur in crafts linked with new technologies and e-maintenance related
to intelligent buildings (EQF 5 or 6)
 Entrepreneur in road construction (EQF 4 or 5)
 Entrepreneur in technical and counselling office (EQF 5 or 6)
 Greece
 Entrepreneur in earthworks, excavations and demolitions on building and road
constructions (EQF 4)
 Entrepreneur in building external and internal colouring works (EQF 3-4)
 Entrepreneur in making and installation of wooden doors, windows cabinets and
wooden coatings (EQF 4)
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.
 Entrepreneur in plastering and decorating works in internal and external
building surfaces (EQF 3)
 Entrepreneur in private building constructions (EQF 4)
 Entrepreneur in public and private building constructions (EQF 6)
 Entrepreneur in buildings and hydraulic works (EQF 6)
 Entrepreneur in building electronic installation and IT support system
integration (EQF 7)
In order to define the common European perimeter of entrepreneurial figures in
Constructions for the further activation by CertEnt of the ECVET process combined
with ECTS, the following criteria were discussed and shared by the consortium:
a) in principle, convenience to maintain the greatest opening of the perimeter, to
allow the possibility to benefit of the project results, in terms of opportunity of
transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualification, to the largest
target group of entrepreneurs in constructions across Europe;
b) however, in the specific, expedience to circumscribe the perimeter to the
entrepreneurial figures more directly linked to construction process production
activities, to ensure a certain homogeneity of the concerned professional field, thus
excluding those focused only or mainly on preparation and supporting activities at
managerial and technical levels (Architects, Engineers, Civil Engineers, Property
developers, Consultants, Advisors on quality and safety, etc.).
It is agreed that a more precise identification of the perimeter will be carried out
during the project phase aimed to the definition of the common European qualification
and of the related learning outcomes units. This process will allow to establish for
each singular figure if and how many learning units it will be composed. Furthermore,
in the perspective of the qualification design to be carried out during further Work
Package 4 of CertEnt project, the consortium has shared the necessity to define a core
of learning outcomes units common to all the entrepreneur figures engaged in the
different production segments of construction process, and also a series of specific
learning outcomes units linked to each construction production segment.
On the basis of these considerations, at the end the final perimeter shared by the
consortium partners is the following:
 Italy
 Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneur
civil building, restoration, renovation and maintenance
road construction
building finishing works
concrete building works
energy saving building construction
 Belgium
 Shell of building enterprise – renovation (bricklaying) of the buildings (Heritage
and Monuments)
 Central heating, air conditioning, gas and sanitation installer
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.
 Entrepreneur in roofing and sealing
 Entrepreneur in tiling, marble and natural stones
 Entrepreneur in finishing (painting)
 General carpentry (EQF 6)
 General carpentry placement/replacement/glazing/shutters (EQF 6)
 Cyprus
 Contractor
 Contractor
 Contractor
 Contractor
 Contractor
 Spain
 Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneur
A license
B license
C license
D license
E license
excavation and demolition
structures and foundations
 Germany
 Master craftsman
 France
 Entrepreneur in traditional crafts related to new, renovated, restored buildings
 Entrepreneur in crafts linked with buildings efficiency technologies, for new or
existent buildings
 Entrepreneur in crafts linked with new technologies and e-maintenance related
to intelligent buildings
 Entrepreneur in road construction
 Greece
 Entrepreneur in earthworks, excavations and demolitions on building and road
 Entrepreneur in building external and internal colouring works
 Entrepreneur in making and installation of wooden doors, windows cabinets and
wooden coatings
 Entrepreneur in plastering and decorating works in internal and external
building surfaces
 Entrepreneur in private building constructions
 Entrepreneur in public and private building constructions
 Entrepreneur in buildings and hydraulic works
 Entrepreneur in building electronic installation and IT support system
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.