CONG Bibliography - University of South Carolina

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Allen, B.P., P.C. Goebel, and Sharitz, R.R. (2010). Long-term Effects of Wind
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Collins, B. and Battaglia, L.L. (2008). Oak Regeneration in Southeastern Bottomland
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Conrads, P.A., Feaster, T.D., and Harrelson, L.G. 2008. The Effects of the Saluda Dam
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Monument. Castanea 62(1): 22-31.
Kupfer, J.A., K.M. Meitzen, and Graf, W.L. (2009). Forest Recovery and Hydrologic
Modeling on New Park Lands. [Report to National Park Service and PiedmontSouth Atlantic Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit ]. Contract No.:
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Kupfer, J.A., K.M. Meitzen, and Pipkin, A.R. (2010). Hydrogeomorphic Controls of
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Forest Ecology and Management 259: 1880-1889.
Lacy, R.B., R.C. Somers, T.P. Curley, B.C. Jones, J.R. Wisdom, E.L. Dobson, and Smith,
F.G.F. (1995). Wetland Resource Characterization of the Congaree Swamp
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