Southampton Rugby Club Test Park, Redbridge Lane, Southampton, Hampshire, PO Box 1215 Tel: 02380737777 97 PARTICIPANTS for the 46th. DRAW OF THE SRFC BRICKBOND LOTTERY, Was drawn on Saturday 3rd. May 2014 at about 2100 hrs. at the Clubhouse during the Junior Annual Presentation. In the presence of many members and guests. Drawn by the seasons player of the year Josh Robins. Dear Lottery Supporter, Breakdown: 84 regular participants plus thirteen casuals, namely: David Tomkins, Karen Gibbs, Andy McNeish, Elissa Coster, Andrew Appleby, Debbie Rodaway X 2, Mark Robins X 2, Lee Robinson[winner], Heather Richardson, Jim Lysandrides, Steve & Isabel Walker. Which equals 97 x £5= £485. Thank you all for your support. Welcome two new participants by standing orders, being : Mark Robins No.096, and Steve Walker No.098, and our lucky casual winner on the night Lee Robinson collected £40 plus a years subscription. Therefore 20 % to the Club[£97] leaves 4 equal prizes of £97. Winners in the order drawn: No. 088 Lee Robinson[casual], No.041 Tim Olden, No.044 Phil James, and No.023 Dave Short. Cheques in the post. BE SURE TO INFORM ME OF ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR TELEPHONE. So this means that the monthly transfer of the 20% being £97, brings our total pot to date £3305-16p. The June draw No. 47 will take place at the Clubhouse, on Thurday. 5th. June 2014. Payments overdue from April: No.80A Harry Maitland, No.65A Holly Ellis. If any current annual cash payers would prefer to change to monthly £5 or annual £60 standing orders, this would lessen my workload considerably. Please do not hesitate to ring or email for application forms for “SRFC Brickbond Lottery” to, or text to 07714935625. All cheques are made to:“SRFC BRICKBOND LOTTERY”. Send to:65 Chamberlain Road, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1PQ. Since the first draw 03/08/10, you have won £16,961 in cash prizes. Once again, Congratulations to the winners, and thank you all, for your support. Best regards , Ken Everett. 04/05/2014.