East Hartford Public Schools

East Hartford Public Schools
Physical Education Instructional Block Plan Strength Training
Unit Objectives & Standards:
1. Identify benefits and lifting techniques of strength training with and without weights in a controlled class
2. Students will successfully perform a fitness “class” routine, machine work, circuit training and body weight
3. NASPE standard #5: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in
physical activity settings.
# Class Periods:
Class #1
Review warm-up exercise & cool
down – have students run 5 laps
Class #2
5 laps, stretching similar to
Insanity/Asylum workout
Class #3
5 laps, stretching to
Insanity/Asylum workout
Safety of personal space, spotting,
room safety, warm-up safety
Assignment of workout spot &
dumbbell weights.
Run 5 laps with music, move back
to assigned spot, minimal lifting of
free weights, cool down
Bicep curl, tricep extension,
squats, lunges, overhead press –
cool down stretches & 3 laps
Participation in a fitness/strength
class taught by an instructor. , cool
Repeat lifting routine of previous
class (try to vary the music)
What is safety, warm-up & cool
Exit Pass – Name 2 muscles that
were exercised & the exercises
Class #5
Run 5 laps to music, stretching to
Insanity/Asylum workout
Exit Pass – List 2 new concepts to
strength training that was
introduced today
Class #6
Run 5 laps to music, stretching to
Insanity/Asylum workout
Bench Press, Lat Pulldown, Chest
Press, Overhead Press, Bicep
Curls, Tricep Extension, Calf
Raises, Leg Extension, Leg Press,
Bike, Elipticle & treadmill
Specific instruction on use of
machines and spotting techniques,
, cool down
Workout Log
Circuit will be completed while
documenting weight and repetition
for each exercise on the individual
strength training log.
Circuit will be completed while
documenting weight and repetition
for each exercise on the individual
strength training log
We will lift as a class counting for
the 2 lifting and 4 lowering of
weights to music, cool down.
Workout Log
Instructor will observe the students
and respond to appropriate
techniques, cool down
Workout Log
Class #7
Run 5 laps to music, stretching to
Insanity/Asylum workout
Class #8
Run 5 laps to music, stretching to
Insanity/Asylum workout
Class #9
Core Activity:
Students are introduced to body
weight exercises like push-ups,
pull-ups, etc. , cool down
Activity (Game):
Participation in an
Insanity/Asylum type workout
Groups will perform any
combination of the exercise they
were introduced to push-ups,
crunches, free weight or circuit
exercises, cool down
Series Rubric
PE Assessment
Core Activity:
Activity (Game):
Core Activity:
Activity (Game):
Class #4
Run 5 laps to music, stretching to
Insanity/Asylum workout
Focus on muscles being worked,
DOMS, lift to count of 2 – lower
to count of 4 , cool down