April 2014 - West Point Public Schools

West Point Combined PTO
Meeting Minutes – taken by Dawn LoBosco
April 14, 2014
 Welcome and Celebrations
o Attendees: Dawn LoBosco; Jessica Chapman; Matt Mata; Angela
Ice; Suzanne A.; Teresa
o Celebrations:
 ES – Read Across America month rewards given out 4/1 to all
grades K – 5
 Prom – 87% retention rate for After Prom; went much better on
a Saturday night
 Committee updates
o Staff Luncheons- May 7th Elementary, May 9th Middle/High
o Staff Appreciation Week May 5th -9th
o Matt Mata is willing to help in anyway
o Suggestions: note FROM PARENTS to teachers (especially at the MS
and HS levels);
o Beth Bristow – donations for cheese straws or cookies ? ? ?
o Middle School Dances- Request from guidance counselor regarding combining
events discussed the collabortion of an event at the end of the year. Concern was
brought up that it would have to be the first week in June due to the SOLs and
other school events (Awards ceremonies)
o Box Tops
o Farm Fresh
o Capri Sun- Kristina and Peggy continue to collect and mail in.
o Tyson- continuing to work toward goal of 100…almost there.
o Butter Braids- Pick up is this week Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon
o Spirit Nights
Parent Volunteers reported by Dawn LoBosco
Paws off the Floor – most times (except for 5th grade) are covered with at least 23 individuals; Tina Gulley stated that the resource teachers are also available to
help as needed
Book Fair – still several slots available for the book fair the first full week of May
If we are looking for additional volunteers to help (PAWS and the Book Fair):
Mrs. Ambrose with the Teach for Tomorrow Program
Dawn will check on the arrival date to have help in setting up, as well as break
Spring Fling- reported by Angela Ice
Concerned that she is having a little difficulty getting in touch with vendors
Currently has 12 vendors with a goal of 15. The members brainstormed of other
individuals who could come. Suggestions were made for Nerium (Erin Hayden
and Maria Inge) and Origami Owl. Verified that all proceeds will go to Music
Time will run from 8:30-12ish (when they are done)
PAWS off the Floor- reported by Dawn LoBosco.
The committee will be meeting tomorrow morning at the ES (Tina Gulley, Mrs.
Hatcher and Mrs. K). The PTO donated 3 football to the event as the upper
grades will be “kicking” off the SOLs. The lower grades will have access to a
bounce house from Holly McGowan. They are giving us a discounted rate that
the PTO has offered to pay for at $100.00.
More information will follow in a detailed email after the scheduled meeting
Elementary School Display Case – will be completed by Kara McCulloch 4/15
Spirit Wear
inventory is running low; will plan to sell at Field Day to get rid of any inventory
to make way for “new” merchandise and “fresh” ideas
Tidewater Review Article –
has been put on the backburner due to deadlines with the Yearbook. Mrs.
Borinski will attempt to continue with her students.
Campus Beautification – reported by Jessica Chapman
Dr. Smith will be getting in touch with her in due time.
o How are things going? (newsletter, website, reminders)
Informed of our current communication areas: Facebook; email; PTO tab on
home webpage
Suggestions to give out a spirit wear item for a certain # of likes to get more
interest in Facebook
*To gather more members suggestions were made to:
-Attend a high school football game in the beginning of the year to sign up
MS/HS parents
-create a list of “what we do” and “items we collect” to place into the MS /
HS newsletters each month (ESPECIALLY AT THE BEGINNING OF
o Admin requests
o SCA project for student safety
o Currently in the process
o Treasurers Report
o Teresa will be taking over treasury duties.
Reported by Dawn LoBosco
Expenditures: ES – Buddy Bench $600; Ice Maker $1600 (Teacher Sup/Req)
MS – West Side Story Sponsorship - $500; Microwave $350
HS – West Side Story Sponsorship - $2000; Microwave $350
Budget Admendments
Scholarships amount $2500
new item $4000
Suggestion was made at the MS/HS to give a scholarship
for the child of an employee??
May Appreciation amount $700
new item $2500
What is this money used for? Seems like a big jump?
Increase donation amount $500
new item $1500
**suggestion was made that we use the additional money from the
After Prom to put towards the West Side Story England Trip – the
money is a need for flights as they are coming back the week of
Daddy Daughter Dance $350
new item $700
Copy Paper For ES amount $250
new item $450
Campus Beautification amoung 2500 new item 2500
All items were approved with questions to be answered.
o Protocols for roles and responsibilities
Protocols will be provided by each committee chair to Dawn LoBosco by May
15th via email. These items will be compiled into 3 paper binders to be given to
the President of the PTO; the media centers at the MS/HS and the ES for resource
as needed.
It will also be available electronically via the PTO tab on the webpage.
Dawn LoBosco will work with Leigh Anne Custalow to get the items onto the tab
in a protocol folder with subheadings for each committee.
o Ideas for getting teachers involved
Dawn LoBosco reported the need for a teacher as an active member on the board.
Teachers who actively participate in a board member role will be able to utilize
this time for recertification points. Mrs. A will report back to Mr. Dorsey, Mr.
Daniel and the staff of the opportunity. Mrs. Hatcher will contact her staff as
well. Dawn will solicit a few staff members that were suggested: Britney Ball,
Shannon Harris, and Amy Erdman at the ES
o What to do about next year
Officer PositionsPresident- This position can be shared. Potential teachers?
Vice President- Matt Mata Potential move to President and have teachers take on the VP?
Secretary- Karen Stone
Treasurer- Teresa Lathan
Below are current roles and responsibilities within the PTO. Those highlighted in bold are
currently vacant.
* Membership- to be maintained by President or VP.
* Communication with Elementary/Middle/High Principals and Teacher Reps- Karen
Stone will incorporate into communication systems. President/VP will also be
* Staff Luncheons and Staff Appreciate Week-Elementary- Mary Diggs, Middle/High
Carolyn Neblett
* Room Parent Volunteers
* Library Volunteers (parents/National Honors Society- with Mrs. Goude- Dawn
Special Events
* Open House Night/Back to School Night- All Officers
* Faculty/Student Basketball Game- Kara McCulloch
* Bingo for Books- Cary Tomlinson, Karen Stone, Teresa Lathan
* Crab Carnival- Spirit Wear Coordinator
* Paws off the floor – Dawn LoBosco with a team at the ES (Tina Gulley & Pam K)
* Middle School Dances- Tina McAlpin
* Father/Daughter Dance- Peggy Bryant
Concerns were brought up about families being turned away. Would it be possible to
house in another venue. The gym is available and can hold a great deal more people.
However, the atmosphere will be different. No food or drink is permitted into the
gym area. All the tables will need to be in the hallway.
Suggestion: Hold the event on two separate dates K-2 and 3-5?
* Mother/Son Event - Dawn LoBosco will help Peggy Bryant
This event will be great to complete in the fall to go along with a sports / football
theme for the boys. It will help spread out the events and give all the students
something to look forward to.
Coincide with Homecoming week? October 24th is Homecoming?
* Holiday Shop- Peggy Bryant
*Spring Fling? Angela Ice will take on event again next year
* McDonalds Spirit Nights- Jessica Chapman would like to continue
* Anna’s Spirit Night- Jessica Chapman would like to continue
* Capris Suns- Kristina Serio will collect and Teresa Lathan will ship
* Spirit Wear- Gwen Woolvertine/Diggs will help need another person Britney
* Martin’s Angela Ice thinking about
* Food Lion Angela Ice thinking about
* Target Angela Ice thinking about
*Coke Rewards- Karen Stone- This money will go toward middle and high expenses
* Campbell Soup Labels- Shara Ware
* Ink Cartridge- Peggy will check into prior to passing off program is currently
being done at the HS level with one of the teachers; we need to see how this impacts
* Butter Braids Fundraiser (Fall and Spring)- Peggy Bryant
* Box Tops- Shannon Adkins
* Tysons- Shannon Adkins
* Farm Fresh- Shannon Adkins
(AJ Duke can help fill in as needed)
* Finances- Teresa Lathan
* Scholarships- Teresa Lathan
o Upcoming Dates- March 27th Anna’s Spirit Night
o Additional requests
ScholarshipsAJ will check on
Dawn LoBosco has asked for money towards sponsoring the Pointers on the Run program.
The students will be wearing shirts during their 5K run to help the Music program at
Peggy Bryant $10 Gift Card to McDonald’s to the indivdiuals who brought the pig to kiss
All members will check out schoolstore.com and give feedback at April meeting.
Did not seem worth it to those who looked at it – minimal feedback
All members will write protocol related to their current roles and responsibilities to be
housed on PTO site for future use.
Discussed in the earlier section of the agenda. Still awaiting ALL reports.