Minutes - College of Visual and Performing Arts




DATE: August 26, 2009

Convened 10:30AM; Concert Hall Grand Tier [Adjourned at 12:05 PM]

PRESENT: Clayton Austin, Anna Balakerskaia, Rachel Bergman, Lisa Billingham,

Thomas Britt, Andy Bursten, Mark Camphouse, Jim Carroll, John Casagrande, Tim

Chew, Lynne Constantine, Paula Crawford, Christopher d'Amboise, Mary Del Popolo,

Constance Dinapoli, Ken Elston, Stanley Engebretson, Helen Frederick, Chawky Frenn,

Jesse Guessford, Kathryn Hearden, Kristin Johnsen-Neshati, Edwin Johonnott, Dan

Joyce, Richard Kamenitzer, Maria Karametou, Kelly Kerr-Hackleman, Walter Kravitz,

Howard Kurtz, Judith Lapple, Dennis Layendecker, Harold Linton, Anthony Maiello,

Brian Marcus, Scott Martin, Heather McDonald, Linda Miller, Patricia Miller, Linda

Monson, Kevin Murry, Michael Nickens, Richard Novak, Elizabeth Price, William

Reeder, Karen Reedy, Elaine Rendler, Gregory Robinson, Jandos Rothstein, Carole

Rosenstein, Vicki Salmon, Renee Sandell, Susan Shields, Glenn Smith, Thomas Stanley,

Karen Studd, Marjorie Summerall, Sean Watkins, Peter Winant, Christopher Wren

ABSENT: Tom Ashcraft, Meg Brindle, Suzanne Carbonneau, Mark Cooley, Shanshan

Cui, Paul D'Andrea, Edgar Endress, Peggy Feerick, James Gardner (L), Edward Gero

(L), Gail Kettlewell, James Lepore, Tom Owens, Don Starr, Gail Scott White, Boris

Willis, Sue Wrbican (L)

Meeting was called to order by Helen Frederick.

Helen Frederick’s introductory remarks included welcome, new initiatives, and introductions of new administration and faculty.

Meeting attendees made introductions.

Minutes from May 6, 2009 approved by acclamation.

Attached committee charges will be revised

Bill Reeder made the Dean’s Report, which included:

 “Synergy and Growth”: challenges of current changes and climate [ie: new Art

Building development, changes at Music]

Report on June Retreat: working to increase and stabalize opportunities for collaboration

Enrollment is in good shape [400 new bodies, as well as new faculty and staff]: with a tremendous amount to do we must move forward and preserve our health and sanity

3 Physical Pieces: new Arts Building, hotel conference center (which will have synergy with our College), and PW Campus Hylton Performing Arts Center

Linda Miller discussed upcoming SACS review and continuing efforts

Informational Town Hall on October 14, 2009- 12:30-1:30 in the Ed

Meese Conference Room [learn more at Faculty/Staff link on website www.gmu.edu/cvpa/facultystaffresources.html


Old Business:

Jim Lepore and Susan Shields will swap committee assignments

New Business:

Linda Miller offered the following:

Student Guides are needed/assigned for initial days and faculty volunteers are requested

 Please email “Welcome Message” to students- particularly important for

100 and 200 level courses. It includes information regarding getting around.

Study Leave applications and proposals are available and due [interested faculty are requested to go through the process].

 New Dean’s Committee language was read. Last year’s Dean’s Committee succeeded in bringing colleagues together, but changes in the structure are meant to represent all aspects of the college. Revised Committee Charge:

The Dean’s Committee represents all enterprises of the College: academic, professional, and community. This Committee works with the Dean on any and all matters that are raised by the Dean or by committee members. The purpose of the Dean’s Committee is to increase collaboration and innovation among the College’s constituencies. The Dean reports on the work of this committee to the faculty at each faculty meeting.

The Dean’s Committee shall be comprised of the Dean, Associate and

Assistant Deans (ex officio), CVPA CFO (ex officio), the Chair of the Faculty, the Secretary of the Faculty, the Standing Committee Chairs, the Executive

Director of the Center for the Arts, and one representative from each CVPA related professional and community organization.

Discussion followed. It is requested that ideas for representing a fuller faculty voice is forwarded to the Dean’s office.

Committee Reports

Karen Reedy reported that the Artists In Action Committee plans to sponsor a welcoming event for new students. An email will be circulated.

Lynne Constantine announced that the Diversity Committee is open for new participation and involvement toward issues of diversity in the College.

Richard Kamenitzer spoke to the changes in the Collective Culture Committee [formerly

Structuring Cultural Excellence]. Initiatives to connect colleagues include: Mentoring,

Communication, and Special Events [ie: Arts Marathon].

Linda Miller reported that the work of the Space Committee Continues.

Committees met to elect chairs (see attached) and discuss meeting times.

Andy Berstner made Financial Report

Budget cuts have been announced from the State

Plans are in place for 5%, 10%, and 15% cuts in finance from the State contribution. There is a possibility of another 2% or more cut at the College level.

[Central cuts have been the priority, but are near exhaustion.]

Enrollment growth may offset some of the shortfall.

We were within budget in the last fiscal year.

 President Merten has reported the Governor’s dedication to limit economic pain for higher education

Brian Marcus made Development Report

Arts By George [scheduled for Saturday, September 26] is one month away, with plans, sales and sponsorships on track.

Tents will house food and seating during the event.

Faculty input has allowed a strong showing for Arts at Mason.

Attending the Brian Stokes Mitchell concert and post-show reception, has the same policy as last year.

Friends of the Arts at Mason have been active in promoting the silent auction.

Goal is to net $100K for arts scholarships and program development.

October 23 at 3:30- Dedication of the Art Building with guest speaker, tours, and events [please attend].

Announcements included:

September 9 (6-8pm), first Gallery Opening in the Art Building

William T. Wiley will be guest artist [visiting as part of Smithsonian retrospective], October 23-26.

Music events Friday September 11 faculty concert, piano gala on September 28, and August 29 the debut of a new dance company.

Freedom Without Walls Festival will have events on campus [including Gala on

October 29] please be aware and take part.

Other announcements included initiatives in creation, performance, exhibition and discovery by faculty, guests, and students.

Next Meeting September 16 at 12:30, Mason Hall D3
