Multiple-choice test or survey kit (for creating 3, 4, or 5

3rd 9 Weeks Assessment for 4th Grade Reading
Across the Blue Mountains
What happens AFTER everyone loads the cart with supplies but BEFORE everyone gets lost?
Everyone helps pack boxes.
Everyone waves bye to the house.
Miss Bilberry announces the move.
Miss Bilberry thinks about her happiness.
How do Miss Bilberry and her animals finally find their way out of the tall flowers?
Miss Bilberry climbs a tree and tells everyone where to go.
Chester and Cecilie find their way and then call the others.
Chitty and Chatty fly ahead and then lead the way to a house.
Miss Bilberry and her animals use the blue mountains as a guide.
3. Why are the mountains in front of the house once Miss Bilberry has moved?
Miss Bilberry has been tricked by her pets.
Miss Bilberry moves close to her old house.
Miss Bilberry discovers different mountains.
Miss Bilberry ends the journey where she began.
4. At the end of the passage, what bothers Miss Bilberry?
She believes the new house is not as nice.
She wonders why her new home is so familiar.
She feels she should have kept going to another house.
She thinks that her cat really does not like his new home.
5. Read this sentence from the passage.
He liked their quiet life in the pale yellow house with its broad-leaved tree, its two swaying
palms, and its cool veranda.
What mood does the author create by using the words swaying palms?
6. At the end of the passage, why does the author repeat her description of the house?
To show why Chester was angry about moving from the house again
To let readers know that Miss Bilberry would probably move again
To show why Miss Bilberry was happy—when they left the old house
To let readers know that Chester realizes the truth about the new house.
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7. Why does Miss Bilberry want to move?
She is lonely in the pale yellow house.
She is looking for an exciting adventure.
She wants more space for her vegetable garden.
She thinks she will be more content somewhere else.
8. How is living in the new house DIFFERENT from living in the old house?
___a. At her new house Miss Bilberry grows flowers, but at her old house she cooked vegetables.
___b. In the new house Miss Bilberry naps in her hammock, but at the old house she napped in her
___c. At her new house Miss Bilberry has a view of the mountains, but at her old house she missed
seeing the mountains.
___d. In the new house Miss Bilberry wonders why everything seems familiar, but at her old house
she thought a change could make her happier.
9. What happens when Miss Bilberry and her animals get lost in the tall flowers?
They learn that Miss Bilberry is a good tree climber.
They get confused and travel in the wrong direction.
They see the beautiful gardens around the mountains.
They decide to turn around and go back to their home.
10. How is Miss Bilberry’s life at the new house SIMILAR to what it was before?
Her pets are troubled.
She still wants to move.
Her surroundings are the same.
She still wishes for companions.
11. What is the theme of this passage?
Everyone has a special talent.
Be happy with what you have.
Include others in your decisions.
Follow friends wherever they go.
12. After their journey, how is Chester, the cat, DIFFERENT from Miss Bilberry?
___a. Chester wants to stop and unpack the boxes, but Miss Bilberry wants to keep traveling.
___b. Chester is glad to be finished with the long walk, but Miss Bilberry wants more exercise.
___c. Chester is glad to rest in the hammock, but Miss Bilberry prefers to work in her pretty new
___d. Chester knows they have returned to the old house, but Miss Bilberry thinks the new house is
better than the old one.
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Mighty Cats
13. If a reader is having trouble understanding the meaning of the word vanishing in this article, which
would be the best strategy to use?
Break the word into syllables
Read the next sentence for clues
Say the word out loud
Read the article one more time
14. Based on the article, laws have been passed to prevent people from hunting jaguars. Are these laws
helpful? Give two details to support your answer.
15. Name one lesson jaguar cubs learn from their parents. Explain how this lesson will help the cubs
when they are older.
16. Which heading in the article would the reader use to find out why people hunt jaguars?
Eating habits
Jaguars and Their Young
Threats to the Jaguar
17. Which heading in the article would the reader use to find out why people hunt jaguars?
Eating Habits
Jaguars and Their Young
Threats to the Jaguars
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Mr. Nobody
18. Which of the following choices does NOT describe Mr. Nobody?
Mr. Nobody looks like a mouse.
Mr. Nobody likes to play tricks.
Mr. Nobody is never seen.
Mr. Nobody is very quiet.
19. The reader can conclude that the author’s house is probably—
20. Why does the author blame Mr. Nobody for the things that happen in the poem?
The author wants to play a joke.
The author likes to make up games.
The author wants to stay out of trouble.
The author likes to try new things.
21. Do you think the author’s parents like Mr. Nobody? Give one detail from the poem to support your
22. Suppose Mr. Nobody could talk. Write two things he might say to the author.
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Busy Builders
23. Read the following sentence from the story.
In the water, the beaver uses its flat tail to help it steer, like a rudder on a boat.
What would the RUDDER on a boat do?
Guide the boat
Power the boat
Keep the boat afloat
Make the boat steady
24. Why did the wildlife rangers in New Jersey want to flood an area?
Some birds needed a place to nest.
A beaver family needed a place to live.
Nearby crops needed water to stay alive.
Local animals needed a pond for drinking.
25. What is the main reason beavers make dams?
To catch food
To flood cornfields
To help water birds
To protect themselves
26. Why did the beavers in the article use cornstalks instead of wood to rebuild?
The beavers were tired of building with wood.
The wood had been used up building the other dams.
The cornstalks were easier to knock down than wood.
The dam was stronger with cornstalks in place of wood.
27. How was the dam the beaver “experts” built in New Jersey different from a dam that human experts
would have built?
The humans’ dam would have cost more money.
The humans’ dam would have been better for the beavers.
The beavers’ dam was bigger than the humans’ dam would have been.
The beavers’ dam was stronger than the humans’ dam would have been.
Songs for a Cottontail
28. Why does the author compare the cottontail rabbit to a statue of stone?
Both are gray.
Both stand still.
Both have brown eyes.
Both can stand upright.
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29. Why does the cottontail rabbit disappear into the bushes?
It is hot.
It is tired.
It is careful.
It is hungry.
No Story
30. In which volume would you find more information about bats and their cave homes?
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