MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Fusel Alcohol Production from Ethanol Fermentation CHE 433: Process Design and Optimization 1 Matt Brown, Benjamin Piering, Eric Vasko, and Isaac Wolf 12/10/2013 0 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Discussion ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Background ................................................................................................................................. 5 Pricing and Initial Considerations ............................................................................................... 7 Process Flow Diagram and Process Description ........................................................................ 8 Equipment Sizing and Costing ................................................................................................. 10 Economics ................................................................................................................................. 12 Summary of Aspen Work ......................................................................................................... 13 Sensitivity Analysis .................................................................................................................. 15 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 18 Assumptions.................................................................................................................................. 19 Works Cited .................................................................................................................................. 20 Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 21 Appendix A: Process Flow Diagrams ....................................................................................... 21 Appendix B: Mass and Energy Balance ................................................................................... 22 Appendix C: Equipment Sizing and Cost ................................................................................. 26 Appendix D: Design Economics ............................................................................................... 27 1 Introduction It is desired to improve profitability on an ethanol fermentation process by production of fusel (isoamyl) alcohol by intermediate decanting. A base case scenario without isoamyl production was performed to determine base economics. Three scenarios of different isoamyl production percentages (0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% isoamyl in product by weight) were determined. Material and energy balances were completed for each case. Analyses of fermentation process and economics were performed to determine viability and profitability of the four scenarios. Aspen simulations of the processes were utilized in order to confirm hand calculations for equipment sizing and plant economics. The ethanol/isoamyl production process was described by a glucose feed entering multiple fermenters, where simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) took place with yeast and water to form ethanol and fusel alcohol. This product was sent through a distillation process where dried distillers grains with solubles, DDGS, were removed, followed by ethanol and water which produced 95% pure fusel alcohol by weight. Ethanol was removed at 90% purity by volume while water was recycled back into the distillation process. 2 Summary The base case for this design was an ethanol production facility that produced ethanol and dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) as product streams. It should be noted that fusel alcohol was still produced as a byproduct in the fermentation process but it was not recovered. For this reason, the base case was modeled to produce no fusel alcohol to simplify the analysis. The process flow diagram for this scenario is shown in Figure 3 of Appendix A. The proposed project was to recover the fusel alcohol produced in the fermentation process through intermediate decantation. This process required the installation of a decanter and a third distillation column, as shown in Figure 4 of Appendix A. It is possible to increase the production of fusel alcohol by altering the enzyme expression levels of the yeast. It was assumed that each additional mole of fusel alcohol produced would result in the loss of one mole of ethanol production. Three different levels of fusel alcohol production were considered: 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% by weight of alcohol produced. The mass balances for each scenario can be seen in Table 4 of Appendix B. The equipment costs were determined for each scenario and are shown in Table 8 of Appendix C. In order to determine the optimal design, the economic impact of each design was modeled and predicted using current material selling prices, shown in Table 1. Table 9 of Appendix D summarizes the economic analysis for each case. This clearly shows that increased fusel alcohol production provides a stronger economic case. Although only three levels of fusel alcohol production were considered, the high value and low increase in equipment costs indicate that higher levels would continue to be more profitable. A sensitivity analysis was performed to analyze the impact of changing material prices on the economics of the process. The first conclusion reached was the price of fusel (isoamyl) alcohol had a very low impact due to the low production rate. Figures 3 and 4 from the Discussion show the impact of ethanol and corn price on ROI for the system because they were found to be the most impactful variables. The downstream portion of the design was designed in Aspen. The Aspen design consisted of an inlet feed composed of the constituents that were stored in the large storage vessel. The feed was 3 designed to accomplish 115% of the required production rate, in order to oversize the equipment. Aspen’s economic tools were used to size and cost the equipment. The three different isoamyl production rates were evaluated in Aspen with modifications to the equipment size made when needed to accomplish the requirements of the project and to obtain convergence. discussion of this design can be found in the ‘Discussion’ section. 4 A full Discussion Background The engineering team was asked to design a production facility for fusel alcohol via ethanol fermentation and intermediate decantation. In this process, the team first determined the appropriate specifications and design for corn fermentation. Primarily, the fermentation scheduling process posed a unique challenge. This was a batch process that consisted of a 72 hour fermentation process, an assumed 24 hour lag process (draining, cleaning, and filling), and was constrained by the required production of 75MM gallons ethanol per year. This dictated how large the fermenters would be and how many were necessary. Additionally, the sizing and quantity of fermenters was based on a 15% increase in production of ethanol to account for any losses and safety constraints. A good rule of thumb was to scale the process up, but run it below the scaled up capacity. This is typical in the fermentation industry. After making these adjustments it was determined that there was a need for four cycles of 13 fermenters spread evenly in 24 hour cycles. This amounted to 52 fermenters either draining, cleaning, filling, or fermenting. As stated previously, each cycle was spaced 24 hours from each other. This resulted in a semicontinuous process over a 96 hour time frame. The fermentation takes 72 hours, and as such, at every 24th hour the next fermenter cycle will begin. The ethanol produced from the fermentation is then sent to a storage tank which will then enter into the downstream purification process. Figure 2 is a basic representation of the process. The purification process consisted of three distillation columns. The first acted as a stripping column, the second a rectifying column, and the third as purification of fusel alcohol. The downstream process can be seen in Figure 2. The purification process was constrained by the purity of ethanol at 90% by volume. However, it was concluded that zeolites would bring ethanol to 100% purity in a molecular sieve once it left the second distillation column. The purification process produced ethanol, DDGS, and fusel alcohol. A more detailed description of this process can be found in the ‘Process Flow Diagram and Process Description’ section. After the design was completed, an economic analysis was performed. Additionally, an economic analysis was conducted comparing three scenarios: 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% by weight of fusel alcohol. Table 1 shows the list pricing and annual value of the products and starting material. These three scenarios were compared to a base case scenario 5 in which fusel alcohol was not recovered. This base case scenario did not include a decanter, a third distillation column, or a fusel alcohol product stream. Table 1: Pricing of Materials with 1% Fusel Alcohol Production Material Cost ($/lb) Production per year (lbs/yr) Corn/Glucose $ (0.09) 1,827,777,809 Fusel Alcohol $ 2.00 5,035,096 Ethanol $ 0.40 542,853,391 DDGS $ 0.11 548,333,343 ($/yr) $ (163,842,003) $ 10,070,191 $ 216,805,021 $ 57,876,584 This data suggest that the process can be profitable. However, the equipment, installation, and manufacturing costs are not shown. The equipment was sized and the cost determined via Aspen, and compared to hand calculations. This showed Aspen provided a more conservative estimate of the cost of the equipment, providing an upper bound for economics. The fixed investment was determined from the equipment cost and a Lang factor of five (Peters, Timmerhaus and West). Thereafter, the working capital was determined to be equal to the annual operating cost. Additionally, a 10 year, 10% straight line depreciation was assumed. All other costs not specified in material costing can be seen in Table 2. These data were then compiled and compared to determine the most viable option. Table 2: Comparison of Capital Cost in Fusel Alcohol Production Weight Percent 0.5 wt% 1.0 wt% Utilities (USD) $ 17,005,200 $ 17,005,200 Manufacturing Cost (USD) $ 187,002,055 $ 186,933,809 Capital Cost (USD) $ 227,107,500 $ 226,425,000 Working Captial (USD) $ 20,300,500 $ 20,300,500 Total Fixed Cost (USD/Year) $ 247,408,000 $ 246,725,500 6 $ $ $ $ $ 1.5 wt% 17,005,200 186,942,509 226,512,000 20,300,500 246,815,500 Pricing and Initial Considerations Pricing for the different materials used were researched and chosen to perform economic analysis on the process. Dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) were found to be ten cents per pound (United States Department of Agriculture). Ethanol was found to be forty cents per pound (E85 Price Map). Corn was found to be nine cents per pound (CME Group). A value of $2.00 per pound was given to fusel alcohol from class discussion and professor recommendation (Wolf). This pricing scheme defines a basis for all economic analyses. Due to the dependency of design economics on input prices of DDGS, ethanol, and corn, fluctuations in these prices could cause large variations in design economics. In order to determine the effects of price changes on design economics, sensitivity analyses of DDGS, ethanol, and corn were performed. A detailed sensitivity analysis of these three input materials is explained in the section entitled ‘Sensitivity Analysis’. Initial considerations were made for the base case scenario. A conversion ratio of 0.59 pounds of ethanol per gallon solute was used to determine ethanol production (Shigechi, Koh and Fujita). In order to simplify the mass balance, an assumed ratio of 0.6 pounds of glucose, 0.3 pounds of protein (DDGS), and 0.1 pounds of water to one pound of mash (corn) was used (Wolf). The protein was not used in the fermentation process and was considered DDGS for all intents and purposes. These initial conditions served as a basis for equipment sizing, costing, and economic analysis. A detailed description of all assumptions made during the project can be found under ‘Assumptions’. 7 Process Flow Diagram and Process Description The fermentation process was based on the required ethanol production of 75 MM gallons ethanol per year. In doing so, the process consisted of 52 fermenters in four 24 hours cycles. Additionally, it was concluded that the process took 96 hours to complete; 72 hours for fermentation, and 24 hours for lag time: cleaning, sanitizing, filling and draining. An assumed lag time of 24 hours was chosen to give adequate time for cleaning, sanitizing, filling, and draining. If the lag time is shorter than 24 hours, fewer fermenters are required, resulting in better economics due to a lower capital cost. The first set of fermenters fills while the others remain idle. Once it has finished filling, the fermentation process will have begun and the next set will have begun to fill. This set of fermenters will have begun fermentation once the first set has reached its 24 hour mark. The cycle continues for sets three and four. By the time the last fermenter set has started fermenting, the first set should have been drained, cleaned, and sanitized. Once a fermenter has drained the mash mixture into a storage tank, the mash enters the downstream purification process. A base case process flow diagram of the production of ethanol without intermediate fusel alcohol decantation can be seen in Figure 1. EtOH EtoH, Water 13x Fermenter, 48-72 hours Stripping Column P-11 Rectifying Column Alcohol + Water P-12 13x Fermente, 24-48 hours Product DDGS Storage Tank Water, EtOH 13x Fermenter, 0-24 Hours 13x Fermenter, Cleaning Figure 1 - Base Case Scenario The base case scenario only produces ethanol and DDGS as products. This was beneficial in determining the remaining equipment necessary to produce fusel alcohol. In the fusel alcohol 8 production process, all fermentation procedures remained the same. However, the downstream process consisted of the base case scenario with an additional distillation column, a decanter, and a water recycling stream from the decanter to the first distillation column. A process flow diagram for fusel alcohol production can be found in Figure 2. The purification process consisted of three distillation columns. The first acted as a stripping column, the second a rectifying column, and the third as purification of fusel alcohol. B2 ETOHPROD WASTEH2O B5 B1 STRIPROD FERM ENT RECTBOT S5 TO3RDCOL B3 WASTEWAT ISOAMYL DECREC Figure 2 Downstream purification of fusel alcohol by distillation and decantation. The bottoms stream from the first column contains wastewater and DDGS. The distillate from the first column was sent to a second column to further purify ethanol to 90% by volume. The purified ethanol stream was then sent to a molecular sieve, not shown, to achieve perfect separation of ethanol from water. A side stream was taken from the stage above the reboiler of the second column and fed to a decanter. The decanter mixed the fusel alcohol with a water feed to achieve phase separation. The organic phase was then sent to a third column to purify the fusel alcohol; and the aqueous phase was recycled and fed to the first column to maximize ethanol recovery. 9 Equipment Sizing and Costing The equipment sizing and costing was performed using Aspen’s built in tools. The stripping, rectifying, and distillation columns were assumed to use sieve trays with two feet of spacing between trays. The design of the decanter in the fusel alcohol (isoamyl) production cases were based on an assumed ten minute resonance time, a horizontal layout of the vessel, with the first 50% of the vessel containing baffles. A table of design parameters and cost can be found in Appendix C: Equipment Sizing and Cost. All equipment was sized for 115% of the required 75 MM gallon of ethanol production rat, to ensure that capacity could be reached. The fermenters were priced independently of the downstream process. A total of 52 fermenters at 250,000 gallons were required, split into four groups of 13. In order to ensure adequate production rates, the fermenters were sized and cost at 300,000 gallons. The total cost of the fermenters was found to be $36,450,000 in US dollars. The equipment sizing for the base case scenario with 0% by weight fusel alcohol production was assumed to be the same as the equipment sizing for the 0.5% by weight scenario, sans decanter and final distillation column. This process required the same 52 fermenters and storage tank as the other three processes. The stripping column was found to require 34 stages with a 41 ft diameter, for a total cost of $7,330,500. The rectifying column required 43 stages with a 12 ft diameter, costing $1,613,900. The total cost for the downstream equipment was $8,944,400 in 2013 dollars. In the 0.5% by weight fusel alcohol scenario, an additional distillation column and decanter were necessary. The distillation column was small, with 17 stages and a one foot diameter for a total cost of $357,900. The decanter had a 5.5 foot diameter with a total capacity of 285 cubic feet. The cost for this piece of equipment was $119,200. The decanter was found to cost the same in all three cases. The total cost of the downstream portion of this process was $9,421,500 in US dollars. In the 1.0% by weight scenario, the stripping and rectifying column remained the same, but the number of stages required in the distillation column dropped from 17 to ten with the same one 10 foot diameter. This dropped the cost of the column to $296,300. The total cost of the downstream portion of this process was $9,298,300 in US dollars. In the 1.5% by weight scenario, the third column changed again. This column had ten stages and a two foot diameter. This again changed the price to $300,700. The total cost for the downstream portion of this process was $9,302,400 in US dollars. It was ultimately found that the prices for the three different fusel alcohol production rates did not change significantly between scenarios. As discussed in the economics section, the net profit of the different processes eclipsed this minor cost difference. 11 Economics The economics for four scenarios were considered: the base case scenario, with no fusel alcohol production, and scenarios for 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% by weight fusel alcohol production. The main indicators of economic feasibility were the net profit, return on investment (ROI), and the discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFRR). The primary variables in consideration were the price of corn, the price of ethanol, and the price of DDGS. The net profit, ROI, and DCFRR for all scenarios were calculated at the current prices for corn, ethanol, and DDGS. Table 3: Economic Comparison of Processes 0 wt% 0.5 wt% 1.0 wt% 1.5 wt% Isoamyl Content Total Fixed Capital $245,000,000 $247,400,000 $246,700,000 $246,800,000 $33,000,000 $34,500,000 $38,000,000 $38,900,000 Net Profit 19.5% 20.1% 21.9% 22.3% DCFRR 13.5% 13.9% 15.4% 15.8% ROI N/A 63% N/A 900% ΔROI From the above table one can see that increasing the production of fusel alcohol results in an increase in net profit and ROI. The most important comparison to note is the comparison of the 0% and 0.5% by weight scenarios. This comparison shows the largest increase in Total Fixed Capital, but the 0.5% by weight design is shown to be an economically sound investment by the 63% ΔROI. A ΔROI could not be calculated for the 1.0% by weight design because it has a decreased equipment cost when compared to the 0.5% by weight scenario. This was a result of the fusel alcohol purification costs being offset by decreasing ethanol purification costs. The 1.5% by weight scenario shows a massive ΔROI compared to the 1.0% by weight scenario. 12 Summary of Aspen Work The Aspen simulation began with a stream representing the total fermentation product for the day, after being collected into the storage tank. This stream consisted of ethanol, water, and fusel (isoamyl) alcohol. This stream was sent to a stripping column with two exit streams. The bottoms stream was, in Aspen, almost entirely water. In reality, the DDGS left over from the proteins and other unfermentables in the corn would also be present in this stream. The distillate stream consisted of water, ethanol, and isoamyl alcohol. This stream was then sent to the rectifying column. The rectifying column then produced three streams. The bottom stream, which again was mostly water, the distillate stream which was 90% ethanol by volume, and the isoamyl stream placed in the 2nd to bottom stage which consisted of most of the isoamyl present in the system and some water. The isoamyl stream was sent to a decanter which, with the addition of some more water, performed a phase separation to create two liquid phases. The first being the isoamyl/water phase and the second being the ethanol/water stage. The latter was recycled back to the stripping column. The former was then sent to a third distillation column where the isoamyl product at 95% by mass was collected from the bottom, and the remaining water was produced as distillate. This process was repeated for the three different isoamyl contents, with slight modifications to the number of stages, feed locations, etc, when necessary for convergence. It was found that it was often not necessary to change the sizing of equipment to get proper convergence. The equipment was sized using Aspen’s built in sizing features, with the exception of the decanter which was sized using a hold up time of 10 minutes. A full discussion of sizing can be found earlier in this report. Utility economic analysis was added into the Aspen project, with cold water being used for the condensers for all three columns, and high pressure steam being used for the reboilers. This allowed us to estimate the utility costs of the system when doing further economic analysis. 13 Aspen’s economic pricing utility was also utilized to estimate the cost of the individual equipment pieces in the process. This was done for two reasons. First, the graphs available in Peters et al were often outside of the range needed to estimate the cost of the equipment, and thus it was often necessary to extrapolate. Second, when comparing the Aspen results to the results obtained from extrapolating the graphs in Peters et al it was found that Aspen was the more expensive option and thus using Aspen’s results represented an upper bound on the equipment costs. 14 Sensitivity Analysis A sensitivity analysis was performed on the economics of this process to determine what the changes in the price of raw materials and products would have on the net profit and ROI. Due to their large quantities and volatile prices, the price of corn, selling price of ethanol, and selling price of DDGS were considered. The price of fusel alcohol was not analyzed because the low production rate would make anything short of a radical price change negligible. For the 1.5% by weight scenario (the case with the best economic viability as discussed in ‘Economics) it was found that the price of corn and ethanol were both major influencers on the economics of the project. The maximum profitable cost of corn found was 12 cents per pound (reference cost: 8.9 cents per pound). At this price, if the price of ethanol and DDGS remain constant, the ROI drops from 15.8% to 1.19% and the net profit drops to under three million dollars. A one cent increase from this point drops the net profit down to a net loss of nearly nine million dollars. The ROI also drops, down to -3.62%. The selling price of ethanol also greatly influenced the economics of the project. At current production rates, the minimum profitable selling price of ethanol was found to be 29 cents per pound (reference selling price: 40 cents per pound). At this selling price the net profit was calculated to be $600,000 with an ROI of 0.25%. A one cent decrease in the selling price of ethanol to 28 cents per pound resulted in a net loss of $2,900,000 and an ROI of -1.17%. The price of corn was analyzed over a range of 1 cent to 99 cents per pound. At one cent per pound, the ROI of the system (keeping everything else constant) was 54.14%, a 242% increase over the base ROI for current prices. The net profit in this case was found to be $134,000,000. At 99 cents per pound, the net profit was a loss of over one billion dollars, and an ROI of -417%. Over this range, the slope of the ROI versus price of corn curve was -481.36 percent per dollar, as seen in Figure 3. Similarly, the selling price was analyzed over a range of 1 cent to 99 cents per pound. At 1 cent per pound, the ROI of the system (again, keeping everything else constant at the initial conditions) was -39.58%, with a net loss of $98,000,000. At the other extreme, 99 cents per 15 pound, the ROI of the system was 99.8% with a net profit of $246,000,000. Over this range, the slope of the ROI versus price of ethanol curve was 142.24 percent per dollar, as seen in Figure 4. The selling price of DDGS was analyzed over a price of 1 cent to 27 cents per pound. While this selling price did affect the economics, there was no point in that range where the price caused the project to lose money. The slope of the ROI versus price of DDGS curve was 144 percent per dollar. Overall, it was found that the price of corn had the largest impact on the system. Small fluctuations in the price could mean the difference between significant increases in profit and net losses. The selling price of ethanol and DDGS also influenced the economics. However, of these two, only the selling price of ethanol was able to affect the economics of the project enough to result in a loss. ROI vs Price of Corn ($/lb) 100 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 ROI (%) -100 Series1 -200 Linear (Series1) -300 -400 y = -481.36x + 58.955 R² = 1 -500 Price of Corn ($/lb) Figure 3 - ROI vs. Price of Corn 16 ROI vs Price of Ethanol ($/lb) 120 y = 142.24x - 41.003 R² = 1 100 80 ROI (%) 60 40 Series1 20 Linear (Series1) 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -20 -40 -60 Selling Price of Ethanol ($/lb) Figure 4 - ROI vs. Price of Ethanol 17 1 1.2 Conclusions The intermediate decantation and purification of fusel alcohol in an ethanol production plant was found to be a profitable and economically sound investment. Even at low levels of fusel alcohol production, the installed equipment costs are offset by increased revenue, resulting in a ΔROI of 63%. Subsequent modification of the yeast to increase fusel alcohol production shows a dramatic increase in net profit, with limited to no increase in equipment cost. The highest concentration of fusel alcohol considered was 1.5% by weight, but higher production rates would give even better economic results. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to take into account the volatile market prices for ethanol production. The low production rate and high value of fusel alcohol significantly reduces the impact of small price changes, making this a sound investment. In fact, when the prices of ethanol, corn, or DDGS changed to be less favorable, the fusel alcohol production served to mitigate the negative economic impact. The economic analysis was conducted assuming ten year straight line depreciation with no salvage value. This analysis provided a conservative economic prediction when compared to the industry standard MACRS depreciation. While MACRS depreciation would theoretically give a more accurate prediction of the economics, this initial design should be of a more conservative nature. 18 Assumptions 1. Corn is assumed to be 60% starch, 30% proteins, 10% water. 2. 50% of starch consumed produces alcohol, and 50% produces CO2. 3. Isoamyl product is desired to be at 95% purity by weight. 4. Ethanol product is desired to be at 90% purity by volume. 5. One mole of ethanol is lost for each mole of fusel (isoamyl) alcohol produced. 6. Feedstock is considered to be the glucose stream from corn. 7. All protein from the corn is considered DDGS for purposes of mass balance calculations. 8. Base plant production is 75 MM gallons ethanol produced per year. 9. Capacity is exceeded by 15%, as the equipment is overdesigned in the first place. 10. Batch fermentation is used as opposed to continuous fermentation due to desired avoidance of bacterial infection. 11. Fermentation process is simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. 12. Mash accumulation on the trays of the stripping column is disregarded, as the trays are assumed to be designed to render this problem superfluous. 13. Ethanol exiting the distillate of the rectifying column is assumed to reach ~100% purity by volume due to zeolites. Pricing for zeolites is not regarded in the economic analysis. 14. Other alcohols that are produced and sent to the rectifying column (n-propyl and isobutyl) are disregarded. 15. Pumps and heat exchangers are not accounted for in the process flow diagram, nor in the design of major equipment items. 16. The Lang factor was five. 17. Depreciation was straight line with a ten year project life and no salvage value. 19 Works Cited CME Group. Maize Daily Price. 1 November 2013. 30 November 2013. <http://www.indexmundi.com/commodities/?commodity=corn>. E85 Price Map. 2006. 30 November 2013. <http://www.e85prices.com/>. Peters, Timmerhaus and West. Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers. 2002. Shigechi, Hisayori, et al. "Direct Production of Ethanol from Raw Corn Starch via Fermentation by Use of a Novel Surface-Engineered Yeast Strain Codisplaying Glucoamylase and alpha-Amylase." Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2004): 5037-5040. United States Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Marketing Service. June 2013. November 2013. <ams.usda.gov>. Wolf, Isaac P. "Notes." 432 Course Notes. East Lansing, Fall 2013. 20 Appendices Appendix A: Process Flow Diagrams EtOH EtoH, Water 13x Fermenter, 48-72 hours Stripping Column P-11 Rectifying Column Alcohol + Water P-12 13x Fermente, 24-48 hours Product DDGS Storage Tank Water, EtOH 13x Fermenter, 0-24 Hours 13x Fermenter, Cleaning Figure 5 - Base Case Scenario B2 ETOHPROD WASTEH2O B5 B1 STRIPROD FERM ENT RECTBOT S5 TO3RDCOL B3 WASTEWAT ISOAMYL DECREC Figure 6 Downstream Process with Isoamyl Purification 21 Appendix B: Mass and Energy Balance Isoamyl Content Water Corn Ethanol Isoamyl Alcohol DDGS CO2 Table 4 - Mass and Material Balance for Sum of Fermenters (lb/hr) - 115% Production Base Case / 0 wt% 0.5 wt% 1.0 wt% 1.5 wt% In Out In Out In Out In Out 1073620 1073620 1073631 1073631 1073642 1073642 1073653 1073653 239948 0 239948 0 239948 0 239948 0 0 71,984 0 71,624 0 71,265 0 70,905 0 0 0 360 0 720 0 1,080 0 71984 0 71984 0 71984 0 71984 0 71,984 0 71,984 0 71,984 0 71,984 . 22 Table 5- Mass and Energy Balance, 0.5wt% Isoamyl Case H eat and Materi al Bal anc e Table Stream I D 5 D ECREC ETOH PROD FERMEN T I SOAMYL RECTBOT S5 STRI PROD TO3RD COL WASTEH 2O WASTEWAT Temperature F 211.8 70.0 172.8 86.0 237.6 207.6 75.0 182.1 70.0 199.5 212.0 Press ure psi a 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Vapor Frac Mole Flow lbmol/ hr Mass Flow lb/ hr 2600.000 4492.584 1900.000 60601.925 3.000 4000.000 500.000 8500.000 7.416 4.416 56594.509 46858.766 81366.540 77675.739 1.13550E+6 241.729 72761.381 9007.640 197295.885 402.478 160.749 1.01957E+6 Vol ume Flow Enthalpy c uft/ hr 817.410 1307.988 1663.512 18661.538 5.269 1269.262 145.010 3719.622 7.398 3.121 17785.433 MMBtu/hr -312.972 -552.702 -222.561 -7432.752 -0.426 -481.997 -61.454 -1021.313 -1.036 -0.563 -6812.184 144 PPM 0.001 0.919 0.063 275 PPB 0.001 0.362 0.001 0.003 trac e 0.999 0.993 0.081 0.937 0.024 0.988 0.634 0.160 0.364 1.000 401 PPM 0.006 trac e 314 PPM 0.976 0.011 0.004 0.839 0.633 trac e 1550.748 0.009 0.009 trac e 6939.817 3.576 3.252 56594.509 Mass Frac ETH AN OL WATER 3-MET-01 Mole Flow 1.000 lbmol/ hr ETH AN OL WATER 3-MET-01 0.146 1.898 1548.695 1548.850 trac e 1.908 2599.641 4485.295 351.305 59049.032 0.324 3988.871 0.213 5.391 trac e 4.043 2.676 9.221 9.435 3.830 1.154 trac e 56 PPM 423 PPM 0.815 0.026 481 PPB 477 PPM 0.182 0.001 0.002 trac e 1.000 0.998 0.185 0.974 0.108 0.997 0.816 0.482 0.737 1.000 82 PPM 0.001 trac e 67 PPM 0.892 0.002 0.001 0.517 0.261 trac e 181 PPM 0.001 0.934 0.078 283 PPB 0.002 0.417 0.001 0.003 trac e 0.999 0.991 0.066 0.922 0.020 0.985 0.579 0.134 0.318 1.000 493 PPM 0.007 trac e 380 PPM 0.980 0.014 0.005 0.865 0.679 trac e 500.000 Mole Frac ETH AN OL WATER 3-MET-01 1.000 Liq Frac 60F ETH AN OL WATER 3-MET-01 Cos t $/hr 32727.540 2192.931 23 1.000 Table 6 - Mass and Energy Balance, 1.0wt% Isoamyl Case Heat and Material Balance Table Stream ID 5 DECREC ET OHPROD FERMENT ISOA MY L RECTB OT S5 ST RIPROD T O3RDCOL WAST EH2O WAST EWAT T emperature F 211.8 70.0 172.8 86.0 222.1 206.1 75.0 182.1 70.0 199.9 212.0 Pressure 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2500.000 4484.760 1900.000 60598.776 9.000 4000.000 500.000 8400.000 15.239 6.239 56683.535 45062.600 81225.115 77456.317 1.13551E+6 661.605 73044.595 9007.640 195563.511 827.105 165.500 1.02117E+6 786.071 1305.716 1658.030 18661.405 14.066 1274.354 145.010 3689.613 15.202 3.102 17813.411 -300.939 -551.739 -222.598 -7432.490 -1.264 -482.195 -61.454 -1009.341 -2.130 -0.771 -6822.900 143 PPM 0.001 0.916 0.063 57 PPM 0.001 0.363 0.001 0.005 trac e ps ia V apor Frac Mole Flow lbmol/hr Mas s Flow lb/hr V olume Flow cuft/hr Enthalpy MMB tu/hr Mas s Frac ET HANOL WAT ER 3-MET-01 Mole Flow 0.999 0.993 0.084 0.937 0.051 0.983 0.630 0.160 0.596 1.000 571 PPM 0.006 trac e 634 PPM 0.949 0.016 1.000 0.006 0.839 0.399 trac e 0.140 1.905 1540.873 1541.032 0.001 1.924 1542.937 0.019 0.018 trac e 2499.568 4477.473 359.127 59049.580 1.878 3984.823 6843.518 7.349 5.471 56683.535 0.292 5.382 trac e 8.163 7.121 13.253 13.545 7.871 0.750 trac e 56 PPM 425 PPM 0.811 0.025 91 PPM 481 PPM 0.184 0.001 0.003 trac e lbmol/hr ET HANOL WAT ER 3-MET-01 500.000 Mole Frac ET HANOL WAT ER 3-MET-01 1.000 0.998 0.189 0.974 0.209 0.996 0.815 0.482 0.877 1.000 117 PPM 0.001 trac e 135 PPM 0.791 0.003 1.000 0.002 0.516 0.120 trac e 181 PPM 0.001 0.933 0.078 59 PPM 0.002 0.418 0.001 0.006 trac e 0.999 0.991 0.067 0.922 0.042 0.979 0.575 0.134 0.545 1.000 702 PPM 0.007 trac e 766 PPM 0.958 0.020 0.007 0.865 0.449 trac e Liq Frac 60F ET HANOL WAT ER 3-MET-01 Cost $/hr 32619.701 1323.209 24 1.000 Table 7 - Mass and Energy Balanace, 1.5wt% Isoamyl Case H eat and Materi al Bal an ce Tab le Strea m ID 5 D ECREC ETOH PROD FE RMEN T ISOAMYL RE CTBOT S5 STRIPROD TO3RDCOL WAS TEH 2O WAS TEWAT Te mpera tu re F 2 11.7 70 .0 1 72.8 86 .0 2 49.5 2 04.7 75 .0 1 82.2 70 .0 1 99.9 2 12.0 Pre ssure psia 1 4.70 1 4.70 1 4.70 1 4.70 1 4.70 1 4.70 1 4.70 1 4.70 1 4.70 1 4.70 1 4.70 Va por Fra c Mol e Fl ow l bmol /hr Mass Fl ow l b/hr Vo lu me Fl ow cuft/hr En th al py MMBtu /hr 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 2 500 .0 00 4 477 .0 98 1 900 .0 00 605 95.83 2 11.00 0 4 000 .0 00 50 0.000 8 400 .0 00 22.90 2 11.90 2 566 72.93 0 450 69.24 7 810 92.34 6 772 44.19 8 1.13 553 E+6 92 6.545 733 27.58 0 9 007 .6 40 19 564 1.028 1 242 .8 73 31 6.328 1.02 098 E+6 78 6.183 1 303 .6 17 1 652 .7 33 186 61.40 5 20.52 7 1 279 .5 88 14 5.010 3 690 .8 38 22.84 4 5 .9 29 178 10.07 8 -3 00.94 5 -5 50.79 7 -2 22.63 3 -743 2.250 -1.567 -4 82.37 8 -61 .4 54 -100 9.451 -3.200 -1.471 -682 1.623 16 0 PPM 0 .0 01 0 .9 14 0 .0 62 13 PP M 0 .0 01 0 .3 62 0 .0 01 0 .0 05 trace 0 .9 99 0 .9 93 0 .0 86 0 .9 37 0 .0 12 0 .9 78 0 .6 30 0 .1 60 0 .5 94 1 .0 00 74 4 PPM 0 .0 06 7 P PB 94 8 PPM 0 .9 88 0 .0 21 0 .0 08 0 .8 39 0 .4 01 trace 0 .1 56 2 .1 01 1 533 .3 12 1 533 .5 00 < 0 .0 01 2 .1 33 1 535 .6 01 0 .0 31 0 .0 31 trace 2 499 .4 64 4 469 .6 18 36 6.688 590 50.12 6 0 .6 14 3 980 .6 63 6 846 .8 14 11.04 5 10.43 0 566 72.93 0 0 .3 80 5 .3 79 trace 12.20 6 10.38 5 17.20 5 17.58 5 11.82 6 1 .4 41 trace 62 PP M 46 9 PPM 0 .8 07 0 .0 25 24 PP M 53 3 PPM 0 .1 83 0 .0 01 0 .0 03 trace 1 .0 00 0 .9 98 0 .1 93 0 .9 74 0 .0 56 0 .9 95 0 .8 15 0 .4 82 0 .8 76 1 .0 00 15 2 PPM 0 .0 01 3 P PB 20 1 PPM 0 .9 44 0 .0 04 0 .0 02 0 .5 16 0 .1 21 trace 20 1 PPM 0 .0 02 0 .9 31 0 .0 77 13 PP M 0 .0 02 0 .4 16 0 .0 01 0 .0 05 trace 0 .9 99 0 .9 91 0 .0 69 0 .9 22 0 .0 10 0 .9 73 0 .5 75 0 .1 34 0 .5 43 1 .0 00 91 4 PPM 0 .0 07 7 P PB 0 .0 01 0 .9 90 0 .0 25 0 .0 09 0 .8 65 0 .4 51 trace Mass Frac E TH AN OL WATER 3 -ME T-01 Mol e Fl ow 1 .0 00 l bmol /hr E TH AN OL WATER 3 -ME T-01 50 0.000 Mol e Frac E TH AN OL WATER 3 -ME T-01 1 .0 00 Li q Frac 60 F E TH AN OL WATER 3 -ME T-01 Co st $/h r 325 15.47 9 1 853 .0 89 25 1 .0 00 Appendix C: Equipment Sizing and Cost Table 8 - Equipment Sizing and Cost Base Case - 0 wt% Sizing Diameter (ft) # Stages Cost ($) Diameter (ft) Distillation Column 1 41 34 $ 7,330,500 41 Distillation Column 2 12 43 $ 1,613,900 12 Distillation Column 3 1 17 $ 1 Sizing Decanter Total ($) 0.5% IA # Stages Cost ($) Diameter (ft) 34 $ 7,330,500 41 43 $ 1,613,900 12 17 $ 357,900 1 1% IA # Stages Cost ($) Diameter (ft) 34 $ 7,322,600 41 43 $ 1,560,200 12 10 $ 296,300 2 1.5% IA # Stages Cost ($) 34 $ 7,322,300 43 $ 1,560,200 10 $ 300,700 3 3 3 3 Diameter (ft) Volume (ft ) Cost ($) Diameter (ft) Volume (ft ) Cost ($) Diameter (ft) Volume (ft ) Cost ($) Diameter (ft) Volume (ft ) Cost ($) 0 0 $ 5.5 285 $ 119,200 5.5 285 $ 119,200 5.5 285 $ 119,200 $ 8,944,400 $ 9,421,500 $ 9,298,300 $ 9,302,400 26 Appendix D: Design Economics Table 9 Economic Values for Different Cases Isoamyl Content Base Case / 0 wt% 0.5 wt% 1.0 wt% 1.5 wt% Total Capital Cost (USD) $ 224,722,000.00 $ 227,107,500.00 $ 226,425,000.00 $ 226,512,000.00 Working Capital (USD) $ 20,300,500.00 $ 20,300,500.00 $ 20,300,500.00 $ 20,300,500.00 Total Fixed Capital $ 245,022,500.00 $ 247,408,000.00 $ 246,725,500.00 $ 246,812,500.00 Total Operating Cost (USD/Year) $ (20,300,500.00) $ (20,300,500.00) $ (20,300,500.00) $ (20,300,500.00) Total Raw Materials (USD/Year) $ (164,291,302.14) $ (164,291,304.92) $ (164,291,309.47) $ (164,291,309.47) Total Product Sales (USD/Year) $ 276,868,653.33 $ 279,456,136.76 $ 284,751,797.81 $ 286,084,744.24 Total Utilities (USD/Year) $ (17,005,200.00) $ (17,005,200.00) $ (17,005,200.00) $ (17,005,200.00) Gross Profit (USD/Year) $ 50,769,401.18 $ 53,118,331.84 $ 58,482,238.34 $ 59,806,484.77 Net Profit (USD/Year) @35% $ 33,000,110.77 $ 34,526,915.70 $ 38,013,454.92 $ 38,874,215.10 Cash Flow (USD/Year) $ 57,502,360.77 $ 59,267,715.70 $ 62,686,004.92 $ 63,555,465.10 FVC $ 1,458,048,327.42 $ 1,548,217,650.13 $ 1,787,585,943.13 $ 1,849,971,934.68 ROI 13.46% 13.95% 15.41% 15.80% DCFRR 19.52% 20.13% 21.90% 22.30% Cash Flow Payback Period (Years) 3.91 3.83 3.61 3.55 27