Wiltshire RE Syllabus Medium Term planner Year: 3 and 4 Term: Autumn Term Theme: Inspirational People Religion: Christianity Key Question: How does a Christian follow Jesus? Learning Objectives: identify the qualities they admire in their heroes/role models, explain why they admire them and how this may influence their own lives use religious vocabulary to describe aspects of the life and teachings of Jesus, giving examples of how these have influenced the lives of Christians describe events in the life of at least one modern day Christian making a link between their actions and the teachings and example of Jesus use a widening religious vocabulary to show some understanding of Jesus‟ teaching and events in Jesus‟ life Step 1: Engagement AT2 (1 lesson) Who are our Role Models? Dress up as a Super hero and ask the class to say what qualities would be needed for a good role model? Have examples in photographs or on the IWB of real life and imaginary heroes. Select some to share and discuss as a group why they are role models. http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=super+heroes&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=u niv&sa=X&ei=5EgnUbCWCdOHhQev_YD4BQ&ved=0CD8QsAQ&biw=1045&bih=59 1&surl=1 http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Real+life+heroes&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&sourc e=univ&sa=X&ei=JUknUeK5G8WJhQfihoCADQ&ved=0CDkQsAQ&biw=1045&bih=5 91&surl=1 What qualities do these people have? Who do they admire in their lives? Do the people they admire make a difference to them in their daily lives? How? Record responses on flip chart. Step 2: Investigation AT1 (3 lessons) Who is Jesus? Discuss as a class and record their responses. What do images tell us about Jesus? Spilt class into groups with each group having a different image of Jesus. Around image write what the pictures show us about Jesus. http://www.goodsalt.com/search/jesus.html Watch Powerpoint ‘Who is Jesus?’ http://www.request.org.uk/unpacked/teachings/jesus/jesus.htm How do the teachings of Jesus inspire Christians today? Go into hall / playground / classroom and put children into partners. Blindfold one partner and get other to guide around space. What did it feel like? Would they let anyone do this? What did it need? Trust. Discuss how Jesus is the foundation for the lives of most Christians. Ask the children to remember what is meant by the term ‘inspired’. Explain to the children that most. Christians want to build their lives on Jesus because they are inspired by his life. This means they want to act on Jesus’ teachings. Discuss what this might mean. Invite a Christian(s) to talk to the class about why Jesus is important to him or her, and to the community called the Christian Church, and to answer the children’s questions about the difference believing in Jesus makes to his or her life. The children should use their previously prepared questions and, if possible, these should be given to the visitor ahead of the visit. Who are contemporary religious leaders and how have they inspired their followers? Research contemporary religious leaders: The Queen, Archbishop of Canterbury, Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama, The Pope. Prepare a short presentation on their impact and importance for their followers. RESOURCES Step 3: Evaluation AT 2 (1 lesson) What have I learnt about the importance of Jesus to Christians today? Discuss as a class. Do the people I find inspirational have the qualities that Jesus has? Write a poem about the qualities Jesus had as a leader. Create a poster for the local church advertising the importance of Jesus to Christians today. Step 4 Expression AT 2 (1 lesson) Children prepare a TV ‘Question Time’ programme where they debate the importance of Jesus to Christians. This is videoed and then played back so they can review what they have learnt. Evidence: Flip chart recordings Questions to ask of Christian visitor Poems Words around images of Jesus Video recording Skills and Attitudes focus in this enquiry Step 1 Engagement Skills: Step 2 Investigation Skills: Step 3 Evaluation Skills: Step 4 Expression Skills: Interpretation Empathy Asking relevant questions Investigation Application Evaluation Analysis Reflection Attitudes: Attitudes: Attitudes: Attitudes: Curiosity Critical Awareness Open mindedness Self awareness AT1 Levelled Learning Outcomes L2 Retell a story of Jesus and suggest what the meaning might be for a Christian L2 Identify a Christian hero and suggest the meaning of a story about him/her L3 Describe 3 things Christians believe in L4 Describe how two contemporary religious leaders have inspired their followers to live in different ways AT2 Levelled Outcomes L2 Make up some good questions to ask someone about their faith L3 Ask some questions and suggest some answers about how Jesus influences Christians L3 Identify a person who inspires me and how my actions might be inspired by their example L4 Devise four god questions about what makes a leader worth following Resources: Images of Jesus and other Faith leaders Video camera Websites Teacher Reflection: WWW EBI Author: D Downing