1 1 2 3 Observed Structure of Convectively Coupled Waves as a Function of Equivalent Depth: Kelvin Waves and the Madden Julian Oscillation 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Paul E. Roundy1 University at Albany State University of New York 1 Corresponding author address: Paul Roundy, Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY, 12222. E-mail: roundy@atmos.albany.edu 2 13 14 15 Abstract The view that convectively coupled Kelvin waves and the Madden Julian oscillation are 16 distinct modes is tested by regressing data from the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis 17 against satellite outgoing longwave radiation data filtered for particular zonal wave 18 numbers and frequencies by wavelet analysis. Results confirm that nearly dry Kelvin 19 waves have horizontal structures consistent with their equatorial beta plane shallow water 20 theory counterparts, with westerly winds collocated with the lower tropospheric ridge, 21 while the MJO and signals along Kelvin wave dispersion curves at low shallow water 22 model equivalent depths are characterized by geopotential troughs extending westward 23 from the region of lower tropospheric easterly wind anomalies through the region of 24 lower tropospheric westerly winds collocated with deep convection. Results show that as 25 equivalent depth decreases from that of the dry waves (concomitant with intensification 26 of the associated convection), the ridge in the westerlies and the trough in the easterlies 27 shift westward. The analysis therefore demonstrates a continuous field of intermediate 28 structures between the two extremes, suggesting that Kelvin waves and the MJO are not 29 dynamically distinct modes. Instead, signals consistent with Kelvin waves become more 30 consistent with the MJO as the associated convection intensifies. This result depends 31 little on zonal scale. Further analysis also shows how activity in synoptic scale Kelvin 32 waves characterized by particular phase speeds evolves with the planetary scale MJO. 3 Introduction 33 1. 34 The tropical atmosphere organizes moist deep convection over a broad range of spatial 35 and temporal scales. The Maddan-Julian oscillation (MJO) dominates variability in 36 convection on intraseasonal timescales of roughly 30-100 days (Madden and Julian 1994; 37 Zhang 2005). Rainfall associated with the local active convective phase of the MJO 38 (hereafter, active MJO) is in turn organized into smaller scale wave modes and mesoscale 39 convective systems. Convectively coupled Kelvin waves are widely recognized as a 40 leading signal among the population of modes that comprise the sub scale anatomy of the 41 MJO. These waves produce the highest amplitude signals in outgoing longwave radiation 42 (OLR) data near the equator (Wheeler and Kiladis 1999 (hereafter WK99); Straub and 43 Kiladis 2002; Roundy 2008). MacRitchie and Roundy (2012) showed that roughly 62% 44 of rainfall that occurs in the negative OLR anomalies of the MJO between 10N and 10S 45 over the Indo-Pacific warm pool regions occurs within the negative OLR anomalies of 46 the Kelvin wave band (after excluding those negative anomalies that do not enclose 47 signals less than -0.75 standard deviation). That result represents nearly twice the average 48 rainfall rate per unit area outside of the Kelvin waves but still within the active MJO. 49 MacRitchie and Roundy also showed that potential vorticity (PV) accumulates in the 50 lower to middle troposphere in wakes along and behind the Kelvin wave convection on 51 its poleward sides, and that this PV remains in the environment for longer than the period 52 of the Kelvin waves. The enhanced PV spreads pole ward behind the waves, and it 53 becomes part of the rotational structure of the MJO itself. Another portion of the 54 rotational response to convection coupled to Kelvin waves propagates eastward with the 55 waves, yielding low-level cyclones poleward of the equatorial convection (Roundy 4 56 2008). The response to deep convection moving eastward with convectively coupled 57 Kelvin waves makes them similar in many respects to the geographically larger MJO. On 58 the other hand, these patterns distinguish observed convectively coupled Kelvin waves 59 from theoretical Kelvin waves of Matsuno (1966) and Lindzen (1967), which do not 60 include meridional circulation. Nevertheless, many authors acknowledge that Kelvin 61 wave dynamics dominate their evolution because of their dispersion characteristics and 62 because of the relationship between wind and pressure observed in the lower stratosphere 63 away from the deep convection, which consistently shows westerly wind in the ridge and 64 easterly wind in the trough, with little meridional circulation. Although the MJO clearly 65 modulates Kelvin wave activity, amplitudes, and propagation speeds (Straub and Kiladis 66 2003; Roundy 2008), these waves occur independent of the MJO. 67 Although several authors during the 1980s and 1990s suggested that the MJO 68 itself might be a modified moist Kelvin mode (e.g., Lau and Peng 1987; Wang 1988; Cho 69 et al. 1994), the idea has since fallen out of favor for several reasons. First, the 70 relationship between zonal wind and pressure anomalies in the MJO appears to be 71 reversed or dramatically offset from that of Kelvin waves, with westerly wind anomalies 72 frequently appearing in the pressure trough collocated with the deep convection (e.g., 73 Madden and Julian 1994; Zhang 2005). Second, a spectral peak associated with 74 convectively coupled Kelvin waves appears to be distinct from that of the MJO (Kiladis 75 et al. 2009), suggesting that the two have phase speed distributions that might not 76 overlap. Third, zonal wave number frequency spectra of OLR data suggest that the 77 spectral peak of the MJO extends across a broader range of wave numbers at a given 78 frequency than does the spectral peak associated with the Kelvin waves, giving the 5 79 impression of a flat dispersion relationship, even though most of that signature can be 80 explained by geographical variation in MJO propagation rather than true dispersion. This 81 perspective is supported by composite MJO events plotted in the longitude-time lag 82 domain (such as by Hendon and Salby 1994), which show structures favoring wave 83 number 2 over the warm pool (consistent with opposite signed anomalies of convection 84 over the Indian and western Pacific basins) and a half wave number 1 across the western 85 hemisphere. Such half wave number 1 signals project more onto wave number 1 than any 86 other wave number, as shown by a simple application of the Fourier transform in space 87 and time to a perfect eastward-propagating wave number 1 sine wave that is set to zero in 88 one hemisphere and left alone in the other (a synthetic half wave number 1 pattern). Such 89 geographical variations in MJO propagation must project onto different portions of the 90 spectrum. Seasonal variations in MJO propagation must also project onto different 91 portions of the spectrum. A global wave number-frequency spectrum analysis 92 conglomerates all of these varying signals together, such that a spectral peak aligned in a 93 particular pattern does not necessarily imply wave dispersion. 94 A more careful look at each of these characteristics casts some doubt on the 95 assertion that the MJO and Kelvin waves are distinct. First, the algorithm of WK99 96 would artificially enhance the extent of the spectral gap between the MJO and Kelvin 97 peaks. WK99 normalized their OLR spectra by dividing by a smoothed background 98 spectrum. This background spectrum was obtained by smoothing the original spectrum 99 by an arbitrary number of repeated applications of a 1-2-1 filter in frequency and in wave 100 number. This approach conserves the total power in the spectrum but redistributes power 101 in the MJO peak into its surrounding neighborhood, including the region of the spectral 6 102 gap. This artificial increase in background power would reduce the normalized power 103 there, making the MJO and Kelvin peaks appear better separated. For reference, Fig. 1 104 shows a wave number frequency spectrum of OLR calculated in a similar manner. The 105 more objective spectrum analysis of Hendon and Wheeler (2007) confirms the presence 106 of a local minimum in power in the spectrum, but not as pronounced as suggested by 107 WK99. 108 Recently, Roundy (2012) integrated wavelet power in the zonal wave number 109 frequency domain over geographical regions where the 100-day low pass filtered 850 hPa 110 zonal winds are easterly or westerly. He found that the gap in the global OLR spectrum 111 derives entirely from regions of easterly low-level background flow. The spectrum 112 integrated over regions low-level westerly winds has power decline smoothly from the 113 maximum in the MJO band, with no evident spectral gap. Thus the source of the spectral 114 gap is not over warm pool zones where MJO convective signals attain their greatest 115 amplitude. The lowest rate of decline of power occurs along Kelvin wave dispersion 116 solutions between equivalent depths of 5 and 8m. This result suggests that Kelvin waves 117 also propagate eastward more slowly over the warm pool than over trade wind zones. 118 Signals in trade wind zones dominate the global spectrum because these zones occur over 119 more of the global tropics for more of the time than do signals in warm pool westerly 120 wind zones, even though the individual events over the warm pool zones average higher 121 in amplitude. 122 Equatorial beta plane theories suggest that Kelvin waves are non dispersive 123 except at the shortest wavelengths (e.g., Roundy and Janiga 2012), but variation in 124 coupling between the waves and deep convection apparently results in a large range of 7 125 phase speeds across the full population of events (Roundy 2008). Although many of these 126 Kelvin waves propagate eastward at 15-17 ms-1 around much of the globe, or roughly 127 twice the phase speed of the MJO, Roundy (2008 and 2012) showed that they tend to 128 propagate more slowly over the warm pool zones. He also showed that synoptic scale 129 Kelvin waves propagate eastward even more slowly as they move through the local 130 active convective phase of the MJO. The same Kelvin wave disturbance can 131 circumnavigate the entire globe, with its phase speed changing continuously with the 132 amplitude of the associated convective signal. This observed variation in phase speeds 133 leaves open the possibility that long Kelvin waves and the MJO may have overlapping 134 dynamics because their phase speed distributions might overlap. These results 135 demonstrate that the spectral characteristics of the MJO and the Kelvin waves are not as 136 distinguishable as previously thought. 137 The relationship between zonal wind and pressure remains a factor whereby 138 Kelvin waves and the MJO might be distinguishable. Since the pressure wind relationship 139 differs between dry Kelvin waves and the observed MJO, and since the observed 140 distribution of frequencies associated with Kelvin waves are higher than the comparable 141 distribution for the MJO, the pressure wind relationship associated with eastward-moving 142 signals in OLR data must vary with frequency. If the prevailing view that Kelvin waves 143 and the MJO are distinct modes is correct, the presence of both modes would yield a 144 particular pattern of transition in frequency between the spatial patterns associated with 145 Kelvin waves and those associated with the MJO. At low wave number, the spectral 146 peaks of Kelvin waves and the MJO are proximate to each other. Since the spectral 147 characteristics of both the MJO and Kelvin waves vary substantially from event to event, 8 148 proximity of the two peaks suggests that there must be overlap between the spectra of the 149 two phenomena. If the MJO and Kelvin waves represent distinct modes in which the 150 pressure-wind relationship is not a function of frequency (consistent with the prevailing 151 view), then at some point in spectrum between the peaks of the two modes, both signals 152 would be present and explain roughly the same amount of variance in geopotential height 153 anomalies. Both modes would have low-level westerly wind anomalies collocated with 154 negative OLR anomalies, but the associated geopotential height anomalies are strongly 155 offset or opposite. Thus, active convective anomalies at that frequency would be 156 associated with negative geopotential height anomalies with one mode and positive with 157 the other mode. Statistical analysis to extract the average coherent pattern associated with 158 the active convection at that frequency without distinguishing between the modes would 159 thus yield significant lower tropospheric westerly wind anomalies associated with active 160 convection but no significant geopotential anomalies because the two opposite signals 161 would wash each other out. If, however, only one dominant coherent mode exists, with 162 structure modulated by the intensity of the associated rainfall, then the phase relationship 163 between wind and geopotential might shift as a continuous function of frequency, with no 164 geopotential amplitude minimum associated with signals at frequencies between the two 165 extremes. 166 Statistical analysis of observations and reanalysis data might shed light on the 167 nature of the transition of spatial structures as a function of frequency between the 168 spectral peaks that we associate with Kelvin waves and the MJO. Recently, Roundy and 169 Janiga (2012) applied zonal wave number-frequency wavelet analysis and simple linear 170 regression to assess the structure of convectively coupled mixed Rossby gravity (MRG) 9 171 waves characterized by specific zonal wave numbers and frequencies. They applied 172 wavelet analysis at a particular zonal wave number and a specified frequency to generate 173 a time index of the corresponding signals. Regression of fields of data against that index 174 reveals the space-time structures of the patterns corresponding to those signals. By 175 choosing frequencies consistent with a selected equivalent depth at several different 176 individual wave numbers, they showed how MRG wave structures vary with wave 177 number along particular shallow water model dispersion curves. A similar analysis of 178 signals proximate to the Kelvin wave peak in the OLR spectrum might suggest how 179 Kelvin wave structures change with equivalent depth (h), or how structures of coherent 180 disturbances change between the Kelvin and MJO spectral peaks. The purpose of this 181 work is to apply this technique to better understand what observations suggest about the 182 extent to which the MJO and long convectively coupled Kelvin waves can be considered 183 independent phenomena and to enhance our understanding of interactions between short 184 Kelvin waves and the MJO. 185 2. Data 186 Daily-interpolated outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) data on a 2.5-degree grid are 187 applied as proxy for moist deep convection (Liebmann and Smith 1995). These OLR data 188 have been updated every few months since 1995 following the original algorithm. Daily 189 mean zonal and meridional wind, temperature, and geopotential height data are obtained 190 from the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (Saha et al. 2010). The mean and first four 191 harmonics of the seasonal cycle are subtracted from the OLR, wind, and geopotential 192 height data to generate anomalies. All data are analyzed for the period January 1, 1979 193 through December 2009. 10 194 3. Methods 195 a. Space-time Wavelet Decomposition 196 Signals in atmospheric convection obtained from the regions of the zonal wave 197 number frequency domain near equatorial beta plane shallow water model solution 198 dispersion curves at h=25m are associated with spatial patterns similar in many respects 199 to those obtained from shallow water theory (Matsuno 1966; Lindzen 1967; WK99). For 200 reference, Fig. 1 shows dispersion lines of shallow water model Kelvin wave solutions at 201 h=8 and 90m superimposed on a normalized OLR spectrum. All subsequent 202 observational analyses of Kelvin wave signals in this study are reported for points in the 203 OLR spectrum along the Kelvin dispersion curves with h ranging from 5 to 90m. It is 204 important to point out that other signals and noise occur along the dispersion curves of 205 the shallow water model Kelvin wave solutions. Extratropical waves advected eastward 206 by westerly winds project substantially onto similar regions of the spectrum as Kelvin 207 waves. Such signals tend to be small over the warm pool zones and large in regions of 208 upper tropospheric westerly winds such as the eastern Pacific and Atlantic basins. In spite 209 of other signals, the OLR spectral peaks between the dispersion curves of Kelvin wave 210 solutions of h=5 and 90m include those of convectively coupled Kelvin waves (centered 211 on roughly 25m, but ranging from roughly 8 to 90m), and the MJO, which extends 212 roughly from wave numbers 0-9 eastward and periods of roughly 30-100 days. Keep in 213 mind, however, that these spectral peaks are not distinct when the spectrum is integrated 214 only over the low-level westerly wind zones of the warm pool (Roundy 2012). The 215 Kelvin wave dispersion curves intersect with the traditionally defined MJO spectral peak 216 at low wave number (Wheeler and Kiladis 1999). 11 217 Most previous observational analyses of Kelvin wave signals conglomerate structures 218 of a broad range of wavenumbers and frequencies through filtering in the wave number 219 frequency domain across broad bands (e.g., Wheeler et al. 2000; Roundy and Frank 220 2004). Interpretation of the results is complicated because the vertical and meridional 221 structures of the observed waves might vary with wavenumber and frequency. This 222 project applies zonal wave number-frequency wavelet analysis to extract signals from 223 OLR data at specified wave numbers and frequencies, following Roundy and Janiga 224 (2012). When combined with regression or composite analysis, this more specific 225 approach diagnoses how spatial structures change with frequency at a given wave 226 number. A detailed description of space-time wavelet analysis is beyond the scope of this 227 paper, but Kikuchi and Wang (2010) and Wong (2009) offer overviews of the technique. 228 229 230 The space-time wavelet transform is the wavelet transform in longitude of the wavelet transform in time of the OLR anomalies. This analysis applies the Morlet wavelet Ψ(s) = 1 √(πB) exp(iσs)exp (- (s2 ) B ), (1) 231 where s represents x or t for the spatial or temporal transforms, respectively, and 232 represents angular frequency or wavenumber k. B, the bandwidth parameter, was 233 assigned a value of 4( 234 temporal transform. Conclusions are not sensitive to these arbitrarily assigned values of 235 B, but much larger values reduce the amplitude contrast in time of signals and enhance a 236 ringing effect, and substantially smaller values do not sufficiently resolve large-scale or 237 low frequency waves. The transform is obtained by taking the time-centered dot product 238 of the wavelet and all daily consecutive overlapping time series segments at each grid ν -3/2 ) 2π for the temporal transform and 1.5( k -3/2 ) 2π for the 12 239 point around the globe, then applying a similar transform in longitude to the result by the 240 same approach. The transform for a selected wave number and frequency is calculated for 241 every day and at every longitude grid point in the 7.5S to 7.5N averaged OLR anomaly 242 data from 1975 to 2009. Averaging OLR over 7.5S to 7.5N increases the likelihood that 243 the dominant coherent signals are Kelvin waves because this average acts as a filter for 244 cross equatorial symmetry, and proximity to the equator reduces the net contribution of 245 extratropical waves. 246 b. Linear Regression Models 247 Simple linear regression is frequently applied to diagnose structures that are coherent 248 with filtered signals (e.g., Hendon and Salby 1994; Wheeler et al. 2000). In this analysis, 249 the space-time wavelet transform at a selected longitude, wave number, and frequency, 250 becomes a base index time series for regression models at each grid point over a range of 251 longitudes and pressure levels. Either the real or imaginary parts of the transform work 252 for this index. The imaginary part produces convenient zonal phasing in the regression 253 maps, but the conclusions are the same regardless of this choice. Base longitudes are at 254 each 2.5 grid point from 60E to 90E. This focus on the Indian basin reduces the 255 contribution of extratropical features that are much more pronounced over the western 256 hemisphere. Calculating regression models at each base point, then averaging over all of 257 them reduces local disconformities, yielding conclusions less sensitive to geography. The 258 time series from each of those points serve as predictors in regression models at each grid 259 point across a broad geographical domain to diagnose the associated structures. One grid 260 of regression models is calculated for each base point time series. To illustrate, the 261 algorithm models the variable Y at the grid point S as 13 262 Ys Px As , (2) 263 where Px is a matrix whose first column is a list of ones and second column is the base 264 index at the longitude grid point x. As is a vector of regression coefficients at the grid 265 point S. After solving for As at each grid point by matrix inversion, (2) is then applied as 266 a scalar equation to diagnose wave structure by substituting a single value for the second 267 column of Px that is representative of a crest of a wave located at the base longitude (its 268 value is set here at +1 standard deviation). These regression models are applied to create 269 ‘composite’ anomalies of OLR, u and v winds, and geopotential height. Results are 270 calculated for the region 180 to the east and west of each base longitude, and then the set 271 of results from all base points are averaged, following Roundy and MacRitchie (2012). 272 The statistical significance of the difference from zero of the result at each point on the 273 map is assessed based on the correlation coefficient (e.g., Wilks 2011), and I analyze and 274 discuss only those regressed signals that are deemed to be significantly different from 275 zero at the 90% level. This significance test is completed for each individual regression 276 map before averaging over results from each base point, so that the number of degrees of 277 freedom is not inflated by inclusion of the same wave events at multiple grid points. 278 Since the regression is accomplished in the time domain, some signal from wave numbers 279 other than the target wave number can appear in results if they tend to occur together in a 280 particular pattern (Wheeler et al. 2000). Such regression results will be most reliable 281 close to the centers of the composites because spreading will occur due to the episodic 282 nature of convection and variations in the background state. Amplitudes of regressed 283 anomalies following this approach are much smaller than those of other authors who have 284 regressed signals against OLR data filtered for the broader Kelvin band of Wheeler and 14 285 Kiladis (1999) because the full band includes much more variance than is retained at just 286 one wave number and frequency. 287 The above approach diagnoses the spatial structures associated with signals along 288 the dispersion curves of shallow water model Kelvin wave solutions at particular 289 equivalent depths. For reference, we also calculate a composite MJO following a similar 290 approach, by replacing the base index time series with MJO band pass filtered OLR 291 anomalies averaged from 10N to 10S. The MJO band signal is averaged over a broader 292 latitude band than are Kelvin signals in this work in order to capture the signals of some 293 MJO events that have OLR anomalies shifted farther into one hemisphere. The MJO band 294 is defined as wave numbers 0-9 eastward and periods of 30-100 days. The value of −1 295 standard deviation in the base index is then substituted to generate a map. Base points for 296 the MJO composite are selected from 70E to 110E in order to reduce contamination of 297 the western portion of the regression maps by Africa. Kelvin band signals at higher wave 298 numbers did not require such an eastward shift because the wavelengths assessed for 299 them yielded less contamination from Africa. 300 A variation on the above regression approach is also applied here to diagnose how 301 signals along the Kelvin wave dispersion curves at particular equivalent depths vary with 302 the phase of the MJO. An index of OLR anomaly data filtered for the wave number 303 frequency band of the MJO at 80E is assigned as P in equation (2) and applied to predict 304 Y, which is assigned to be the absolute value of the sum of the real and imaginary parts of 305 the wavelet transform at a selected wave number and frequency at a time lag. Averaging 306 regression maps over multiple base points is not applied for this analysis since the 307 associated geographical signals is the target outcome. The value of −1 standard deviation 15 308 is then substituted for the second column of P at each grid point and time lag. After 309 discarding the time local mean of the result, it shows how the timing of changes in 310 activity in Kelvin waves characterized by particular phase speeds varies with the MJO. 311 4. Results 312 a. Regression at Various Equivalent Depths Along Kelvin Dispersion Curves 313 Figure 2 shows regressed geopotential height anomalies (contours) and zonal 314 wind anomalies (shading, with westerly anomalies in red) for panels a-e, equivalent 315 depths of 90, 25, 12, 8, and 5m (respectively) for zonal wave number 4 Kelvin waves. 316 These data are plotted against regressed total geopotential height instead of pressure to 317 facilitate measurement of the vertical tilts of the regressed anomalies. Thus, the plotted 318 geopotential height anomalies represent the displacement of isobars at a given height 319 from their climatological positions. The results show patterns that tilt toward the west 320 with height between the surface of the earth and roughly 10,000m, with tilt reversing 321 toward the east above (consistent with Kelvin wave composites by Kiladis et al. 2009 and 322 references therein). Each panel shows eastward flow in the ridges and westward flow in 323 the troughs above 104m, but structures vary with equivalent depth below that level. At the 324 equivalent depth of 90m (panel a), westerly wind anomalies are collocated with positive 325 geopotential height anomalies near the center of the composite. Comparison of all panels 326 shows that the westerly wind anomalies near the centers of the composites are nearly an 327 order of magnitude stronger at h=5m (panel e) than at h=90m, but the as equivalent depth 328 decreases, the geopotential trough in the easterlies on the east side of the domain extends 329 westward until at h=5m it encompasses nearly all of the westerly anomalies near the 330 center of the composite below 10,000m. The differences between the composites for 16 331 large and small equivalent depths occur smoothly across the equivalent depths plotted 332 here. The regressed geopotential height anomalies do not vanish at some equivalent 333 depth, as would occur if the MJO and Kelvin band signals include two distinct modes 334 characterized by opposite pressure wind relationships. The vertical cross sections for the 335 other wave numbers are similar to those for k=4. 336 Figure 3 shows the horizontal maps of the regressed geopotential height and 337 winds for wave number 4 at 900 hPa along the Kelvin wave dispersion curves for the 338 same equivalent depths as in Fig. 2. Regressed OLR anomalies are shaded, with active 339 convection suggested in blue, and regressed geopotential height anomalies are contoured 340 with positive anomalies in red. At h=90m, westerly wind anomalies are collocated with 341 positive geopotential height anomalies and slightly negative OLR anomalies. Easterly 342 wind anomalies occur in the trough, consistent with the shallow water model Kelvin 343 wave. With increasing equivalent depth, the negative OLR anomalies strengthen in the 344 vicinity of the equatorial westerly wind anomalies. At the same time, locally positive 345 geopotential height anomalies shift westward from the active convection toward the 346 suppressed convection. Trough anomalies shift westward from east of the negative OLR 347 anomalies at h=90m (panel e) through the convective region by h=5m. The increased 348 amplitude of the OLR anomalies with decreasing equivalent depth suggests that lower 349 equivalent depths are associated with higher rainfall rates. TRMM 3B42 rain rate data 350 available since 1999 confirm this observation (not shown). The structure of the OLR and 351 geopotential height anomalies also changes with equivalent depth. The negative OLR 352 anomaly at h=90m nearly forms an ellipse centered on the equator, but at smaller 353 equivalent depths, the negative OLR and geopotential anomalies distort increasingly 17 354 westward with distance form the equator, forming boomerang patterns across the equator. 355 Regression maps for other wave numbers show similar structures (not shown). Thus, both 356 long and short Kelvin waves become more like the MJO with increasing precipitation 357 rates. This statement also holds true for Kelvin waves of wave number 6 and 8 (not 358 shown). Although the h=5m result at wave number 6 has a period of about 11 days, well 359 outside of the traditional MJO band of the wave number frequency domain, the 360 associated regression maps still show pronounced westward shifting of the geopotential 361 height anomalies relative to the OLR anomalies, along with pronounced westward 362 distortion with latitude. In other words, signals along the Kelvin wave dispersion curve at 363 h=5m and wave number 6 are associated with structures similar to those of the MJO, but 364 with smaller zonal scale. Within the traditional MJO band, structures observed along the 365 dispersion curve for the h=5m Kelvin wave at zonal wave number 2 also shows similar 366 traits. That signal propagates at about 7ms-1 and has a period of about 30 days. 367 b. Regressed MJO Structure 368 For comparison with Fig. 3, Fig. 4a shows a horizontal map of geopotential height 369 anomalies and zonal wind regressed against MJO-filtered OLR anomalies at 900 hPa. 370 These results show a geopotential trough collocated with easterly wind anomalies on the 371 eastern side of the domain. That trough also extends westward across much of the region 372 of low-level westerly winds collocated with the negative OLR anomaly. That 373 geopotential trough and the negative OLR anomalies form a triangle pattern with one side 374 perpendicular to and bisected by equator on the west and the two other legs meeting to 375 the east on the equator. This pattern is consistent with distortion of the OLR and 376 geopotential height anomalies westward with distance form the equator at low equivalent 18 377 depths in Fig. 3d and e. Figure 4b shows the corresponding vertical cross section of 378 regressed geopotential height anomaly and zonal wind anomaly on the equator, for 379 comparison with Fig. 2. The result compares well with Fig. 2d and 2e. 380 c. The Association Between Synoptic Kelvin Wave Activity and the MJO 381 Straub and Kiladis (2003) evaluated the evolution of signals in the broader Kelvin 382 wave band with the northern hemisphere summer MJO. The present work expands on 383 their analysis by demonstrating how that evolution depends on the phase speeds of the 384 Kelvin waves in a generalized MJO without explicit assessment of seasonality. Figure 5 385 shows regressed activity in Kelvin waves at zonal wave numbers 3-8 (shading) along 386 with regressed MJO-filtered OLR. Panels (a)-(e) represent results for equivalent depths of 387 90, 25, 12, 8, and 5m, respectively. Enhanced convection in the MJO band is indicated by 388 blue contours. Fast Kelvin waves (~30ms-1) at 90m equivalent depths (Fig. 5a) are 389 characterized by lower amplitude signals in OLR anomalies than all other equivalent 390 depths (consistent with the expectation that such Kelvin waves should be nearly dry). 391 Figure 5a suggests that prior to onset of convection in the MJO band over the Indian 392 basin (hereafter called “MJO initiation” for simplicity), fast Kelvin waves are prevalent 393 over the Atlantic basin and Africa, but quiet over the Pacific basin. This activity extends 394 eastward early in the lifetime of the negative OLR anomaly in the MJO band over the 395 Indian basin. This activity then declines to below average over the Indian basin after lag 396 = +5 days. Activity in these fast Kelvin waves then grows over the Pacific Ocean to the 397 east of the active MJO. Kelvin waves characterized by h=25m also show enhanced 398 activity in OLR anomalies over the Atlantic basin and Africa prior to MJO initiation, but 399 substantially more than for h=90m. After lag = 0, enhanced activity occurs at the eastern 19 400 edge of the negative OLR anomalies in the MJO band, a little farther west than for 401 h=90m. At h=12m, similar to at h=90m and h=25m, activity begins over the Atlantic 402 basin and Africa prior to MJO initiation, but the level of activity becomes much stronger 403 over the Indian basin within the active MJO and then extends only slightly eastward from 404 the negative OLR anomaly of the MJO after lag = +5 days. Although signal at h=8m and 405 h=5m is also suggested over the Atlantic basin and Africa leading up to the active MJO, 406 most of the signal in these bands concentrates within the negative OLR anomaly of the 407 MJO over both the Indian and western Pacific basins. These slow Kelvin wave signals 408 are more consistent with the slow eastward-moving supercloud clusters of the active 409 convective phase of the MJO noted by Nakazawa (1988) than are the faster Kelvin 410 waves. Figure 5a confirms the previous result of Kikuchi and Takayabu (2003) that dry 411 Kelvin waves radiate eastward from the active convective phase of the MJO over the 412 western Pacific basin, but Fig. 5 b-d also shows that a substantial convectively coupled 413 Kelvin wave signal at h=12m and h=25m (about 11 and 16 ms-1 respectively) also occurs 414 over the Pacific basin east of the active MJO. The slowest Kelvin waves at wave numbers 415 3-8 are largely confined to the active convective phase of the MJO over the Indo Pacific 416 warm pool. Although the local amplitudes of OLR anomalies at h=8m and 5m are 417 substantially higher than for OLR anomalies at 25m, the isolation of these low h signals 418 largely within active convective phases of the MJO over the warm pool reduces their net 419 contribution to the OLR spectrum, leading to the more global signals near 25m standing 420 out in the OLR spectrum. These results are especially interesting in the context of Figs. 2 421 and 3, which suggest that these synoptic scale Kelvin waves themselves have spatial 422 structures similar to those of the planetary scale MJO. 20 Conclusions 423 5. 424 A wave number frequency wavelet analysis of OLR anomaly data and simple linear 425 regression reveal how the structures associated with signals along the dispersion curves 426 of Kelvin waves change with equivalent depth. Results suggest that the phase relationship 427 between geopoential height and wind anomalies for signals along Kelvin wave dispersion 428 curves adjusts continuously westward with decreasing equivalent depth from patterns 429 consistent with Kelvin waves of equatorial beta plane shallow water theory (which have 430 westerly wind anomalies in the geopotential ridge) to patterns that look more like the 431 MJO (with westerly wind anomalies extending westward through the geopotential 432 trough). If there were two distinct modes present with opposite pressure wind 433 relationships overlapping in the spectrum, with one mode dominant at low frequencies 434 and the other dominant at higher frequencies, then at some frequency in between the two, 435 the geopotential signals would wash out of the regression while regressed wind and OLR 436 signals would remain. Instead, the regression analysis reveals a continuous shift of the 437 phase between zonal wind and pressure signals. High wave number Kelvin waves whose 438 signals are far in the spectrum from the MJO band follow similar patterns at low 439 equivalent depths. These results thus do not support the perspective that the MJO and 440 Kelvin waves are distinct modes like the present consensus suggests. This continuous 441 evolution instead supports the perspective that more intense convection modifies the 442 convectively coupled Kelvin wave to take on characteristics more consistent with the 443 MJO. In that sense, the low wave number portion of the disturbance traditionally labeled 444 as the MJO might be a planetary scale Kelvin wave modified by the influence of intense 445 convection. Analysis of the power spectrum by Roundy (2012) further confirms that no 21 446 separation between the Kelvin and MJO spectral peaks occurs over the low-level westerly 447 wind zones over the warm pool. Thus in those regions, MJO signals cannot be 448 distinguished from a continuum of disturbances that begin at high frequencies in 449 association with dry Kelvin waves. 450 This work also demonstrates how synoptic scale Kelvin waves characterized by 451 particular phase speeds (or equivalent depths) vary with the MJO. Kelvin wave activity at 452 all phase speeds tends to be enhanced over the Atlantic basin and Africa prior to 453 development of deep convection in the MJO band over the Indian basin. Fast Kelvin 454 waves are also prevalent well to the east of MJO convection when that convection is 455 located over the western Pacific basin. The slowest Kelvin waves characterized by 456 equivalent depths of less than 12m are strongest within the active convective phase of the 457 MJO over the Indian basin, consistent with the assessment of the associated supercloud 458 clusters by Nakazawa (1988) and slow Kelvin waves by Roundy (2008). These slow 459 synoptic scale Kelvin waves themselves have vertical and horizontal structures similar to 460 those of the planetary scale MJO. 461 Acknowledgments. 462 Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation Grant# 1128779 to Paul 463 Roundy. The NOAA PSD provided OLR data, and the NOAA CPC provided CFS 464 reanalysis data. 465 466 467 468 22 469 References 470 Cho, H.-R., K. Fraedrich, and J. T. Wang, 1994: Cloud clusters, Kelvin wave CISK, and 471 the Madden-Julian Oscillations in the equatorial troposphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 472 68-76. 473 474 475 476 477 Hendon, H. H., and M. L. Salby, 1994: The life cycle of the Madden-Julian Oscillation. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 2225-2237. Hendon, H. H., and M. C. Wheeler, 2008: Some space-time spectral analyses of tropical convection and planetary scale waves. J. Atmos. Sci. 65, 2936-2948. Kikuchi, K., and Y. N. 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The spectrum was normalized by 535 dividing by a smoothed background spectrum. 536 Figure 2. Longitude-height cross sections of regressed zonal wind anomalies (shading, 537 ms-1) and geopotential height anomalies (contours, negative in blue, with an 538 interval of 0.25m) for signals along the Kelvin wave dispersion curves at zonal 539 wave number 4. Panels a-e represent results for equivalent depths of 90, 25, 12, 8, 540 and 5m, respectively. The vertical axis is labeled in terms of regressed total 541 geopotential height to facilitate measurement of vertical tilts. Positive longitude is 542 represented as degrees east of the base points. 543 Figure 3. Horizontal maps of regressed OLR anomalies (shading, Wm-2), geopotential 544 height anomalies (positive in red, contour interval 0.15m), and wind anomalies at 545 900 hPa for signals along the Kelvin wave dispersion solutions for zonal wave 546 number 4. Panels correspond to equivalent depths of 90, 25, 12, 8, and 5m, 547 corresponding to the same panels of Fig. 2. 548 Figure 4. a. Anomalies of 900 hPa wind (vectors), OLR (shading, with negative in blue), 549 and geopotential height (with negative anomalies in blue) regressed against OLR 550 anomalies filtered in the wave number frequency domain for the MJO. b. Vertical 551 cross section of zonal wind (shading) and geopotential height anomalies 552 (contours, with negative in blue) on the equator, plotted against regressed total 553 geopotential height. 26 554 Figure 5. Shading shows the result of regressing absolute value of OLR anomalies along 555 the Kelvin wave dispersion curves for zonal wave numbers 3-8 against MJO- 556 filtered OLR anomalies at 80°E (Wm-2). The local mean is subtracted at each grid 557 point. The shading thus provides a measure of how Kelvin wave activity at 558 particular equivalent depths varies with the local phase of the MJO. Red (blue) 559 shading thus represents anomalously active (suppressed) mean OLR anomaly 560 amplitude at the equivalent depth noted in the panel title. Contours represent 561 regressed MJO-filtered OLR anomalies, with negative in blue (the interval is 562 5Wm-2 with the zero contour omitted). Panels a through e show results for signals 563 along Kelvin wave dispersion solutions at equivalent depths of 90, 25, 12, 8, and 564 5m (respectively). 565 27 566 567 Figure 1. Shallow water model dispersion curves for various equatorial wave modes 568 plotted on a spectrum of OLR anomalies. The spectrum was normalized by dividing by a 569 smoothed background spectrum. The MJO band is outlined in a rectangle, and wave 570 number 4 is marked with a vertical dashed line. Equivalent depths of 5, 12, and 25m are 571 marked along that line in addition to the plotted dispersion curves. 572 28 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 Figure 2. Longitude-height cross sections of regressed zonal wind anomalies (shading, ms-1) and geopotential height anomalies (contours, negative in blue, with an interval of 0.25m) for signals along the Kelvin wave dispersion curves at zonal wave number 4. Panels a-e represent results for equivalent depths of 90, 25, 12, 8, and 5m, respectively. The vertical axis is labeled in terms of regressed total geopotential height to facilitate measurement of vertical tilts. Positive longitude is represented as degrees east of the base points. 29 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 Figure 2. Longitude-height cross sections of regressed zonal wind anomalies (shading, ms-1) and geopotential height anomalies (contours, negative in blue, with an interval of 0.25m) for signals along the Kelvin wave dispersion curves at zonal wave number 4. Panels a-e represent results for equivalent depths of 90, 25, 12, 8, and 5m, respectively. The vertical axis is labeled in terms of regressed total geopotential height to facilitate measurement of vertical tilts. Positive longitude is represented as degrees east of the base points. 30 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 Figure 3. Horizontal maps of regressed OLR anomalies (shading, Wm-2), geopotential height anomalies (positive in red, contour interval 0.15m), and wind anomalies at 900 hPa for signals along the Kelvin wave dispersion solutions for zonal wave number 4. Panels correspond to equivalent depths of 90, 25, 12, 8, and 5m, corresponding to the same panels of Fig. 2. 31 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 Figure 3. Horizontal maps of regressed OLR anomalies (shading, Wm-2), geopotential height anomalies (positive in red, contour interval 0.15m), and wind anomalies at 900 hPa for signals along the Kelvin wave dispersion solutions for zonal wave number 4. Panels correspond to equivalent depths of 90, 25, 12, 8, and 5m, corresponding to the same panels of Fig. 2. 32 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 Figure 4. a. Anomalies of 900 hPa wind (vectors), OLR (shading, with negative in blue), and geopotential height (with negative anomalies in blue) regressed against OLR anomalies filtered in the wave number frequency domain for the MJO. b. Vertical cross section of zonal wind (shading) and geopotential height anomalies (contours, with negative in blue) on the equator, plotted against regressed total geopotential height. 33 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 Figure 5. Shading shows the result of regressing absolute value of OLR anomalies along the Kelvin wave dispersion curves for zonal wave numbers 3-8 against MJO-filtered OLR anomalies at 80E (Wm-2). The local mean is subtracted at each grid point. The shading thus provides a measure of how Kelvin wave activity at particular equivalent depths varies with the local phase of the MJO. Red (blue) shading thus represents anomalously active (suppressed) mean OLR anomaly amplitude at the equivalent depth noted in the panel title. Contours represent regressed MJO-filtered OLR anomalies, with negative in blue (the interval is 5Wm-2 with the zero contour omitted). Panels a through e show results for signals along Kelvin wave dispersion solutions at equivalent depths of 90, 25, 12, 8, and 5m (respectively).