Application Form for a Project to be supported by the NCBS-inStemCambridge Postdoctoral Fellowships scheme Call for applications for joint projects between the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) and the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem), Bangalore, with the University of Cambridge (Cambridge), United Kingdom. Applications where the Cambridge-based PI is affiliated to one of the other institutions in the Cambridge area (including the MRC institutes, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, the Babraham Institute, etc.) may also be considered, at the discretion of the selection committee. Selected projects will be supported by the appointment of a Postdoctoral Fellow for a period of 4 years to work in the partner institutions. Terms for funding: 1. Research projects requiring Postdoctoral Fellowships for four years, with an expectation that approximately 50% of the Fellow’s time will be spent in Cambridge and 50% of the time will be spent in NCBS or inStem. 2. Operating costs such as consumables, equipment, etc. are to be borne by the host PI at Cambridge or NCBSinStem. Application requirements The complete file must include this application form and a copy of the CV of each PI. Deadline for applications These documents must be submitted by Sunday 3 January 2016 at the latest: Printed version to be deposited with: International Strategy Office, University of Cambridge, Trinity Lane CB2 1TT, United Kingdom Electronic version to be sent to Projects will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee in the second and third weeks of January. This section for office use only: Application n°: Complete application received: Cambridge Faculty/Department/Unit: NCBS-inStem Faculty/Department/Unit: Decision: PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE FORM LAYOUT Title of the project (maximum 240 characters, including spaces) NCBS/InStem PI Name and surname: Title: Faculty/Department/Unit: Address: Telephone/Fax: Email: Cambridge PI Name and surname: Title: Department: Address: Telephone/Fax: Email: Summary of the project (maximum 300 words) What is the nature of the proposed collaboration? How will the Fellowship add value to the collaboration? (Please include information on previous visits, meetings, joint publications, etc., if any) (maximum 300 words) Project timeline and structure: Please explain, in detail, how the proposed work will be carried out, including details of the periods to be spent by the appointed Fellow in the host institutions, and the Fellow’s specified role at each end (maximum 300 words) Please provide a detailed description of the project including a targeted bibliography (maximum 1000 words) What are the expected outcomes at the end of the four years? (maximum 200 words) The Fellowship will cover salary expenses. Please indicate how costs of consumables will be covered in each host institution. Also list details of relevant current and pending grants (maximum 200 words) What are the arrangements for ensuring the appointed Fellow’s training and professional development at each end? (maximum 200 words)