THE MOST HOLY TRINITY May 26, 2013 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, May 25th 4:00 pm St. Mary in Jewett City 4:30 pm St. Catherine in Preston For Richard J. LaPere Req. by Mr. & Mrs. Russell Fishkin 5:45 pm Sts. Thomas/Anne,Voluntown 26th Sunday, May 8:00 am St. Mary in Jewett City 9:00 am Sts. Thomas/Anne,Voluntown 10:00 am St. Catherine in Preston For the Intentions of the Parish 11:00 am St. Mary in Jewett City Monday, May 27th 8:00 am Sts. Thomas/Anne,Voluntown 8:00 am St. Mary in Jewett City Tuesday, May 28th 8:00 am Sts. Thomas/Anne,Voluntown 9:00 am St. Catherine in Preston For the Intentions of the Parish Wednesday, May 29th 8:00 am St. Mary in Jewett City Thursday, May 30th 8:00 am St. Mary in Jewett City 9:00 am St. Catherine in Preston For the Intentions of the Parish 6:30pm Reconciliation at St. Thomas Friday, May 31st 8:00 am Sts. Thomas/Anne,Voluntown Saturday, June 1st 4:00 pm St. Mary in Jewett City 3:30 pm St. Catherine, Preston “Year of Faith – An Hour of Adoration” 4:30 pm St. Catherine in Preston For Edward Wisniewski Req. by Walter & Laura Wisniewski 5:45 pm Sts. Thomas/Anne,Voluntown Sunday, June 2nd 8:00 am St. Mary in Jewett City 9:00 am Sts. Thomas/Anne,Voluntown 10:00 am St. Catherine in Preston First Communion Mass 11:00 am St. Mary in Jewett City Mass Intentions: $20/weekend, $10/weekday __________________________________________________________________________________ THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES Thursday, May 30th AA Siena Hall 7:30pm Fishkin and Don & Brad Charron and Betty Dubois. Church Support Last Weekend Collection Saturday An Hour of Adoration Church 3:30pm PARISH LIFE If you know of someone who is ill, homebound, or in the hospital, please call the parish office. A card expressing the concern of the parish will be sent. In your prayers this week, please remember: Fr. Joe Finnerty, Terry Pendergast, Daniel Matson, Russell $2873.00 May God bless you for your generosity. NEXT WEEK’S READINGS First Reading: Genesis 14: 18-20 Second Reading: 1 Corinth. 11: 23-26 Gospel: Luke 9: 11b-17 The Ladies Guild Annual Dinner Sign-up Forms are by the front doors, they must be received by May 26th. Call Laura Wisniewski at 860-887-6320 The Road Race is on June 13th at 7pm and we will be having a Yard, Pie, & Flower Sale on Friday & Saturday, June 14 &15th From 9am -3 pm Trash & Treasure Items Needed! You can drop your yard sale items in the church hall each day from 10am – 6pm. We can NOT accept the following items: Stuffed animals, dehumidifiers, refrigerators, air conditioners, grills, car seats, VHS tapes or large TVs (only working flat screens) and only working electronics, please. If you have large items or furniture that needs to be picked up, call Nancy at the rectory: 887-9966 Dear Parishioners, Thank you for all of your help and support during our recent events and celebrations. In celebrating the Sacraments of (First) Eucharist and Confirmation, volunteering in music and other ministries for special celebrations, cleaning sacristies in Jewett City and Voluntown, and planting flowers in all three parishes, you have helped tremendously. Without you, our parishes would not be as successful as they are! Thanks also go to everyone who is helping with the replacement of Saint Catherine Church roof. Over the past few weeks, we have asked Saint Catherine parishioners to consider a pledge or donation to help defray the $33,000.00 roof replacement cost. As of last Saturday evening, just over $29,000.00 has been pledged or contributed so far. Thank you for your generous support and/or prayers. Next weekend, we will be having a special time of prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Eucharist) to honor the request of Pope Francis for such an observance. It will begin at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday at Saint Catherine Church in Preston, June 1, and transition into Mass at 4:30 p.m. In Jewett City at Saint Mary Church, adoration will take place between the Masses on Sunday, June 2; it will begin at the end of the 8:00 a.m. Mass and transition into the 11:00 a.m. Mass. At Saints Thomas and Anne Church in Voluntown, adoration will begin during the end of the 9:00 a.m. Mass and conclude at 12 Noon. In describing what will happen I use the word “transition” because there is no official beginning to Mass when adoration immediately precedes it or an official end to Mass when adoration immediately follows it. Rather, it is considered one liturgy or liturgical celebration. The Sign of the Cross and greeting at the beginning and end of Mass marks the official beginning and end. When adoration precedes and/or immediately follows Mass, there is no Sign of the Cross or greeting. In this way, it flows as one continuous liturgy. Adoration is a special time to pray before the Eucharist. Everyone is invited to come and spend some time in prayer. This coming Monday is Memorial Day. There will be a Memorial Day Mass in Saint Thomas Cemetery on Sheldon Road in Griswold at 9:00 a.m. weather permitting. In the event of inclement weather, Mass will be at Saints Thomas and Anne Church at 9:00 a.m. Mass will also be celebrated on Monday at 8:00 a.m. in the chapel at Saint Mary Parish Center in Jewett City. Parish offices will be closed in observance of the holiday. The booklet that is being written to commemorate Saint Anne Church and its closing has encountered some delays. We had hoped to have it printed by this past Easter, but we are still in the process of writing it. Thank you being patient with us so far as we continue working on this project. Sincerely, Father Ted Tumicki