Uploaded by Sumia K Abdul-Matin

Real World Budget Worksheet: Plan Your Finances



You will be creating a Budget Report. This report will consist of your findings from researching want you need or want for your new home. You report will consist of various headings:


You can use the following links to research costs and add your findings in the various areas. These costs will be added to your spreadsheet to complete your Budget Assignment Report. These sites have many interesting topics and items, take your time and investigate your options, you may change your mind on what you really need! Once you have found items you need, copy the URL or a take screen shots to add to your report.


Find an Apartment in the city you choose - http://www.viewit.ca

• You will need to furnish your new pad.

• Does your apartment include utilities?

• Most apartments will indicate what utilities are included (Water, Hydro/Electricity, Heat/Gas)?

• If not you will need to find out what these added costs will be each month.

• Does your apartment include use of Laundry? You will need to include costs for washing your clothes/ dry clean each week. On viewit.ca the listing might say laundry, however the costs of using the machines are not included in your rent.

• Do you need furniture for your place? What items do you already have in your bedroom that you don’t need to purchase? https://www.kijiji.ca/

• Once you have found the apartment that you would consider moving into take a screen shot of the ad to put into your report. Include all the details of what is included with the apartment.

• Insurance costs can be found by Google searching. Try -> Aparment Insurance Costs Ontario Canada.


Do you want to use public transit?

• How much will that cost in the city you are moving to?

• If you want to visit family back home you will need to purchase return bus or train tickets.

Do you want a car? http://www.autotrader.ca

• You will need insurance: http://www.kanetix.ca

• How much can you afford to put down on the car and then added monthly payments if you need to secure a loan. Remember the loan must be paid out before you start school – 12-month period.

• You will need to fill the car each week with gas. How much does the car’s tank hold X cost/liters of gas to calculate the fill cost.

• You will need to change your oil as soon as you get your car, and then once every 5,000km. What is the cost of an oil change? https://www.jiffylubeontario.com

• Does the apartment include parking? If not you will need to purchase a city parking permit to leave your car on the street without getting a ticket.


You will need to go shopping once a week: http://loblaws.ca


Many people would consider TV and Internet as being part of your monthly entertainment costs.

Cell Phone, Cable, and Internet Costs

• Rogers http://www.shoprogers.com

• Bell http://www.bell.ca

• Or any other provider in the area you are moving to that might be cheaper.


Don’t forget we need to put something aside for your tuition. What is your expected tuitions costs?

You might consider looking into Colleges/University program in the city you are moving to so that you can easily transition rather than moving again.
