PRESENTATION OF CLINICAL ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT (PCA) BEFORE THE PRESENTATION BEGINS – could you please say to the trainee Remember that you have 45 minutes to make your presentation Clearly state your name Clearly state the title of your presentation You will be given a time warning 5 minutes before the end Presentation of Clinical Practice (PCA) Currently Reports of Clinical Activity are limited to written presentations with predetermined ordered subsections. As an alternative to this format, the RCA written report will be replaced by a formal verbal presentation. The verbal presentations will have no predetermined sections, thereby, freeing the trainee to design a presentation that best fits their chosen clinical case. The trainee will be assessed on their ability to present a clinical case clearly and sequentially, thereby illustrating: 1. 2. Ability to defend their clinical practice, and Clinical understanding. By means of this presentation, the ability to defend clinical practice will be examined with regards to, assessment, treatment, formulation and its empirical/theory practice basis. The Trainee’s intervention defence will need to evaluate quantitative and qualitative changes [addressing internal validity] whilst identifying barriers to intervention efficacy. In addition, this presentation should demonstrate the awareness of the referral context and any possible hidden agendas, systemic issues, interdisciplinary or interagency practice variables. Awareness and responsiveness to safety, ethical, and legal issues will be evaluated, where appropriate. . The table below provides a summary checklist of areas to be included within the Presentation of Clinical Activity. Ability to: Defend clinical practice Checklist for areas to be covered: Awareness of: Referral context and possible hidden agendas Present assessment/treatment rationale Systemic issues Integrate theory practice links Interdisciplinary/interagency practices Evaluate quantitative and qualitative change Ethical, safety and legal issues Identify intervention barriers The above listed areas for evaluation have been dovetailed with competency requirements as set out in the Programme Specification. Assessment Procedures The trainee will be required to present a minimum 35 minutes to a maximum 45 minutes clinical presentation to two Clinical Psychologists. This will be followed by a viva at which the trainee will be required to defend his/her clinical practice. Both presentation and viva will be videoed for verification by a moderator and/or external examiner if required [i.e. for ratings of Distinction, Pass with modest amendments, or Clear Fail]. Where verification is not required assessment results will be awarded the day after the presentation. Currently, RCA results are awarded on average 4 to 5 weeks from submission date. Where verification is required an additional seven weeks can be added. Marking Criteria The Presentation of Clinical Practice will be given a grade according to the four following categories; 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = Distinction Pass Pass with minor amendments Pass with modest amendments Clear fail Marking standards Distinction This presentation/viva must be of the highest clinical standard, providing a clear and sequential account of a clinical intervention. Across the presentation and viva, the trainee must have successfully defended their clinical practices as it relates to assessment – treatment rationale, integration of theory practice links, and evaluation of quantitative and/or qualitative data. Any identified barriers to the efficacy must be specified. In addition, the trainee must clearly demonstrate an understanding of the referral context and any possible hidden agendas. Systems issues and interdisciplinary interagency practices must be clarified where appropriate. With regards to safety factors, a risk analysis must be specified along with any ethical/legal issues. Pass This presentation/viva represents a clinical intervention expected of a competent and safe Clinical Psychologist. It must be a clear and sequential account, with a strong defence of practice. Assessment/treatment rationale, integration of theory practice links, and evaluate of quantitative and/or qualitative data must be appropriate. Significant intervention barriers affecting your treatment efficacy need to be specified. An understanding of systemic issues and interdisciplinary interagency practices must been considered. Overall, the presentation/viva may have some minor omissions but this must be within the context of the above. Pass with minor amendments This grade applies to any presentation/viva which is comparable to a pass grade, with the exception of some additional clarifications of a minor nature. However, the work presented must be representative of safe, ethical and legal intervention. Pass with modest amendments Overall, this presentation/viva fails to reach an acceptable clinical standard. There is inadequate defence of practice, through a failure to demonstrate clinical practice and its basis in appropriate empirically founded Clinical Psychological principles, failure to correct, understand the referral question/context and evident hidden agendas. Clear Fail The presentation/viva fails to reach an acceptable clinical standard in its inability to defend its clinical practice either on an empirically founded basis, safety, ethical or legal grounds. Scoring Sheet Candidate: Presentation Title: 1. Clarity of presentation and sequence of story 2. Awareness of: referral context and possible hidden agendas Score 1 Score 2 Variance Total Score Total Score Total Variance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 Awareness of: systemic issues 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 Awareness of: assessment /treatment Rationale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 Awareness of: barriers to intervention 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 Awareness of: ethical, safety and legal issues 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 Ability to defend clinical practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 Ability to manage interagency/interdisciplinary practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 Ability to evaluate quantitative and qualitative change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 Ability to integrate theory practice links 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Notes [All notes will be kept on file] Overall grade Distinction Pass Pass with minor amendments 9-10 7-8 5-6 Pass with modest amendments 3-4 Clear Fail 1-2 Feedback Strengths Needs Pass with Minor Amendments / Pass with Modest Amendments [Statement of Minor Modifications] Comments from the Examiners - for consideration only