The Icon of the Holy Name - Church of the Holy Name Beechwood Ave

‘ Jesus has His arms open to embrace us all. With His hands He blesses and invites us to
sanctity, to come and be with the Trinity through the two natures of Christ, the divine and
human and to become sharers, to participate in His sanctity. He embraces the whole of
humanity represented by the Earth. He comes full of grace and shows His wounds so that we
can see that He has already paid the price for our salvation. This is why He has His arms
extended symbolising that although He was on the Cross, He is now risen. He has been ‘lifted
up from the world and ascended into heaven but He will come again. This is the invitation: to
wait until He will come again, and we have His grace.
On the upper part of the icon we have the monogram of St. Bernardine of Siena: IHS with
two angels bowing to the Name of Jesus
The angels are seen adoring, because all beings in Heaven, on the earth and under the earth
must bend the knee at the Name of Jesus.
On the globe is written
"May the Holy Name Jesus be everywhere praised and glorified"
May this icon bring all who come to venerate it many blessings and a deeper awareness that
in the Name of Jesus we have salvation today. ‘
Further Commentary on the Icon based on a talk given by
Lucho Alvarez on the Icon
Christ’s hands are also extended to embrace us and all of humanity. One arm is slightly
above the other, as is usual when one is going to embrace. He is standing in a gesture which
invites us into His embrace. This resonates very much with the tone of Pope Francis’
exhortation called ‘The Joy of the Gospel ‘ (no. 3):
Whenever we take a step towards Jesus, we come to realize that he is already there, waiting
for us with open arms. Now is the time to say to Jesus: “Lord, I have let myself be deceived;
in a thousand ways I have shunned your love, yet here I am once more, to renew my covenant
with you. I need you. Save me once again, Lord, take me once more into your redeeming
embrace”. How good it feels to come back to him whenever we are lost! Let me say this once
more: God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy.
He is also in a post Resurrection stance, with the wounds on His hands clearly visible,
showing the price at which our salvation was won.
In His halo, is the symbolic name that God revealed to Moses – I Am who Am, signifying
that Jesus is God. The symbols either side of His head are the usual designations to represent
Jesus. Therefore the Name is represented in many ways in the icon‘ Jesus has His arms open
to embrace us all. With His hands He blesses and invites us to sanctity, to come and be with
the Trinity through the two natures of Christ, the divine and human and to become sharers, to
participate in His sanctity. He embraces the whole of humanity represented by the Earth. He
comes full of grace and shows His wounds so that we can see that He has already paid the
price for our salvation. This is why He has His arms extended symbolising that although He
was on the Cross, He is now risen. He has been ‘lifted up from the world and ascended into
heaven but He will come again. This is the invitation: to wait until He will come again, and
we have His grace.
On the upper part of the icon we have the monogram of St. Bernardine of Siena: IHS with
two angels bowing to the Name of Jesus
Prayer for blessing of icons
Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
O Lord, God of the whole spiritual and perceptible creation,
the Maker of the heavenly hosts,
the earthly beings and all that is under the earth,
You have filled Your Church with the likeness of the First-Born;
our names are written in Your Heavenly Church
And we minister to You in the Your Holy Spirit.
Grant, O Lord God, that Your all powerful right hand
may protect, bless and sanctify this icon
for the adoration of Your Most Honoured Name.
May all those who call upon You in true faith
and ask of Your compassion with a pure heart,
receive their good requests and offer to You
first fruits and oblations for obtaining health and healing
and for the salvation of their souls.
We beseech You and make supplication to You
to accomplish Your command and fulfil the promise of Your Most Holy Spirit
so that the Gospel precept may dwell, operate, perfect and be diligent
regarding every deed or word that is done or said in the name of this icon.
We ask this favour by Your loving kindness,
the mercies and the goodness of Your Only- begotten Son,
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
with Whom, belongs with You, all praise, honour and dominion with Your Holy Spirit,
now, always and forever and ever. Amen.
Priest; O Lord, by the prayers of Your Mother and of all Your saints, martyrs, apostles and St
Francis and St Clare.
Here he anoints the icon with oil, not chrism, saying;
In the Name of the Father—
Deacon; Amen
And the Son —
Deacon; Amen
And of the Holy Spirit + for life eternal.
Deacon; AMEN
Prayer for Iconographer
Lord Jesus, indefinable in your Divine nature,
who in the fullness of time deigned to be born of the Virgin Mary
for the salvation of the world ;
True God, through whom the Holy Spirit enlightened your Apostle and Evangelist Luke, so
that he could render the beauty of your Most pure Mother ,
as she held you in her arms as a small child, Divine Master of all that exists.
Enlighten the mind of your servant who loves the beauty of your house.
Direct his hands so that he may continue to worthily paint your image,
and that of your Most pure Mother, and of all the saints ,
for your glory and honour,
and for the beauty of your Church.
Deliver him from all temptation
through the intercession of your Holy Mother,
of the Apostles and Evangelists Luke and John, and all the saints. Amen.
Lord God, bless + us and all who stand in awe before you, and through this holy icon, grant
that we may be mindful of your glory and hopeful for a place in your heavenly kingdom, for
you are a good and merciful God and you love mankind; and for this we send up glory to you
Father, to your Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, both now and for ever and to the ages of
ages. Amen
Prayer for blessing of icons
Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
O Lord, God of the whole spiritual and perceptible creation,
the Maker of the heavenly hosts,
the earthly beings and all that is under the earth,
You have filled Your Church with the likeness of the First-Born;
our names are written in Your Heavenly Church
And we minister to You in the Your Holy Spirit.
Grant, O Lord God, that Your all powerful right hand
may protect, bless and sanctify this icon
for the adoration of Your Most Honoured Name.
May all those who call upon You in true faith
and ask of Your compassion with a pure heart,
receive their good requests and offer to You
first fruits and oblations for obtaining health and healing
and for the salvation of their souls.
We beseech You and make supplication to You
to accomplish Your command and fulfil the promise of Your Most Holy Spirit
so that the Gospel precept may dwell, operate, perfect and be diligent
regarding every deed or word that is done or said in the name of this icon.
We ask this favour by Your loving kindness,
the mercies and the goodness of Your Only- begotten Son,
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
with Whom, belongs with You, all praise, honour and dominion with Your Holy Spirit,
now, always and forever and ever. Amen.
Priest; O Lord, by the prayers of Your Mother and of all Your saints, martyrs, apostles and St
Francis and St Clare.
Here he anoints the icon with oil, not chrism, saying;
In the Name of the Father—
Deacon; Amen
And the Son —
Deacon; Amen
And of the Holy Spirit + for life eternal.
Deacon; AMEN
Prayer for Iconographer
Lord Jesus, indefinable in your Divine nature,
who in the fullness of time deigned to be born of the Virgin Mary
for the salvation of the world ;
True God, through whom the Holy Spirit enlightened your Apostle and Evangelist Luke, so
that he could render the beauty of your Most pure Mother ,
as she held you in her arms as a small child, Divine Master of all that exists.
Enlighten the mind of your servant who loves the beauty of your house.
Direct his hands so that he may continue to worthily paint your image,
and that of your Most pure Mother, and of all the saints ,
for your glory and honour,
and for the beauty of your Church.
Deliver him from all temptation
through the intercession of your Holy Mother,
of the Apostles and Evangelists Luke and John, and all the saints. Amen.
Lord God, bless + us and all who stand in awe before you, and through this holy icon, grant
that we may be mindful of your glory and hopeful for a place in your heavenly kingdom, for
you are a good and merciful God and you love mankind; and for this we send up glory to you
Father, to your Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, both now and for ever and to the ages of
ages. Amen
Prayer for blessing of icons
Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
O Lord, God of the whole spiritual and perceptible creation,
the Maker of the heavenly hosts,
the earthly beings and all that is under the earth,
You have filled Your Church with the likeness of the First-Born;
our names are written in Your Heavenly Church
And we minister to You in the Your Holy Spirit.
Grant, O Lord God, that Your all powerful right hand
may protect, bless and sanctify this icon
for the adoration of Your Most Honoured Name.
May all those who call upon You in true faith
and ask of Your compassion with a pure heart,
receive their good requests and offer to You
first fruits and oblations for obtaining health and healing
and for the salvation of their souls.
We beseech You and make supplication to You
to accomplish Your command and fulfil the promise of Your Most Holy Spirit
so that the Gospel precept may dwell, operate, perfect and be diligent
regarding every deed or word that is done or said in the name of this icon.
We ask this favour by Your loving kindness,
the mercies and the goodness of Your Only- begotten Son,
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
with Whom, belongs with You, all praise, honour and dominion with Your Holy Spirit,
now, always and forever and ever. Amen.
Priest; O Lord, by the prayers of Your Mother and of all Your saints, martyrs, apostles and St
Francis and St Clare.
Here he anoints the icon with oil, not chrism, saying;
In the Name of the Father—
Deacon; Amen
And the Son —
Deacon; Amen
And of the Holy Spirit + for life eternal.
Deacon; AMEN
Prayer for Iconographer
Lord Jesus, indefinable in your Divine nature,
who in the fullness of time deigned to be born of the Virgin Mary
for the salvation of the world ;
True God, through whom the Holy Spirit enlightened your Apostle and Evangelist Luke, so
that he could render the beauty of your Most pure Mother ,
as she held you in her arms as a small child, Divine Master of all that exists.
Enlighten the mind of your servant who loves the beauty of your house.
Direct his hands so that he may continue to worthily paint your image,
and that of your Most pure Mother, and of all the saints ,
for your glory and honour,
and for the beauty of your Church.
Deliver him from all temptation
through the intercession of your Holy Mother,
of the Apostles and Evangelists Luke and John, and all the saints. Amen.
Lord God, bless + us and all who stand in awe before you, and through this holy icon, grant
that we may be mindful of your glory and hopeful for a place in your heavenly kingdom, for
you are a good and merciful God and you love mankind; and for this we send up glory to you
Father, to your Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, both now and for ever and to the ages of
ages. Amen