CBA assignment outline

8th Grade U.S. History CBA- Freedom of Speech Essay
Goal: I can research a topic, compile and interpret information, and write an
organized expository essay in my own words with no errors in spelling, grammar
and punctuation.
 Your essay must have at least four paragraphs: introduction, two body
paragraphs, concluding paragraph.
 Your introductory paragraph must contain a thesis statement, restate
amendment in own words and completely explain freedom of speech.
 Except for direct quotations, all writing must be in your own words and
sources must be cited.
 Final draft of essay must be written with correct spelling, grammar and
 Essay must be written in MLA format with Times New Roman, size 12 font.
Essay Components:
Paragraph 1 (Introductory Paragraph): Due 1/27/12
 Restate the 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech in your own words.
 Explain why it was included into the original Bill of Rights.
 Explain the protections provided to the people under this amendment.
 Explain why it is still important today.
Paragraph 2 (first body paragraph): Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community
School District (1969): 1/30/12
 Name the case and year
 Write a brief summary of case, including:
1. Question to be decided. (What was the problem; why did they go to
2. What was the route this case took to get to the Supreme Court?
3. What was the impact of the case at that time? Is the impact still the
same or has it changed over time?
Paragraph 3 (second body paragraph): Snyder v. Phelps (2010): Due 2/6/12
 Name the case and year
 Write a brief summary of case, including:
4. Question to be decided. (What was the problem; why did they go to
5. What was the route this case took to get to the Supreme Court?
6. What was the impact of the case at that time? Is the impact still the
same or has it changed over time?
Paragraph 4 (concluding paragraph): Due 2/9/12
 How do each of these cases demonstrate that our Constitution is a living,
breathing document?
 Why is freedom of speech an important right of the citizens of the United
States today?
The final essay will be due Tuesday, February 14th. The last day we will be
working on this in class will be Friday, 2/9. If you are not finished by then, you will
need to complete it at home. You will need to bring a flash drive to bring back
and forth from school to home. This assignment is a History requirement for all
district 8th graders. It has been modified for students on IEP’s.
Grading (based on district 6-trait writing rubric):
Rough Draft
Final Draft
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Total Project Points: