October 3, 2012 Revising Developmental Mathematics and General Education Mathematics at Youngstown State University: A New Approach and Opportunity Background: Because of significant decreases in enrollment in developmental mathematics courses due to the establishment of a community college in the region, the need for Youngstown State University to provide comprehensive developmental education in mathematics may no longer be necessary. In addition, due to the establishment of Ohio Board of Regents definitions and standards for developmental coursework and articulation agreements for general education, it has become apparent that several gateway courses in mathematics do not meet the minimum requirements for the course to be called college level. For example, the current the Survey of Mathematics course has MATH 1501 “Beginning Algebra” as a prerequisite, not “Intermediate Algebra,” so that course is not considered by the State to be college level. Further, this course does not meet the requirements to be included as a “TAG” course. At the same time, courses such as College Algebra, that do count towards general education requirements at other Ohio institutions are not counted as general education courses at YSU, even though these courses are listed as TAG courses. In fact, the course, College Algebra, does not exist at YSU. IN SHORT: There are four current problems concerning YSU mathematics. 1. According to OBOR standards, some courses YSU says are college level are not college level. 2. Several key mathematics courses at YSU either do not exist or are not currently TAG approved. 3. Developmental education in mathematics at YSU is approaching the point in which other means of preparing students in mathematics for college are becoming a reality. 4. Curriculum gaps currently exist because of the lack of a College Algebra course. Opportunity: This presents the Department of Mathematics and Statistics as both an opportunity and a quandary as to what to do with these courses. This document sets forth a plan for moving forward by deleting MATH 1500, MATH 1501, MATH 1502, MATH 1503, MATH 1507, and MATH 1508 from our list of available courses. MATH 1505 Intermediate Algebra and MATH 1510 College Algebra courses will be developed, with general education approval and TAG approval gain. MATH 1508 will be expanded with one additional hour of content and become MATH 1511. MATH 1513 and MATH 2623 will be revised so that they meet TAG requirements. Objective: The plan has as its core objective to: Reduce YSU’s presence in developmental mathematics education, Provide coursework in mathematics that seamlessly flows from one course to the next, Increase retention and success in mathematics coursework, Assure that general education courses meet TAG standards and become TAG approved, Set educational standards that align with YSU’s mission of being an Urban Research Institution. The Plan: The following plan outlines the steps that will be taken to implement this plan. Note that these steps will not necessarily be carried out in chronological order. STEP 1: Delete MATH 1500, MATH 1501, MATH 1502, MATH 1502, MATH 1507, and MATH 1508. Note: MATH 1502 and MATH 1503 are together equivalent to MATH 1501. STEP 2: Provide opportunities for students who need MATH 1500 to gain this knowledge. YSU will provide three ways for students to accomplish this. 1. Use online learning and the Mathematics Assistance Center to provide opportunities, at little or no charge, for students to learn the material. 2. Develop an agreement with Eastern Gateway Community College to provide this coursework on the YSU campus. Set up dual enrollment plan. 3. Work with area high schools to develop programs that reduce educational gaps and provide direct pathways into YSU’s college-level coursework. STEP 3: Introduce new course, MATH 1505 so that it is our only developmental course. The course should be a combination of MATH 1501 and the beginning topics of MATH 1507. The course will be called Intermediate Algebra. (5 s.h.) This will be our gateway course, as illustrated by the following diagram. Math 1510 Math 1511 College Algebra Trigonometry MATH 1552 Business Math* Math 1505 Interm. Algebra MATH 1564 Middle Math Math 2623 Survey of Math* MATH 2625 Math Lit MATH 2651 Early Math Math 1513 Pre-calc* *indicates that these courses are currently not TAG courses STEP 4: Revise MATH 1508 and rename it MATH 1511 (3 sh) so that it contains enough trigonometry to assure that STEM students are prepared for MATH 1570 and MATH 1571. STEP 5: Introduce a new course, MATH 1510, College Algebra (4 sh). This course must satisfy OBOR’s definitions of college level and TAG certified. This course could also lead to MATH 1511 Trigonometry and then to MATH 1513. STEP 6: Revise MATH 1513 so that it is also a TAG course. MATH 1513 currently does not include the required topics of sequences, series and vectors. These topics need to be added to assure that it is a TAG course. MATH 1552 is not currently a TAG course for business students because it does not have College Algebra as a prerequisite. A decision will need to be made with regard to pursuing TAG approval for this course. STEP 7: Revise MATH 2623 and MATH 2625 so that they are college level course and TAG certified in general education. This would force a prerequisite change and may include a change in required topics. The prerequisite should be MATH 1505. STEP 8: Update placement procedures for mathematics courses. STEP 9: Gain University Approval and Buy In STEP 10: Market “New Standards” Summary: In short, the proposal will align YSU with OBOR standards, fill gaps in curriculum, and shift YSU’s focus toward realizing its mission of becoming an Urban Research University. Timeline Fall 2013 Delete MATH 1500 Have help/procedures in place to help affected students Fall 2014 Delete MATH 1501, 1502, 1503, 1507, 1508 Have help/procedures in place to help affected students Fall 2014 Introduce MATH 1505, 1510, 1511 Revise MATH 1513, (perhaps 1552), 2623, 2625